117 resultados para disposable contact lenses

em Aston University Research Archive


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PURPOSE: To assess the surface tear breakup time and clinical performance of three daily disposable silicone hydrogel contact lenses over 16 hours of wear. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients (mean [±SD] age, 22.1 [±3.5] years) bilaterally wore (narafilcon A, filcon II-3, and delefilcon A) contact lenses in a prospective, randomized, masked, 1-week crossover clinical trial. Tear film was assessed by the tear meniscus height (TMH), ocular/contact lens surface temperature dynamics, and lens surface noninvasive breakup time at 8, 12, and 16 hours of wear. Clinical performance and ocular physiology were assessed by subjective questionnaire, by high-/low-contrast logMAR (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution) acuity, and through bulbar and limbal hyperemia grading. Corneal and conjunctival staining were assessed after lens removal. RESULTS: Delefilcon A demonstrated a longer noninvasive breakup time (13.4 [±4.4] seconds) than filcon II-3 (11.6 [±3.7] seconds; p < 0.001) and narafilcon A (12.3 [±3.7] seconds; p < 0.001). A greater TMH (0.35 [±0.11] mm) was shown by delefilcon A than filcon II-3 (0.32 [±0.10] seconds; p = 0.016). Delefilcon A showed less corneal staining after 16 hours of lens wear (0.7 [±0.6] Efron grade) than filcon II-3 (1.1 [±0.7]; p < 0.001) and narafilcon A (0.9 [±0.7]; p = 0.031). Time was not a significant factor for prelens tear film stability (F = 0.594, p = 0.555) or TMH (F = 0.632, p = 0.534). Lens brand did not affect temperature (F = 1.220, p = 0.308), but it decreased toward the end of the day (F = 19.497, p < 0.001). Comfort, quality of vision, visual acuity and contrast acuity, and limbal grading were similar between the lens brands but decreased with time during the day (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The tear breakup time over the contact lens surface differed between lens types and may have a role in protecting the ocular surface.


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Purpose: To assess the compliance of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses (DDCLs) wearers with replacing lenses at a manufacturer-recommended replacement frequency. To evaluate the ability of two different Health Behavioural Theories (HBT), The Health Belief Model (HBM) and The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), in predicting compliance. Method: A multi-centre survey was conducted using a questionnaire completed anonymously by contact lens wearers during the purchase of DDCLs. Results: Three hundred and fifty-four questionnaires were returned. The survey comprised 58.5% females and 41.5% males (mean age 34. ±. 12. years). Twenty-three percent of respondents were non-compliant with manufacturer-recommended replacement frequency (re-using DDCLs at least once). The main reason for re-using DDCLs was "to save money" (35%). Predictions of compliance behaviour (past behaviour or future intentions) on the basis of the two HBT was investigated through logistic regression analysis: both TPB factors (subjective norms and perceived behavioural control) were significant (p. <. 0.01); HBM was less predictive with only the severity (past behaviour and future intentions) and perceived benefit (only for past behaviour) as significant factors (p. <. 0.05). Conclusions: Non-compliance with DDCLs replacement is widespread, affecting 1 out of 4 Italian wearers. Results from the TPB model show that the involvement of persons socially close to the wearers (subjective norms) and the improvement of the procedure of behavioural control of daily replacement (behavioural control) are of paramount importance in improving compliance. With reference to the HBM, it is important to warn DDCLs wearers of the severity of a contact-lens-related eye infection, and to underline the possibility of its prevention.


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Purpose: To examine the objective clinical performance of ‘comfort-enhanced’ daily disposable contact lenses over a 16-h day. Methods: Four contact lenses (Hilafilcon B, Etafilcon A Plus, Nelfilcon A and Nelfilcon A Plus) were evaluated in an investigator masked, open label trial at the end of a week’s bilateral wear. Pre-lens noninvasive tear break-up time (PL-NITBUT), tear prism height, bulbar hyperaemia and ocular surface temperature (OST) were measured with the lens in situ at 8, 12 and 16 h of wear. Results: There was no difference between how many hours the lenses types were worn each day (F = 0.90, p = 0.44). The PL-NITBUT decreased with the duration of daily lens wear (F = 32.0, p < 0.001) and was more stable with Nelfilcon A Plus (F = 6.00, p = 0.002) than with the other lenses evaluated. Bulbar blood vessels increased in coverage (F = 11.5, p < 0.001) but not overall redness (F = 0.0, p = 0.99) with the duration of daily lens wear, but there was no difference between the lenses (p > 0.05). The tear prism height decreased with the duration of daily wear (F = 27.0, p < 0.001) and differed between lenses (F = 2.9, p = 0.04). The OST decreased with the duration of lens wear (F = 119.7, p < 0.001) and was reduced by daily disposable lens wear (F = 7.88, p < 0.001), but did not differ between lenses (F = 0.88, p = 0.45). Conclusions: Objective measures of tear film indicated a difference between the lenses evaluated for PLNITBUT and tear prism height, but not for wearing time or bulbar conjunctival hyperaemia. Therefore clinical benefits of daily disposable ‘comfort enhancing’ contact lenses can be measured, but challenges remain in producing contact lenses that do not compromise anterior eye physiology over the whole day. 2010 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To examine the potential barrier and lubricating effects of modern daily disposable contact lenses (DD) against airborne antigens. Methods: Ten patients with skin prick and ocular conjunctival provocation confirmed allergic sensitivity to grass pollen were recruited (average age 27.4±7.7 years). Each had their ocular symptoms (on a 0 none to 5 extreme scale) and appearance of bulbar and limbal conjunctival redness, palpebral conjunctival redness and roughness, and corneal and conjunctival fluorescein staining (CCLRU scale) graded before and five minutes after exposure to 400 grains grass pollen/m3 for 2 minutes in a purpose-designed exposure chamber to simulate the conditions of a ‘very high’ pollen-count day. This was repeated on three occasions separated by >72 hours wearing etafilcon A (sDD), nelfilcon A with enhanced lubricating agents (ELDD) and no contact lenses in random order out of the pollen season. Each sign and symptom was compared to baseline for each condition. The duration of the symptoms was also recorded. www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT01125540 Results: Only symptoms of burning and stinging were significantly reduced in severity by ELDD (Chi-Sq=7.6, p=0.02), but overall symptoms were significantly reduced in duration (F=3.60, p=0.05). Bulbar hyperaemia, corneal and conjunctival staining, and palpebral conjunctival roughness were significantly reduced by DD wear (p<0.01), with limbal and palpebral conjunctival redness further reduced in ELDD (p<0.05). Conclusion: Daily disposable contact lenses offer a barrier to airborne antigen which is enhanced by modern lenses with enhanced lubricating agents.


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Aim: Theoretically myopes are required to exert more accommodation and vergence when wearing single vision contact lenses compared to glasses and hypermetropes less. This study aims to quantify the effects clinically. Method: Thirty subjects (21 female, nine male, average age 21.0 ± 2.2 years) with a range of refractive errors (-7.87 D to +3.50 D) viewed in a random order, static targets at 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 D accommodative demand that were matched for angular subtense. The subjects were fully corrected with spectacles and daily disposable contact lenses to their full prescription. Accommodation was monitored objectively with the PowerRefractor and Shin-Nippon SRW5000 and vergence and pupil size with the PowerRefractor. Results: Myopes exerted greater accommodative effort for viewing near targets with contact lenses than glasses and hypermetropes less (r2 = 0.35, p = 0.001 PowerRefractor). Myopes also exerted greater vergence effort for viewing near targets with contact lenses than glasses and hypermetropes less (r2 = 0.22, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Theoretical calculation of the accommodative and vergence requirements with glasses compared to contact lenses reflect clinical findings, although there is reasonable variability between individuals. © 2006 British Contact Lens Association.


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Purpose: To quantify the end-of-day silicone-hydrogel daily disposable contact lens fit and its influence of on ocular comfort, physiology and lens wettability. Methods: Thirty-nine subjects (22.1. ±. 3.5 years) were randomised to wear each of 3 silicone-hydrogel daily-disposable contact lenses (narafilcon A, delefilcon A and filcon II 3), bilaterally, for one week. Lens fit was assessed objectively using a digital video slit-lamp at 8, 12 and 16. h after lens insertion. Hyperaemia, non-invasive tear break-up time, tear meniscus height and comfort were also evaluated at these timepoints, while corneal and conjunctival staining were assessed on lens removal. Results: Lens fit assessments were not different between brands (P > 0.05), with the exception of the movement at blink where narafilcon A was more mobile. Overall, lag reduced but push-up speed increased from 8 to 12. h (P <. 0.05), but remained stable from 12 to 16. h (P > 0.05). Movement-on-blink was unaffected by wear-time (F = 0.403, P = 0.670). A more mobile lens fit with one brand did not indicate that person would have a more mobile fit with another brand (r = -0.06 to 0.63). Lens fit was not correlated with comfort, ocular physiology or lens wettability (P > 0.01). Conclusions: Among the lenses tested, objective lens fit changed between 8. h and 12. h of lens wear. The weak correlation in individual lens fit between brands indicates that fit is dependent on more than ocular shape. Consequently, substitution of a different lens brand with similar parameters will not necessarily provide comparable lens fit.


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Purpose: Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a successful tear film stabiliser and is widely used in comfort drops and some soft contact lens materials. A PVA-containing lens, nelfilcon A has been modified to include additional (non-functional) PVA in order to provide improved comfort. This study aims to examine the clinical performance of this nelfilcon A lens with AquaRelease™ (AquaRelease). Methods: Two contralateral, investigator masked, open label, subjective and objective evaluations were conducted. The first examined the effect of adding increased molecular weight PVA to nelfilcon A (n = 5), and the second compared this AquaRelease lens to ocufilcon B (n = 34). The principal measures were non-invasive break-up time (NIBUT) and subjective comfort, which were assessed at the beginning and end of a week of daily wear, and three times throughout 1 day at 8, 12 and 16 h. Results: All subjects successfully completed the daily wearing schedule of 16 h. On initial insertion, subjective comfort and NIBUT improved for AquaRelease than original nelfilcon A lenses (p < 0.05). Initial comfort was better for AquaRelease compared to ocufilcon B lenses (p = 0.01); however, NIBUT was not statistically different (11.7 ± 15.6 s versus 8.4 ± 6.8 s; p = 0.26). Subjective comfort decreased with time (p < 0.001), but there was no significant difference between AquaRelease and ocufilcon B lenses (p = 0.16). NIBUT was not significantly affected by time (p = 0.56) or between lenses (p = 0.33). At the end of a weeks' wear, subjective initial, end-of-day, overall comfort and vision were rated significantly better with AquaRelease than ocufilcon B (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Release of additional non-functionalised PVA from the nelfilcon A lenses appears to enhance comfortable contact lens wear. © 2006 British Contact Lens Association.


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Background: Optometric practices offer contact lenses as cash sale items or as part of monthly payment plans. With the contact lens market becoming increasingly competitive, patients are opting to purchase lenses from supermarkets and Internet suppliers. Monthly payment plans are often implemented to improve loyalty. This study aimed to compare behavioural loyalty between monthly payment plan members and non-members. Methods: BBR Optometry Ltd offers a monthly payment plan (Eyelife™) to their contact lens wearers. A retrospective audit of 38 Eyelife™ members (mean. ±. SD: 42.7. ±. 15.0 years) and 30 non-members (mean. ±. SD: 40.8. ±. 16.7 years) was conducted. Revenue and profits generated, service uptake and product sales between the two groups were compared over a fixed period of 18 months. Results: Eyelife™ members generated significantly higher professional fee revenue ( P<. 0.001), £153.96 compared to £83.50, and profits ( P<. 0.001). Eyelife™ members had a higher uptake of eye examinations ( P<. 0.001). The 2 groups demonstrated no significant difference in spectacle sales by volume ( P= 0.790) or value ( P= 0.369). There were also no significant differences in contact lens revenue ( P= 0.337), although Eyelife™ members did receive a discount. The Eyelife™ group incurred higher contact lens costs ( P= 0.037), due to a greater volume of contact lens purchases, 986 units compared to 582. Conclusions: Monthly payment plans improve loyalty among contact lens wearers, particularly service uptake and volume of lens purchases. Additionally the greater professional fees generated, render monthly payment plans an attractive business model and practice builder.


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This paper focuses on the effects of wear regime on the deposition pattern of important immunoregulatory proteins on FDA Group IV etafilcon-A lenses. Specifically, the aim was to assess the extent to which the daily disposable wear modality produces a different deposition of proteins from the conventional daily wear regime which is coupled with cleaning and disinfection. Counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) was employed to detect individual proteins in lens extracts from individual patients and focused on the analysis of five proteins, IgA, IgG, lactoferrin, albumin and kininogen. Deposition was monitored as a function of time; significantly lower deposition was detected on the daily disposable lenses. cr 2002 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose - To investigate if the accuracy of intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements using rebound tonometry over disposable hydrogel (etafilcon A) contact lenses (CL) is affected by the positive power of the CLs. Methods - The experimental group comprised 26 subjects, (8 male, 18 female). IOP measurements were undertaken on the subjects’ right eyes in random order using a Rebound Tonometer (ICare). The CLs had powers of +2.00 D and +6.00 D. Measurements were taken over each contact lens and also before and after the CLs had been worn. Results - The IOP measure obtained with both CLs was significantly lower compared to the value without CLs (t test; p < 0.001) but no significant difference was found between the two powers of CLs. Conclusions - Rebound tonometry over positive hydrogel CLs leads to a certain degree of IOP underestimation. This result did not change for the two positive lenses used in the experiment, despite their large difference in power and therefore in lens thickness. Optometrists should bear this in mind when measuring IOP with the rebound tonometer over plus power contact lenses.


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The work described in this thesis is concerned with mechanisms of contact lens lubrication. There are three major driving forces in contact lens design and development; cost, convenience, and comfort. Lubrication, as reflected in the coefficient of friction, is becoming recognised as one of the major factors affecting the comfort of the current generation of contact lenses, which have benefited from several decades of design and production improvements. This work started with the study of the in-eye release of soluble macromolecules from a contact lens matrix. The vehicle for the study was the family of CIBA Vision Focus® DAILIES® daily disposable contact lenses which is based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The effective release of linear soluble PVA from DAILIES on the surface of the lens was shown to be beneficial in terms of patient comfort. There was a need to develop a novel characterisation technique in order to study these effects at surfaces; this led to the study of a novel tribological technique, which allowed the friction coefficients of different types of contact lenses to be measured reproducibly at genuinely low values. The tribometer needed the ability to accommodate the following features: (a) an approximation to eye lid load, (b) both new and ex-vivo lenses, (c) variations in substrate, (d) different ocular lubricants (including tears). The tribometer and measuring technique developed in this way was used to examine the surface friction and lubrication mechanisms of two different types of contact lenses: daily disposables and silicone hydrogels. The results from the tribometer in terms of both mean friction coefficient and the friction profiles obtained allowed various mechanisms used for surface enhancement now seen in the daily disposable contact lens sector to be evaluated. The three major methods used are: release of soluble macromolecules (such as PVA) from the lens matrix, irreversible surface binding of a macromolecule (such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone) by charge transfer and the simple polymer adsorption (e.g. Pluoronic) at the lens surface. The tribological technique was also used to examine the trends in the development of silicone hydrogel contact lenses. The focus of the principles in the design of silicone hydrogels has now shifted from oxygen permeability, to the improvement of surface properties. Presently, tribological studies reflect the most effective in vitro method of surface evaluation in relation to the in-eye comfort.


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The work presents a new method that combines plasma etching with extrinsic techniques to simultaneously measure matrix and surface protein and lipid deposits. The acronym for this technique is PEEMS - Plasma Etching and Emission Monitoring System. Previous work has identified the presence of proteinaceous and lipoidal deposition on the surface of contact lenses and highlighted the probability that penetration of these spoilants will occur. This technique developed here allows unambiguous identification of the depth of penetration of spoilants to be made for various material types. It is for this reason that the technique has been employed in this thesis. The technique is applied as a 'molecular' scalpel, removing known amounts of material from the target. In this case from both the anterior .and posterior surfaces of a 'soft' contact lens. The residual material is then characterised by other analytical techniques such as UV/visible .and fluorescence spectroscopy. Several studies have be.en carried out for both in vivo and in vitro spoilt materials. The analysis and identification of absorbed protein and lipid of the substrate revealed the importance of many factors in the absorption and adsorption process. The effect of the material structure, protein nature (in terms of size, shape and charge) and environment conditions were examined in order to determine the relative uptake of tear proteins. The studies were extended to real cases in order to study the. patient dependent factors and lipoidal penetration.


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Currently over 50 million people worldwide wear contact lenses, of which over 75% wear hydrogel lenses. Significant deposition occurs in approximately 80% of hydrogel lenses and many contact lens wearers cease wearing lenses due to problems associated with deposition. The contact lens field is not alone in encountering complications associated with interactions between the body and artificial devices. The widespread use of man-made materials to replace structures in the body has emphasised the importance of studies that examine the interactions between implantation materials and body tissues.This project used carefully controlled, randomized clinical studies to study the interactive effects of contact lens materials, care systems, replacement periods and patient differences. Of principal interest was the influence of these factors on material deposition and their subsequent impact on subjective performance. A range of novel and established analytical techniques were used to examine hydrogel lenses following carefully controlled clinical studies in which clinical performance was meticulously monitored. These studies established the inter-relationship between clinical performance and deposition to be evaluated. This project showed that significant differences exist between individuals in their ability to deposit hydrogel lenses, with approximately 20% of subjects displaying significant deposition irrespective of the lens material. Additionally, materials traditionally categorised together show markedly different spoilation characteristics, which are wholly attributable to their detailed chemical structure. For the first time the in vivo deposition kinetics of both protein and lipid in charged and uncharged polymers was demonstrated. In addition the importance of care systems in the deposition process was shown, clearly demonstrating the significance of the quality rather than the quantity of deposition in influencing subjective performance.


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The design and synthesis of biomaterials covers a growing number of biomedical applications. The use of biomaterials in biological environment is associated with a number of problems, the most important of which is biocompatabUity. If the implanted biomaterial is not compatible with the environment, it will be rejected by the biological site. This may be manifested in many ways depending on the environment in which it is used. Adsorption of proteins takes place almost instantaneously when a biomaterial comes into contact with most biological fluids. The eye is a unique body site for the study of protein interactions with biomaterials, because of its ease of access and deceptive complexity of the tears. The use of contact lenses for either vision correction and cosmetic reasons or as a route for the controlled drug delivery, has significantly increased in recent years. It is relatively easy to introduce a contact lens Into the tear fluid and remove after a few minutes without surgery or trauma to the patient. A range of analytical techniques were used and developed to measure the proteins absorbed to some existing commercial contact lens materials and also to novel hydrogels synthesised within the research group. Analysis of the identity and quantity of proteins absorbed to biomaterials revealed the importance of many factors on the absorption process. The effect of biomaterial structure, protein nature in terms of size. shape and charge and pH of the environment on the absorption process were examined in order to determine the relative up-take of tear proteins. This study showed that both lysozyme and lactoferrin penetrate the lens matrix of ionic materials. Measurement of the mobility and activity of the protein deposited into the surface and within the matrix of ionic lens materials demonstrated that the mobility is pH dependent and, within the experimental errors, the biological activity of lysozyme remained unchanged after adsorption and desorption. The study on the effect of different monomers copolymerised with hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) on the protein up-take showed that monomers producing a positive charge on the copolymer can reduce the spoilation with lysozyme. The studies were extended to real cases in order to compare the patient dependent factors. The in-vivo studies showed that the spoilation is patient dependent as well as other factors. Studies on the extrinsic factors such as dye used in colour lenses showed that the addition of colourant affects protein absorption and, in one case, its effect is beneficial to the wearer as it reduces the quantity of the protein absorbed.