4 resultados para crushing
em Aston University Research Archive
This work is concerned with the behaviour of thin webbed rolled steel joists or universal beams when they are subjected to concentrated loads applied to the flanges. The prime concern is the effect of high direct stresses causing web failure in a small region of the beam. The review shows that although many tests have been carried out on rolled steel beams and built up girders, no series of tests has restricted the number of variables involved to enable firm conclusions to be drawn. The results of 100 tests on several different rolled steel universal beam sections having various types of loading conditions are presented. The majority of the beams are tested by loading with two opposite loads, thus eliminating the effects of bending and shear, except for a small number of beams which are tested simply supported on varying spans. The test results are first compared with the present design standard (BS 449) and it is shown that the British Standard is very conservative for most of the loading conditions included in the tests but is unsafe for others. Three possible failure modes are then considered, overall elastic buckling of the web, flexural yielding of the web due to large out of plane deflexions and local crushing of the material at the junction of the web and the root fillets. Each mode is considered theoretically and developed to establish the main variables, thus enabling a comparison to be made with the test results. It is shown that all three failure modes have a particular relevance for individual loading conditions, but that determining the failure load given the beam size and the loading conditions is very difficult in certain instances. Finally it is shown that there are some empirical relationships between the failure loads and the type of loading for various beam serial sizes.
This thesis examines experimentally and theoretically the behaviour and ultimate strength of rectangular reinforced concrete members under combined torsion, shear and bending. The experimental investigation consists of the test results of 38 longitudinally and transversely reinforced concrete beams subjected to combined loads, ten beams of which were tested under pure torsion and self-weight. The behaviour of each test beam from application of the first increment of load until failure is presented. The effects of concrete strength, spacing of the stirrups, the amount of longitudinal steel and the breadth of the section on the ultimate torsional capacity are investigated. Based on the skew-bending mechanism, compatibility, and linear stress-strain relationship for the concrete and the steel, simple rational equations are derived for the three principal modes of failure for the following four types of failure observed in the tests: TYPE I Yielding the reinforcement, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE II Yielding of the web steel only, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE III Yielding of the longitudinal steel only, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE IV Crushing of the concrete, at failure, before yielding of any of the reinforcement.
Three types of crushed rock aggregate were appraised, these being Carboniferous Sandstone, Magnesian Limestone and Jurassic Limestone. A comprehensive aggregate testing programme assessed the properties of these materials. Two series of specimen slabs were cast and power finished using recognised site procedures to assess firstly the influence of these aggregates as the coarse fraction, and secondly as the fine fraction. Each specimen slab was tested at 28 days under three regimes to simulate 2-body abrasion, 3-body abrasion and the effect of water on the abrasion of concrete. The abrasion resistance was measured using a recognised accelerated abrasion testing apparatus employing rotating steel wheels. Relationships between the aggregate and concrete properties and the abrasion resistance have been developed with the following properties being particularly important - Los Angeles Abrasion and grading of the coarse aggregate, hardness of the fine aggregate and water-cement ratio of the concrete. The sole use of cube strength as a measure of abrasion resistance has been shown to be unreliable by this work. A graphical method for predicting the potential abrasion resistance of concrete using various aggregate and concrete properties has been proposed. The effect of varying the proportion of low-grade aggregate in the mix has also been investigated. Possible mechanisms involved during abrasion have been discussed, including localised crushing and failure of the aggregate/paste bond. Aggregates from each of the groups were found to satisfy current specifications for direct finished concrete floors. This work strengthens the case for the increased use of low-grade aggregates in the future.
In the processing industries particulate materials are often in the form of powders which themselves are agglomerations of much smaller sized particles. During powder processing operations agglomerate degradation occurs primarily as a result of collisions between agglomerates and between agglomerates and the process equipment. Due to the small size of the agglomerates and the very short duration of the collisions it is currently not possible to obtain sufficiently detailed quantitative information from real experiments to provide a sound theoretically based strategy for designing particles to prevent or guarantee breakage. However, with the aid of computer simulated experiments, the micro-examination of these short duration dynamic events is made possible. This thesis presents the results of computer simulated experiments on a 2D monodisperse agglomerate in which the algorithms used to model the particle-particle interactions have been derived from contact mechanics theories and, necessarily, incorporate contact adhesion. A detailed description of the theoretical background is included in the thesis. The results of the agglomerate impact simulations show three types of behaviour depending on whether the initial impact velocity is high, moderate or low. It is demonstrated that high velocity impacts produce extensive plastic deformation which leads to subsequent shattering of the agglomerate. At moderate impact velocities semi-brittle fracture is observed and there is a threshold velocity below which the agglomerate bounces off the wall with little or no visible damage. The micromechanical processes controlling these different types of behaviour are discussed and illustrated by computer graphics. Further work is reported to demonstrate the effect of impact velocity and bond strength on the damage produced. Empirical relationships between impact velocity, bond strength and damage are presented and their relevance to attrition and comminution is discussed. The particle size distribution curves resulting from the agglomerate impacts are also provided. Computer simulated diametrical compression tests on the same agglomerate have also been carried out. Simulations were performed for different platen velocities and different bond strengths. The results show that high platen velocities produce extensive plastic deformation and crushing. Low platen velocities produce semi-brittle failure in which cracks propagate from the platens inwards towards the centre of the agglomerate. The results are compared with the results of the agglomerate impact tests in terms of work input, applied velocity and damage produced.