14 resultados para cellular uptake

em Aston University Research Archive


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Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is a highly malignant form of brain cancer for which there is no effective cure. The over-expression of a number of genes, including the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr), has been implicated as a causative factor of tumourigenesis. Ribozymes are a class of ribonucleic acid that possess enzymatic properties. They can inhibit gene-expression in a highly sequence specific manner by catalysing the trans-cleavage of target RNA. The potential use of synthetic hammerhead ribozymes as novel anti-brain tumour agents was investigated in this study. The successful use of synthetic, exogenously administered ribozymes for such applications will require chemical modifications that improve biological stability and a fundamental understanding of cellular uptake mechanisms. Chimeric 2'-O-methylated hammerhead ribozymes proved to be significantly more stable (>4000-fold) in serum than unmodified RNA ribozymes and exhibited high in vitro catalytic activity. The cellular association of an internally [32P]-labelled 2'-O-methylated chimeric ribozyme in U87-MG human glioma cells was temperature-, energy- and pH-dependent and involved an active process that could be competed with a variety of polyanions. Indications are that the predominant mechanism of uptake is by adsorptive and / or receptor mediated endocytosis. Twenty 2'-O-methylated chimeric ribozymes were designed to cleave various sites along the EGFr mRNA. In vitro, 18 ribozymes exhibited high activity in cleaving a complementary short substrate. Using LipofectAMINETM as a delivery agent, the efficacy of these ribozymes was evaluated in the A431 cell line, which expresses amplified levels of EGFr. Studies revealed that although the ribozymes were taken up by the cells and remained stable over a period of 4 days, no significant reduction in either EGFr expression or cell proliferation was evident. The presence of telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein responsible for telomere elongation, has been strongly associated with tumour progression. The biological activity of a 2'-O-methylated ribozyme targeted against the RNA component of telomerase was determined. The ribozyme exhibited specific dose-dependent inhibition of telomerase activity in U87-MG cell lysates with an IC50 of –4μM. When 4μM ribozyme was delivered to intact U87-MG cells, complexed to LipofectAMINETM, telomerase activity was significantly reduced to 74.5±4.17% of the untreated control. Free ribozyme showed no significant inhibitory effect demonstrating the importance of an appropriate delivery system for optimum delivery of exogenously administered ribozymes.


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Objective The aim of this study was to investigate Pluronic F127-modified liposome-containing cyclodextrin (CD) inclusion complex (FLIC) for improving the solubility, cellular uptake and intestinal penetration of tacrolimus (FK 506) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Methods Molecular modelling was performed to screen the optimal CD for the solubilization of FK 506. FLIC was prepared by thin-lipid film hydration with the inclusion complex solutions followed by membrane extrusion. Dilution tests were conducted in simulated gastric fluids and phosphate-buffered solution of sodium taurocholate to investigate the solubility improvement of FK506. The cellular uptake of nanocarriers was studied in Caco-2 cells, and intestinal mucous membrane penetration in the GI tract was evaluated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Key findings The results showed that β-CD had the strongest binding energy with the guest molecule among the CDs. The prepared FLIC has an average diameter of 180.8 ± 8.1 nm with a spherical shape. The solubility and cellular uptake of FK 506 was greatly improved by the incorporation of CD complexes in the Pluronic F127-modified liposomes. Intestinal mucous membrane penetration was also significantly improved by the preparation of FLIC. Conclusion With improved drug solubility and intestinal mucous membrane penetration, FLIC shows a promising oral delivery system for FK 506. © 2013 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.


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Analysis of protein function in a cellular context ideally requires physiologically representative levels of that protein. Thus conventional nucleic acid-based transfection methods are far from ideal owing to the over expression that generally results. Likewise fusions with protein transduction domains can be problematic whilst delivery via liposomes/nanoparticles typically results in endosomal localisation. Recently polymer microspheres have been reported to be highly effective at delivering proteins into cells and thus provide a viable new alternative for protein delivery (protein transduction). Herein we describe the successful delivery of active ribonuclease A into HeLa cells via novel polymer core-silica shell microspheres. Specifically, poly(styrene-co-vinylbenzylisothiouronium chloride) core particles, generated by dispersion polymerisation, were coated with a poly(styrene-co-trimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate) shell. The resultant core-shell morphology was characterised by transmission electron, scanning electron and fluorescence confocal microscopies, whilst size and surface charge was assessed by dynamic light scattering and zeta-potential measurements, respectively. Subsequently ribonuclease A was coupled to the microspheres using simple carbodiimide chemistry. Gel electrophoresis confirmed and quantified the activity of the immobilised enzyme against purified HeLa RNA. Finally, the polymer-protein particles were evaluated as protein-transduction vectors in vitro to deliver active ribonuclease A to HeLa cells. Cellular uptake of the microspheres was successful and resulted in reduced levels of both intracellular RNA and cell viability.


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Hammerhead ribozymes are potent RNA molecules which have the potential to specifically inhibit gene expression by catalysing the trans-cleavage of mRNAs. However, they are unstable in biological fluids and cellular delivery poses a problem. Site-specific chemical modification of hammerhead ribozymes was evaluated as a means of enhancing biological stability. Chimeric, 2'-O-methylated ribozymes, containing only five unmodified ribonucleotides, were catalytically active in vitro (kcat = 1.46 min-1) and were significantly more stable in serum and lysosomal enzymes than unmodified (all-RNA) counterparts. Furthermore, they remained undegraded in cell-containing media for up to 8 hours. Stability enhancement allowed cellular uptake properties of radiolabelled ribozymes to be assessed following exogenous delivery. Studies in vulval and glial cell lines indicated that chimeric ribozymes became cell-associated via an inefficient process, which was energy and concentration dependant. A considerable proportion of ribozymes remained bound to cell-surface components, however, a small proportion (<1%) were internalised via mechanisms of adsorptive and / or receptor mediated endocytosis. Fluorescent microscopy indicated that ribozymes were localised within endosomal / lysosomal vesicles following cell entry. This was confirmed by immuno-electron microscopy, which allowed the detection of biotin-labelled ribozymes within the cell ultrastructure. Despite the predominant localisation within endocytic vesicles, a small proportion of internalised ribozymes appeared able to exit these compartments and penetrate target sites within the nucleus and cytoplasm. The ribozymes designed in this report were directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor mRNA, which is over-expressed in a malignant brain disease called glioblastoma multiforme. In order to examine the fate of ribozymes in the brain, the distribution of FITC-labelled ribozymes was examined following intra-cerebro ventricular injection to mice. FITC-ribozymes demonstrated high punctate pattern of distribution within the striatum and cortex, which appeared to represent localisation within cell bodies and dendritic processes. This suggested that delivery to glial cells in vivo may be possible. Finally, strategies were investigated to enhance the cellular delivery of ribozymes. Conjugation of ribozymes to anti~transferrin receptor antibodies improved cellular uptake 3-fold as a result of a specific interaction with transferrin receptors. Complexation with cationic liposomes also significantly improved cell association, however, some toxiclty was observed and this could be a limitation to their use. Overall, it would appear that hammerhead ribozymes can be chemically stabilised to allow direct exogenous administration in vivo. However, additional delivery strategies are probably required to improve cellular uptake, and thus, allow ribozymes to achieve their full potential as pharmaceutical agents. KEYWORDS: Catalytic


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The efficient transport of micron-sized beads into cells, via a non-endocytosis mediated mechanism, has only recently been described. As such there is considerable scope for optimization and exploitation of this procedure to enable imaging and sensing applications to be realized. Herein, we report the design, synthesis and characterization of fluorescent microsphere-based cellular delivery agents that can also carry biological cargoes. These core-shell polymer microspheres possess two distinct chemical environments; the core is hydrophobic and can be labeled with fluorescent dye, to permit visual tracking of the microsphere during and after cellular delivery, whilst the outer shell renders the external surfaces of the microspheres hydrophilic, thus facilitating both bioconjugation and cellular compatibility. Cross-linked core particles were prepared in a dispersion polymerization reaction employing styrene, divinylbenzene and a thiol-functionalized co-monomer. These core particles were then shelled in a seeded emulsion polymerization reaction, employing styrene, divinylbenzene and methacrylic acid, to generate orthogonally functionalized core-shell microspheres which were internally labeled via the core thiol moieties through reaction with a thiol reactive dye (DY630-maleimide). Following internal labeling, bioconjugation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to their carboxyl-functionalized surfaces was successfully accomplished using standard coupling protocols. The resultant dual-labeled microspheres were visualized by both of the fully resolvable fluorescence emissions of their cores (DY630) and shells (GFP). In vitro cellular uptake of these microspheres by HeLa cells was demonstrated conventionally by fluorescence-based flow cytometry, whilst MTT assays demonstrated that 92% of HeLa cells remained viable after uptake. Due to their size and surface functionalities, these far-red-labeled microspheres are ideal candidates for in vitro, cellular delivery of proteins, as described in the accompanying paper.


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The development of cationic liposomes for gene delivery has been ongoing for almost 20 years; however, despite extensive efforts to develop a successful therapeutic agent, there has been limited progress towards generating an effective pharmaceutical product. Since the introduction of N-(1-[2,3-dioley-loxy]propyl)-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride, an immense number of different cationic lipids have been synthesised and used to formulate cationic liposome - DNA complexes. Structural modification of the cationic lipids and the addition of components within the delivery system that can facilitate the fusion, cellular uptake and targeting of liposome - DNA complexes have all been used in a bid to enhance their transfection efficiency. Unfortunately, the overall impact of these improvements is still nominal, with the vast majority of clinical trials (∼ 85%) continuing to rely on more potent viral delivery of DNA despite their associated toxicity issues. Key characteristics of the most effective cationic liposomes for the delivery of plasmid DNA (from a consensus of the literature) is identified here and the problems of converting these attributes into an effective pharmaceutical product are outlined. © 2006 Informa UK Ltd.


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The use of cationic liposomes as experimental adjuvants for subunit peptide of protein vaccines is well documented. Recently the cationic liposome CAF01, composed of dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose dibehenate (TDB), has entered Phase I clinical trials for use in a tuberculosis (TB) vaccine. CAF01 liposomes are a heterogeneous population with a mean vesicle size of 500 nm; a strong retention of antigen at the injection site and a Th1-biassed immune response are noted. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether CAF01 liposomes of significantly different vesicle sizes exhibited altered pharmacokinetics in vivo and cellular uptake with activation in vitro. Furthermore, the immune response against the TB antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 was followed when various sized CAF01 liposomes were used as vaccine adjuvants. The results showed no differences in vaccine (liposome or antigen) draining from the injection site, however, significant differences in the movement of liposomes to the popliteal lymph node were noted. Liposome uptake by THP-1 vitamin D3 stimulated macrophage-like cells did not show a liposome size-dependent pattern of uptake. Finally, whilst there were no significant differences in the IgG1/2 regardless of the liposome size used as a delivery vehicle for Ag85B-ESAT-6, vesicle size has a size dependent effect on cell proliferation and IL-10 production with larger liposomes (in excess of 2 µm) promoting the highest proliferation and lowest IL-10 responses, yet vesicles of ~500 nm promoting higher IFN-? cytokine production from splenocytes and higher IL-1ß at the site of injection.


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The advent of DNA vaccines has heralded a new technology allowing the design and elicitation of immune responses more adequate for a wider range of pathogens. The formulation of these vaccines into the desired dosage forms extends their capability in terms of stability, routes of administration and efficacy. This thesis describes an investigation into the fabrication of plasmid DNA, the active principle of DNA vaccines, into microspheres, based on the tenet of an increased cellular uptake of microparticulate matter by phagocytic cells. The formulation of plasmid DNA into microspheres using two methods, is presented. Formulation of microspheric plasmid DNA using the double emulsion solvent evaporation method and a spray-drying method was explored. The former approach involves formation of a double emulsion, by homogenisation. This method produced microspheres of uniform size and smooth morphology, but had a detrimental effect on the formulated DNA. The spray-drying method resulted in microspheres with an improved preservation of DNA stability. The use of polyethylenimine (PEI) and stearylamine (SA) as agents in the microspheric formulation of plasmid DNA is a novel approach to DNA vaccine design. Using these molecules as model positively-charged agents, their influence on the characteristics of the microspheric formulations was investigated. PEI improved the entrapment efficiency of the plasmid DNA in microspheres, and has minimal effect on either the surface charge, morphology or size distribution of the formulations. Stearylamine effected an increase in the entrapment efficiency and stability of the plasmid DNA and its effect on the micropshere morphology was dependent on the method of preparation. The differences in the effects of the two molecules on microsphere formulations may be attributable to their dissimilar physico-chemical properties. PEI is water-soluble and highly-branched, while SA is hydrophobic and amphipathic. The positive charge of both molecules is imparted by amine functional groups. Preliminary data on the in vivo application of formulated DNA vaccine, using hepatitis B plasmid, showed superior humoral responses to the formulated antigen, compared with free (unformulated) antigen.


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The passage number and origin of two populations of Caco-2 cells influence their enterocyte-like characteristics. Caco-2 cells of passage number >90 from Novartis pharmaceutical company possess higher levels of expression of alkaline phosphatase and P-glycoprotein and a greater cellular uptake of Gly-1.-Pro than those of passage number <40 from the American Type Tissue Culture collection. High P-gp expressing Caco-2 cells have been developed through stepwise selection of the cells with doxonibicin. This newly-developed cell line (hereafter referred to as Type I) possesses approximately twice as much P-gp protein than non-exposed cells, restricts the transepithelial transport of vincristine in the apical-to-basolateral direction whilst facilitating its transport in the reverse direction and accumulates less vincristine than non-exposed cells. There is no apparent evidence of the co-existence of the multidrug resistance protein (MIT) in Type I cells to account for the above-listed observations. Stopping the exposure for more than 28 days decreases the P-gp protein expression in previously doxorubicin-exposed Type I Caco-2 cells and reduces the magnitude of vincristine transepithelial fluxes in both directions to the levels that are almost similar to those of non-exposed cells. Exposing Caco-2 cells to 0.25 JAM la, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 induces their expression of cytochrome P450 3A4 protein to the level that is equivalent to that from isolated human jejunal cells. Under the same treatment, doxorubiein-exposed (Type I) cells metabolise naidazolam poorly and less extensively compared to non-exposed cells, suggesting that there is no such co-regulation of P-gp and CYP3A4 in Caco-2 cells. However, there is evidence which suggests CYP3A metabolises mida_zolam into 1- and 4-hydroxymidazolam, the latter may possibly be a P-gp substrate and is transported extracellularly by P-gp, supporting the hypothesis of P-gp-CYP3A4 synergistic roles in keeping xenobiotics out of the body. Doxoru.bicin-exposed (Type I) cells are less effective in translocating L-proline and glycyl-L-proline across the cell mono layers.


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The efficacy of antisense oligonucleotide (ODN) therapy is dependent on four major parameters: delivery to cells, intracellular stability and localisation and efficient action at the target site.The aim of this project was to study the delivery of ODNs to macrophages and to assess the stability of two ODN conjugates, in vitro. The first conjugate aimed to improve uptake of ODNs via mannose receptor mediated delivery, the second investigated the improved delivery of ODN conjugates via non-specific lipophilic interaction with the cell membrane. A mono-mannose phosphoramidite derivative was designed and synthesised and a mono-mannose ODN conjugate synthesised by standard phosphoramidite chemistry. Delivery of this conjugate was enhanced to RAW264.7 and J774 macrophage cell lines via a mechanism of receptor mediated endocytosis. The delivery of three lipophilic ODN conjugates, cholesterol (cholhex), 16-carbon alkyl chain (C16) and hexa-ethylene glycol (HEG) moieties and an unconjugated ODN were assessed in RAW264.7 macrophages. All three conjugates increased the lipophilicity of the ODN as assessed from partition coefficient data. Both the cholhex and unconjugated ODNs were found to have higher degrees of cellular association than the C16 and HEG conjugates. Cellular uptake studies implicated internalisation of these ODNs by an adsorptive endocytosis mechanism. Following endocytosis, ODNs must remain stable during their residence in endosomal/lysosomal compartments prior to exiting and exerting their biological action in either the cytosol or nucleus. Assessment of in vitro stability in a lysosomal extract revealed the cholhex conjugate and unconjugated ODNs to have a longer half-life than the C16 and HEG conjugated ODNs, highlighting the influence of conjugate moieties on lysosomal stability. The effects of base composition and length on stability in a lysosomal extract revealed the longest half-life for homo-cytidine ODNs and ODNs over 20 nucleotides in length. These studies suggest that the above conjugates can enhance cellular association and delivery of antisense ODNs to cultured macrophages. This may lead to their use in treating disorders such as HIV infection, which affects this cell type.


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Antisense oligonucleotides (AODNs) can selectively inhibit individual gene expression by binding specifically to rnRNA. The over-expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been observed in human breast and glioblastoma tumours and therefore AODNs designed to target the EGFR would be a logical approach to treat such tumours. However, poor pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic and cellular uptake properties of AODNs have limited their potential to become successful therapeutic agents. Biodegradable polymeric poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (P(LA-GA)) and dendrimer delivery systems may allow us to overcome these problems. The use of combination therapy of AODNs and cytotoxic agents such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in biodegradable polymeric formulations may further improve therapeutic efficacy. AODN and 5-FU were either co-entrapped in a single microsphere formulation or individually entrapped in two separate microsphere formulations (double emulsion method) and release profiles determined in vitro. The release rates (biphasic) of the two agents were significantly slower when co-entrapped as a single microsphere formulation compared to those obtained with the separate formulations. Sustained release over 35 days was observed in both types of formulation. Naked and microsphere-loaded AODN and 5-FU (in separate formulations) were tested on an A431 vulval carcinoma cell line. Combining naked or encapsulated drugs produced a greater reduction in viable cell number as compared with either agent alone. However, controls and Western blotting indicated that non-sequence specific cytotoxic effects were responsible for the differences in viable cell number. The uptake properties of an anionic dendrimer based on a pentaerythritol structure covalently linked to AODNs (targeting the EGFR) have been characterised. The cellular uptake of AODN linked to the dendrimer was up to 3.5-fold higher in A431 cells as compared to naked AODN. Mechanistic studies suggested that receptor-mediated and adsorptive (binding protein-mediated) endocytosis were the predominant uptake mechanisms for the dendrimer-AODN. RNase H cleavage assay suggested that the dendrimer-AODN was able to bind and cleave the target site. A reduction of 20%, 28% and 45% in EGFR expression was observed with 0.05μM, 0.1μM and 0.5μM dendrimer-AODN treatments respectively with a reduction in viable cell number. These results indicated that the dendrimer delivery system may reduce viable cell number by an antisense specific mechanism.


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Discovering the function of an unknown protein, particularly one with neither structural nor functional correlates, is a daunting task. Interaction analyses determine binding partners, whereas DNA transfection, either transient or stable, leads to intracellular expression, though not necessarily at physiologically relevant levels. In theory, direct intracellular protein delivery (protein transduction) provides a conceptually simpler alternative, but in practice the approach is problematic. Domains such as HIV TAT protein are valuable, but their effectiveness is protein specific. Similarly, the delivery of intact proteins via endocytic pathways (e.g. using liposomes) is problematic for functional analysis because of the potential for protein degradation in the endosomes/lysosomes. Consequently, recent reports that microspheres can deliver bio-cargoes into cells via a non-endocytic, energy-independent pathway offer an exciting and promising alternative for in vitro delivery of functional protein. In order for such promise to be fully exploited, microspheres are required that (i) are stably linked to proteins, (ii) can deliver those proteins with good efficiency, (iii) release functional protein once inside the cells, and (iv) permit concomitant tracking. Herein, we report the application of microspheres to successfully address all of these criteria simultaneously, for the first time. After cellular uptake, protein release was autocatalyzed by the reducing cytoplasmic environment. Outside of cells, the covalent microsphere-protein linkage was stable for ≥90 h at 37°C. Using conservative methods of estimation, 74.3% ± 5.6% of cells were shown to take up these microspheres after 24 h of incubation, with the whole process of delivery and intracellular protein release occurring within 36 h. Intended for in vitro functional protein research, this approach will enable study of the consequences of protein delivery at physiologically relevant levels, without recourse to nucleic acids, and offers a useful alternative to commercial protein transfection reagents such as Chariot™. We also provide clear immunostaining evidence to resolve residual controversy surrounding FACS-based assessment of microsphere uptake. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc.


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Aims: Oestrogens are known to act on a number of tissues throughout the body via classical oestrogen receptors, alpha (ER-a) and beta (ER-beta). Previous research has shown that oestrogens can regulate skeletal muscle glucose uptake cellular proliferation. Thus, oestrogens and related molecules provide an interesting focus for research into possible therapies for the treatment of metabolic disorders and sarcopenia. Enterodiol and enterolactone are plant derived mammalian enterolignans which share a struc- tural similarity to the human oestrogen oestradiol. Methods: In the present study we incubated the differentiated rat skeletal muscle cell line L6 concentration ranges of both com- pounds in the presence/absence of oestrogen receptor antagonists and measured glucose uptake using the non-metabolised glucose analogue 2-NBDG. Cellular proliferation was also measured using a modified MTS assay. Results: Enterolactone was seen to cause a significant increase in cellular proliferation after 48h (a maximal 25% at 0.1nmol/l), in an ER-a dependent mechanism. Incubation with 10nmol/l and 100nmol/l enterodiol caused significant increases in 2-NBDG (5000% compared with control, p < 0.001) and 2h glucose depletion from media (15% increase compared with control, p < 0.05), also in an ER-a dependent way. These results suggest these dietary derived oestrogen-like molecules might be of potential use in targeting metabolic disorders or sarcopenia. Conclusion: We can report here that the phytoestrogen derived molecules enterodiol and enterolactone interact with ER-a in the myotubes to regulate glucose uptake and cellular proliferation respectively.


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Gram-positive bacteria possess a permeable cell wall that usually does not restrict the penetration of antimicrobials. However, resistance due to restricted penetration can occur, as illustrated by vancomycin-intermediate resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (VISA) which produce a markedly thickened cell wall. Alterations in these strains include increased amounts of nonamidated glutamine residues in the peptidoglycan and it is suggested that the resistance mechanism involves 'affinity trapping' of vancomycin in the thickened cell wall. VISA strains have reduced doubling times, lower sensitivity to lysostaphin and reduced autolytic activity, which may reflect changes in the D-alanyl ester content of the wall and membrane teichoic acids. Mycobacterial cell walls have a high lipid content, which is assumed to act as a major barrier to the penetration of antimicrobial agents. Relatively hydrophobic antibiotics such as rifampicin and fluoroquinolones may be able to cross the cell wall by diffusion through the hydrophobic bilayer composed of long chain length mycolic acids and glycolipids. Hydrophilic antibiotics and nutrients cannot diffuse across this layer and are thought to use porin channels which have been reported in many species of mycobacteria. The occurrence of porins in a lipid bilayer supports the view that the mycobacterial wall has an outer membrane analogous to that of gram-negative bacteria. However, mycobacterial porins are much less abundant than in the gram-negative outer membrane and allow only low rates of uptake for small hydrophilic nutrients and antibiotics.