23 resultados para cost reduction

em Aston University Research Archive


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Next-generation networks are likely to be non-uniform in all their aspects, including number of lightpaths carried per link, number of wavelengths per link, number of fibres per link, asymmetry of the links, and traffic flows. Routing and wavelength allocation models generally assume that the optical network is uniform and that the number of wavelengths per link is a constant. In practice however, some nodes and links carry heavy traffic and additional wavelengths are needed in those links. We study a wavelength-routed optical network based on the UK JANET topology where traffic demands between nodes are assumed to be non-uniform. We investigate how network capacity can be increased by locating congested links and suggesting cost-effective upgrades. Different traffic demands patterns, hop distances, number of wavelengths per link, and routing algorithms are considered. Numerical results show that a 95% increase in network capacity is possible by overlaying fibre on just 5% of existing links. We conclude that non-uniform traffic allocation can be beneficial to localize traffic in nodes and links deep in the network core and provisioning of additional resources there can efficiently and cost-effectively increase network capacity. © 2013 IEEE.


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In recent years, it has become increasingly common for companies to improve their competitiveness and find new markets by extending their operations through international new product development collaborations involving technology transfer. Technology development, cost reduction and market penetration are seen as the foci in such collaborative operations with the aim being to improve the competitive position of both partners. In this paper, the case of technology transfer through collaborative new product development in the machine tool sector is used to provide a typical example of such partnerships. The paper outlines the links between the operational aspects of collaborations and their strategic objectives. It is based on empirical data collected from the machine tool industries in the UK and China. The evidence includes longitudinal case studies and questionnaire surveys of machine tool manufacturers in both countries. The specific case of BSA Tools Ltd and its Chinese partner the Changcheng Machine Tool Works is used to provide an in-depth example of the operational development of a successful collaboration. The paper concludes that a phased coordination of commercial, technical and strategic interactions between the two partners is essential for such collaborations to work.


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Redundancy, delayering, downsizing, and various other forms of organizational change have become increasingly prevalent. This article focuses on the impact of different forms of organizational change on managers' perceptions of the organizations they work within and the comparison between changes that involve redundancy and/or delayering and those that do not involve such changes. The literature has many accounts of the negative effects associated with redundancy and delayering, but are these effects unique to these types of change or are they a consequence of negative experiences of a range of organizational changes? Hypotheses were tested to assess, first, whether there are differences between different levels of management, notably between directors and nondirectors in the way they perceive organizational change, second, to assess how change has affected managers' perceptions of their organizations and their working lives, and third, to explore if different forms of change are associated with differences in managers' perceptions of their organizations “as a place to work”. Hypotheses were tested with data from a cross-sectional survey with 830 managers from the UK. Organizational changes include cost reduction and culture change programmes, delayering, mergers/demergers, outsourcing, redundancy programmes, and contract/ temporary workers. The analyses reported here indicate clearly that specific forms of change are associated with managers' reports of their experiences at work; some forms of change (notably redundancy and delayering) seem to have particularly damaging implications for managers' experiences in the workplace. The analyses also show that there is a difference in the way directors and nondirectors perceive the changes. Finally, the article considers strategies for ameliorating the effects of change including the role of HR.


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In recent years it has become increasingly common for companies to improve their competitiveness and find new markets by extending their operations through international new product development collaborations involving technology transfer. Technology development, cost reduction and market penetration are seen as the foci in such collaborative operations with the aim being to improve the competitive position of both partners. In this paper the case of technology transfer through collaborative new product development in the machine tool sector is used to provide a typical example of such partnerships. The research evidence on which the paper is based includes longitudinal case studies and questionnaire surveys of machine tool manufacturers in both countries. The specific case of a UK machine tool company and its Chinese partner is used to provide a specific example of the operational development of a successful collaboration. The paper concludes that a phased co-ordination of commercial, technical and strategic interactions between the two partners is essential for such collaborations to work. In particular, the need to transfer marketing know-how is emphasised, having been identified as an area of weakness among technology acquirers in China.


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The objective of this work was to design, construct, test and operate a novel circulating fluid bed fast pyrolysis reactor system for production of liquids from biomass. The novelty lies in incorporating an integral char combustor to provide autothermal operation. A reactor design methodology was devised which correlated input parameters to process variables, namely temperature, heat transfer and gas/vapour residence time, for both the char combustor and biomass pyrolyser. From this methodology a CFB reactor was designed with integral char combustion for 10 kg/h biomass throughput. A full-scale cold model of the CFB unit was constructed and tested to derive suitable hydrodynamic relationships and performance constraints. Early difficulties encountered with poor solids circulation and inefficient product recovery were overcome by a series of modifications. A total of 11 runs in a pyrolysis mode were carried out with a maximum total liquids yield of 61.50% wt on a maf biomass basis, obtained at 500°C and with 0.46 s gas/vapour residence time. This could be improved by improved vapour recovery by direct quenching up to an anticipated 75 % wt on a moisture-and-ash-free biomass basis. The reactor provides a very high specific throughput of 1.12 - 1.48 kg/hm2 and the lowest gas-to-feed ratio of 1.3 - 1.9 kg gas/kg feed compared to other fast pyrolysis processes based on pneumatic reactors and has a good scale-up potential. These features should provide significant capital cost reduction. Results to date suggest that the process is limited by the extent of char combustion. Future work will address resizing of the char combustor to increase overall system capacity, improvement in solid separation and substantially better liquid recovery. Extended testing will provide better evaluation of steady state operation and provide data for process simulation and reactor modeling.


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This work studies the development of polymer membranes for the separation of hydrogen and carbon monoxide from a syngas produced by the partial oxidation of natural gas. The CO product is then used for the large scale manufacture of acetic acid by reaction with methanol. A method of economic evaluation has been developed for the process as a whole and a comparison is made between separation of the H2/CO mixture by a membrane system and the conventional method of cryogenic distillation. Costs are based on bids obtained from suppliers for several different specifications for the purity of the CO fed to the acetic acid reactor. When the purity of the CO is set at that obtained by cryogenic distillation it is shown that the membrane separator offers only a marginal cost advantage. Cost parameters for the membrane separation systems have been defined in terms of effective selectivity and cost permeability. These new parameters, obtained from an analysis of the bids, are then used in a procedure which defines the optimum degree of separation and recovery of carbon monoxide for a minimum cost of manufacture of acetic acid. It is shown that a significant cost reduction is achieved with a membrane separator at the optimum process conditions. A method of "targeting" the properties of new membranes has been developed. This involves defining the properties for new (hypothetical -yet to be developed) membranes such that their use for the hydrogen/carbon monoxide separation will produce a reduced cost of acetic acid manufacture. The use of the targeting method is illustrated in the development of new membranes for the separation of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The selection of polymeric materials for new membranes is based on molecular design methods which predict the polymer properties from the molecular groups making up the polymer molecule. Two approaches have been used. One method develops the analogy between gas solubility in liquids and that in polymers. The UNIFAC group contribution method is then used to predict gas solubility in liquids. In the second method the polymer Permachor number, developed by Salame, has been correlated with hydrogen and carbon monoxide permeabilities. These correlations are used to predict the permeabilities of gases through polymers. Materials have been tested for hydrogen and carbon monoxide permeabilities and improvements in expected economic performance have been achieved.


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This research investigates technology transfer (TT) to developing countries, with specific reference to South Africa. Particular attention is paid to physical asset management, which includes the maintenance of plant, equipment and facilities. The research is case based, comprising a main case study (the South African electricity utility, Eskom) and four mini-cases. A five level framework adapted from Salami and Reavill (1997) is used as the methodological basis for the formulation of the research questions. This deals with technology selection, and management issues including implementation and maintenance and evaluation and modifications. The findings suggest the Salami and Reavill (1997) framework is a useful guide for TT. The case organisations did not introduce technology for strategic advantage, but to achieve operational efficiencies through cost reduction, higher quality and the ability to meet customer demand. Acquirers favour standardised technologies with which they are familiar. Cost-benefit evaluations have limited use in technology acquisition decisions. Users rely on supplier expertise to compensate for poor education and technical training in South Africa. The impact of political and economic factors is more evident in Eskom than in the mini-cases. Physical asset management follows traditional preventive maintenance practices, with limited use of new maintenance management thinking. Few modifications of the technology or R&D innovations take place. Little use is made of explicit knowledge from computerised maintenance management systems. Low operating and maintenance skills are not conducive to the transfer of high-technology equipment. South African organisations acquire technology as items of plant, equipment and systems, but limited transfer of technology takes place. This suggests that operators and maintainers frequently do not understand the underlying technology, and like workers elsewhere, are not always inclined towards adopting technology in the workplace.


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This thesis describes an investigation of methods by which both repetitive and non-repetitive electrical transients in an HVDC converter station may be controlled for minimum overall cost. Several methods of inrush control are proposed and studied. The preferred method, whose development is reported in this thesis, would utilize two magnetic materials, one of which is assumed to be lossless and the other has controlled eddy-current losses. Mathematical studies are performed to assess the optimum characteristics of these materials, such that inrush current is suitably controlled for a minimum saturation flux requirement. Subsequent evaluation of the cost of hardware and capitalized losses of the proposed inrush control, indicate that a cost reduction of approximately 50% is achieved, in comparison with the inrush control hardware for the Sellindge converter station. Further mathematical studies are carried out to prove the adequacy of the proposed inrush control characteristics for controlling voltage and current transients during both repetitive and non-repetitive operating conditions. The results of these proving studies indicate that no change in the proposed characteristics is required to ensure that integrity of the thyristors is maintained.


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Currently, the main source for the production of liquid transportation fuels is petroleum, the continued use of which faces many challenges including depleting oil reserves, significant oil price rises, and environmental concerns over global warming which is widely believed to be due to fossil fuel derived CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases. In this respect, lignocellulosic or plant biomass is a particularly interesting resource as it is the only renewable source of organic carbon that can be converted into liquid transportation fuels. The gasification of biomass produces syngas which can then be converted into synthetic liquid hydrocarbon fuels by means of the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis. This process has been widely considered as an attractive option for producing clean liquid hydrocarbon fuels from biomass that have been identified as promising alternatives to conventional fossil fuels like diesel and kerosene. The resulting product composition in FT synthesis is influenced by the type of catalyst and the reaction conditions that are used in the process. One of the issues facing this conversion process is the development of a technology that can be scaled down to match the scattered nature of biomass resources, including lower operating pressures, without compromising liquid composition. The primary aims of this work were to experimentally explore FT synthesis at low pressures for the purpose of process down-scaling and cost reduction, and to investigate the potential for obtaining an intermediate FT synthetic crude liquid product that can be integrated into existing refineries under the range of process conditions employed. Two different fixed-bed micro-reactors were used for FT synthesis; a 2cm3 reactor at the University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a 20cm3 reactor at Aston University. The experimental work firstly involved the selection of a suitable catalyst from three that were available. Secondly, a parameter study was carried out on the 20cm3 reactor using the selected catalyst to investigate the influence of reactor temperature, reactor pressure, space velocity, the H2/CO molar ratio in the feed syngas and catalyst loading on the reaction performance measured as CO conversion, catalyst stability, product distribution, product yields and liquid hydrocarbon product composition. From this parameter study a set of preferred operating conditions was identified for low pressure FT synthesis. The three catalysts were characterized using BET, XRD, TPR and SEM. The catalyst selected was an unpromoted Co/Al2O3 catalyst. FT synthesis runs on the 20cm3 reactor at Aston were conducted for 48 hours. Permanent gases and light hydrocarbons (C1-C5) were analysed in an online GC-TCD/FID at hourly intervals. The liquid hydrocarbons collected were analyzed offline using GC-MS for determination of fuel composition. The parameter study showed that CO conversion and liquid hydrocarbon yields increase with increasing reactor pressure up to around 8 bar, above which the effect of pressure is small. The parameters that had the most significant influence on CO conversion, product selectivity and liquid hydrocarbon yields were reactor temperature and catalyst loading. The preferred reaction conditions identified for this research were: T = 230ºC, P = 10 bar, H2/CO = 2.0, WHSV = 2.2 h-1, and catalyst loading = 2.0g. Operation in the low range of pressures studied resulted in low CO conversions and liquid hydrocarbon yields, indicating that low pressure BTL-FT operation may not be industrially viable as the trade off in lower CO conversions and once-through liquid hydrocarbon product yields has to be carefully weighed against the potential cost savings resulting from process operation at lower pressures.


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The business benefits of an outsourcing strategy are well documented, and HR is encouraged to outsource in order to add value. Yet little is known about how HR outsourcing affects the HR role, competencies and relationships with senior management. These issues are examined through 27 semi-structured interviews with senior HR professionals, comparing HR departments engaged in HR outsourcing with those maintaining full in-house HR provision. The findings indicate that HR outsourcing stymies HR role transformation. HR outsourcers experienced limited skill development and an increased focus on cost reduction at the expense of their strategic position. In contrast, non-HR outsourcers actively engaged in other parts of the business, developing competencies that garnered trust and support of senior managers. The benefits of an external HR community appear limited. The study suggests that an 'internal' HR community is better placed to enhance HR departmental roles. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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The review is devoted to the cost effectiveness of composite materials applications as compared with their high performance characteristics. The use of reinforced plastics, ceramic matrix and metal matrix composites reinforced by carbon and graphite fibers in aerospace industry is considered. Until recently, the two major drivers for the application of composites in engines have been weight reduction and performance improvement. As shown, today a major challenge to be met by the industry is cost reduction.


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Fierce competition within the third party logistics (3PL) market has developed as providers compete to win customers and enhance their competitive advantage through cost reduction plans and creating service differentiation. 3PL providers are expected to develop advanced technological and logistical service applications that can support cost reduction while increasing service innovation. To enhance competitiveness, this paper proposes the implementation of radio-frequency identification (RFID) enabled returnable transport equipment (RTE) in combination with the consolidation of network assets and cross-docking. RFID enabled RTE can significantly improve network visibility of all assets with continuous real-time data updates. A four-level cyclic model aiding 3PL providers to achieve competitive advantage has been developed. The focus is to reduce assets, increase asset utilisation, reduce RTE cycle time and introduce real-time data in the 3PL network. Furthermore, this paper highlights the need for further research from the 3PL perspective. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Much has been written about the potential impact of Lean Agile paradigm on firm's supply chain performance. However, most of the existing studies mainly pointed out Lean is for cost reduction, whereas Agility is for attaining flexibility. There are little empirical studies in literature that examined how Lean Agile paradigm impacts on supply chain performance. This paper aims to address this gap by studying the influence of Lean and Agility paradigms on a single commodity supply chain delivery performance in the aerospace industry. Data was collected from four separate 'Rigid pipes' supply chains to study how manufacturing alignment impacts on the delivery performance. Implications of the study to practitioners and academia are discussed and future research outlined.


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Fibre overlay is a cost-effective technique to alleviate wavelength blocking in some links of a wavelength-routed optical network by increasing the number of wavelengths in those links. In this letter, we investigate the effects of overlaying fibre in an all-optical network (AON) based on GÉANT2 topology. The constraint-based routing and wavelength assignment (CB-RWA) algorithm locates where cost-efficient upgrades should be implemented. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that the network capacity improves by 25 per cent by overlaying fibre on 10 per cent of the links, and by 12 per cent by providing hop reduction links comprising 2 per cent of the links. For the upgraded network, we also show the impact of dynamic traffic allocation on the blocking probability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.