14 resultados para coherent structures

em Aston University Research Archive


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Ultra-long mode-locked lasers are known to be strongly influenced by nonlinear interactions in long cavities that results in noise-like stochastic pulses. Here, by using an advanced technique of real-time measurements of both temporal and spatial (over round-trips) intensity evolution, we reveal an existence of wide range of generation regimes. Different kinds of coherent structures including dark and grey solitons and rogue-like bright coherent structures are observed as well as interaction between them are revealed.


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A numerical continuation method has been carried out seeking solutions for two distinct flow configurations, planar Couette flow (PCF) and laterally heated flow in a vertical slot (LHF). We found that the spanwise vortex solution in LHF identifies a new solution in PCF. The vortical structure of our new solution has the shape of a hairpin observed ubiquitously in high-Reynolds-number turbulent flow, and we believe this discovery may provide the paradigm for a hierarchical organization of coherent structures in turbulent shear layers.


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Using a fiber laser system as a specific illustrative example, we introduce the concept of intermediate asymptotic states in finite nonlinear optical systems. We show that intermediate asymptotics of nonlinear equations (e.g., coherent structures with a finite lifetime or distance) can be used in applications similar to those of truly stable asymptotic solutions, such as, e.g., solitons and dissipative nonlinear waves. Applying this general idea to a particular, albeit practically important, physical system, we demonstrate a novel type of nonlinear pulse-shaping regime in a mode-locked fiber laser leading to the generation of linearly chirped pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity.


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Using a fiber laser system as a specific illustrative example, we introduce the concept of intermediate asymptotic states in finite nonlinear optical systems. We show that intermediate asymptotics of nonlinear equations (e.g., coherent structures with a finite lifetime or distance) can be used in applications similar to those of truly stable asymptotic solutions, such as, e.g., solitons and dissipative nonlinear waves. Applying this general idea to a particular, albeit practically important, physical system, we demonstrate a novel type of nonlinear pulse-shaping regime in a mode-locked fiber laser leading to the generation of linearly chirped pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity.


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We review recent progress in the research on nonlinear mechanisms of pulse generation in passively mode-locked fibre lasers. These include parabolic self-similar pulse mode-locking, a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on the possibility of achieving various regimes of advanced temporal waveform generation in a mode-locked fibre laser by inclusion of a spectral filter into the laser cavity.


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One of the simplest ways to create nonlinear oscillations is the Hopf bifurcation. The spatiotemporal dynamics observed in an extended medium with diffusion (e.g., a chemical reaction) undergoing this bifurcation is governed by the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, one of the best-studied generic models for pattern formation, where besides uniform oscillations, spiral waves, coherent structures and turbulence are found. The presence of time delay terms in this equation changes the pattern formation scenario, and different kind of travelling waves have been reported. In particular, we study the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that contains local and global time-delay feedback terms. We focus our attention on plane wave solutions in this model. The first novel result is the derivation of the plane wave solution in the presence of time-delay feedback with global and local contributions. The second and more important result of this study consists of a linear stability analysis of plane waves in that model. Evaluation of the eigenvalue equation does not show stabilisation of plane waves for the parameters studied. We discuss these results and compare to results of other models.


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We use advanced statistical tools of time-series analysis to characterize the dynamical complexity of the transition to optical wave turbulence in a fiber laser. Ordinal analysis and the horizontal visibility graph applied to the experimentally measured laser output intensity reveal the presence of temporal correlations during the transition from the laminar to the turbulent lasing regimes. Both methods unveil coherent structures with well-defined time scales and strong correlations both, in the timing of the laser pulses and in their peak intensities. Our approach is generic and may be used in other complex systems that undergo similar transitions involving the generation of extreme fluctuations.


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We present recent results on measurements of intensity spatio-temporal dynamics in passively mode-locked fibre laser. We experimentally uncover distinct, dynamic and stable spatio-temporal generation regimes of various stochasticity and periodicity properties in though-to-be unstable laser. We present a method to distinguish various types of generated coherent structures, including rogue and shock waves, within the radiation by means of introducing of intensity ACF evolution map. We also discuss how the spectral dynamics could be measured in fiber lasers generating irregular train of pulses of quasi-CW generation via combination of heterodyning and intensity spatio-temporal measurement concept.


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Emergence of coherent structures and patterns at the nonlinear stage of modulation instability of a uniform state is an inherent feature of many biological, physical and engineering systems. There are several well-studied classical modulation instabilities, such as Benjamin-Feir, Turing and Faraday instability, which play a critical role in the self-organization of energy and matter in non-equilibrium physical, chemical and biological systems. Here we experimentally demonstrate the dissipative Faraday instability induced by spatially periodic zig-zag modulation of a dissipative parameter of the system - spectrally dependent losses - achieving generation of temporal patterns and high-harmonic mode-locking in a fibre laser. We demonstrate features of this instability that distinguish it from both the Benjamin-Feir and the purely dispersive Faraday instability. Our results open the possibilities for new designs of mode-locked lasers and can be extended to other fields of physics and engineering.


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Fibre lasers have been shown to manifest a laminar-to-turbulent transition when increasing its pump power. In order to study the dynamical complexity of this transition we use advanced statistical tools of time-series analysis. We apply ordinal analysis and the horizontal visibility graph to the experimentally measured laser output intensity. This reveal the presence of temporal correlations during the transition from the laminar to the turbulent lasing regimes. Both methods allow us to unveil coherent structures with well defined time-scales and strong correlations both, in the timing of the laser pulses and in their peak intensities.


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The thesis presents a detailed study of different Raman fibre laser (RFL) based amplification techniques and their applications in long-haul/unrepeatered coherent transmission systems. RFL based amplifications techniques were characterised from different aspects, including signal/noise power distributions, relative intensity noise (RIN), mode structures of induced Raman fibre lasers, and so on. It was found for the first time that RFL based amplification techniques could be divided into three categories in terms of the fibre laser regime, which were Fabry-Perot fibre laser with two FBGs, weak Fabry-Perot fibre laser with one FBG and very low reflection near the input, and random distributed feedback (DFB) fibre laser with one FBG. It was also found that lowering the reflection near the input could mitigate the RIN of the signal significantly, thanks to the reduced efficiency of the Stokes shift from the FW-propagated pump. In order to evaluate the transmission performance, different RFL based amplifiers were evaluated and optimised in long-haul coherent transmission systems. The results showed that Fabry-Perot fibre laser based amplifier with two FBGs gave >4.15 dB Q factor penalty using symmetrical bidirectional pumping, as the RIN of the signal was increased significantly. However, random distributed feedback fibre laser based amplifier with one FBG could mitigate the RIN of the signal, which enabled the use of bidirectional second order pumping and consequently give the best transmission performance up to 7915 km. Furthermore, using random DFB fibre laser based amplifier was proved to be effective to combat the nonlinear impairment, and the maximum reach was enhanced by >28% in mid-link single/dual band optical phase conjugator (OPC) transmission systems. In addition, unrepeatered transmission over >350 km fibre length using RFL based amplification technique were presented experimentally using DP-QPSK and DP-16QAM transmitter.