6 resultados para crystal structure and symmetry

em Aston University Research Archive


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The crystal structure and magnetic properties of a penta-coordinate iron(III) complex of pyridoxal-4-methylthiosemicarbazone, [Fe(Hmthpy)Cl](CHCHSO), are reported. The synthesised ligand and the metal complex were characterised by spectroscopic methods (H NMR, IR, and mass spectroscopy), elemental analysis, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex crystallises as dark brown microcrystals. The crystal data determined at 100(1) K revealed a triclinic system, space group P over(1, ¯) (Z = 2). The ONSCl geometry around the iron(III) atom is intermediate between trigonal bipyramidal and square pyramidal (t = 0.40). The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility (5-300 K) is consistent with a high spin Fe(III) ion (S = 5/2) exhibiting zero-field splitting. Interpretation of these data yielded: D = 0.34(1) cm and g = 2.078(3). © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis and crystal structure of a novel one-dimensional Cu(II) compound [Cu(1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane)3](ClO4)2 are described. The single-crystal X-ray structure determination was carried out at 298 K. The molecular structure consists of a linear chain in which the Cu(II) ions are linked by three N4,N4' coordinating bis(tetrazole) ligands in syn conformation. The Cu(II) ions are in a Jahn-Teller distorted octahedral environment (Cu(1)-N(11)=2.034(2) Å, Cu(1)-N(21)=2.041(2) Å and Cu(1)-N(31)=2.391(2) Å). The Cu⋯Cu separations are 7.420(3) Å.


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[μ-Tris(1,4-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)butane-N4,N4‘)iron(II)] bis(hexafluorophosphate), [Fe(btzb)3](PF6)2, crystallizes in a three-dimensional 3-fold interlocked structure featuring a sharp two-step spin-crossover behavior. The spin conversion takes place between 164 and 182 K showing a discontinuity at about T1/2 = 174 K and a hysteresis of about 4 K between T1/2 and the low-spin state. The spin transition has been independently followed by magnetic susceptibility measurements, 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy, and variable temperature far and midrange FTIR spectroscopy. The title compound crystallizes in the trigonal space group P30¯(No. 147) with a unit cell content of one formula unit plus a small amount of disordered solvent. The lattice parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction at several temperatures between 100 and 300 K. Complete crystal structures were resolved for 9 of these temperatures between 100 (only low spin, LS) and 300 K (only high spin, HS), Z = 1 [Fe(btzb)3](PF  6)2:  300 K (HS), a = 11.258(6) Å, c = 8.948(6) Å, V = 982.2(10) Å3; 100 K (LS), a = 10.989(3) Å, c = 8.702(2) Å, V = 910.1(4) Å3. The molecular structure consists of octahedral coordinated iron(II) centers bridged by six N4,N4‘ coordinating bis(tetrazole) ligands to form three 3-dimensional networks. Each of these three networks is symmetry related and interpenetrates each other within a unit cell to form the interlocked structure. The Fe−N bond lengths change between 1.993(1) Å at 100 K in the LS state and 2.193(2) Å at 300 K in the HS state. The nearest Fe separation is along the c-axis and identical with the lattice parameter c.


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The design and construction of a sputtering system for the deposition of barium titanate thin films is described. The growth and structure of barium titanate films deposited on a variety of substrates including amorphous carbon fi1ms, potassium bromide single crystals, and polycrystalline gold films has been studied. Films deposited on all substrates at room temperature were amorphous. Polycrystalline titanate films were formed on polycrystalline and amorphous substrates at temperatures above 450°C while films with a pronounced texture could be expitaxially deposited on single crystal potassium bromide above a temperature of only 200°C. Results of dielectric measurements made on the films are reported. Amorphous films were highly insulating (resistivities ~1014 ohm.cm with dielectric constants of between 10 and 20.


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The structure and spin-crossover magnetic behavior of [FeII16][BF4]2 (1 = isoxazole) and [FeII16][ClO4]2 have been studied. [FeII16][BF4]2 undergoes two reversible spin-crossover transitions at 91 and 192 K, and is the first two-step spin transition to undergo a simultaneous crystallographic phase transition, but does not exhibit thermal hysteresis. The single-crystal structure determinations at 260 [space group P3̄, a = 17.4387(4) Å, c = 7.6847(2) Å] and at 130 K [space group P1̄, a = 17.0901(2) Å, b = 16.7481(2) Å, c = 7.5413(1) Å, α = 90.5309(6)°, β = 91.5231(6)°, γ = 117.8195(8)°] reveal two different iron sites, Fe1 and Fe2, in a 1:2 ratio. The room-temperature magnetic moment of 5.0 μB is consistent with high-spin Fe(II). A plateau in μ(T) having a moment of 3.3 μB centered at 130 K suggests a mixed spin system of some high-spin and some low-spin Fe(II) molecules. On the basis of the Fe−N bond distances at the two temperatures, and the molar fraction of high-spin molecules at the transition plateau, Fe1 and Fe2 can be assigned to the 91 and 192 K transitions, respectively. [FeII16][ClO4]2 [space group P3̄, a = 17.5829(3) Å, c = 7.8043(2) Å, β = 109.820 (3)°, T = 295 K] also possesses Fe1:Fe2 in a 1:2 ratio, and magnetic measurements show a single spin transition at 213 K, indicating that both Fe1 and Fe2 undergo a simultaneous spin transition. [FeII16][ClO4]2 slowly decomposes in solutions containing acetic anhydride to form [FeIII3O(OAc)613][ClO4] [space group I2, a = 10.1547(7) Å, b = 16.5497(11) Å, c = 10.3205(9) Å, β = 109.820 (3)°, T = 200 K]. The isosceles Fe3 unit contains two Fe···Fe distances of 3.2844(1) Å and a third Fe···Fe distance of 3.2857(1) Å. The magnetic data can be fit to a trinuclear model with ℋ = −2J(S1·S2 + S2·S3) − 2J13(S1·S3), where J = −27.1 and J13 = −32.5 cm-1.


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The reaction of Cs4[Re6Te8(CN)6]·2H2O with Cu(en)2Cl2 in water affords crystals of a cluster complex [{Cu(H2O)(en) 2}{Cu(en)2}Re6Te8(CN)6]·3H2O. The structure of the compound is determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction (a = 10.8082(4) Å, b = 16.5404(6) Å, c = 24.6480(7) Å, β = 92.696(1)°, V = 4401.5(3) Å3, Z = 4, space group P21/n, R 1 = 0.0331, wR 2 (all data) = 0.0652). In the complex, cluster [Re6Te8(CN)6]4- anions are linked by Cu2+ cations into zigzag chains through cyanide bridges. The coordination environment of the copper cations is complemented by ethylenediamine molecules. Each of the cluster anions is additionally coordinated by a terminal fragment {Cu(H2O)(en)2}. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.