8 resultados para Virtuelle Hochschule

em Aston University Research Archive


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Loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) in the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor may result in damage to insulation materials that are located near to the leak. The insulation materials released may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). Insulation material in the form of mineral wool fibre agglomerates (MWFA) maybe transported to the containment sump strainers mounted at the inlet of the emergency cooling pumps, where the insulation fibres may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fibre cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Thus, knowledge of transport characteristics of the damaged insulation materials in various scenarios is required to help plan for the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz1 is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a LOCA. The study entails the generation of fibre agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effect that corrosion of the containment internals by the coolant has on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the experiments performed that characterize the horizontal transport of MWFA, whereas the corresponding CFD simulations are described in an accompanying contribution (see abstract of Cartland Glover et al.). The experiments were performed a racetrack type channel that provided a near uniform horizontal flow. The channel is 0.1 wide by 1.2 m high with a straight length of 5 m and two bends of 0.5 m. The measurement techniques include particle imaging (both wide-angle and macro lens), concurrent particle image velocimetry, ultravelocimetry, laser detection sensors to sense the presence of absence of MWFA and pertinent measurements of the MWFA concentration and quiescent settling characteristics. The transport of the MWFA was observed at velocities of 0.1 and 0.25 m s-1 to verify numerical model behaviour in and just beyond expected velocities in the containment sump of a nuclear reactor.


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Mineral wool insulation material applied to the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor maybe damaged in the course of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). The insulation material released by the leak may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS), as it maybe transported together with the coolant in the form of mineral wool fiber agglomerates (MWFA) suspensions to the containment sump strainers, which are mounted at the inlet of the ECCS to keep any debris away from the emergency cooling pumps. In the further course of the LOCA, the MWFA may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fiber cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Therefore, it is essential to understand the transport characteristics of the insulation materials in order to determine the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz1 is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a primary circuit coolant leak. The study entails the generation of fiber agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effects that particles formed due to corrosion of metallic containment internals by the coolant medium have on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the numerical models that are used to predict the transport of MWFA by CFD simulations in the containment sump. Two dispersed phases were conditions to determine the influence of entrained air from a jet on the transport of fibre agglomerates through the sump. The strainer model of A. Grahn was implemented to observe the impact that the accumulation of the fibres have on the pressure drop across the strainers. The geometry considered is similar to the containment sump configurations found in Nuclear Power Plants.


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Mineral wool insulation material applied to the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor maybe damaged in the course of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). The insulation material released by the leak may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS), as it maybe transported together with the coolant in the form of mineral wool fiber agglomerates (MWFA) suspensions to the containment sump strainers, which are mounted at the inlet of the ECCS to keep any debris away from the emergency cooling pumps. In the further course of the LOCA, the MWFA may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fiber cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Therefore, it is essential to understand the transport characteristics of the insulation materials in order to determine the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a primary circuit coolant leak. The study entails the generation of fiber agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effects that particles formed due to corrosion of metallic containment internals by the coolant medium have on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the numerical models that are used to predict the transport of MWFA by CFD simulations. A number of pseudo-continuous dispersed phases of spherical wetted agglomerates can represent the MWFA. The size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber agglomerate mixture and the turbulent dispersion all affect how the fiber agglomerates are transported. In the cases described here, the size is kept constant while the density is modified. This definition affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction of the dispersed phases. Application of such a model to sedimentation in a quiescent column and a horizontal flow are examined. The scenario also presents the suspension and horizontal transport of a single fiber agglomerate phase in a racetrack type channel.


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Der Bericht beschreibt die Arbeiten zur CFD-Modellentwicklung zur Beschreibung des Fasertransportes in einer Wasserströmung, die im Unterauftrag der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz erfolgten. Während die experimentellen Arbeiten zu dieser Thematik in Zittau durchgeführt wurden, lag der Schwerpunkt der theoretischen Arbeiten in Rossendorf. Im Arbeitspunkt EZ 1 des Projektantrages ist die Erweiterung der Einzeleffektuntersuchungen vorgesehen. Die entsprechenden Modellansätze zum Partikeltransport sind im Kapitel 3.1. beschrieben. Die Modellanpassung und Validierung ist in 3.2 und 3.3 dargestellt. Der Fasertransport in einer Wasserströmung wird durch Jet-Phänomene bestimmt. Untersuchungen dazu sind im EZ3.1 des Projektantrages: „3D-Phänomene infolge Blasenmitriss“ vorgesehen und die Modellansätze und der Vergleich zu Experimenten in den Kapiteln 4.1 bis 4.3 dargestellt. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss auf den Ausgleich der Temperatur für den Fall untersucht, dass der Jet kälter als die Wasservorlage im Tank ist. Dieser Abschnitt entspricht damit der EZ3.2 des Antrages: „3D-Phänomene infolge Temperaturdifferenzen. Im Kapitel 4.4 wird auf die Strömungsvorgänge in der Zittauer Strömungswanne eingegangen und damit der Punkt EZ4 des Antrages: Integraluntersuchungen bearbeitet. Kapitel 5 beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Sieb-Modells, das die Faser-Kompaktierung berücksichtigt und auf der Darcy-Gleichung basiert. Die Modellparameter werden an Experimenten in Zittau justiert. Diese Experimente wurden für verschiedene Materialien durchgeführt und mit deren Hilfe ein Koeffizientenkatalog erstellt. Das Modell wurde in den CFD-Code CFX implementiert und anhand einiger Anwendungsbeispiele demonstriert.


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Damage to insulation materials located near to a primary circuit coolant leak may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). Insulation material in the form of mineral wool fiber agglomerates (MWFA) maybe transported to the containment sump strainers, where they may block or penetrate the strainers. Though the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers is minimal, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fiber cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a primary circuit coolant leak. The study entails the generation of fiber agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effect that corrosion and erosion of the containment internals by the coolant has on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this paper is on the verification and validation of numerical models that can predict the transport of MWFA. A number of pseudo-continuous dispersed phases of spherical wetted agglomerates represent the MWFA. The size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber agglomerate mixture and the turbulent dispersion all affect how the fiber agglomerates are transported. In the cases described here, the size is kept constant while the density is modified. This definition affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction of the dispersed phases. Note that the relative viscosity is only significant at high concentrations. Three single effect experiments were used to provide validation data on the transport of the fiber agglomerates under conditions of sedimentation in quiescent fluid, sedimentation in a horizontal flow and suspension in a horizontal flow. The experiments were performed in a rectangular column for the quiescent fluid and a racetrack type channel that provided a near uniform horizontal flow. The numerical models of sedimentation in the column and the racetrack channel found that the sedimentation characteristics are consistent with the experiments. For channel suspension, the heavier fibers tend to accumulate at the channel base even at high velocities, while lighter phases are more likely to be transported around the channel.


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Mineral wool insulation material applied to the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor maybe damaged in the course of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). The insulation material released by the leak may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS), as it maybe transported together with the coolant in the form of mineral wool fiber agglomerates (MWFA) suspensions to the containment sump strainers, which are mounted at the inlet of the ECCS to keep any debris away from the emergency cooling pumps. In the further course of the LOCA, the MWFA may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fiber cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Therefore, it is essential to understand the transport characteristics of the insulation materials in order to determine the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz1 is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a primary circuit coolant leak. The study entails the generation of fiber agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effects that particles formed due to corrosion of metallic containment internals by the coolant medium have on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the numerical models that are used to predict the transport of MWFA by CFD simulations. A number of pseudo-continuous dispersed phases of spherical wetted agglomerates can represent the MWFA. The size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber agglomerate mixture and the turbulent dispersion all affect how the fiber agglomerates are transported. In the cases described here, the size is kept constant while the density is modified. This definition affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction of the dispersed phases. Only one of the single effect experimental scenarios is described here that are used in validation of the numerical models. The scenario examines the suspension and horizontal transport of the fiber agglomerates in a racetrack type channel. The corresponding experiments will be described in an accompanying presentation (see abstract of Seeliger et al.).


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Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Frage, in welchem Maße sich Institutionen, die niederdeutsche Kulturszene und individuelle Sprecher des Niederdeutschen moderne Kommunikationstechnologien wie das Internet zunutze machen und ob computervermittelte Kommunikation helfen kann, dem Rückgang des Niederdeutschen Einhalt zu gebieten. Die grundsätzliche Herangehensweise ist eine soziolinguistische, die das Internet als sozialen Handlungsraum versteht, in dem Individuen und Institutionen kommunizieren. Für eine derartige Perspektive stehen weniger das Medium oder das Genre im Mittelpunkt des Interesses als vielmehr das kommunizierende Individuum und die Sprachgemeinschaft, in diesem Fall die virtuelle Sprachgemeinschaft. Based on studies that analyse the potential of computer-mediated communication (cmc) to help fight language shift in lesser-used languages, this paper discusses the situation of Low German in Northern Germany. Over the last three decades, Low German has lost more than half of its active speakers. The article raises the question of whether and, if so, how Low German speakers make use of cmc to stem this tide. Following a sociolinguistic approach focussed on the individual speakers who use the Internet as a space for social interaction, it gives an overview of the discursive field of Low German on the internet and analyses in detail the most popular Low German discussion board. It shows that one of the main obstacles to a more successful use of cmc can be found in speakers' complex attitude toward written Low German. © Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart.


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Im Rahmen der deutschen Reaktorsicherheitsforschung wurden im Vorhaben 1501363 durch das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf theoretische, experi-mentelle und methodische Untersuchungen zum hydrodynamischen und physiko-chemischen Verhalten von freigesetzten Isolationsmaterialfragmenten bzw. Korrosi-onsprodukten in Kühlmittelströmungen kerntechnischer Anlagen nach Kühlmittelverluststörfällen durchgeführt. Das Vorhaben baut auf den Ergebnissen der Forschungsvorhaben 1501270 und 1501307 auf und wurde in enger Kooperation mit der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (Vorhaben 1501360) realisiert. Schwerpunkte der Arbeiten bildeten Erweiterungen und Verbesserungen der im Rahmen der o.g. Forschungsvorhaben entwickelten Methoden und Modelle zur dreidimensionalen CFD-Simulation der isolationsmaterialbelasteten Kühlmittelströmung im Containment-Sumpf unter Einbeziehung der Modellierung von Anlagerungs- und Ablösevorgängen von Isoliermaterial-Fasern und Debris an Rückhaltevorrichtungen im Notkühlkreislauf (z.B. Sumpfansaugsiebe). Die Modellentwicklung und –validierung erfolgte auf Basis von an der HS Zittau/Görlitz durchgeführten Experimenten. Weiterhin wurde der Einfluss chemischer Effekte, insbesondere der Korrosion feuerverzinkter Containment-Einbauten, auf die Wasserchemie und das Verblockungsverhalten von mit Isoliermaterial-Fasern belegten Rückhaltevorrichtungen untersucht. Auf Basis der Versuchsergebnisse erfolgte die Identifikation des mechanistischen Korrosionsmodells sowie der Haupt-Einflussfaktoren auf den Korrosions- und den Verblockungsmechanismus. Diese bildeten die Basis für die Ableitung möglicher Maßnahmen zur Minderung des Korrosions- und Verblockungspotenzials.