3 resultados para color vision.

em Aston University Research Archive


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The classic hypothesis of Livingstone and Hubel (1984, 1987) proposed two types of color pathways in primate visual cortex based on recordings from single cells: a segregated, modularpathway that signals color but provides little information about shape or form and a second pathway that signals color differences and so defines forms without the need to specify their colors. A major problem has been to reconcile this neurophysiological hypothesis with the behavioral data. A wealth of psychophysical studies has demonstrated that color vision has orientation-tuned responses and little impairment on form related tasks, but these have not revealed any direct evidence for nonoriented mechanisms. Here we use a psychophysical method of subthreshold summation across orthogonal orientations for isoluminant red-green gratings in monocular and dichoptic viewing conditions to differentiate between nonoriented and orientation-tuned responses to color contrast. We reveal nonoriented color responses at low spatial frequencies (0.25-0.375 c/deg) under monocular conditions changing to orientation-tuned responses at higher spatial frequencies (1.5 c/deg) and under binocular conditions. We suggest that two distinct pathways coexist in color vision at the behavioral level, revealed at different spatial scales: one is isotropic, monocular, and best equipped for the representation of surface color, and the other is orientation-tuned, binocular, and selective for shape and form. This advances our understanding of the organization of the neural pathways involved in human color vision and provides a strong link between neurophysiological and behavioral data. © 2013 ARVO.


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Objective: To study the density and cross-sectional area of axons in the optic nerve in elderly control subjects and in cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) using an image analysis system. Methods: Sections of optic nerves from control and AD patients were stained with toluidine blue to reveal axon profiles. Results: The density of axons was reduced in both the center and peripheral portions of the optic nerve in AD compared with control patients. Analysis of axons with different cross-sectional areas suggested a specific loss of the smaller sized axons in AD, i.e., those with areas less that 1.99 μm2. An analysis of axons >11 μm2 in cross-sectional area suggested no specific loss of the larger axons in this group of patients. Conclusions: The data suggest that image analysis provides an accurate and reproducible method of quantifying axons in the optic nerve. In addition, the data suggest that axons are lost throughout the optic nerve with a specific loss of the smaller-sized axons. Loss of the smaller axons may explain the deficits in color vision observed in a significant proportion of patients with AD.


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Gamma activity in the visual cortex has been reported in numerous EEG studies of coherent and illusory figures. A dominant theme of many such findings has been that temporal synchronization in the gamma band in response to these identifiable percepts is related to perceptual binding of the common features of the stimulus. In two recent studies using magnetoencephalography (MEG) and the beamformer analysis technique, we have shown that the magnitude of induced gamma activity in visual cortex is dependent upon independent stimulus features such as spatial frequency and contrast. In particular, we showed that induced gamma activity is maximal in response to gratings of 3 cycles per degree (3 cpd) of high luminance contrast. In this work, we set out to examine stimulus contrast further by using isoluminant red/green gratings that possess color but not luminance contrast using the same cohort of subjects. We found no induced gamma activity in V1 or visual cortex in response to the isoluminant gratings in these subjects who had previously shown strong induced gamma activity in V1 for luminance contrast gratings.