22 resultados para active, in nodules

em Aston University Research Archive


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This thesis describes the stratigraphy, sedimentology and diagenesis of the Pendleside Limestone (Asbian age), a sequence of limestones, shales and dolostones in the Clitheroe area of N. W. England. Field study of 19 measured sections indicates that it was deposited in a rhythmically subsiding basin (Craven Basin) because of movements on the Mid-Craven Fault which was active in Dinantian times. The sequence is up to 190m thick and consists mostly of distal turbidite deposits which have been reworked at horizons when sediment accumulation built up to the wave base. The original depositional fabric and mineralogy of the Pendleside Limestone Group has been extensively modified by diagenetic processes including cementation, authi­genesis, dolomitization and silicification. These processes have been studied using a wide variety of laboratory techniques. The carbonate cements of the PendIeside Limestone consist predominantly of ferroan calcite and non-ferroan calcite with microdolomite incIusions. The former is probably a stable replacement of original-high-magnesian calcite. Cementation was accompanied by the formation of authigenic albite and quartz. Much of the upper part of the Pendleside Limestone has been extensively dolomitized and chertified. Several distinct zones of dolomitization are found which increase in thickness and intensity towards the top of the Pendleside Limestone Group. The dolostone horizons correspond to coarser-grained lithologies deposited during periods of shallow water sedimentation. The composition of the dolomites changes from ferroan dolomite in the lower part of the Group to non-ferroan dolomite in the upper part. The low strontium and sodium content of the dolostones in association with the other evidence suggests that the dolomitization was brought about in an open system by the mixing of marine and fresh water in phreatic lens which were established at periodic intervals. The dolomitization was closely associated with chertification although this was initiated by the dissolution of siliceous spicules which provided the necessary source of silica.


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This thesis develops the requirements of the Cumbria Division of the MAFF to have detailed information on a number of rural topics of particular concern to the area's socia-economic advisory service. Information was generated upon the effects of road developments upon agriculture; the possibility of economic and employment growth through tourism, industry, forestry and agriculture; and upon their relationship with conservation and development control issues generally. A working conference was organised (The Whitbarrow Exercise) to review in specific terms a number of the above problems, in which representatives of the major groups active in rural policy formulation and implementation participated. The study was extended to consider these policy issues on a more prosperous agricultural estate; and in the county of Cumbria as a whole. An examination of the development and likely future impact of agricultural policy upon rural policy generally was also undertaken. All the research was set in the context of an extensive literature review. The results indicate that while state intervention to relieve those problems collectively known as rural deprivation still has an important place in modern rural policy, the scope for such intervention to be successful is limited. Opportunities for employment and wealth creation through tourism, forestry, industry and agriculture are limited for social and economic reasons; developments in these sectors can have adverse effects upon the environment; can compound existing problems; and are often resisted by local people. The lack of success of such ventures indicates continued structural change within rural communities, with some adverse effects for the less privileged members. Recognising this it is argued that fural policy seeks to adapt to, rather than attempt to fundamentally alter inevitable change, recognising that in the long term social and structural problems will resolve themselves. It is further argued that a reduction in state support for agriculture appears inevitable, and this can bring considerable conservation benefits, even in upland areas where positive links between agriculture and conservation have been found by some commentators. It is also argued that for social and economic reasons, and because of the declining importance of agricultural land, a vigorous landscape and ecological conservation policy is pursued by planning authorities and is reasonable. With regard to road developments on agricultural land, the research has shawn that although it is the norm far the agricultural community to experience severe difficulty during developments, these can be overcame by increasing the resources of professional expertise available to affected farmers. This indicates a possible important increased role for the MAFF in the development process.


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Whilst much academic rigour has been devoted to analysing the ‘contents’ of historical textbooks in Ukraine, this article examines the teacher's role in the ‘transfer’ of the state's message to schoolchildren. This article demonstrates that in Ukraine's eastern borderlands teachers are highly active in negotiating the new historical narrative. Teachers are found to subtly change the accent or focus away from the ‘nationalist’ stance towards Russia, as found in the school history textbooks, to a more tolerant stance which aims to promote rather than negate Ukraine's historical interactions with Russia. Thus, this simultaneously reinforces a particular ‘regional’ understanding of historical events.


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Cannabinoids modulate inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission in many brain regions. Within the temporal lobe, cannabinoid receptors are highly expressed, and are located presynaptically at inhibitory terminals. Here, we have explored the role of type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1Rs) at the level of inhibitory synaptic currents and field-recorded network oscillations. We report that arachidonylcyclopropylamide, an agonist at CB1R, inhibits GABAergic synaptic transmission onto both superficial and deep medial entorhinal (mEC) neurones, but this has little effect on network oscillations in beta/gamma frequency bands. By contrast, the CB1R antagonist/inverse agonist LY320135 (500?nM), increased GABAergic synaptic activity and beta/gamma oscillatory activity in superficial mEC, was suppressed, whilst that in deep mEC was enhanced. These data indicate that cannabinoid-mediated effects on inhibitory synaptic activity may be constitutively active in vitro, and that modulation of CB1R activation using inverse agonists unmasks complex effects of CBR function on network activity.


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Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is a calcium-dependent and guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) binding enzyme, which catalyzes the post-translational modification of proteins by forming intermolecular ε(ϒ-glutamyl)lysine cross-links. In this study, human osteoblasts (HOBs) isolated from femoral head trabecular bone and two osteosarcoma cell lines (HOS and MG-63) were studied for their expression and localization of tTG. Quantitative evaluation of transglutaminase (TG) activity determined using the [1,414C]-putrescine incorporation assay showed that the enzyme was active in all cell types. However, there was a significantly higher activity in the cell homogenates of MG-63 cells as compared with HOB and HOS cells (p <0.001). There was no significant difference between the activity of the enzyme in HOB and HOS cells. All three cell types also have a small amount of active TG on their surface as determined by the incorporation of biotinylated cadaverine into fibronectin. Cell surface-related tTG was further shown by preincubation of cells with tTG antibody, which led to inhibition of cell attachment. Western blot analysis clearly indicated that the active TG was tTG and immunocytochemistry showed it be situated in the cytosol of the cells. In situ extracellular enzyme activity also was shown by the cell-mediated incorporation of fluorescein cadaverine into extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. These results clearly showed that MG-63 cells have high extracellular activity, which colocalized with the ECM protein fibronectin and could be inhibited by the competitive primary amine substrate putrescine. The contribution of tTG to cell surface/matrix interactions and to the stabilization of the ECM of osteoblast cells therefore could by an important factor in the cascade of events leading to bone differentiation and mineralization.


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Individuals within the aged population show an increased susceptibility to infection, implying a decline in immune function, a phenomenon known as immunosenescence. Paradoxically, an increase in autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, is also associated with ageing, therefore some aspects of the immune system appear to be inappropriately active in the elderly. The above evidence suggests inappropriate control of the immune system as we age. Macrophages, and their precursors monocytes, play a key role in control of the immune system. They play an important role in host defence in the form of phagocytosis, and also link the innate and adaptive immune system via antigen presentation. Macrophages also have a reparative role, as professional phagocytes of dead and dying cells. Clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages has also been shown to directly influence immune responses in an anti-inflammatory manner. Inappropriate control of macrophage function with regards to dead cell clearance may contribute to pathology as we age. The aims of this study were to assess the impact of lipid treatment, as a model of the aged environment, on the ability of macrophages to interact with, and respond to, apoptotic cells. Using a series of in vitro cell models, responses of macrophages (normal and lipid-loaded) to apoptotic macrophages (normal and lipid-loaded) were investigated. Monocyte recruitment to apoptotic cells, a key process in resolving inflammation, was assessed in addition to cytokine responses. Data here shows, for the first time, that apoptotic macrophages (normal and lipid-loaded) induce inflammation in human monocyte-derived macrophages, a response that could drive inflammation in age-associated pathology e.g. atherosclerosis. Monoclonal antibody inhibition studies suggest the classical chemokine CX3CL1 may be involved in monocyte recruitment to apoptotic macrophages, but not apoptotic foam cells, therefore differential clearance strategies may be employed following lipid-loading. CD14, an important apoptotic cell tethering receptor, was not found to have a prominent role in this process, whilst the role for ICAM-3 remains unclear. Additionally, a small pilot study using macrophages from young (<25) and mid-life (>40) donors was undertaken. Preliminary data was gathered to assess the ability of primary human monocyte-derived macrophages, from young and mid-life donors, to interact with, and respond to, apoptotic cells. MØ from mid-life individuals showed no significant differences in their ability to respond to immune modulation by apoptotic cells compared to MØ from young donors. Larger cohorts would be required to investigate whether immune modulation of MØ by apoptotic cells contribute to inflammatory pathology throughout ageing.


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In the wake of this decade's corporate scandals, crimes and excesses, improving the effectiveness of corporate governance in the United States has become a priority. An important influence on a board's effectiveness at monitoring is its members’ degree of independence from senior management. While the current definition of independence revolves around the absence of familial and economic connections between a firm and its directors, research suggests that this standard may be inadequate in ensuring independent oversight. Rather, diversity along racial, gender and other dimensions has been proposed as a potentially more effective standard for board independence. This is especially welcome news for women, who currently comprise 51 per cent of the US managerial workforce but only 14.8 per cent of the directors on boards of large, publicly traded US corporations. Some explain the current dearth of women board members by claiming that there are no qualified women available for board service and/or that women are not interested in board service. However, there is more anecdotal rather than empirical evidence on the issue. Surveying women at a women's leadership conference in Boston, this research investigates the extent to which women are currently involved in some type of board service and the extent to which women aspire to future board service. We find that women are currently more active in governance activities than prior research on corporate boards suggests and that they aspire to play a continued and expanded role in governance activities.


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Study Design. An immunohistological study of surgical specimens of human intervertebral disc.Objective.To examine the presence of pleiotrophin in diseased or damaged intervertebral disc tissue and the association between its presence and the extent of tissue vascularization and innervation.Summary of Background Data. Increased levels of pleiotrophin, a growth and differentiation factor that is active in various pathophysiologic processes, including angiogenesis, has been associated with osteoarthritic changes of human articular cartilage. The association between pleiotrophin expression and pathologic conditions of the human intervertebral disc is unknown.Methods. Specimens of human lumbar intervertebral discs, obtained following surgical discectomy, were divided into 3 groups: nondegenerated discs (n = 7), degenerated discs (n = 6), and prolapsed discs (n = 11). Serial tissue sections of each specimen were immunostained to determine the presence of pleiotrophin, blood vessels (CD34-positive endothelial cells), and nerves (neurofilament 200 kDa [NF200]-positive nerve fibers).Results. Pleiotrophin immunoreactivity was seen in disc cells, endothelial cells, and in the extracellular matrix in most specimens of intervertebral disc but was most prevalent in vascularized tissue in prolapsed discs. There was a significant correlation between the presence of pleiotrophin-positive disc cells and that of CD34-positive blood vessels. NF200-positive nerves were seen in vascularized areas of more degenerated discs, but nerves did not appear to codistribute with blood vessels or pleiotrophin positivity in prolapsed discs.Conclusions. Pleiotrophin is present in pathologic human intervertebral discs, and its prevalence and distribution suggest that it may play a role in neovascularization of diseased or damaged disc tissue.


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Reactive surface of mesoporous nanocrystalline silicon was used to synthesise noble metal nanoparticles via in situ reduction of the precursor salt solutions. The synthetic methodology for metal nanoparticle formation was systematically developed, and reaction conditions of metal salts reduction were optimised to prepare nanoparticles of controlled size distribution in the order 5–10 nm inside the mesoporous silicon template. CO oxidation was used as a test reaction for the synthesised Pt/porous silicon catalysts. Sharp reaction light-off was observed at about 120 °C on the optimised catalysts. The catalysts were shown to be stable in the extended steady-state runs and in the catalysts re-use experiments. Metal nanoparticles were shown to be stable to sintering at elevated temperatures up to 1000 °C. However, after thermal treatment on air, Pt nanoparticles were covered by a SiOx layer and were less active in CO oxidation.


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We have shown that proteins within apically enriched fractions of human nasal respiratory epithelium vary their phosphohistidine content with ambient [Cl-] and other anion concentrations. This membrane-delimited phosphorylation cascade includes a multifunctional protein histidine kinase - nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK). NDPK is itself a cascade component in both human and ovine airway, the self-phosphorylation of which is inhibited selectively by [Na+] in the presence of ATP (but not GTP). These findings led us to propose the existence of a dual anion-/cation-controlled phosphorylation-based "sensor" bound to the apical membrane. The present study showed that this cascade uses ATP to phosphorylate a group of proteins above 45 kDa (p45-group, identities unknown). Additionally, the Cl- dependence of ATP (but not GTP) phosphorylation is conditional on phosphatase activity and that interactions exist between the ATP- and GTP-phosphorylated components of the cascade under Cl--free conditions. As a prelude to studies in cystic fibrosis (CF) mice, we showed in the present study that NDPK is present and functionally active in normal murine airway. Since NDPK is essential for UTP synthesis and regulates fetal gut development, G proteins, K+channels, neutrophil-mediated inflammation and pancreatic secretion, the presence of ion-regulated NDPK protein in mouse airway epithelium might aid understanding of the pathogenesis of CF.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of host country networks and organisation of production in the context of international technology transfer that accompanies foreign direct investment (FDI). Design/methodology/approach – The empirical analysis is based on unbalanced panel data covering Japanese firms active in two-digit manufacturing sectors over a seven-year period. Given the self-selection problem affecting past sectoral-level studies, using firm-level panel data is a prerequisite to provide robust empirical evidence. Findings – While Japan is thought of as being a technologically advanced country, the results show that vertical productivity spillovers from FDI occur in Japan, but they are sensitive to technological differences between domestic firms and the idiosyncratic Japanese institutional network. FDI in vertically organised keiretsu sectors generates inter-industry spillovers through backward and forward linkages, while FDI within sectors linked to vertical keiretsu activities adversely affects domestic productivity. Overall, our results suggest that the role of vertical keiretsu is more prevalent than that of horizontal keiretsu. Originality/value – Japan’s industrial landscape has been dominated by institutional clusters or networks of inter-firm organisations through reciprocated, direct and indirect ties. However, interactions between inward investors and such institutionalised networks in the host economy are seldom explored. The role and characteristics of local business groups, in the form of keiretsu networks, have been investigated to determine the scale and scope of spillovers from inward FDI to Japanese establishments. This conceptualisation depends on the institutional mechanism and the market structure through which host economies absorb and exploit FDI.


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PURPOSE: Myopia is a global public health issue; however, no information exists as to how potential myopia retardation strategies are being adopted globally. METHODS: A self-administrated, internet-based questionnaire was distributed in six languages, through professional bodies to eye care practitioners globally. The questions examined: awareness of increasing myopia prevalence, perceived efficacy and adoption of available strategies, and reasons for not adopting specific strategies. RESULTS: Of the 971 respondents, concern was higher (median 9/10) in Asia than in any other continent (7/10, p<0.001) and they considered themselves more active in implementing myopia control strategies (8/10) than Australasia and Europe (7/10), with North (4/10) and South America (5/10) being least proactive (p<0.001). Orthokeratology was perceived to be the most effective method of myopia control, followed by increased time outdoors and pharmaceutical approaches, with under-correction and single vision spectacles felt to be the least effective (p<0.05). Although significant intra-regional differences existed, overall most practitioners 67.5 (±37.8)% prescribed single vision spectacles or contact lenses as the primary mode of correction for myopic patients. The main justifications for their reluctance to prescribe alternatives to single vision refractive corrections were increased cost (35.6%), inadequate information (33.3%) and the unpredictability of outcomes (28.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of practitioners' awareness of the efficacy of myopia control techniques, the vast majority still prescribe single vision interventions to young myopes. In view of the increasing prevalence of myopia and existing evidence for interventions to slow myopia progression, clear guidelines for myopia management need to be established.


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Objectives Curcuma zedoaroides A. Chaveerach & T. Tanee, locally known as Wan-Paya-Ngoo-Tua-Mia, is commonly used in the North-Eastern part of Thailand as a 'snakebite antidote'. The aim of this study was to isolate the active compound from the rhizome of C. zedoaroides, to determine its structure and to assess its antagonistic activity in vitro and in vivo against King cobra venom. Methods The active compound was obtained from C. zedoaroides by extraction with acetone followed by purification using column chromatography; its X-ray structure was determined. Its inhibition of venom lethality was studied in vitro in rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragms and in vivo in mice. Key findings The acetone extract of the Curcuma rhizomes contained a C20 dialdehyde, [2-(5,5,8a-trimethyl-2-methylene-decahydro-naphthalen-1-yl)-ethylidene] -succinaldehyde, as the major component. The isolated curcuma dialdehyde was found active in vitro and in vivo for antivenin activity against the King cobra venom. Using isolated rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparations, a significant antagonistic effect on the inhibition of neuromuscular transmission was observed in vitro. Inhibition on muscle contraction, produced by the 4 μg/ml venom, was reversed by 2-16 μg/ml of Curcuma dialdehyde in organ bath preparations over a period of 2 h. Mice intraperitoneally injected with 0.75 mg/kg venom and dialdehyde at 100 mg/kg had a significantly increased survival time. Injection of Curcuma dialdehyde (100 mg/kg) 30 min before the subcutaneous injection of the venom resulted in a 100% survival time after 2 h compared with 0% for the control group. Conclusions The in vitro and in vivo evaluation confirmed the medicinal use of traditional snake plants against snakebites. The bioactivity is linked to an isolated molecule and not a result of synergistic effects of a mixture. The active compound was isolated and the structure fully elucidated, including its stereochemistry. This dialdehyde is a versatile chemical building block and can be easily obtained from this plant source. © 2010 Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.


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The last decade or so has witnessed the emergence of the national innovation system (NIS) phenomenon. Since then, many scholars have investigated NIS and its implementation in different countries. However, there are very few investigations into the relationship between the NIS of a country and its national innovation capacity. This paper aims to make a contribution in this area by examining the link that currently exists between these two topics. Whilst examining this relationship, we also explore internationalisation and technology transfer, being cognate areas that have been investigated during the same period. This follows our assertion that the link between NIS and national innovation capacity is the mechanism of internationalisation and technology transfer. The NIS approach was introduced in the late 1980s (see Freeman, 1987; Dosi et al., 1988) and further elaborated later (see Lundvall, 1992; Nelson, 1993; Edquist, 1997). In essence, a country?s NIS is a historically grown subsystem of the entire national economy consisting of organisations and institutions which play a major role in the innovative activity in the country. In the NIS approach, interactions within organisations as well as the interplay between organisations and institutions are of central importance. The NIS approach has been used to reveal the structure of the innovation processes and the main actors involved in them in industrialised and emerging countries. Although the national focus remains strong, it has been accompanied by studies seeking to analyse the notion of systems of innovation at an international level and at a sub-national scale (Archibugi et al., 1999). Dosi in the edition of Archibugi et al. (1999) argues that the general background of the discussion of national systems is the observation of non-random distributions across countries of: corporate capabilities; organisational forms; strategies; and ultimately revealed performances, in terms of production efficiency and inputs productivities, rates of innovation, rates of adoption/diffusion of innovation themselves, dynamics of market shares on the world markets, growth of income and employment. They also mention that there are several approaches to NIS. Nelson (1993) focuses upon the specificities of national institutions and policies supporting directly or indirectly innovation, diffusion and skills accumulation. Patel and Pavitt (1991) have stressed the links between the national patterns of technological accumulation and the competencies and innovative strategies of a few major national companies. Amable et al (1997) and Soskice (1993) and Zysman (1994) focus on the specifics of national institutions including, for example, the forms of organization, financial and labour markets, training institutions, forms of state intervention in the economy etc. However, the most common reference is by Lundvall (1992) who argues that the focus on the national level is associated with the fact that national economies vary according to their production system and their institutional framework and these differences are in turn strengthened by different historical experiences, language and culture. On the other hand, the national innovation capability consists of abilities to create and carry new technological possibilities through to economic practice. The term covers a wide range of activities from capability to invent to capability to innovate and to capability to improve existing technology beyond the original design parameters (Kim, 1997). The term innovation is often associated by many with technological change at international frontiers. However, technological capability is not the same as innovation capability. Technological capability refers to assimilation, use, adaptation, and change to existing technologies. It also enables the creation of new technologies and development of new products and processes in response to changing economic environments. It denotes operational command over knowledge (Kim, 1997). It is manifested not merely by the knowledge possessed, but, more important, by the uses to which that knowledge can be put and by the proficiency with which it is applied in the activities of investment and production and in the creation of new knowledge (Westphal et al., 1985). Therefore, the analytical framework that is used in this paper is based on the way a country derives from its NIS a national innovation capacity. There are two perspectives that are identified on this way. These are internationalisation and technology transfer. Even though NIS is not directly related to national innovation capacity, to achieve national innovation capacity from NIS, the country should have the ability for technology transfer. Technology transfer is a link between these two phenomena. On the other hand, internationalisation can be either the input or the output of the relationship between NIS and national innovation capability. If a company is investing in a country because of its national innovation capacity, this can be regarded as an input to the relationship between NIS and national innovation capacity. If this company is investigating the national innovation capacity of a country then, for its internationalisation, the national innovation capacity should be important, which in turn means this company is active in innovation and innovation is also an important success factor. The interrelationship between the investment of the company and the NIS of the country (assuming that the country is competent and competitive in technology transfer) will generate and improve that country?s national innovation capacity. This is the output of internationalisation from the relationship between NIS and national innovation capacity. When companies are evaluating whether to internationalise, they investigate certain factors in the countries in which they are considering to invest. The ability to transfer technology is dependent on ability to adopt a new technology and also on the learning derived from this technology. If countries wish to attract innovation related investment they need to show their ability to have a NIS and also the capability to transfer technology. Without the technology transfer capability, the NIS is not functioning. Therefore, companies that internationalise will investigate the factors common to NIS, technology transfer, and their business needs. Through this paper we will demonstrate this link though its mechanisms. Our research will be through extensive literature review and identifying relevant aspects of previous research carried out by the authors. It will investigate certain factors of different countries that are successful in attracting innovation related foreign direct investment. Through these, we will point out the factors that are important for the link and mechanisms of NIS and national innovation capability.


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The role of nutritional supplementation in prevention of onset or progression of ocular disease is of interest to health care professionals and patients. The aim of this review is to identify those antioxidants most appropriate for inclusion in an ideal ocular nutritional supplement, suitable for those with a family history of glaucoma, cataract, or age-related macular disease, or lifestyle factors predisposing onset of these conditions, such as smoking, poor nutritional status, or high levels of sunlight exposure. It would also be suitable for those with early stages of age-related ocular disease. Literature searches were carried out on Web of Science and PubMed for articles relating to the use of nutrients in ocular disease. Those highlighted for possible inclusion were vitamins A, B, C and E, carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, minerals selenium and zinc, and the herb, Ginkgo biloba. Conflicting evidence is presented for vitamins A and E in prevention of ocular disease; these vitamins have roles in the production of rhodopsin and prevention of lipid peroxidation respectively. B vitamins have been linked with a reduced risk of cataract and studies have provided evidence supporting a protective role of vitamin C in cataract prevention. Beta-carotene is active in the prevention of free radical formation, but has been linked with an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers. Improvements in visual function in patients with age-related macular disease have been noted with lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation. Selenium has been linked with a reduced risk of cataract and activates the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage while zinc, although an essential component of antioxidant enzymes, has been highlighted for risk of adverse effects. As well as reducing platelet aggregation and increasing vasodilation, Gingko biloba has been linked with improvements in pre-existing field damage in some patients with normal tension glaucoma. We advocate that vitamins C and E, and lutein/zeaxanthin should be included in our theoretically ideal ocular nutritional supplement.