4 resultados para automated assessment

em Aston University Research Archive


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The Octopus Automated Perimeter was validated in a comparative study and found to offer many advantages in the assessment of the visual field. The visual evoked potential was investigated in an extensive study using a variety of stimulus parameters to simulate hemianopia and central visual field defects. The scalp topography was recorded topographically and a technique to compute the source derivation of the scalp potential was developed. This enabled clarification of the expected scalp distribution to half field stimulation using different electrode montages. The visual evoked potential following full field stimulation was found to be asymmetrical around the midline with a bias over the left occiput particularly when the foveal polar projections of the occipital cortex were preferentially stimulated. The half field response reflected the distribution asymmetry. Masking of the central 3° resulted in a response which was approximately symmetrical around the midline but there was no evidence of the PNP-complex. A method for visual field quantification was developed based on the neural representation of visual space (Drasdo and Peaston 1982) in an attempt to relate visual field depravation with the resultant visual evoked potentials. There was no form of simple, diffuse summation between the scalp potential and the cortical generators. It was, however, possible to quantify the degree of scalp potential attenuation for M-scaled full field stimuli. The results obtained from patients exhibiting pre-chiasmal lesions suggested that the PNP-complex is not scotomatous in nature but confirmed that it is most likely to be related to specific diseases (Harding and Crews 1982). There was a strong correlation between the percentage information loss of the visual field and the diagnostic value of the visual evoked potential in patients exhibiting chiasmal lesions.


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The thesis presents a two-dimensional Risk Assessment Method (RAM) where the assessment of risk to the groundwater resources incorporates both the quantification of the probability of the occurrence of contaminant source terms, as well as the assessment of the resultant impacts. The approach emphasizes the need for a greater dependency on the potential pollution sources, rather than the traditional approach where assessment is based mainly on the intrinsic geo-hydrologic parameters. The risk is calculated using Monte Carlo simulation methods whereby random pollution events were generated to the same distribution as historically occurring events or a priori potential probability distribution. Integrated mathematical models then simulate contaminant concentrations at the predefined monitoring points within the aquifer. The spatial and temporal distributions of the concentrations were calculated from repeated realisations, and the number of times when a user defined concentration magnitude was exceeded is quantified as a risk. The method was setup by integrating MODFLOW-2000, MT3DMS and a FORTRAN coded risk model, and automated, using a DOS batch processing file. GIS software was employed in producing the input files and for the presentation of the results. The functionalities of the method, as well as its sensitivities to the model grid sizes, contaminant loading rates, length of stress periods, and the historical frequencies of occurrence of pollution events were evaluated using hypothetical scenarios and a case study. Chloride-related pollution sources were compiled and used as indicative potential contaminant sources for the case study. At any active model cell, if a random generated number is less than the probability of pollution occurrence, then the risk model will generate synthetic contaminant source term as an input into the transport model. The results of the applications of the method are presented in the form of tables, graphs and spatial maps. Varying the model grid sizes indicates no significant effects on the simulated groundwater head. The simulated frequency of daily occurrence of pollution incidents is also independent of the model dimensions. However, the simulated total contaminant mass generated within the aquifer, and the associated volumetric numerical error appear to increase with the increasing grid sizes. Also, the migration of contaminant plume advances faster with the coarse grid sizes as compared to the finer grid sizes. The number of daily contaminant source terms generated and consequently the total mass of contaminant within the aquifer increases in a non linear proportion to the increasing frequency of occurrence of pollution events. The risk of pollution from a number of sources all occurring by chance together was evaluated, and quantitatively presented as risk maps. This capability to combine the risk to a groundwater feature from numerous potential sources of pollution proved to be a great asset to the method, and a large benefit over the contemporary risk and vulnerability methods.


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Focal points Over a six-week period in January and February 2002, 2ml samples were removed from all neonatal PN bags dispensed Samples were submitted for analysis of sodium, potassium and magnesium in triplicate by the hospital's clinical chemistry department using a Vitros Codac 950AT, dry slide, automated analyser Only 19.3, 7.1 and 30.4 per cent of measured sodium, potassium and magnesium concentrations respectively deviated by £5 per cent from stated bag concentrations The results indicate that it is possible that some electrolyte concentrations included in neonatal PN vary significantly from stated values


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Several analysis protocols have been tested to identify early visual field losses in glaucoma patients using the mfVEP technique, some were successful in detection of field defects, which were comparable to the standard SAP visual field assessment, and others were not very informative and needed more adjustment and research work. In this study we implemented a novel analysis approach and evaluated its validity and whether it could be used effectively for early detection of visual field defects in glaucoma. The purpose of this study is to examine the benefit of adding mfVEP hemifield Intersector analysis protocol to the standard HFA test when there is suspicious glaucomatous visual field loss. 3 groups were tested in this study; normal controls (38 eyes), glaucoma patients (36 eyes) and glaucoma suspect patients (38 eyes). All subjects had a two standard Humphrey visual field HFA test 24-2, optical coherence tomography of the optic nerve head, and a single mfVEP test undertaken in one session. Analysis of the mfVEP results was done using the new analysis protocol; the Hemifield Sector Analysis HSA protocol. The retinal nerve fibre (RNFL) thickness was recorded to identify subjects with suspicious RNFL loss. The hemifield Intersector analysis of mfVEP results showed that signal to noise ratio (SNR) difference between superior and inferior hemifields was statistically significant between the 3 groups (ANOVA p<0.001 with a 95% CI). The difference between superior and inferior hemispheres in all subjects were all statistically significant in the glaucoma patient group 11/11 sectors (t-test p<0.001), partially significant 5/11 in glaucoma suspect group (t-test p<0.01) and no statistical difference between most sectors in normal group (only 1/11 was significant) (t-test p<0.9). Sensitivity and specificity of the HSA protocol in detecting glaucoma was 97% and 86% respectively, while for glaucoma suspect were 89% and 79%. The use of SAP and mfVEP results in subjects with suspicious glaucomatous visual field defects, identified by low RNFL thickness, is beneficial in confirming early visual field defects. The new HSA protocol used in the mfVEP testing can be used to detect glaucomatous visual field defects in both glaucoma and glaucoma suspect patient. Using this protocol in addition to SAP analysis can provide information about focal visual field differences across the horizontal midline, and confirm suspicious field defects. Sensitivity and specificity of the mfVEP test showed very promising results and correlated with other anatomical changes in glaucoma field loss. The Intersector analysis protocol can detect early field changes not detected by standard HFA test.