22 resultados para XPS SURFACE ENRICHMENT

em Aston University Research Archive


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The surfaces of iron-containing sulphide minerals were oxidised by a range of inorganic oxidants, and the resultant surface alteration products studied using various spectroscopic techniques. The characterisation of surface oxidation is relevant to the alteration of ores in nature and their behaviour during flotation and leaching, of importance to the metallurgical industry. The sulphides investigated included pyrite (FeS2), hexagonal pyrrhotine (Fe9S10), monoclinic pyrrhotine (Fe7Se), violarite (FeNi2S4), pentlandite ((FeiNi)9Se), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS). The surfaces were oxidised by various methods including acid (sulphuric), alkali (ammonium hydroxide), hydrogen peroxide, steam, electrochemical and air/oxygen (in a low-temperature (150ºC) furnace), The surfaces were examined using surface sensitive chemical spectroscopic methods including x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ms), Auger electron spectroscopy (LES) and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEKS). Physical characterisation of the surfaces was undertaken using scanning electron microscopy (SM), spectral reflectance measurements and optical microscopy. Bulk characterisation of the sulphide minerals was undertaken using x-ray diffraction and electron microprobe techniques. Observed phases suggested to form in most of the sulphide surfaces include Fe204, Fe1-x0, Fe202, Fe00H, Fe(OH)3, with iron II & III oxy-sulphates. The iron sulphides show variable extents of oxidation, indicating pyrite to be the most stable. Violarite shows stability to oxidation, suggested to result from both its stable spinel crystal structure, and from the rapid formation of sulphur at the surface protecting the sub-surface from further oxidation. The phenomenon of sub-surface enrichment (in metals), forming secondary sulphides, is exhibited by pentlandite and chalcopyrite, forming violarite and copper sulphides respectively. The consequences of this enrichment with regard to processing and leaching are discussed. Arsenopyrite, often a hindrance in ore processing, exhibits the formation of arsenic compounds at the surface, the dissolution of which is discussed in view of the possible environmental hazard caused by the local pollution of water systems. The results obtained allow a characterisation of the sulphides in terms of their relative stability to oxidation, and an order of stability of the sulphide surfaces is proposed. Models were constructed to explain the chemical compositions of the surfaces, and the inter-relationships between the phases determined at the surface and in the sub-surface. These were compared to the thermo-chemically predicted phases shown in Eh/pH and partial pressure diagrams! The results are discussed, both in terms of the mineralogy and geochemistry of natural ores, and the implications for extraction and processing of these ore minerals.


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The surface composition of food powders created from spray drying solutions containing various ratios of sodium caseinate, maltodextrin and soya oil have been analysed by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis. The results show significant enrichment of oil at the surface of particles compared to the bulk phase, and (when the non-oil components only are considered), a significant surface enrichment of sodium caseinate also. The study found evidence of high levels (80%) of surface fat even on particles of food industry grade (92.5%) sodium caseinate containing only 1% fat.


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Abstract The surface compositions of food powders created from spray drying solutions containing various ratios of sodium caseinate, maltodextrin and soya oil have been analysed by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis. The results show significant enrichment of oil at the surface of particles compared to the bulk phase and, when the non-oil components only are considered, a significant surface enrichment of sodium caseinate also. The degree of surface enrichment of both oil and sodium caseinate was found to increase with decreasing bulk levels of the respective components. Surface enrichment of oil was also affected by processing conditions (emulsion drop size and drying temperature), but surface enrichment of sodium caseinate was relatively insensitive to these. The presence of "pock marks" on the particle surfaces strongly suggests that the surface oil was caused by rupturing of emulsion droplets at the surface as the surrounding matrix contracts and hardens. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The metal catalyzed hydrogenolysis of the biomass-derived THF-dimethanol to 1,2,6-hexanetriol using heterogeneous catalysts was investigated. Bimetallic Rh-Re catalysts (4 wt% Rh and a Re/Rh (mol. ratio of 0.5) on a silica support gave the best performance and 1,2,6-hexanetriol was obtained in 84% selectivity at 31% conversion (120 C, 80 bar, 4 h); the selectivity reaches a maximum of 92% at 80 C. The product distribution at prolonged reaction times or higher temperatures or both shows the formation of diols and mono-alcohols, indicating that the 1,2,6-hexanetriol is prone to subsequent hydrodeoxygenation reactions. Different silica supports were investigated and optimal results were obtained with an amorphous silica featuring an intermediate surface area and an average mesopore size of about 6 nm. TPR and XPS surface analysis support the presence of mixed Rh and Re particles. The redox Reδ+/ReTotal surface ratio correlates with the conversion in a volcano type dependency. Both gas phase as well as Rh200Re1OH cluster DFT calculations support an acid-metal bifunctional mechanism and explain the products distribution. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption and reaction of ethanol over Pt{1 1 1} has been investigated by Fast XPS and TPD. Ethanol adsorbs molecularly at 100 K, with a saturation coverage of 0.44 ML giving rise to C 1s components with binding energies of 283.7 eV (CH3–) and 284.8 eV (–H2COH). Ethanol multilayers desorb above 150 K, while ∼60% of the monolayer desorbs intact above 200 K in competition with decomposition pathways. Reaction initially proceeds via progressive dehydrogenation to form a metastable acetyl intermediate with components at 283.5 eV (CH3–) and 285.2 eV (-C=O), which in turn undergoes decarbonylation above 250 K to chemisorbed CO and methyl groups. A significant fraction of the latter are hydrogenated above 270 K, desorbing as CH4, with the remainder further decomposing to liberate H2 and surface CHx moeities.


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An in situ XPS study of water, methanol and methyl acetate adsorption over as-synthesised and calcined MgO nanocatalysts is reported with a view to gaining insight into the surface adsorption of key components relevant to fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel) production during the transesterification of triglycerides with methanol. High temperature calcined NanoMgO-700 adsorbed all three species more readily than the parent material due to the higher density of electron-rich (111) and (110) facets exposed over the larger crystallites. Water and methanol chemisorb over the NanoMgO-700 through the conversion of surface O2 − sites to OH− and coincident creation of Mg-OH or Mg-OCH3 moieties respectively. A model is proposed in which the dissociative chemisorption of methanol occurs preferentially over defect and edge sites of NanoMgO-700, with higher methanol coverages resulting in physisorption over weakly basic (100) facets. Methyl acetate undergoes more complex surface chemistry over NanoMgO-700, with C–H dissociation and ester cleavage forming surface hydroxyl and acetate species even at extremely low coverages, indicative of preferential adsorption at defects. Comparison of C 1s spectra with spent catalysts from tributyrin transesterification suggest that ester hydrolysis plays a key factor in the deactivation of MgO catalysts for biodiesel production.


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Surface compositional changes in GaAs due to RF plasmas of different gases have been investigated by XPS and etch rates were measured using AFM. Angular Resolved XPS (ARXPS) was also employed for depth analysis of the composition of the surface layers. An important role in this study was determination of oxide thickness using XPS data. The study of surface - plasma interaction was undertaken by correlating results of surface analysis with plasma diagnosis. Different experiments were designed to accurately measure the BEs associated with the Ga 3d, Ga 2P3/2 and LMM peaks using XPS analysis and propose identification in terms of the oxides of GaAs. Along with GaAs wafers, some reference compounds such as metallic Ga and Ga2O3 powder were used. A separate study aiming the identification of the GaAs surface oxides formed on the GaAs surface during and after plasma processing was undertaken. Surface compositional changes after plasma treatment, prior to surface analysis are considered, with particular reference to the oxides formed in the air on the activated surface. Samples exposed to ambient air for different periods of time and also to pure oxygen were analysed. Models of surface processes were proposed for explanation of the stoichiometry changes observed with the inert and reactive plasmas used. In order to help with the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for surface effects during plasma treatment, computer simulation using SRIM code was also undertaken. Based on simulation and experimental results, models of surface phenomena are proposed. Discussion of the experimental and simulated results is made in accordance with current theories and published results of different authors. The experimental errors introduced by impurities and also by data acquisition and processing are also evaluated.


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Surface compositional change of GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, InSb, GeSi and CdSe single crystals due to low keV noble gas ion beam bombardment has been investigated by combining X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (LEISS). The purpose of using this complementary analytical method is to obtain more complete experimental evidence of ion beam modification in surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy to improve the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for these effects. Before ion bombardment the sample surfaces were analysed nondestructively by Angular Resolved XPS (ARXPS) and LEISS to get the initial distribution of surface composition. Ion bombardment experiments were carried out using 3keV argon ions with beam current of 1μA for a period of 50 minutes, compositional changes in the surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy were monitored with normal XPS. After ion bombardment the surfaces were re-examined with ARXPS and LEISS. Both XPS and LEISS results showed clearly that ion bombardment will change the compositional distribution in the compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces. In order to explain the observed experimental results, two major theories in this field, Sigmund linear collision cascade theory and the thermodynamic models based on bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion, were investigated. Computer simulation using TRIM code was also carried out for assistance to the theoretical analysis. Combined the results obtained from XPS and LEISS analyses, ion bombardment induced compositional changes in compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces are explained in terms of the bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion.


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Sulfonic acid functionalised periodic mesoporous organosilicas (PrSO3 H-PMOs) with tunable hydrophobicity were synthesised via a surfactant-templating route, and characterised by porosimetry, TEM, XRD, XPS, inverse gas chromatography (IGC) and ammonia pulse chemisorption. IGC reveals that incorporation of ethyl or benzyl moieties into a mesoporous SBA-15 silica framework significantly increases the non-specific dispersive surface energy of adsorption for alkane adsorption, while decreasing the free energy of adsorption of methanol, reflecting increased surface hydrophobicity. The non-specific dispersive surface energy of adsorption of PMO-SO3H materials is strongly correlated with their activity towards palmitic acid esterification with methanol, demonstrating the power of IGC as an analytical tool for identifying promising solid acid catalysts for the esterification of free fatty acids. A new parameter [-ΔGCNP-P], defined as the per carbon difference in Gibbs free energy of adsorption between alkane and polar probe molecules, provides a simple predictor of surface hydrophobicity and corresponding catalyst activity in fatty acid esterification. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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The selective oxidation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde over ultrathin Au overlayers on Pd(1 1 1) and Au/Pd(1 1 1) surface alloys has been investigated by time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and mass spectrometry. Pure gold is catalytically inert towards crotyl alcohol which undergoes reversible adsorption. In contrast, thermal processing of a 3.9 monolayer (ML) gold overlayer allows access to a range of AuPd surface alloy compositions, which are extremely selective towards crotonaldehyde production, and greatly reduce the extent of hydrocarbon decomposition and eventual carbon laydown compared with base Pd(1 1 1). XPS and CO titrations suggest that palladium-rich surface alloys offer the optimal balance between alcohol oxidative dehydrogenation activity while minimising competitive decomposition pathways, and that Pd monomers are not the active surface ensemble for such selox chemistry over AuPd alloys. Crown Copyright © 2008.


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Here, we report on the first application of high-pressure XPS (HP-XPS) to the surface catalyzed selective oxidation of a hydrocarbon over palladium, wherein the reactivity of metal and oxide surfaces in directing the oxidative dehydrogenation of crotyl alcohol (CrOH) to crotonaldehyde (CrHCO) is evaluated. Crotonaldehyde formation is disfavored over Pd(111) under all reaction conditions, with only crotyl alcohol decomposition observed. In contrast, 2D Pd5O4 and 3D PdO overlayers are able to selectively oxidize crotyl alcohol (1 mTorr) to crotonaldehyde in the presence of co-fed oxygen (140 mTorr) at temperatures as low as 40 °C. However, 2D Pd5O4 ultrathin films are unstable toward reduction by the alcohol at ambient temperature, whereas the 3D PdO oxide is able to sustain catalytic crotonaldehyde production even up to 150 °C. Co-fed oxygen is essential to stabilize palladium surface oxides toward in situ reduction by crotyl alcohol, with stability increasing with oxide film dimensionality.


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The surface behaviour of materials is crucial to our everyday lives. Studies of the corrosive, reactive, optical and electronic properties of surfaces are thus of great importance to a wide range of industries including the chemical and electronics sectors. The surface properties of polymers can also be tuned for use in packaging, non stick coatings or for use in medical applications. Methods to characterise surface composition and reactivity are thus critical to the development of next generation materials. This report will outline the basic principles of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and how it can be applied to analyse the surfaces of inorganic materials. The role of XPS in understanding the nature of the active site in heterogeneous catalysts will also be discussed.


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Stone-fruit activated carbon (SAC) and modified versions containing acidic oxygen and basic nitrogen groups have been used to prepare palladium catalysts by wet impregnation. Carbon supports and catalysts are investigated by thermo-gravimetric analysis, TPD, oxygen chemisorption, TEM and XPS. The influence of the nature of the functional groups on the dispersion and oxidation state of palladium and its activity in hydrogen oxidation is investigated. Pd dispersion is found to increase with the basic strength of functional groups on the support. XPS reveals that introduction of amine groups in SAC results in an increased proportion of Pd0, resistant to re-oxidation. Palladium catalysts supported on activated carbon modified by diethylamine groups are found to exhibit the highest metal dispersion and greatest activity in hydrogen oxidation. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cu/CeO2, Pd/CeO2, and CuPd/CeO2 catalysts were prepared and their reduction followed by in-situ XPS in order to explore promoter and support interactions in a bimetallic CuPd/CeO2 catalyst effective for the oxygen-assisted water-gas-shift (OWGS) reaction. Mutual interactions between Cu, Pd, and CeO2 components all affect the reduction process. Addition of only 1 wt% Pd to 30 wt% Cu/CeO2 greatly enhances the reducibility of both dispersed CuO and ceria support. In-vacuo reduction (inside XPS chamber) up to 400 °C results in a continuous growth of metallic copper and Ce3+ surface species, although higher temperatures results in support reoxidation. Supported copper in turn destabilizes metallic palladium metal with respect to PdO, this mutual perturbation indicating a strong intimate interaction between the Cu–Pd components. Despite its lower intrinsic reactivity towards OWGS, palladium addition at only 1 wt% loading significantly improved CO conversion in OWGS reaction over a monometallic 30 wt% Cu/CeO2 catalysts, possibly by helping to maintain Cu in a reduced state during reaction.


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The wettability of the (001), (100), and (011) crystallographic facets of macroscopic aspirin crystals has been experimentally investigated using a sessile drop contact angle (θ) method. θ for a nonpolar liquid was very similar for all three facets, though significant θ differences were observed for three polar probe liquids. The observed hydrophobicity of the (001) and (100) facets is ascribed to a reduced hydrogen bonding potential at these surfaces, whilst the observed hydrophilicity of facet (011) may be attributed to presence of surface carboxylic functionalities as confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The dispersive component of the surface free energy (γ) was similar for all three facets (35 ± 2 mJ/m). The total surface energy, γs varied between 46 and 60 mJ/m due to significant variations in the polar/acid-base components of γ for all facets. Surface polarity as determined by γ measurements and XPS data were in good agreement, linking the variations in wettability to the concentration of oxygen containing surface functional groups. In conclusion, the wettability and the surface energy of a crystalline organic solid, such as aspirin, was found to be anisotropic and facet dependant, and in this case, related to the presence of surface carboxylic functionalities. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.