3 resultados para Void Formation

em Aston University Research Archive


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Lithofacies distribution indicates that the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation of England and South Wales was desposited on a shelf which was flat and gently subsiding in the north, but topographically variable in the south. Limestone deposition in the north began with 12m of alga-rich limestone, which formed an upward shoaling sequence. Deepening then led to deposition of calcareous silty mudstones on the northern shelf. The remainder of the formation in this area formed during a shelf-wide regression, culminating in the production of an E to W younging sandbody. Lithofacies distribution on the southern shelf was primarily controlled by local subsidence. Six bedded lithofacies are recognised which contain 14 brachiopod/bryozoan dominated assemblages, of which 11 are in situ and three consist of reworked fossils. Microfacies analysis is necessary to distinguish assemblages which reflect original communities from those which reflect sedimentary processes. Turbulence, substrate-type, ease of feeding and other organisms in the environment controlled faunal distribution. Reefs were built dominantly by corals, stromatoporoids, algae and crinoids. Coral/stromatoporoid (Type A) reefs are common, particularly on the northern shelf, where they formed in response to shallowing, ultimately growing in front of the advancing carbonate sandbody. Algae dominate Type B and Type C reefs, reflecting growth in areas of poor water circulation. Lithification of the formation began in the marine-phreatic environment with precipitation of aragonite and high Mg calcite, which was subsequently altered to turbid low Mg calcite. Younger clear spars post-date secondary void formation. The pre-compactional clear spars have features which resemble the products of meteoric water diagenesis, but freshwater did not enter the formation at this time. The pre-compactional spars were precipitated by waters forced from the surrounding silty mudstones at shallow burial depths. Late diagenetic products are stylolites, compaction fractures and burial cements.


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Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics has been used to study the microstructural factors controlling the strength and toughness of two alpha-beta, titanium alloys. Fracture toughness was found to be independent of orientation for alloy Ti/6A1/4-V, but orientation dependent for IMI 700, bend and tension specimens giving similar toughness values. Increasing the solution temperature led to the usual inverse relationship between strength and toughness, with toughness becoming a minimum as the beta transus was approached. The production of a double heat treated microstructure led to a 100% increase in toughness in the high strength alloy and a 20% increase in alloy Ti/6A1/4V, with little decrease in strength. The double heat treated microstruoture was produced by cooling from the beta field into the alpha beta field, followed. by conventional solution treatment and ageing. Forging above the beta transus led to an increase in toughness over alpha beta forging in the high strength alloy, but had little effect on the toughness of Ti/6A1/4V. Light and electron microscopy showed that the increased toughness resulted from the alpha phase being changed from mainly continuous to a discontinuous platelet form in a transformed beta matrix. Void formation occurred at the alpha-beta interface and crack propagation was via the interface or across the platelet depending on which process required the least energy. Varying the solution treatment temperature produced a varying interplatelet spacing and platelet thickness. The finest interplatelet spacing was associated with the highest toughness, since a higher applied stress was required to give the necessary stress concentration to initiate void formation. The thickest alpha platelet size gave the highest toughness which could be interpreted in terms of Krafftt's "process zone size" and the critical crack tip displacement criterion by Hahn and Rosenfield from an analysis by Goodier and Field.


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Fatigue crack initiation and subsequent short crack growth behaviour of 2014-5wt%SiC aluminium alloy composites has been examined in 4-point bend loading using smooth bar specimens. The growth rates of long fatigue cracks have also been measured at different stress ratios using pre-cracked specimens. The distributions of SiC particles and of coarse constituent particles in the matrix (which arise as a result of the molten-metal processing and relatively slow cooling rate) have been investigated. Preferential crack initiation sites were found to be SiC-matrix interfaces, SiC particles associated with constituent particles and the coarse constituent particles themselves. For microstructurally short cracks the dispersed SiC particles also act as temporary crack arresters. In the long crack growth tests, higher fatigue crack growth rates were obtained than for monolithic alloys. This effect is attributed to the contribution of void formation, due to the decohesion of SiC particles, to the fatigue crack growth process in the composite. Above crack depths of about 200 μm 'short' crack growth rates were in good agreement with the long crack data, showing a Pris exponent, m = 4 in both cases. For the long crack and short crack growth tests little effect of specimen orientation and grain size was observed on fatigue crack growth rates, but, specimen orientation affected the toughness. No effect of stress ratio in the range R = 0.2-0.5 was seen for long crack data in the Paris region.