7 resultados para complex sequences

em Aston University Research Archive


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This thesis is about the study of relationships between experimental dynamical systems. The basic approach is to fit radial basis function maps between time delay embeddings of manifolds. We have shown that under certain conditions these maps are generically diffeomorphisms, and can be analysed to determine whether or not the manifolds in question are diffeomorphically related to each other. If not, a study of the distribution of errors may provide information about the lack of equivalence between the two. The method has applications wherever two or more sensors are used to measure a single system, or where a single sensor can respond on more than one time scale: their respective time series can be tested to determine whether or not they are coupled, and to what degree. One application which we have explored is the determination of a minimum embedding dimension for dynamical system reconstruction. In this special case the diffeomorphism in question is closely related to the predictor for the time series itself. Linear transformations of delay embedded manifolds can also be shown to have nonlinear inverses under the right conditions, and we have used radial basis functions to approximate these inverse maps in a variety of contexts. This method is particularly useful when the linear transformation corresponds to the delay embedding of a finite impulse response filtered time series. One application of fitting an inverse to this linear map is the detection of periodic orbits in chaotic attractors, using suitably tuned filters. This method has also been used to separate signals with known bandwidths from deterministic noise, by tuning a filter to stop the signal and then recovering the chaos with the nonlinear inverse. The method may have applications to the cancellation of noise generated by mechanical or electrical systems. In the course of this research a sophisticated piece of software has been developed. The program allows the construction of a hierarchy of delay embeddings from scalar and multi-valued time series. The embedded objects can be analysed graphically, and radial basis function maps can be fitted between them asynchronously, in parallel, on a multi-processor machine. In addition to a graphical user interface, the program can be driven by a batch mode command language, incorporating the concept of parallel and sequential instruction groups and enabling complex sequences of experiments to be performed in parallel in a resource-efficient manner.


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We analysed evoked magnetic responses to moving random dot stimuli, initially using a 19-channel magnetoencephalography (MEG) system, and subsequently using a 151-channel MEG system. Random dot displays were used to construct complex motion sequences, which we refer to as expansion, contraction, deformation, and rotation. We also investigated lateral translation and a condition in which the directions of the dots were randomised. In all stimulus conditions, the dots were first stationary, then traveled for a brief period (317s or 542 ms), and were then stationary again. In all conditions, evoked magnetic responses were observed with a widespread bilateral distribution over the observers' heads. Initial recordings revealed a substantially larger evoked magnetic response to the expansion condition than the other conditions. In a revised study, we used a 151-channel MEG system and two stimulus diameters (9.3 and 48 deg), the smaller comparable with the first experiment. The responses were analysed using a nonparametric approach and confirmed our initial observations. In a third study, speed gradients were removed and a new design permitted direct comparisons between motion conditions. The results from all three experiments are consistent with the greater ecological validity of the expansion stimulus. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A sudden change applied to a single component can cause its segregation from an ongoing complex tone as a pure-tone-like percept. Three experiments examined whether such pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams by extending the research of Bregman and Rudnicky (1975). Those authors found that listeners struggled to identify the presentation order of 2 pure-tone targets of different frequency when they were flanked by 2 lower frequency “distractors.” Adding a series of matched-frequency “captor” tones, however, improved performance by pulling the distractors into a separate stream from the targets. In the current study, sequences of discrete pure tones were substituted by sequences of brief changes applied to an otherwise constant 1.2-s complex tone. Pure-tone-like percepts were evoked by applying 6-dB increments to individual components of a complex comprising harmonics 1–7 of 300 Hz (Experiment 1) or 0.5-ms changes in interaural time difference to individual components of a log-spaced complex (range 160–905 Hz; Experiment 2). Results were consistent with the earlier study, providing clear evidence that pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams. Experiment 3 adapted Experiment 1 by presenting a global amplitude increment either synchronous with, or just after, the last captor prior to the 1st distractor. In the former case, for which there was no pure-tone-like percept corresponding to that captor, the captor sequence did not aid performance to the same extent as previously. It is concluded that this change to the captor-tone stream partially resets the stream-formation process, and so the distractors and targets became likely to integrate once more. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)


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Thirteen experiments investigated the dynamics of stream segregation. Experiments 1-6b used a similar method, where a same-frequency induction sequence (usually 10 repetitions of an identical pure tone) promoted segregation in a subsequent, briefer test sequence (of alternating low- and high-frequency tones). Experiments 1-2 measured streaming using a direct report of perception and a temporal-discrimination task, respectively. Creating a single deviant by altering the final inducer (e.g. in level or replacement with silence) reduced segregation, often substantially. As the prior inducers remained unaltered, it is proposed that the single change actively reset build-up. The extent of resetting varied gradually with the size of a frequency change, once noticeable (experiments 3a-3b). By manipulating the serial position of a change, experiments 4a-4b demonstrated that resetting only occurred when the final inducer was replaced with silence, as build-up is very rapid during a same-frequency induction sequence. Therefore, the observed resetting cannot be explained by fewer inducers being presented. Experiment 5 showed that resetting caused by a single deviant did not increase when prior inducers were made unpredictable in frequency (four-semitone range). Experiments 6a-6b demonstrated that actual and perceived continuity have a similar effect on subsequent streaming judgements promoting either integration or segregation, depending on listening context. Experiment 7 found that same-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than an alternating-frequency inducer, and that a trend for deviant-tone resetting was only apparent for the same-frequency case. Using temporal-order judgments, experiments 8-9 demonstrated the stream segregation of pure-tone-like percepts, evoked by sudden changes in amplitude or interaural time difference for individual components of a complex tone, Active resetting was observed when a deviant was inserted into a sequence of these percepts (Experiment 10). Overall, these experiments offer new insight into the segregation-promotIng effect of induction sequences, and the factors which can reset this effect.


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A detailed knowledge of the mapping between sequence and structure spaces in populations of RNA molecules is essential to better understand their present-day functional properties, to envisage a plausible early evolution of RNA in a prebiotic chemical environment and to improve the design of in vitro evolution experiments, among others. Analysis of natural RNAs, as well as in vitro and computational studies, show that certain RNA structural motifs are much more abundant than others, pointing out a complex relation between sequence and structure. Within this framework, we have investigated computationally the structural properties of a large pool (10 molecules) of single-stranded, 35 nt-long, random RNA sequences. The secondary structures obtained are ranked and classified into structure families. The number of structures in main families is analytically calculated and compared with the numerical results. This permits a quantification of the fraction of structure space covered by a large pool of sequences. We further show that the number of structural motifs and their frequency is highly unbalanced with respect to the nucleotide composition: simple structures such as stem-loops and hairpins arise from sequences depleted in G, while more complex structures require an enrichment of G. In general, we observe a strong correlation between subfamilies-characterized by a fixed number of paired nucleotides-and nucleotide composition. Our results are compared to the structural repertoire obtained in a second pool where isolated base pairs are prohibited. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Representational difference analysis (RDA) has great potential for preferential amplification of unique but uncharacterised DNA sequences present in one source such as a whole genome, but absent from a related genome or other complex population of sequences. While a few examples of its successful exploitation have been published, the method has not been well dissected and robust, detailed published protocols are lacking. Here we examine the method in detail, suggest improvements and provide a protocol that has yielded key unique sequences from a pathogenic bacterial genome. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the dynamical properties of the RZ-DPSK encoded sequences of bits, focusing on the instabilities in the train leading to the bit stream corruption. The problem is studied within the framework of the complex Toda chain model for optical solitons. We show how the bit composition of the pattern affects the initial stage of the train dynamics and explain the general mechanisms of the appearance of unstable collective soliton modes. Then we discuss the nonlinear regime using the asymptotic properties of the pulse stream at large propagation distances and analyze the dynamical behavior of the train elucidating different scenarios for the pattern instabilities. ©2010 Crown.