8 resultados para cranial calvarial
em Aston University Research Archive
Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is important to normal development. However, the function of the different RA receptors (RARs)-RARα, RARβ, and RARγ-is as yet unclear. We have used wild-type and transgenic zebrafish to examine the role of RARγ. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with an RARγ-specific agonist reduced somite formation and axial length, which was associated with a loss of hoxb13a expression and less-clear alterations in hoxc11a or myoD expression. Treatment with the RARγ agonist also disrupted formation of tissues arising from cranial neural crest, including cranial bones and anterior neural ganglia. There was a loss of Sox 9-immunopositive neural crest stem/progenitor cells in the same anterior regions. Pectoral fin outgrowth was blocked by RARγ agonist treatment. However, there was no loss of Tbx-5-immunopositive lateral plate mesodermal stem/progenitor cells and the block was reversed by agonist washout or by cotreatment with an RARγ antagonist. Regeneration of the caudal fin was also blocked by RARγ agonist treatment, which was associated with a loss of canonical Wnt signaling. This regenerative response was restored by agonist washout or cotreatment with the RARγ antagonist. These findings suggest that RARγ plays an essential role in maintaining stem/progenitor cells during embryonic development and tissue regeneration when the receptor is in its nonligated state.
This volume will look at the history of trepanation, the identification of skulls, the tools used to make the cranial openings, and theories as to why trepanation might have been performed many thousands of years ago.
The effects of hypotonic shock upon membrane C1 permeability of ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like cells was investigated using the patch-clamp technique. Hypotonic shock produced cell swelling that was accompanied by large amplitude, outwardly rectifying, currents that were active across the entire physiological range of membrane potentials (-80 to +100 mV). At strong depolarisations (> +50 mV) the currents exhibited time-dependent inactivation that followed a monoexponential time course. The currents were anion selective and exhibited a selectivity sequence of SCN- > I > Br- > Cl- > F- > gluconate. Current activation was unaffected by inhibitors of protein kinase (A (H-89) and tyrosine kinase (tyrphostin A25), and could not be mimicked by elevation of intracellular Ca2+ or activation of protein kinase C. Similarly, disruption of actin filaments by dihydrocytochalsin B, or generation of membrane tension by dipyridamole failed to elicit significant increases in cell chloride permeability. The mechanism of current activation is as yet undetermined. The currents were effectively inhibited by the chloride channel inhibitors NPPB and DIDS but resistant to DPC. A Cl- conductance with similar characteristics was found to be present in mouse primary cultured calvarial osteoblasts. The volume-sensitive Cl- current in ROS 17/2.8 cells was inhibited by arachidonic acid in two distinct phases. A rapid block that developed within 10 s, preceding a slower developing inhibitory phase that occurred approximately 90 s after onset of arachidonate superfusion. Arachidonic acid also induced kinetic modifications of the current which were evident as an acceleration of the time-dependent· inactivation exhibited at depolarised potentials. Inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenases, lipoxygenases and cytochrome P-4S0 were ineffectual against arachidonic acid's effects sugtgesting that arachidonic acid may elicit it's effects directly. Measurements of cell volume under hypotonic conditions showed that ROS 17/2,8 cells could effectively regulate their volume, However, effective inhibitors of the volume-sensitive CI" current drastically impaired this response suggesting that physiologically this current may have a vital role in cell volume regulation, In L6 skeletal myocytes, vasopressin was found to rapidiy hyperpolarise cells. This appears to occur as the result of activation of Ca2+ -sensitive K+ channels in a process dependent upon the presence of extracellular Ca2+.
Globally, more than 1000 tonnes of titanium (Ti) is implanted into patients in the form of biomedical devices on an annual basis. Ti is perceived to be ‘biocompatible’ owing to the presence of a robust passive oxide film (approx. 4 nm thick) at the metal surface. However, surface deterioration can lead to the release of Ti ions, and particles can arise as the result of wear and/or corrosion processes. This surface deterioration can result in peri-implant inflammation, leading to the premature loss of the implanted device or the requirement for surgical revision. Soft tissues surrounding commercially pure cranial anchorage devices (bone-anchored hearing aid) were investigated using synchrotron X-ray micro-fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge structure. Here, we present the first experimental evidence that minimal load-bearing Ti implants, which are not subjected to macroscopic wear processes, can release Ti debris into the surrounding soft tissue. As such debris has been shown to be pro-inflammatory, we propose that such distributions of Ti are likely to effect to the service life of the device.
Craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas are both tumors of the hypothalamic and pituitary region, respectively that are frequently associated with endocrine defects either because of direct involvement of hormone producing cells (most pituitary tumors) or because of secondary defects due to disturbance of hypothalamic function (some pituitary tumors and craniopharyngiomas). Some studies suggest that mutant β-catenin gene cells in craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas contribute to their tumorigenesis. DNA was extracted from 73 cranial tumors and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with previously described primers encompassing glycogen synthase kinase-3β phosphorylation sites of the β-catenin gene. Sequenced PCR products for possible β-catenin gene mutations showed a total of 7/43 alterations in adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma-derived DNA samples. Two previously described β-catenin mutations in codon 33 TCT(Ser) > TGT(Cys) and codon 37 TCT(Ser) > TTT(Phe), whereas three novel mutations in codon 41 ACC(Thr) > ATC(Ile), codon 33 TCT(Ser) > TAT(Tyr) and codon 32 GAC(Asp) > AAC(Asn) were observed. None of the 22 pituitary adenomas and the eight papillary craniopharyngiomas analyzed presented any sequence alterations. These findings demonstrate an association between β-catenin gene alterations and craniopharyngiomas of the adamantinomatous type. Since this gene product is involved with development, these results suggest that β-catenin mutations may contribute to the initiation and subsequent growth of congenital craniopharyngiomas. © Springer 2005.
Retinoic acid (RA) is thought to signal through retinoic acid receptors (RARs), i.e. RARα, β, and γ to play important roles in embryonic development and tissue regeneration. In this thesis, the zebrafish (Danio rario) was used as a vertebrate model organism to examine the role of RARγ. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with a RARγ specific agonist reduced the axial length of developing embryos, associated with reduced somite number and loss of hoxb13a expression. There were no clear alterations in hoxc11a or myoD expression. Treatment with the RARγ agonist disrupted the formation of anterior structures of the head, the cranial bones and the anterior lateral line ganglia, associated with a loss of sox9 immunopositive cells in the same regions. Pectoral fin outgrowth was blocked by treatment with the RARγ agonist; however, this was not associated with loss of tbx5a immunopositive lateral plate cells and was reversed by wash out of the RARγ agonist or co-treatment with a RARγ antagonist. Regeneration of the transected caudal fin was also blocked by RARγ agonist treatment and restored by agonist washout or antagonist co-treatment; this phenotype was associated with a localised reduction in canonical Wnt signalling. Conversely, elevated canonical Wnt signalling after RARγ treatment was seen in other tissues, including ectopically in the notochord. Furthermore, some phenotypes seen in the RARγ treated embryos were present in mutant zebrafish embryos in which canonical Wnt signalling was constitutively increased. These data suggest that RARγ plays an essential role in maintaining neural crest and mesodermal stem/progenitor cells during normal embryonic development and tissue regeneration when the receptor is in its non-ligated state. In addition, this work has provided evidence that the activation status of RARγ may regulate hoxb13a gene expression and canonical Wnt signalling. Further research is required to confirm such novel regulatory roles.
Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals, like electroencephalographic (EEG) measures, are the direct extracranial manifestations of neuronal activation. The two techniques can detect time-varying changes in electromagnetic activity with a sub-millisecond time resolution. Extra-cranial electromagnetic measures are the cornerstone of the non-invasive diagnostic armamentarium in patients with epilepsy. Their extremely high temporal resolution – comparable to intracranial recordings – is the basis for a precise definition of onset and propagation of ictal and interictal abnormalities. Given the cost of the infrastructure and equipment, MEG has yet to develop into a routinely applicable diagnostic tool in clinical settings. However, in recent years, an increasing number of patients with epilepsy have been investigated – usually in the context of presurgical evaluation of refractory epilepsies – and initial encouraging results have been reported. We will briefly review the principles and the technology behind MEG and its contribution in the diagnostic work-up of patients with epilepsy.
Aims: The Tuberous Sclerosis 2000 Study is the first comprehensive longitudinal study of tuberous sclerosis (TS) and aims to identify factors that determine prognosis. Mode of presentation and findings at initial assessments are reported here. Methods: Children aged 0-16 years newly diagnosed with TS in the UK were evaluated. Results: 125 children with TS were studied. 114 (91%) met clinical criteria for a definite diagnosis and the remaining 11 (9%) had pathogenic TSC1 or TSC2 mutations. In families with a definite clinical diagnosis, the detection rate for pathogenic mutations was 89%. 21 cases (17%) were identified prenatally, usually with abnormalities found at routine antenatal ultrasound examination. 30 cases (24%) presented before developing seizures and in 10 of these without a definite diagnosis at onset of seizures, genetic testing could have confirmed TS. 77 cases (62%) presented with seizures. Median age at recruitment assessment was 2.7 years (range:4 weeks-18 years). Dermatological features of TS were present in 81%. The detection rate of TS abnormalities was 20/107 (19%) for renal ultrasound including three cases with polycystic kidney disease, 51/88 (58%) for echocardiography, 29/35 (83%) for cranial CT and 95/104 (91%) for cranial MRI. 91% of cases had epilepsy and 65% had intellectual disability (IQ<70). Conclusions: Genetic testing can be valuable in confirming the diagnosis. Increasing numbers of cases present prenatally or in early infancy, before onset of seizures, raising important questions about whether these children should have EEG monitoring and concerning the criteria for starting anticonvulsant therapy.