15 resultados para Visual Pathways

em Aston University Research Archive


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It is known that parallel pathways exist within the visual system. These have been described as magnocellular and parvocellular as a result of the layered organisation of the lateral geniculate nucleus and extend from the retina to the cortex. Dopamine (DA) and acetylcholine (ACH) are neurotransmitters that are present in the visual pathway. DA is present in the retina and is associated with the interplexiform cells and horizontal cells. ACH is also present in the retina and is associated with displaced amacrine cells; it is also present in the superior colliculus. DA is found to be significantly depleted in the brain of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and ACH in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. For this reason these diseases were used to assess the function of DA and ACH in the electrophysiology of the visual pathway. Experiments were conducted on young normals to design stimuli that would preferentially activate the magnocellular or parvocellular pathway. These stimuli were then used to evoke visual evoked potentials (VEP) in patients with PD and AD, in order to assess the function of DA and ACH in the visual pathway. Electroretinograms (ERGs) were also measured in PD patients to assess the role of DA in the retina. In addition, peripheral ACH function was assessed by measuring VEPs, ERGs and contrast sensitivity (CS) in young normals following the topical instillation of hyoscine hydrobromide (an anticholinergic drug). The results indicate that the magnocellular pathway can be divided into two: a cholinergic tectal-association area pathway carrying luminance information, and a non-cholinergic geniculo-cortical pathway carrying spatial information. It was also found that depletion of DA had very little effect on the VEPs or ERGs, confirming a general regulatory function for this neurotransmitter.


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The work presented in this thesis is divided into two distinct sections. In the first, the functional neuroimaging technique of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is described and a new technique is introduced for accurate combination of MEG and MRI co-ordinate systems. In the second part of this thesis, MEG and the analysis technique of SAM are used to investigate responses of the visual system in the context of functional specialisation within the visual cortex. In chapter one, the sources of MEG signals are described, followed by a brief description of the necessary instrumentation for accurate MEG recordings. This chapter is concluded by introducing the forward and inverse problems of MEG, techniques to solve the inverse problem, and a comparison of MEG with other neuroimaging techniques. Chapter two provides an important contribution to the field of research with MEG. Firstly, it is described how MEG and MRI co-ordinate systems are combined for localisation and visualisation of activated brain regions. A previously used co-registration methods is then described, and a new technique is introduced. In a series of experiments, it is demonstrated that using fixed fiducial points provides a considerable improvement in the accuracy and reliability of co-registration. Chapter three introduces the visual system starting from the retina and ending with the higher visual rates. The functions of the magnocellular and the parvocellular pathways are described and it is shown how the parallel visual pathways remain segregated throughout the visual system. The structural and functional organisation of the visual cortex is then described. Chapter four presents strong evidence in favour of the link between conscious experience and synchronised brain activity. The spatiotemporal responses of the visual cortex are measured in response to specific gratings. It is shown that stimuli that induce visual discomfort and visual illusions share their physical properties with those that induce highly synchronised gamma frequency oscillations in the primary visual cortex. Finally chapter five is concerned with localization of colour in the visual cortex. In this first ever use of Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry to investigate colour processing in the visual cortex, it is shown that in response to isoluminant chromatic gratings, the highest magnitude of cortical activity arise from area V2.


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The principal aim of this work was to investigate the development of the S-cone colour-opponent pathway in human infants aged 4 weeks to 6 months. This was achieved by recording transient visual evoked responses to pattern-onset stimuli along a tritanopic confusion axis (tritan stimuli) at and around the adult isoluminant match. For comparison, visual evoked responses to red-green and luminance-modulated stimuli were recorded from the same infants at the same ages. Evoked responses were also recorded from colour-normal adults for comparison with those of the infants. The transient VEP allowed observation of response morphology as luminance differences were introduced to the chromatic stimuli. In this way, an estimate of isoluminance was possible in infants. Estimated isoluminant points for a group of six infants aged 6 to 10 weeks closely approximated the adult isoluminant match. This finding has implications for the use of photometric isoluminance in infant work, and suggests that photopic spectral sensitivity is similar in infants and adults. Abnormalities of the visual evoked responses to tritan, red-green and luminance-modulated stimuli in an infant with cystic fibrosis are reported. The results suggest abnormal function of the retino-striate visual pathway in this infant, and it is argued that these may be secondary to his illness, although data from more infants with cystic fibrosis are needed to clarify this further. A group of nine healthy infants demonstrated evoked responses to tritan stimuli by 4 to 10 weeks and to red-green stimuli by 6 to 11 weeks post-term age. Responses to luminance-modulated stimuli were present in all nine infants at the earliest age tested, namely 4 weeks post-term. The slightly earlier age of onset of evoked responses to tritan stimuli than for red-green may be explained by the relatively lower cone contrast afforded by red-green stimuli. Latency of the evoked response to both types of chromatic stimuli and to luminance-modulated stimuli decreased with age at a similar rate, suggesting that the visual pathways transmitting luminance and chromatic information mature at similar rates in young infants.


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This thesis is an exploration of the oscillatory changes occurring in the visual cortex as measured by a functional imaging technique known as Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM), and how these compare to the BOLD response, across a number of different experimental paradigms. In chapter one the anatomy and physiology of the visual pathways and cortex are outlined, introducing the reader to structures and terms used throughout the thesis whilst chapter two introduces both the technology and analysis techniques required to record MEG and fMRI and also outlines the theory behind SAM. In chapter three the temporal frequency tuning of both striate and extrastriate cortex is investigated, showing fundamental differences in both tuning characteristics and oscillatory power changes between the two areas. Chapter four introduces the concept of implied-motion and investigates the role of area V5 / MT in the perception of such stimuli and shows, for the first time, the temporal evolution of the response in this area. Similarly a close link is shown between the early evoked potential, produced by the stimulus, and previous BOLD responses. Chapter five investigates the modulation of cortical oscillations to both shifts in attention and varying stimulus contrast. It shows that there are both induced and evoked modulation changes with attention, consistent with areas previously known to show BOLD responses. Chapter six involves a direct comparison of cortical oscillatory changes with those of the BOLD response in relation to the parametric variation of a motion coherence stimulus. It is shown that various cortical areas show a linear BOLD response to motion coherence and, for the first time, that both induced oscillatory and evoked activity also vary linearly in areas coincidental with the BOLD response. The final chapter is a summary of the main conclusions and suggests further work.


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Chapters one to three are an introduction to photosensitive epilepsy, electroencephalography (EEG) and the magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways. Photoparoxysmal response (PPR) are strongly associated with photosensitive epilepsy. Chapters four to nine investigated whether occipital spikes were associated with PPR and hence with photosensitive epilepsy. The chapters investigated whether the response types showed similar dependence on stimulus characteristics using EEG. Chapters four and five found that occipital spikes and PPR showed different dependence on colour and luminance contrast. The differences were consistent with the magnocellular pathway mediating occipital spikes and the pavocellular pathway mediating PPR. The study in chapter eight found that monocular occlusion had a significantly greater effect on PPR than on occipital spikes, which is further evidence against an association between the two types of response. Chapters six and seven showed that occipital spikes and PPR had similar optimum spatial and temporal frequencies. Chapter nine showed that both response types could be generated via stimulation of the periphery of the retina. However, these three chapters are not strong evidence of an association, as the results do not contradict the theory that the responses are generated via different pathways. The magnocellular and pavocellular pathways have similar optimum temporal and spatial frequencies and both are present in the periphery. In chapter ten, magnetoencephalography was used to estimate the source of activity underlying the components of the VEP and occipital spike. Changes in the amplitude and latency in the components of the normal VEP are associated with epilepsy. However, the source underlying the occipital spikes was not related to that underlying the components of the VEP so this is also removed as a source of evidence for an association between occipital spikes and photosensitive epilepsy.


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The thesis will show how to equalise the effect of quantal noise across spatial frequencies by keeping the retinal flux (If-2) constant. In addition, quantal noise is used to study the effect of grating area and spatial frequency on contrast sensitivity resulting in the extension of the new contrast detection model describing the human contrast detection system as a simple image processor. According to the model the human contrast detection system comprises low-pass filtering due to ocular optics, addition of light dependent noise at the event of quantal absorption, high-pass filtering due to the neural visual pathways, addition of internal neural noise, after which detection takes place by a local matched filter, whose sampling efficiency decreases as grating area is increased. Furthermore, this work will demonstrate how to extract both the optical and neural modulation transfer functions of the human eye. The neural transfer function is found to be proportional to spatial frequency up to the local cut-off frequency at eccentricities of 0 - 37 deg across the visual field. The optical transfer function of the human eye is proposed to be more affected by the Stiles-Crawford -effect than generally assumed in the literature. Similarly, this work questions the prevailing ideas about the factors limiting peripheral vision by showing that peripheral optical acts as a low-pass filter in normal viewing conditions, and therefore the effect of peripheral optics is worse than generally assumed.


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Separate physiological mechanisms which respond to spatial and temporal stimulation have been identified in the visual system. Some pathological conditions may selectively affect these mechanisms, offering a unique opportunity to investigate how psychophysical and electrophysiological tests reflect these visual processes, and thus enhance the use of the tests in clinical diagnosis. Amblyopia and optical blur were studied, representing spatial visual defects of neural and optical origin, respectively. Selective defects of the visual pathways were also studied - optic neuritis which affects the optic nerve, and dementia of the Alzheimer type in which the higher association areas are believed to be affected, but the primary projections spared. Seventy control subjects from 10 to 79 years of age were investigated. This provided material for an additional study of the effect of age on the psychophysical and electrophysiological responses. Spatial processing was measured by visual acuity, the contrast sensitivity function, or spatial modulation transfer function (MTF), and the pattern reversal and pattern onset-offset visual evoked potential (VEP). Temporal, or luminance, processing was measured by the de Lange curve, or temporal MTF, and the flash VEP. The pattern VEP was shown to reflect the integrity of the optic nerve, geniculo striate pathway and primary projections, and was related to high temporal frequency processing. The individual components of the flash VEP differed in their characteristics. The results suggested that the P2 component reflects the function of the higher association areas and is related to low temporal frequency processing, while the Pl component reflects the primary projection areas. The combination of a delayed flash P2 component and a normal latency pattern VEP appears to be specific to dementia of the Alzheimer type and represents an important diagnostic test for this condition.


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The aim of this work was to investigate human contrast perception at various contrast levels ranging from detection threshold to suprathreshold levels by using psychophysical techniques. The work consists of two major parts. The first part deals with contrast matching, and the second part deals with contrast discrimination. Contrast matching technique was used to determine when the perceived contrasts of different stimuli were equal. The effects of spatial frequency, stimulus area, image complexity and chromatic contrast on contrast detection thresholds and matches were studied. These factors influenced detection thresholds and perceived contrast at low contrast levels. However, at suprathreshold contrast levels perceived contrast became directly proportional to the physical contrast of the stimulus and almost independent of factors affecting detection thresholds. Contrast discrimination was studied by measuring contrast increment thresholds which indicate the smallest detectable contrast difference. The effects of stimulus area, external spatial image noise and retinal illuminance were studied. The above factors affected contrast detection thresholds and increment thresholds measured at low contrast levels. At high contrast levels, contrast increment thresholds became very similar so that the effect of these factors decreased. Human contrast perception was modelled by regarding the visual system as a simple image processing system. A visual signal is first low-pass filtered by the ocular optics. This is followed by spatial high-pass filtering by the neural visual pathways, and addition of internal neural noise. Detection is mediated by a local matched filter which is a weighted replica of the stimulus whose sampling efficiency decreases with increasing stimulus area and complexity. According to the model, the signals to be compared in a contrast matching task are first transferred through the early image processing stages mentioned above. Then they are filtered by a restoring transfer function which compensates for the low-level filtering and limited spatial integration at high contrast levels. Perceived contrasts of the stimuli are equal when the restored responses to the stimuli are equal. According to the model, the signals to be discriminated in a contrast discrimination task first go through the early image processing stages, after which signal dependent noise is added to the matched filter responses. The decision made by the human brain is based on the comparison between the responses of the matched filters to the stimuli, and the accuracy of the decision is limited by pre- and post-filter noises. The model for human contrast perception could accurately describe the results of contrast matching and discrimination in various conditions.


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This thesis studied the effect of (i) the number of grating components and (ii) parameter randomisation on root-mean-square (r.m.s.) contrast sensitivity and spatial integration. The effectiveness of spatial integration without external spatial noise depended on the number of equally spaced orientation components in the sum of gratings. The critical area marking the saturation of spatial integration was found to decrease when the number of components increased from 1 to 5-6 but increased again at 8-16 components. The critical area behaved similarly as a function of the number of grating components when stimuli consisted of 3, 6 or 16 components with different orientations and/or phases embedded in spatial noise. Spatial integration seemed to depend on the global Fourier structure of the stimulus. Spatial integration was similar for sums of two vertical cosine or sine gratings with various Michelson contrasts in noise. The critical area for a grating sum was found to be a sum of logarithmic critical areas for the component gratings weighted by their relative Michelson contrasts. The human visual system was modelled as a simple image processor where the visual stimuli is first low-pass filtered by the optical modulation transfer function of the human eye and secondly high-pass filtered, up to the spatial cut-off frequency determined by the lowest neural sampling density, by the neural modulation transfer function of the visual pathways. The internal noise is then added before signal interpretation occurs in the brain. The detection is mediated by a local spatially windowed matched filter. The model was extended to include complex stimuli and its applicability to the data was found to be successful. The shape of spatial integration function was similar for non-randomised and randomised simple and complex gratings. However, orientation and/or phase randomised reduced r.m.s contrast sensitivity by a factor of 2. The effect of parameter randomisation on spatial integration was modelled under the assumption that human observers change the observer strategy from cross-correlation (i.e., a matched filter) to auto-correlation detection when uncertainty is introduced to the task. The model described the data accurately.


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Pathological changes in striate (B17, V1) and extrastriate (B18, V2) visual cortex were studied in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). No differences in densities of vacuoles or surviving neurons were observed in B17 and B18 but densities of glial cell nuclei and deposits of prion protein (PrP) were greater in B18. PrP deposit densities in B17 and B18 were positively correlated. Diffuse deposit density in B17 was negatively correlated with the density of surviving neurons in B18. The vacuoles either exhibited a density peak in laminae II/III and V/VI or were more uniformly distributed across the laminae. Diffuse deposits were most frequent in laminae II/III and florid deposits more generally distributed. In B18, the surviving neurons were more consistently bimodally distributed and the glial cell nuclei most abundant in laminae V/VI than in B17. Hence, both striate and extrastriate visual cortex is affected by the pathology of vCJD, the pathological changes being most severe in B18. Neuronal degeneration in B18 appears to be associated with diffuse PrP deposit formation in B17. These data suggest that the short cortico-cortical connections between B17 and B18 and the pathways to subcortical visual areas are compromised in vCJD.


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Contrast masking from parallel grating surrounds (doughnuts) and superimposed orthogonal masks have different characteristics. However, it is not known whether the saturation of the underlying suppression that has been found for parallel doughnut masks depends on (i) relative mask and target orientation, (ii) stimulus eccentricity or (iii) surround suppression. We measured contrast-masking functions for target patches of grating in the fovea and in the periphery for cross-oriented superimposed and doughnut masks and parallel doughnut masks. When suppression was evident, the factor that determined whether it accelerated or saturated was whether the mask stimulus was crossed or parallel. There are at least two interpretations of the asymptotic behaviour of the parallel surround mask. (1) Suppression arises from pathways that saturate with (mask) contrast. (2) The target is processed by a mechanism that is subject to surround suppression at low target contrasts, but a less sensitive mechanism that is immune from surround suppression ‘breaks through’ at higher target contrasts. If the mask can be made less potent, then masking functions should shift downwards, and sideways for the two accounts, respectively. We manipulated the potency of the mask by varying the size of the hole in a parallel doughnut mask. The results provided strong evidence for the first account but not the second. On the view that response compression becomes more severe progressing up the visual pathway, our results suggest that superimposed cross-orientation suppression precedes orientation tuned surround suppression. These results also reveal a previously unrecognized similarity between surround suppression and crowding (Pelli, Palomares, & Majaj, 2004).


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The density of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was estimated at post-mortem in areas B17 and B18 of the visual cortex in 18 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cases which varied in disease onset and duration. The density of SP in B17 and NFT in B17 and B18 declined significantly with age at death of the patient. The density of SP and NFT was greater in B18 than B17 but only in cases of earlier onset and shorter duration. The pathological differences between B17 and B18 could explain the visual evoked responses (VER) that have been reported in AD. However, the differences were small, and changes in the afferent pathways remain the most likely explanation for the VER in AD. © 1994 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The occipital lobe is one of the cortical areas most affected by the pathology of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). To understand the visual problems of vCJD patients, neuropathological changes were studied in striate (B17, V1) and extrastriate (B18, V2) regions of the occipital cortex in eleven cases of vCJD. No differences in the density of vacuoles or surviving neurons were observed in B17 and B18 but densities of glial cell nuclei and deposits of the protease resistant form of prion protein (PrPsc) were greater in B18. The density of PrPsc deposits in B17 was positively correlated with their density in B18. The density of the diffuse PrPsc deposits in B17 was negatively correlated with the density of the surviving neurons in B18. In B17 and B18, the vacuoles either exhibited density peaks in laminae II/III and V/VI or were more uniformly distributed across the laminae. Diffuse PrPsc deposits were most frequent in laminae II/III and florid PrPsc deposits more generally distributed. In B18, the surviving neurons were more consistently bimodally distributed and the glial cell nuclei most abundant in laminae V/VI compared with B17. Hence, both striate and extrastriate areas of the occipital cortex are affected by the pathology of vCJD, the pathological changes being most severe in B18. Neuronal degeneration in B18 may be associated with the development of diffuse PrPsc deposits in B17. These data suggest that the short cortico-cortical connections between B17 and B18 and the pathways to subcortical visual areas are compromised in vCJD. Pathological changes in striate and extrastriate regions of the occipital cortex may contribute to several of the visual problems identified in patients with vCJD including oculomotor and visuo-spatial function.


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The occipital lobe is one of the cortical areas most affected by the pathology of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). To understand the visual problems of vCJD patients, neuropathological changes were studied in striate (B17, V1) and extrastriate (B18, V2) regions of the occipital cortex in eleven cases of vCJD. No differences in the density of vacuoles or surviving neurons were observed in B17 and B18 but densities of glial cell nuclei and deposits of the protease resistant form of prion protein (PrPsc) were greater in B18. The density of PrPsc deposits in B17 was positively correlated with their density in B18. The density of the diffuse PrPsc deposits in B17 was negatively correlated with the density of the surviving neurons in B18. In B17 and B18, the vacuoles either exhibited density peaks in laminae II/III and V/VI or were more uniformly distributed across the laminae. Diffuse PrPsc deposits were most frequent in laminae II/III and florid PrPsc deposits more generally distributed. In B18, the surviving neurons were more consistently bimodally distributed and the glial cell nuclei most abundant in laminae V/VI compared with B17. Hence, both striate and extrastriate areas of the occipital cortex are affected by the pathology of vCJD, the pathological changes being most severe in B18. Neuronal degeneration in B18 may be associated with the development of diffuse PrPsc deposits in B17. These data suggest that the short cortico-cortical connections between B17 and B18 and the pathways to subcortical visual areas are compromised in vCJD. Pathological changes in striate and extrastriate regions of the occipital cortex may contribute to several of the visual problems identified in patients with vCJD including oculomotor and visuo-spatial function. © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder which is characterised by hyperglycaemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. The long-term specific effects of DM include the development of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Cardiac disease, peripheral arterial and cerebrovascular disease are also known to be linked with DM. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) accounts for approximately 10% of all individuals with DM, and insulin therapy is the only available treatment. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) accounts for 90% of all individuals with DM. Diet, exercise, oral hypoglycaemic agents and occasionally exogenous insulin are used to manage T2DM. The diagnosis of DM is made where the glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) percentage is greater than 6.5%. Pattern-reversal visual evoked potential (PVEP) testing is an objective means of evaluating impulse conduction along the central nervous pathways. Increased peak time of the visual P100 waveform is an expression of structural damage at the level of myelinated optic nerve fibres. This was an observational cross sectional study. The participants were grouped into two phases. Phase 1, the control group, consisted of 30 healthy non-diabetic participants. Phase 2 comprised of 104 diabetic participants of whom 52 had an HbA1c greater than 10% (poorly controlled DM) and 52 whose HbA1c was 10% and less (moderately controlled DM). The aim of this study was to firstly observe the possible association between glycated haemoglobin levels and P100 peak time of pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (PVEPs) in DM. Secondly, to assess whether the central nervous system (CNS) and in particular visual function is affected by type and/or duration of DM. The cut-off values to define P100 peak time delay was calculated as the mean P100 peak time plus 2.5 X standard deviations as measured for the non-diabetic control group, and were 110.64 ms for the right eye. The proportion of delayed P100 peak time amounted to 38.5% for both diabetic groups, thus the poorly controlled group (HbA1c > 10%) did not pose an increased risk for delayed P100 peak time, relative to the moderately controlled group (HbA1c ≤ 10%). The P100 PVEP results for this study, do however, reflect significant delay (p < 0.001) of the DM group as compared to the non-diabetic group; thus, subclincal neuropathy of the CNS occurs in 38.5% of cases. The duration of DM and type of DM had no influence on the P100 peak time measurements.