32 resultados para distinctness of image

em Aston University Research Archive


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There is a growing demand for data transmission over digital networks involving mobile terminals. An important class of data required for transmission over mobile terminals is image information such as street maps, floor plans and identikit images. This sort of transmission is of particular interest to the service industries such as the Police force, Fire brigade, medical services and other services. These services cannot be applied directly to mobile terminals because of the limited capacity of the mobile channels and the transmission errors caused by the multipath (Rayleigh) fading. In this research, transmission of line diagram images such as floor plans and street maps, over digital networks involving mobile terminals at transmission rates of 2400 bits/s and 4800 bits/s have been studied. A low bit-rate source encoding technique using geometric codes is found to be suitable to represent line diagram images. In geometric encoding, the amount of data required to represent or store the line diagram images is proportional to the image detail. Thus a simple line diagram image would require a small amount of data. To study the effect of transmission errors due to mobile channels on the transmitted images, error sources (error files), which represent mobile channels under different conditions, have been produced using channel modelling techniques. Satisfactory models of the mobile channel have been obtained when compared to the field test measurements. Subjective performance tests have been carried out to evaluate the quality and usefulness of the received line diagram images under various mobile channel conditions. The effect of mobile transmission errors on the quality of the received images has been determined. To improve the quality of the received images under various mobile channel conditions, forward error correcting codes (FEC) with interleaving and automatic repeat request (ARQ) schemes have been proposed. The performance of the error control codes have been evaluated under various mobile channel conditions. It has been shown that a FEC code with interleaving can be used effectively to improve the quality of the received images under normal and severe mobile channel conditions. Under normal channel conditions, similar results have been obtained when using ARQ schemes. However, under severe mobile channel conditions, the FEC code with interleaving shows better performance.


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Image segmentation is one of the most computationally intensive operations in image processing and computer vision. This is because a large volume of data is involved and many different features have to be extracted from the image data. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of practical issues related to the implementation of several classes of image segmentation algorithms on parallel architectures. The Transputer is used as the basic building block of hardware architectures and Occam is used as the programming language. The segmentation methods chosen for implementation are convolution, for edge-based segmentation; the Split and Merge algorithm for segmenting non-textured regions; and the Granlund method for segmentation of textured images. Three different convolution methods have been implemented. The direct method of convolution, carried out in the spatial domain, uses the array architecture. The other two methods, based on convolution in the frequency domain, require the use of the two-dimensional Fourier transform. Parallel implementations of two different Fast Fourier Transform algorithms have been developed, incorporating original solutions. For the Row-Column method the array architecture has been adopted, and for the Vector-Radix method, the pyramid architecture. The texture segmentation algorithm, for which a system-level design is given, demonstrates a further application of the Vector-Radix Fourier transform. A novel concurrent version of the quad-tree based Split and Merge algorithm has been implemented on the pyramid architecture. The performance of the developed parallel implementations is analysed. Many of the obtained speed-up and efficiency measures show values close to their respective theoretical maxima. Where appropriate comparisons are drawn between different implementations. The thesis concludes with comments on general issues related to the use of the Transputer system as a development tool for image processing applications; and on the issues related to the engineering of concurrent image processing applications.


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Image collections are ever growing and hence visual information is becoming more and more important. Moreover, the classical paradigm of taking pictures has changed, first with the spread of digital cameras and, more recently, with mobile devices equipped with integrated cameras. Clearly, these image repositories need to be managed, and tools for effectively and efficiently searching image databases are highly sought after, especially on mobile devices where more and more images are being stored. In this paper, we present an image browsing system for interactive exploration of image collections on mobile devices. Images are arranged so that visually similar images are grouped together while large image repositories become accessible through a hierarchical, browsable tree structure, arranged on a hexagonal lattice. The developed system provides an intuitive and fast interface for navigating through image databases using a variety of touch gestures. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Image collections are growing at a rapid rate and hence visual information is becoming more and more important. Clearly, these image repositories need to be managed, and tools for effectively and efficiently searching image databases are highly sought after, especially on mobile devices where more and more images are being stored. In this paper, we present an image browsing system for interactive exploration of image collections on mobile devices. Images are arranged so that visually similar images are grouped together while large image repositories become accessible through a hierarchical, browsable tree structure, arranged on a hexagonal lattice. The developed system provides an intuitive and fast interface for navigating through image databases using a variety of touch gestures.


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In this chapter we provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of visualising and browsing image databases. We start with a brief introduction to content-based image retrieval and the traditional query-by-example search paradigm that many retrieval systems employ. We specify the problems associated with this type of interface, such as users not being able to formulate a query due to not having a target image or concept in mind. The idea of browsing systems is then introduced as a means to combat these issues, harnessing the cognitive power of the human mind in order to speed up image retrieval.We detail common methods in which the often high-dimensional feature data extracted from images can be used to visualise image databases in an intuitive way. Systems using dimensionality reduction techniques, such as multi-dimensional scaling, are reviewed along with those that cluster images using either divisive or agglomerative techniques as well as graph-based visualisations. While visualisation of an image collection is useful for providing an overview of the contained images, it forms only part of an image database navigation system. We therefore also present various methods provided by these systems to allow for interactive browsing of these datasets. A further area we explore are user studies of systems and visualisations where we look at the different evaluations undertaken in order to test usability and compare systems, and highlight the key findings from these studies. We conclude the chapter with several recommendations for future work in this area. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Digital image processing is exploited in many diverse applications but the size of digital images places excessive demands on current storage and transmission technology. Image data compression is required to permit further use of digital image processing. Conventional image compression techniques based on statistical analysis have reached a saturation level so it is necessary to explore more radical methods. This thesis is concerned with novel methods, based on the use of fractals, for achieving significant compression of image data within reasonable processing time without introducing excessive distortion. Images are modelled as fractal data and this model is exploited directly by compression schemes. The validity of this is demonstrated by showing that the fractal complexity measure of fractal dimension is an excellent predictor of image compressibility. A method of fractal waveform coding is developed which has low computational demands and performs better than conventional waveform coding methods such as PCM and DPCM. Fractal techniques based on the use of space-filling curves are developed as a mechanism for hierarchical application of conventional techniques. Two particular applications are highlighted: the re-ordering of data during image scanning and the mapping of multi-dimensional data to one dimension. It is shown that there are many possible space-filling curves which may be used to scan images and that selection of an optimum curve leads to significantly improved data compression. The multi-dimensional mapping property of space-filling curves is used to speed up substantially the lookup process in vector quantisation. Iterated function systems are compared with vector quantisers and the computational complexity or iterated function system encoding is also reduced by using the efficient matching algcnithms identified for vector quantisers.


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The aim of this Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees project was the development of a high-speed method of photometrically testing vehicle headlamps, based on the use of image processing techniques, for Lucas Electrical Limited. Photometric testing involves measuring the illuminance produced by a lamp at certain points in its beam distribution. Headlamp performance is best represented by an iso-lux diagram, showing illuminance contours, produced from a two-dimensional array of data. Conventionally, the tens of thousands of measurements required are made using a single stationary photodetector and a two-dimensional mechanical scanning system which enables a lamp's horizontal and vertical orientation relative to the photodetector to be changed. Even using motorised scanning and computerised data-logging, the data acquisition time for a typical iso-lux test is about twenty minutes. A detailed study was made of the concept of using a video camera and a digital image processing system to scan and measure a lamp's beam without the need for the time-consuming mechanical movement. Although the concept was shown to be theoretically feasible, and a prototype system designed, it could not be implemented because of the technical limitations of commercially-available equipment. An alternative high-speed approach was developed, however, and a second prototype syqtem designed. The proposed arrangement again uses an image processing system, but in conjunction with a one-dimensional array of photodetectors and a one-dimensional mechanical scanning system in place of a video camera. This system can be implemented using commercially-available equipment and, although not entirely eliminating the need for mechanical movement, greatly reduces the amount required, resulting in a predicted data acquisiton time of about twenty seconds for a typical iso-lux test. As a consequence of the work undertaken, the company initiated an 80,000 programme to implement the system proposed by the author.


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Mapping-based visualisations of image databases are well suited to users wanting to survey the overall content of a collection. Given the large amount of image data contained within such visualisations, however, this approach has yet to be applied to large image databases stored remotely. In this technical demonstration, we showcase our Web-Based Images Browser (WBIB). Our novel system makes use of image pyramids so that users can interactively explore mapping-based visualisations of large remote image databases. © 2012 Authors.


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Aim: To examine the use of image analysis to quantify changes in ocular physiology. Method: A purpose designed computer program was written to objectively quantify bulbar hyperaemia, tarsal redness, corneal staining and tarsal staining. Thresholding, colour extraction and edge detection paradigms were investigated. The repeatability (stability) of each technique to changes in image luminance was assessed. A clinical pictorial grading scale was analysed to examine the repeatability and validity of the chosen image analysis technique. Results: Edge detection using a 3 × 3 kernel was found to be the most stable to changes in image luminance (2.6% over a +60 to -90% luminance range) and correlated well with the CCLRU scale images of bulbar hyperaemia (r = 0.96), corneal staining (r = 0.85) and the staining of palpebral roughness (r = 0.96). Extraction of the red colour plane demonstrated the best correlation-sensitivity combination for palpebral hyperaemia (r = 0.96). Repeatability variability was <0.5%. Conclusions: Digital imaging, in conjunction with computerised image analysis, allows objective, clinically valid and repeatable quantification of ocular features. It offers the possibility of improved diagnosis and monitoring of changes in ocular physiology in clinical practice. © 2003 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Accurate measurement of intervertebral kinematics of the cervical spine can support the diagnosis of widespread diseases related to neck pain, such as chronic whiplash dysfunction, arthritis, and segmental degeneration. The natural inaccessibility of the spine, its complex anatomy, and the small range of motion only permit concise measurement in vivo. Low dose X-ray fluoroscopy allows time-continuous screening of cervical spine during patient's spontaneous motion. To obtain accurate motion measurements, each vertebra was tracked by means of image processing along a sequence of radiographic images. To obtain a time-continuous representation of motion and to reduce noise in the experimental data, smoothing spline interpolation was used. Estimation of intervertebral motion for cervical segments was obtained by processing patient's fluoroscopic sequence; intervertebral angle and displacement and the instantaneous centre of rotation were computed. The RMS value of fitting errors resulted in about 0.2 degree for rotation and 0.2 mm for displacements. © 2013 Paolo Bifulco et al.


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We are concerned with the problem of image segmentation in which each pixel is assigned to one of a predefined finite number of classes. In Bayesian image analysis, this requires fusing together local predictions for the class labels with a prior model of segmentations. Markov Random Fields (MRFs) have been used to incorporate some of this prior knowledge, but this not entirely satisfactory as inference in MRFs is NP-hard. The multiscale quadtree model of Bouman and Shapiro (1994) is an attractive alternative, as this is a tree-structured belief network in which inference can be carried out in linear time (Pearl 1988). It is an hierarchical model where the bottom-level nodes are pixels, and higher levels correspond to downsampled versions of the image. The conditional-probability tables (CPTs) in the belief network encode the knowledge of how the levels interact. In this paper we discuss two methods of learning the CPTs given training data, using (a) maximum likelihood and the EM algorithm and (b) emphconditional maximum likelihood (CML). Segmentations obtained using networks trained by CML show a statistically-significant improvement in performance on synthetic images. We also demonstrate the methods on a real-world outdoor-scene segmentation task.


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Visual mechanisms in primary visual cortex are suppressed by the superposition of gratings perpendicular to their preferred orientations. A clear picture of this process is needed to (i) inform functional architecture of image-processing models, (ii) identify the pathways available to support binocular rivalry, and (iii) generally advance our understanding of early vision. Here we use monoptic sine-wave gratings and cross-orientation masking (XOM) to reveal two cross-oriented suppressive pathways in humans, both of which occur before full binocular summation of signals. One is a within-eye (ipsiocular) pathway that is spatially broadband, immune to contrast adaptation and has a suppressive weight that tends to decrease with stimulus duration. The other pathway operates between the eyes (interocular), is spatially tuned, desensitizes with contrast adaptation and has a suppressive weight that increases with stimulus duration. When cross-oriented masks are presented to both eyes, masking is enhanced or diminished for conditions in which either ipsiocular or interocular pathways dominate masking, respectively. We propose that ipsiocular suppression precedes the influence of interocular suppression and tentatively associate the two effects with the lateral geniculate nucleus (or retina) and the visual cortex respectively. The interocular route is a good candidate for the initial pathway involved in binocular rivalry and predicts that interocular cross-orientation suppression should be found in cortical cells with predominantly ipsiocular drive. © 2007 IBRO.


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Although prior studies looked at corporate social disclosures (CSD hereafter) mainly from the managerial perspective there are very few studies which examined CSD from a non-managerial stakeholder perspective. This paper contributes to that limited CSD literature. It does so from a developing country perspective. The main aim of this paper is to examine the views of selected NGOs on current CSD practices in Bangladesh using Gramscian hegemonic analysis. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were carried out in the selected social and environmental NGOs of both overseas and Bangladesh origin. The results suggest that NGOs viewed the current CSD practice as far from satisfactory. They also argued that it is mainly aimed at maintaining corporate interests of image building. The study suggests that it is not corporations to be blamed alone for production of CSD in the interests of business, it is the capitalist society that consents to such reproduction of CSD.


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Blur is an intrinsic feature of retina images that varies widely across images and observers, yet the world still typically appears 'in focus'. Here we examine the putative role of neural adaptation1 in the human perception of image focus by measuring how blur judgments depended on the state of adaptation. Exposure to unfocused images has previously been shown to influence acuity and contrast sensitivity and here we show that adaptation can also profoundly affect the actual perception of image focus.


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In the "Thatcher illusion" a face, in which the eyes and mouth are inverted relative to the rest of the face, looks grotesque when shown upright but not when inverted. In four experiments we investigated the contribution of local and global processing to this illusion in normal observers. We examined inversion effects (i.e., better performance for upright than for inverted faces) in a task requiring discrimination of whether faces were or were not "thatcherized". Observers made same/different judgements to isolated face parts (Experiments 1-2) and to whole faces (Experiments 3-4). Face pairs had the same or different identity, allowing for different processing strategies using feature-based or configural information, respectively. In Experiment 1, feature-based matching of same-person face parts yielded only a small inversion effect for normal face parts. However, when feature-based matching was prevented by using the face parts of different people on all trials (Experiment 2) an inversion effect occurred for normal but not for thatcherized parts. In Experiments 3 and 4, inversion effects occurred with normal but not with thatcherized whole faces, on both same- and different-person matching tasks. This suggests that a common configural strategy was used with whole (normal) faces. Face context facilitated attention to misoriented parts in same-person but not in different-person matching. The results indicate that (1) face inversion disrupts local configural processing, but not the processing of image features, and (2) thatcherization disrupts local configural processing in upright faces.