24 resultados para bayesian learning
em Aston University Research Archive
In recent years there has been an increased interest in applying non-parametric methods to real-world problems. Significant research has been devoted to Gaussian processes (GPs) due to their increased flexibility when compared with parametric models. These methods use Bayesian learning, which generally leads to analytically intractable posteriors. This thesis proposes a two-step solution to construct a probabilistic approximation to the posterior. In the first step we adapt the Bayesian online learning to GPs: the final approximation to the posterior is the result of propagating the first and second moments of intermediate posteriors obtained by combining a new example with the previous approximation. The propagation of em functional forms is solved by showing the existence of a parametrisation to posterior moments that uses combinations of the kernel function at the training points, transforming the Bayesian online learning of functions into a parametric formulation. The drawback is the prohibitive quadratic scaling of the number of parameters with the size of the data, making the method inapplicable to large datasets. The second step solves the problem of the exploding parameter size and makes GPs applicable to arbitrarily large datasets. The approximation is based on a measure of distance between two GPs, the KL-divergence between GPs. This second approximation is with a constrained GP in which only a small subset of the whole training dataset is used to represent the GP. This subset is called the em Basis Vector, or BV set and the resulting GP is a sparse approximation to the true posterior. As this sparsity is based on the KL-minimisation, it is probabilistic and independent of the way the posterior approximation from the first step is obtained. We combine the sparse approximation with an extension to the Bayesian online algorithm that allows multiple iterations for each input and thus approximating a batch solution. The resulting sparse learning algorithm is a generic one: for different problems we only change the likelihood. The algorithm is applied to a variety of problems and we examine its performance both on more classical regression and classification tasks and to the data-assimilation and a simple density estimation problems.
Efficient new Bayesian inference technique is employed for studying critical properties of the Ising linear perceptron and for signal detection in code division multiple access (CDMA). The approach is based on a recently introduced message passing technique for densely connected systems. Here we study both critical and non-critical regimes. Results obtained in the non-critical regime give rise to a highly efficient signal detection algorithm in the context of CDMA; while in the critical regime one observes a first-order transition line that ends in a continuous phase transition point. Finite size effects are also studied. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Online learning is discussed from the viewpoint of Bayesian statistical inference. By replacing the true posterior distribution with a simpler parametric distribution, one can define an online algorithm by a repetition of two steps: An update of the approximate posterior, when a new example arrives, and an optimal projection into the parametric family. Choosing this family to be Gaussian, we show that the algorithm achieves asymptotic efficiency. An application to learning in single layer neural networks is given.
We propose and analyze two different Bayesian online algorithms for learning in discrete Hidden Markov Models and compare their performance with the already known Baldi-Chauvin Algorithm. Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence as a measure of generalization we draw learning curves in simplified situations for these algorithms and compare their performances.
Neural network learning rules can be viewed as statistical estimators. They should be studied in Bayesian framework even if they are not Bayesian estimators. Generalisation should be measured by the divergence between the true distribution and the estimated distribution. Information divergences are invariant measurements of the divergence between two distributions. The posterior average information divergence is used to measure the generalisation ability of a network. The optimal estimators for multinomial distributions with Dirichlet priors are studied in detail. This confirms that the definition is compatible with intuition. The results also show that many commonly used methods can be put under this unified framework, by assume special priors and special divergences.
A family of measurements of generalisation is proposed for estimators of continuous distributions. In particular, they apply to neural network learning rules associated with continuous neural networks. The optimal estimators (learning rules) in this sense are Bayesian decision methods with information divergence as loss function. The Bayesian framework guarantees internal coherence of such measurements, while the information geometric loss function guarantees invariance. The theoretical solution for the optimal estimator is derived by a variational method. It is applied to the family of Gaussian distributions and the implications are discussed. This is one in a series of technical reports on this topic; it generalises the results of ¸iteZhu95:prob.discrete to continuous distributions and serve as a concrete example of a larger picture ¸iteZhu95:generalisation.
The problem of evaluating different learning rules and other statistical estimators is analysed. A new general theory of statistical inference is developed by combining Bayesian decision theory with information geometry. It is coherent and invariant. For each sample a unique ideal estimate exists and is given by an average over the posterior. An optimal estimate within a model is given by a projection of the ideal estimate. The ideal estimate is a sufficient statistic of the posterior, so practical learning rules are functions of the ideal estimator. If the sole purpose of learning is to extract information from the data, the learning rule must also approximate the ideal estimator. This framework is applicable to both Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods, with arbitrary statistical models, and to supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning schemes.
We propose a Bayesian framework for regression problems, which covers areas which are usually dealt with by function approximation. An online learning algorithm is derived which solves regression problems with a Kalman filter. Its solution always improves with increasing model complexity, without the risk of over-fitting. In the infinite dimension limit it approaches the true Bayesian posterior. The issues of prior selection and over-fitting are also discussed, showing that some of the commonly held beliefs are misleading. The practical implementation is summarised. Simulations using 13 popular publicly available data sets are used to demonstrate the method and highlight important issues concerning the choice of priors.
Bayesian techniques have been developed over many years in a range of different fields, but have only recently been applied to the problem of learning in neural networks. As well as providing a consistent framework for statistical pattern recognition, the Bayesian approach offers a number of practical advantages including a potential solution to the problem of over-fitting. This chapter aims to provide an introductory overview of the application of Bayesian methods to neural networks. It assumes the reader is familiar with standard feed-forward network models and how to train them using conventional techniques.
Bayesian techniques have been developed over many years in a range of different fields, but have only recently been applied to the problem of learning in neural networks. As well as providing a consistent framework for statistical pattern recognition, the Bayesian approach offers a number of practical advantages including a potential solution to the problem of over-fitting. This chapter aims to provide an introductory overview of the application of Bayesian methods to neural networks. It assumes the reader is familiar with standard feed-forward network models and how to train them using conventional techniques.
We are concerned with the problem of image segmentation in which each pixel is assigned to one of a predefined finite number of classes. In Bayesian image analysis, this requires fusing together local predictions for the class labels with a prior model of segmentations. Markov Random Fields (MRFs) have been used to incorporate some of this prior knowledge, but this not entirely satisfactory as inference in MRFs is NP-hard. The multiscale quadtree model of Bouman and Shapiro (1994) is an attractive alternative, as this is a tree-structured belief network in which inference can be carried out in linear time (Pearl 1988). It is an hierarchical model where the bottom-level nodes are pixels, and higher levels correspond to downsampled versions of the image. The conditional-probability tables (CPTs) in the belief network encode the knowledge of how the levels interact. In this paper we discuss two methods of learning the CPTs given training data, using (a) maximum likelihood and the EM algorithm and (b) emphconditional maximum likelihood (CML). Segmentations obtained using networks trained by CML show a statistically-significant improvement in performance on synthetic images. We also demonstrate the methods on a real-world outdoor-scene segmentation task.
On-line learning is one of the most powerful and commonly used techniques for training large layered networks and has been used successfully in many real-world applications. Traditional analytical methods have been recently complemented by ones from statistical physics and Bayesian statistics. This powerful combination of analytical methods provides more insight and deeper understanding of existing algorithms and leads to novel and principled proposals for their improvement. This book presents a coherent picture of the state-of-the-art in the theoretical analysis of on-line learning. An introduction relates the subject to other developments in neural networks and explains the overall picture. Surveys by leading experts in the field combine new and established material and enable non-experts to learn more about the techniques and methods used. This book, the first in the area, provides a comprehensive view of the subject and will be welcomed by mathematicians, scientists and engineers, whether in industry or academia.
The assessment of the reliability of systems which learn from data is a key issue to investigate thoroughly before the actual application of information processing techniques to real-world problems. Over the recent years Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks have come to the fore and in this thesis their generalisation capabilities are analysed from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Upper and lower bounds on the learning curve of Gaussian processes are investigated in order to estimate the amount of data required to guarantee a certain level of generalisation performance. In this thesis we analyse the effects on the bounds and the learning curve induced by the smoothness of stochastic processes described by four different covariance functions. We also explain the early, linearly-decreasing behaviour of the curves and we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the upper bounds. The effect of the noise and the characteristic lengthscale of the stochastic process on the tightness of the bounds are also discussed. The analysis is supported by several numerical simulations. The generalisation error of a Gaussian process is affected by the dimension of the input vector and may be decreased by input-variable reduction techniques. In conventional approaches to Gaussian process regression, the positive definite matrix estimating the distance between input points is often taken diagonal. In this thesis we show that a general distance matrix is able to estimate the effective dimensionality of the regression problem as well as to discover the linear transformation from the manifest variables to the hidden-feature space, with a significant reduction of the input dimension. Numerical simulations confirm the significant superiority of the general distance matrix with respect to the diagonal one.In the thesis we also present an empirical investigation of the generalisation errors of neural networks trained by two Bayesian algorithms, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method and the evidence framework; the neural networks have been trained on the task of labelling segmented outdoor images.
Control design for stochastic uncertain nonlinear systems is traditionally based on minimizing the expected value of a suitably chosen loss function. Moreover, most control methods usually assume the certainty equivalence principle to simplify the problem and make it computationally tractable. We offer an improved probabilistic framework which is not constrained by these previous assumptions, and provides a more natural framework for incorporating and dealing with uncertainty. The focus of this paper is on developing this framework to obtain an optimal control law strategy using a fully probabilistic approach for information extraction from process data, which does not require detailed knowledge of system dynamics. Moreover, the proposed control method framework allows handling the problem of input-dependent noise. A basic paradigm is proposed and the resulting algorithm is discussed. The proposed probabilistic control method is for the general nonlinear class of discrete-time systems. It is demonstrated theoretically on the affine class. A nonlinear simulation example is also provided to validate theoretical development.
We developed a parallel strategy for learning optimally specific realizable rules by perceptrons, in an online learning scenario. Our result is a generalization of the Caticha–Kinouchi (CK) algorithm developed for learning a perceptron with a synaptic vector drawn from a uniform distribution over the N-dimensional sphere, so called the typical case. Our method outperforms the CK algorithm in almost all possible situations, failing only in a denumerable set of cases. The algorithm is optimal in the sense that it saturates Bayesian bounds when it succeeds.