18 resultados para automatic target detection

em Aston University Research Archive


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The orientations of lines and edges are important in defining the structure of the visual environment, and observers can detect differences in line orientation within the first few hundred milliseconds of scene viewing. The present work is a psychophysical investigation of the mechanisms of early visual orientation-processing. In experiments with briefly presented displays of line elements, observers indicated whether all the elements were uniformly oriented or whether a uniquely oriented target was present among uniformly oriented nontargets. The minimum difference between nontarget and target orientations that was required for effective target-detection (the orientation increment threshold) varied little with the number of elements and their spatial density, but the percentage of correct responses in detection of a large orientation-difference increased with increasing element density. The differing variations with element density of thresholds and percent-correct scores may indicate the operation of more than one mechanism in early visual orientation-processIng. Reducing element length caused threshold to increase with increasing number of elements, showing that the effectiveness of rapid, spatially parallel orientation-processing depends on element length. Orientational anisotropy in line-target detection has been reported previously: a coarse periodic variation and some finer variations in orientation increment threshold with nontarget orientation have been found. In the present work, the prominence of the coarse variation in relation to finer variations decreased with increasing effective viewing duration, as if the operation of coarse orientation-processing mechanisms precedes the operation of finer ones. Orientational anisotropy was prominent even when observers lay horizontally and viewed displays by looking upwards through a black cylinder that excluded all possible visual references for orientation. So, gravitational and visual cues are not essential to the definition of an orientational reference frame for early vision, and such a reference can be well defined by retinocentric neural coding, awareness of body-axis orientation, or both.


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Task classification is introduced as a method for the evaluation of monitoring behaviour in different task situations. On the basis of an analysis of different monitoring tasks, a task classification system comprising four task 'dimensions' is proposed. The perceptual speed and flexibility of closure categories, which are identified with signal discrimination type, comprise the principal dimension in this taxonomy, the others being sense modality, the time course of events, and source complexity. It is also proposed that decision theory provides the most complete method for the analysis of performance in monitoring tasks. Several different aspects of decision theory in relation to monitoring behaviour are described. A method is also outlined whereby both accuracy and latency measures of performance may be analysed within the same decision theory framework. Eight experiments and an organizational study are reported. The results show that a distinction can be made between the perceptual efficiency (sensitivity) of a monitor and his criterial level of response, and that in most monitoring situations, there is no decrement in efficiency over the work period, but an increase in the strictness of the response criterion. The range of tasks exhibiting either or both of these performance trends can be specified within the task classification system. In particular, it is shown that a sensitivity decrement is only obtained for 'speed' tasks with a high stimulation rate. A distinctive feature of 'speed' tasks is that target detection requires the discrimination of a change in a stimulus relative to preceding stimuli, whereas in 'closure' tasks, the information required for the discrimination of targets is presented at the same point In time. In the final study, the specification of tasks yielding sensitivity decrements is shown to be consistent with a task classification analysis of the monitoring literature. It is also demonstrated that the signal type dimension has a major influence on the consistency of individual differences in performance in different tasks. The results provide an empirical validation for the 'speed' and 'closure' categories, and suggest that individual differences are not completely task specific but are dependent on the demands common to different tasks. Task classification is therefore shovn to enable improved generalizations to be made of the factors affecting 1) performance trends over time, and 2) the consistencv of performance in different tasks. A decision theory analysis of response latencies is shown to support the view that criterion shifts are obtained in some tasks, while sensitivity shifts are obtained in others. The results of a psychophysiological study also suggest that evoked potential latency measures may provide temporal correlates of criterion shifts in monitoring tasks. Among other results, the finding that the latencies of negative responses do not increase over time is taken to invalidate arousal-based theories of performance trends over a work period. An interpretation in terms of expectancy, however, provides a more reliable explanation of criterion shifts. Although the mechanisms underlying the sensitivity decrement are not completely clear, the results rule out 'unitary' theories such as observing response and coupling theory. It is suggested that an interpretation in terms of the memory data limitations on information processing provides the most parsimonious explanation of all the results in the literature relating to sensitivity decrement. Task classification therefore enables the refinement and selection of theories of monitoring behaviour in terms of their reliability in generalizing predictions to a wide range of tasks. It is thus concluded that task classification and decision theory provide a reliable basis for the assessment and analysis of monitoring behaviour in different task situations.


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Web APIs have gained increasing popularity in recent Web service technology development owing to its simplicity of technology stack and the proliferation of mashups. However, efficiently discovering Web APIs and the relevant documentations on the Web is still a challenging task even with the best resources available on the Web. In this paper we cast the problem of detecting the Web API documentations as a text classification problem of classifying a given Web page as Web API associated or not. We propose a supervised generative topic model called feature latent Dirichlet allocation (feaLDA) which offers a generic probabilistic framework for automatic detection of Web APIs. feaLDA not only captures the correspondence between data and the associated class labels, but also provides a mechanism for incorporating side information such as labelled features automatically learned from data that can effectively help improving classification performance. Extensive experiments on our Web APIs documentation dataset shows that the feaLDA model outperforms three strong supervised baselines including naive Bayes, support vector machines, and the maximum entropy model, by over 3% in classification accuracy. In addition, feaLDA also gives superior performance when compared against other existing supervised topic models.


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This paper, addresses the problem of novelty detection in the case that the observed data is a mixture of a known 'background' process contaminated with an unknown other process, which generates the outliers, or novel observations. The framework we describe here is quite general, employing univariate classification with incomplete information, based on knowledge of the distribution (the 'probability density function', 'pdf') of the data generated by the 'background' process. The relative proportion of this 'background' component (the 'prior' 'background' 'probability), the 'pdf' and the 'prior' probabilities of all other components are all assumed unknown. The main contribution is a new classification scheme that identifies the maximum proportion of observed data following the known 'background' distribution. The method exploits the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to estimate the proportions, and afterwards data are Bayes optimally separated. Results, demonstrated with synthetic data, show that this approach can produce more reliable results than a standard novelty detection scheme. The classification algorithm is then applied to the problem of identifying outliers in the SIC2004 data set, in order to detect the radioactive release simulated in the 'oker' data set. We propose this method as a reliable means of novelty detection in the emergency situation which can also be used to identify outliers prior to the application of a more general automatic mapping algorithm. © Springer-Verlag 2007.


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The initial image-processing stages of visual cortex are well suited to a local (patchwise) analysis of the viewed scene. But the world's structures extend over space as textures and surfaces, suggesting the need for spatial integration. Most models of contrast vision fall shy of this process because (i) the weak area summation at detection threshold is attributed to probability summation (PS) and (ii) there is little or no advantage of area well above threshold. Both of these views are challenged here. First, it is shown that results at threshold are consistent with linear summation of contrast following retinal inhomogeneity, spatial filtering, nonlinear contrast transduction and multiple sources of additive Gaussian noise. We suggest that the suprathreshold loss of the area advantage in previous studies is due to a concomitant increase in suppression from the pedestal. To overcome this confound, a novel stimulus class is designed where: (i) the observer operates on a constant retinal area, (ii) the target area is controlled within this summation field, and (iii) the pedestal is fixed in size. Using this arrangement, substantial summation is found along the entire masking function, including the region of facilitation. Our analysis shows that PS and uncertainty cannot account for the results, and that suprathreshold summation of contrast extends over at least seven target cycles of grating. © 2007 The Royal Society.


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Using an optical biosensor based on a dual-peak long-period fiber grating, we have demonstrated the detection of interactions between biomolecules in real time. Silanization of the grating surface was successfully realized for the covalent immobilization of probe DNA, which was subsequently hybridized with the complementary target DNA sequence. It is interesting to note that the DNA biosensor was reusable after being stripped off the hybridized target DNA from the grating surface, demonstrating a function of multiple usability.


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The use of fixation points (FPs) in visual psychophysics is common practice, though the costs and benefits of different fixation regimens have not been compared. Here we investigate the influence of several different types of FP configurations on the contrast detection of patches of sine-wave gratings. We find that for small targets (1°), the addition of a superimposed central FP can increase thresholds by a factor of 1.3 (2.5 dB) in comparison with no FP, and a factor of 1.5 (3.6 dB) in comparison with FPs that surround the target. These results are consistent with (i) a suppressive influence on the central region of the target from a central FP, and (ii) facilitatory influences from surrounding FPs. Our analysis of the slope of the psychometric function suggests that the facilitatory influence is not due to reduction of uncertainty. Plausible candidate causes for the facilitation are: (i) sensory interactions, (ii) aids to ocular accommodation and convergence, (iii) a reduction in eye-movements and (iv) more accurate placement of the observer’s window of attention. Masking by a central FP is not found for the suprathreshold task of contrast discrimination, suggesting that the masking effects of pedestal and FP do not combine linearly. This means that estimates of the level of masking produced by a contrast pedestal can depend on the details of the fixation point.


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The subject of investigation of the present research is the use of smart hydrogels with fibre optic sensor technology. The aim was to develop a costeffective sensor platform for the detection of water in hydrocarbon media, and of dissolved inorganic analytes, namely potassium, calcium and aluminium. The fibre optic sensors in this work depend upon the use of hydrogels to either entrap chemotropic agents or to respond to external environmental changes, by changing their inherent properties, such as refractive index (RI). A review of current fibre optic technology for sensing outlined that the main principles utilised are either the measurement of signal loss or a change in wavelength of the light transmitted through the system. The signal loss principle relies on changing the conditions required for total internal reflection to occur. Hydrogels are cross-linked polymer networks that swell but do not dissolve in aqueous environments. Smart hydrogels are synthetic materials that exhibit additional properties to those inherent in their structure. In order to control the non-inherent properties, the hydrogels were fabricated with the addition of chemotropic agents. For the detection of water, hydrogels of low refractive index were synthesized using fluorinated monomers. Sulfonated monomers were used for their extreme hydrophilicity as a means of water sensing through an RI change. To enhance the sensing capability of the hydrogel, chemotropic agents, such as pH indicators and cobalt salts, were used. The system comprises of the smart hydrogel coated onto an exposed section of the fibre optic core, connected to the interrogation system measuring the difference in the signal. Information obtained was analysed using a purpose designed software. The developed sensor platform showed that an increase in the target species caused an increase in the signal lost from the sensor system, allowing for a detection of the target species. The system has potential applications in areas such as clinical point of care, water detection in fuels and the detection of dissolved ions in the water industry.


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We implement an optical biosensor using long-period fibre grating immobilised with probe DNA. It has been used to detect hybridisation of target DNA, showing a high sensitivity and reusability function.


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Many factors can be, and have been, attributed to the appearance of complications in lens wear, but the greatest is associated with deposition. Reduced acuity, irritation and inflammatory responses are often referred to as adverse reactions arising as a result of deposition. In this study, particular attention was paid to the potential role of adsorbed proteins in activating, mediating and/or stimulating a host immune response, i.e., the hypothesis that the adsorption of certain proteins from the tears and ocular surfaces may actively affect successful lens wear. In particular, the purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of a group of proteins previously undiscovered in the ocular environment. The intention was to target a family of proteins/glycoproteins that have become prominent recently in a variety of inflammatory responses and disorders at many other mucosal associated sites around the body, e.g. in nasal rhinitis and in joint inflammation. The protein cascade in question is the kinin family of inflammatory mediators. The aim was to investigate their presence in the ocular environment, specifically in relation to contact lens wear, and consequently assess the implications of their discovery. High molecular weight kininogen (HMWK), with its central role in kinin responses, was investigated initially as the marker of kinin activity, with subsequent members examined thereafter.


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We implement an optical biosensor using long-period fibre grating immobilised with probe DNA. It has been used to detect hybridisation of target DNA, showing a high sensitivity and reusability function.


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Using an optical biosensor based on a dual-peak long-period fiber grating, we have demonstrated the detection of interactions between biomolecules in real time. Silanization of the grating surface was successfully realized for the covalent immobilization of probe DNA, which was subsequently hybridized with the complementary target DNA sequence. It is interesting to note that the DNA biosensor was reusable after being stripped off the hybridized target DNA from the grating surface, demonstrating a function of multiple usability. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Congenital nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations, that can arise since the first months of life. Pathogenesis of congenital nystagmus is still under investigation. In general, CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, image stabilisation is still achieved during the short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recording are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyse nystagmus main features such as shape, amplitude and frequency. Using eye movement recording, it is also possible to compute estimated visual acuity predictors: analytical functions which estimates expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Use of those functions add information to typical visual acuity measurement (e.g. Landolt C test) and could be a support for therapy planning or monitoring. This study focus on robust detection of CN patients' foveations. Specifically, it proposes a method to recognize the exact signal tracts in which a subject foveates, This paper also analyses foveation sequences. About 50 eyemovement recordings, either infrared-oculographic or electrooculographic, from different CN subjects were acquired. Results suggest that an exponential interpolation for the slow phases of nystagmus could improve foveation time computing and reduce influence of breaking saccades and data noise. Moreover a concise description of foveation sequence variability can be achieved using non-fitting splines. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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Contemporary models of contrast integration across space assume that pooling operates uniformly over the target region. For sparse stimuli, where high contrast regions are separated by areas containing no signal, this strategy may be sub-optimal because it pools more noise than signal as area increases. Little is known about the behaviour of human observers for detecting such stimuli. We performed an experiment in which three observers detected regular textures of various areas, and six levels of sparseness. Stimuli were regular grids of horizontal grating micropatches, each 1 cycle wide. We varied the ratio of signals (marks) to gaps (spaces), with mark:space ratios ranging from 1 : 0 (a dense texture with no spaces) to 1 : 24. To compensate for the decline in sensitivity with increasing distance from fixation, we adjusted the stimulus contrast as a function of eccentricity based on previous measurements [Baldwin, Meese & Baker, 2012, J Vis, 12(11):23]. We used the resulting area summation functions and psychometric slopes to test several filter-based models of signal combination. A MAX model failed to predict the thresholds, but did a good job on the slopes. Blanket summation of stimulus energy improved the threshold fit, but did not predict an observed slope increase with mark:space ratio. Our best model used a template matched to the sparseness of the stimulus, and pooled the squared contrast signal over space. Templates for regular patterns have also recently been proposed to explain the regular appearance of slightly irregular textures (Morgan et al, 2012, Proc R Soc B, 279, 2754–2760)