10 resultados para atomic structure

em Aston University Research Archive


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The microscopic origin of the intermediate phase in two prototypical covalently bonded AxB1-x network glass forming systems, where A=Ge or Si, B=Se, and 0=x=1, was investigated by combining neutron diffraction with first-principles molecular-dynamics methods. Specifically, the structure of glassy GeSe4 and SiSe4 was examined, and the calculated total structure factor and total pair-correlation function for both materials are in good agreement with experiment. The structure of both glasses differs markedly from a simple model comprising undefective AB4 corner-sharing tetrahedra in which all A atoms are linked by B2 dimers. Instead, edge-sharing tetrahedra occur and the twofold coordinated Se atoms form three distinct structural motifs, namely, Se-Se2, Se-SeGe (or Se-SeSi), and Se-Ge2 (or Se-Si2). This identifies several of the conformations that are responsible for the structural variability in GexSe1-x and SixSe1-x glasses, a quantity that is linked to the finite width of the intermediate phase window.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) has been used to identify the relative distribution of dysprosium in the phosphate glass DyAl0.30P3.05O9.62. The MD model has been compared directly with experimental data obtained from neutron diffraction to enable a detailed comparison beyond the total structure factor level. The MD simulation gives Dy ... Dy correlations at 3.80(5) and 6.40(5) angstrom with relative coordination numbers of 0.8(1) and 7.3(5), thus providing evidence of minority rare-earth clustering within these glasses. The nearest neighbour Dy-O peak occurs at 2.30 angstrom with each Dy atom having on average 5.8 nearest neighbour oxygen atoms. The MD simulation is consistent with the phosphate network model based on interlinked PO4 tetrahedra where the addition of network modifiers Dy3+ depolymerizes the phosphate network through the breakage of P-(O)-P bonds whilst leaving the tetrahedral units intact. The role of aluminium within the network has been taken into explicit account, and A1 is found to be predominantly (78 tetrahedrally coordinated. In fact all four A1 bonds are found to be to P (via an oxygen atom) with negligible amounts of Al-O-Dy bonds present. This provides an important insight into the role of Al additives in improving the mechanical properties of these glasses.


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Melt quenched silicate glasses containing calcium, phosphorous and alkali metals have the ability to promote bone regeneration and to fuse to living bone. These glasses, including 45S5 Bioglass(A (R)) [(CaO)(26.9)(Na2O)(24.4)(SiO2)(46.1)(P2O5)(2.6)], are routinely used as clinical implants. Consequently there have been numerous studies on the structure of these glasses using conventional diffraction techniques. These studies have provided important information on the atomic structure of Bioglass(A (R)) but are of course intrinsically limited in the sense that they probe the bulk material and cannot be as sensitive to thin layers of near-surface dissolution/growth. The present study therefore uses surface sensitive shallow angle X-ray diffraction to study the formation of amorphous calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite on Bioglass(A (R)) samples, pre-reacted in simulated body fluid (SBF). Unreacted Bioglass(A (R)) is dominated by a broad amorphous feature around 2.2 A...(-1) which is characteristic of sodium calcium silicate glass. After reacting Bioglass(A (R)) in SBF a second broad amorphous feature evolves similar to 1.6 A...(-1) which is attributed to amorphous calcium phosphate. This feature is evident for samples after only 4 h reacting in SBF and by 8 h the amorphous feature becomes comparable in magnitude to the background signal of the bulk Bioglass(A (R)). Bragg peaks characteristic of hydroxyapatite form after 1-3 days of reacting in SBF.


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Understanding the molecular mechanism of gene condensation is a key component to rationalizing gene delivery phenomena, including functional properties such as the stability of the gene-vector complex and the intracellular release of the gene. In this work, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation approach to study the complexation of short strand duplex RNA with four cationic carrier systems of varying charge and surface topology at different charge ratios. At lower charge ratios, polymers bind quite effectively to siRNA, while at high charge ratios, the complexes are saturated and there are free polymers that are unable to associate with RNA. We also observed reduced fluctuations in RNA structures when complexed with multiple polymers in solution as compared to both free siRNA in water and the single polymer complexes. These novel simulations provide a much better understanding of key mechanistic aspects of gene-polycation complexation and thereby advance progress toward rational design of nonviral gene delivery systems.


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The 5-HT3 receptors are members of the cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion channels. Two functional subtypes are known, the homomeric 5HT3A and the heteromeric 5HT3A/B receptors, which exhibit distinct biophysical characteristics but are difficult to differentiate pharmacologically. Atomic force microscopy has been used to determine the stoichiometry and architecture of the heteromeric 5HT3A/B receptor. Each subunit was engineered to express a unique C-terminal epitope tag, together with six sequential histidine residues to facilitate nickel affinity purification. The 5-HT3 receptors, ectopically expressed in HEK293 cells, were solubilised, purified and decorated with antibodies to the subunit specific epitope tags. Imaging of individual receptors by atomic force microscopy revealed a pentameric arrangement of subunits in the order BBABA, reading anti-clockwise when viewed from the extracellular face. Homology models for the heteromeric receptor were then constructed using both the electron microscopic structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, from Torpedo marmorata, and the X-ray crystallographic structure of the soluble acetylcholine binding protein, from Lymnaea stagnalis, as templates. These homology models were used, together with equivalent models constructed for the homomeric receptor, to interpret mutagenesis experiments designed to explore the minimal recognition differences of both the natural agonist, 5-HT, and the competitive antagonist, granisetron, for the two human receptor subtypes. The results of this work revealed that the 5-HT3B subunit residues within the ligand binding site, for both the agonist and antagonist, are accommodating to conservative mutations. They are consistent with the view that the 5-HT3A subunit provides the principal and the 5-HT38 subunit the complementary recognition interactions at the binding interface.


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The atomic scale structure of sodium borophosphates made by the sol-gel method is compared to those made by the melt-quench method. It is found that although the sol-gel generated materials have a higher tendency towards crystallization, they nevertheless show a qualitatively similar crystallization trend with composition to their melt-quench analogues; the progressive introduction of boron oxide into the phosphate network initially inhibits then promotes crystallization. At the composition associated with the most stable amorphous sodium borophosphate (20 mol% boron oxide), it is found that the atomic scale structure of the sol-gel synthesized network glass is almost identical to that of the corresponding melt-quenched one.


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Rare-earth co-doping in inorganic materials has a long-held tradition of facilitating highly desirable optoelectronic properties for their application to the laser industry. This study concentrates specifically on rare-earth phosphate glasses, (R2O3)x(R'2O3)y(P2O5)1-(x+y), where (R, R') denotes (Ce, Er) or (La, Nd) co-doping and the total rare-earth composition corresponds to a range between metaphosphate, RP3O9, and ultraphosphate, RP5O14. Thereupon, the effects of rare-earth co-doping on the local structure are assessed at the atomic level. Pair-distribution function analysis of high-energy X-ray diffraction data (Qmax = 28 Å-1) is employed to make this assessment. Results reveal a stark structural invariance to rare-earth co-doping which bears testament to the open-framework and rigid nature of these glasses. A range of desirable attributes of these glasses unfold from this finding; in particular, a structural simplicity that will enable facile molecular engineering of rare-earth phosphate glasses with 'dial-up' lasing properties. When considered together with other factors, this finding also demonstrates additional prospects for these co-doped rare-earth phosphate glasses in nuclear waste storage applications. This study also reveals, for the first time, the ability to distinguish between P-O and PO bonding in these rare-earth phosphate glasses from X-ray diffraction data in a fully quantitative manner. Complementary analysis of high-energy X-ray diffraction data on single rare-earth phosphate glasses of similar rare-earth composition to the co-doped materials is also presented in this context. In a technical sense, all high-energy X-ray diffraction data on these glasses are compared with analogous low-energy diffraction data; their salient differences reveal distinct advantages of high-energy X-ray diffraction data for the study of amorphous materials. © 2013 The Owner Societies.


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The relation between the fragility of glass-forming systems, a parameter which describes many of their key physical characteristics, and atomic scale structure is investigated by using neutron diffraction to measure the topological and chemical ordering for germania, or GeO2, which is an archetypal strong glass former. We find that the ordering for this and other tetrahedral network-forming glasses at distances greater than the nearest neighbor can be rationalized in terms of an interplay between the relative importance of two length scales. One of these is associated with an intermediate range, the other with an extended range and, with increasing glass fragility, it is the extended range ordering which dominates.


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The effect of substitution and oxidation-reduction on the thermal conductivity of perovskite-like layered structure (PLS) ceramics was investigated in relation to mass contrast and non-stoichiometry. Sr (acceptor) was substituted on the A site, while Ta (donor) was substituted on the B site of La2Ti2O7. Substitution in PLS materials creates atomic scale disorders to accommodate the non-stoichiometry. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and X ray diffraction revealed that acceptor substitution in La2Ti2O7 produced nanoscale intergrowths of n = 5 layered phase, while donor substitution produced nanoscale intergrowths of n = 3 layered phase. As a result of these nanoscale intergrowths, the thermal conductivity value reduced by as much as ∼20%. Pure La2Ti2O7 has a thermal conductivity value of ∼1.3 W/m K which dropped to a value of ∼1.12 W/m K for Sr doped La2Ti2O7 and ∼0.93 W/m K for Ta doped La2Ti2O7 at 573 K.


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Sol-gel-synthesized bioactive glasses may be formed via a hydrolysis condensation reaction, silica being introduced in the form of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), and calcium is typically added in the form of calcium nitrate. The synthesis reaction proceeds in an aqueous environment; the resultant gel is dried, before stabilization by heat treatment. These materials, being amorphous, are complex at the level of their atomic-scale structure, but their bulk properties may only be properly understood on the basis of that structural insight. Thus, a full understanding of their structure-property relationship may only be achieved through the application of a coherent suite of leading-edge experimental probes, coupled with the cogent use of advanced computer simulation methods. Using as an exemplar a calcia-silica sol-gel glass of the kind developed by Larry Hench, in the memory of whom this paper is dedicated, we illustrate the successful use of high-energy X-ray and neutron scattering (diffraction) methods, magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR, and molecular dynamics simulation as components to a powerful methodology for the study of amorphous materials.