8 resultados para absorptive epithelium

em Aston University Research Archive


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In 2003, Eurostat published an 'experimental' dataset on regional innovation levels derived from the Second Community Innovation Survey. This dataset, part of the European Innovation Scoreboard, also contains a range of regional labour market indicators. In this paper, we report an exploratory analysis of this data, focussing on how the labour market characteristics of regions shape regions' absorptive capacity (RACAP) and their ability to assimilate knowledge from public and externally conducted R&D. In particular, we aim to establish whether labour market aspects of RACAP are more important for innovation in prosperous or lagging regions of the European Union (EU). © Springer-Verlag 2006.


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In this thesis, we explore the relationship between absorptive capacity and alliances, and their influence on firms’ competitive advantage in the US and European biopharmaceutical sectors. The study undertaken in this thesis is based on data from a large-scale international survey of over 2,500 biopharmaceutical firms in the US, the UK, Germany, France and Ireland. The thesis advanced a conceptual framework, which integrated the multi-dimensions of absorptive capacity, exploration-exploitation alliances, and competitive advantage, into a biopharmaceutical firm’s new product development process. The proposed framework is then tested in the empirical analysis, using truncated models to estimate firms’ sales growth, with zero-inflated negative binominal models capturing the number of alliances in which firms engage, and aspects of realised absorptive capacity analysed by ordinal probit models. The empirical results suggest that both skill-based and exploitation-based absorptive capacity play crucial roles in shaping firms’ competitive advantage, while neither exploratory nor exploitation alliances contribute to the improvement in firms’ competitive position. In terms of the interaction between firms’ absorptive capacity and alliance behaviour, the results suggest that engagement with exploratory alliances depends more strongly on firms’ assimilation capability (skills levels and continuity of R&D activities), while participation in exploitation alliances is more conditional on firms’ relevant knowledge monitoring capability. The results highlight the major differences between the determinants of firms’ alliance behaviour, and competitive advantage in the US and Europe – in the US firms’ skill levels prove more significant in determining firms’ engagement with exploratory alliances, whereas in Europe continuity of R&D proves more important. Correspondingly, while US firms’ engagement with exploitation alliances depends on market monitoring capability, that in Europe is more strongly linked to exploitation-based absorptive capacity. In respect of the determinants of firms’ competitive advantage – in Europe, market monitoring capability, engagement with exploitation alliances, and continuous R&D activities, prove more important, while in the US, it is firms’ market characteristics that matter most.


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A cell culture model of the gastric epithelial cell surface would prove useful for biopharmaceutical screening of new chemical entities and dosage forms. A successful model should exhibit tight junction formation, maintenance of differentiation and polarity. Conditions for primary culture of guinea-pig gastric mucous epithelial cell monolayers on Tissue Culture Plastic (TCP) and membrane insects (Transwells) were established. Tight junction formation for cells grown on Transwells for three days was assessed by measurement of transepithelial resistance (TEER) and permeability of mannitol and fluorescein. Coating the polycarbonate filter with collagen IV, rather with collagen I, enhanced tight junction formation. TEER for cells grown on Transwells coated with collagen IV was close to that obtained with intact guinea-pig gastric epithelium in vitro. Differentiation was assessed by incorporation of [3H] glucosamine into glycoprotein and by activity of NADPH oxidase, which produces superoxide. Both of these measures were greater for cells grown on filters coated with collagen I than for cells grown on TCP, but no major difference was found between cells grown on collagens I and IV. However, monolayers grown on membranes coated with collagen IV exhibited apically polarized secretion of mucin and superoxide. The proportion of cells, which stained positively for mucin with periodic Schiff reagent, was greater than 95% for all culture conditions. Gastric epithelial monolayers grown on Transwells coated with collagen IV were able to withstand transient (30 min) apical acidification to pH 3, which was associated with a decrease in [3H] mannitol flux and an increase in TEER relative to pH 7.4. The model was used to provide the first direct demonstration that an NSAID (indomethacin) accumulated in gastric epithelial cells exposed to low apical pH. In conclusion, guinea-pig epithelial cells cultured on collagen IV represent a promising model of the gastric surface epithelium suitable for screening procedures.


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Background: There is an inverse relationship between pocket depth and pocket oxygen tension with deep pockets being associated with anaerobic bacteria. However, little is known about how the host tissues respond to bacteria under differing oxygen tensions within the periodontal pocket. Aim: To investigate the effect of different oxygen tensions upon nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-?B) activation and the inflammatory cytokine response of oral epithelial cells when exposed to nine species of oral bacteria. Materials and Methods: H400 oral epithelial cells were equilibrated at 2%, 10% or 21% oxygen. Cells were stimulated with heat-killed oral bacteria at multiplicity of infection 10:1, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (15 µg/ml) or vehicle control. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and NF-?B activation was measured by reporter vector or by immunohistochemical analysis. Results: Tannerella forsythensis, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia elicited the greatest epithelial NF-?B activation and cytokine responses. An oxygen-tension-dependent trend in cytokine production was observed with the highest IL-8 and TNF-a production observed at 2% oxygen and lowest at 21% oxygen. Conclusions: These data demonstrate a greater pro-inflammatory host response and cell signalling response to bacteria present in more anaerobic conditions, and hypersensitivity of epithelial cells to pro-inflammatory stimuli at 2% oxygen, which may have implications for disease pathogenesis and/or therapy.


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This paper investigates the role of absorptive capacity in the diffusion of global technology with sector and firm heterogeneity. We construct the FDI-intensity weighted global R&D stock for each industry and link it to Chinese firm-level panel data relating to 53,981 firms over the period 2001-2005. Non-parametric frontier analysis is employed to explore how absorptive capacity affects technical change and catch-up in the presence of global knowledge spillovers. We find that R&D activities and training at individual firms serve as an effective source of absorptive capability. The contribution of absorptive capacity varies according to the type of FDI and the extent of openness.


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Purpose. To evaluate the influence of soft contact lens midperipheral shape profile and edge design on the apparent epithelial thickness and indentation of the ocular surface with lens movement. Methods. Four soft contact lens designs comprising of two different plano midperipheral shape profiles and two edge designs (chiseled and knife edge) of silicone-hydrogel material were examined in 26 subjects aged 24.7 ± 4.6 years, each worn bilaterally in randomized order. Lens movement was imaged enface on insertion, at 2 and 4 hours with a high-speed, high-resolution camera simultaneous to the cross-section of the edge of the contact lens interaction with the ocular surface captured using optical coherence tomography (OCT) nasally, temporally, and inferiorly. Optical imaging distortions were individually corrected for by imaging the apparent distortion of a glass slide surface by the removed lens. Results. Apparent epithelial thickness varied with edge position (P < 0.001). When distortion was corrected for, epithelial indentation decreased with time after insertion (P = 0.010), changed after a blink (P < 0.001), and varied with position on the lens edge (P < 0.001), with the latter being affected by midperipheral lens shape profile and edge design. Horizontal and vertical lens movement did not change with time postinsertion. Vertical motion was affected by midperipheral lens shape profile (P < 0.001) and edge design (P < 0.001). Lens movement was associated with physiologic epithelium thickness for lens midperipheral shape profile and edge designs. Conclusions. Dynamic OCT coupled with high-resolution video demonstrated that soft contact lens movement and image-corrected ocular surface indentation were influenced by both lens edge design and midperipheral lens shape profiles. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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This paper investigates empirically the importance of technological catch-up in explaining productivity growth in a sample of countries since the 1960s. New proxies for a country's absorptive capability—based on data for students studying abroad, telecommunications and publications—are tested in regression models. The results indicate that absorptive capability is a factor in explaining growth, with the most robust finding that countries with relatively high numbers of students studying science or engineering abroad experience faster subsequent growth. However, the paper also indicates that the significance of coefficients varies across specifications and samples, suggesting caution in focusing on individual results.


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We have shown that proteins within apically enriched fractions of human nasal respiratory epithelium vary their phosphohistidine content with ambient [Cl-] and other anion concentrations. This membrane-delimited phosphorylation cascade includes a multifunctional protein histidine kinase - nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK). NDPK is itself a cascade component in both human and ovine airway, the self-phosphorylation of which is inhibited selectively by [Na+] in the presence of ATP (but not GTP). These findings led us to propose the existence of a dual anion-/cation-controlled phosphorylation-based "sensor" bound to the apical membrane. The present study showed that this cascade uses ATP to phosphorylate a group of proteins above 45 kDa (p45-group, identities unknown). Additionally, the Cl- dependence of ATP (but not GTP) phosphorylation is conditional on phosphatase activity and that interactions exist between the ATP- and GTP-phosphorylated components of the cascade under Cl--free conditions. As a prelude to studies in cystic fibrosis (CF) mice, we showed in the present study that NDPK is present and functionally active in normal murine airway. Since NDPK is essential for UTP synthesis and regulates fetal gut development, G proteins, K+channels, neutrophil-mediated inflammation and pancreatic secretion, the presence of ion-regulated NDPK protein in mouse airway epithelium might aid understanding of the pathogenesis of CF.