em Aston University Research Archive


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Background: Monocytes are implicated in the initiation and progression of theatherosclerotic plaque contributing to plaque instability and rupture. Little is knownof the role played by the 3 phenotypically and functionally different monocytesubpopulations in determining ventricular remodeling following ST elevation my-ocardial infarction (STEMI). Mon1 are "classical" inflammatory monocytes, whilstMon3 are considered reparative with fibroblast deposition ability. The function ofthe newly described Mon2 is yet to be elucidated. Method: STEMI patients (n=196, mean age 62±13 years; 72% male) treatedwith percutaneous revascularization were recruited within the first 24 hours. Pe-ripheral blood monocyte subpopulations were enumerated and characterizedusing flow cytometry after staining for CD14, CD16 and CCR2. Phenotypi-cally, monocyte subpopulations are defined as: CD14+CD16-CCR2+ (Mon1),CD14+CD16+CCR+ (Mon2) and CD14lowCD16+CCR2- (Mon3) cells. Transtho-racic 2D echocardiography was performed within 7 days and 6 months post infarctto assess ventricular volumes, mass, systolic, and diastolic functions. Results: Using linear regression analysis higher counts for Mon1, and lowercounts for Mon2 and Mon3 were significantly associated with the baseline leftventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within seven days post infarction. At 6 monthspost STEMI lower counts of Mon2 remained positively associated with decreasedLVEF (p value= 0.002).Monocyte subsets correlation with LVEFMonocytes mean florescence Baseline left ventricular Left ventricular ejectionintensity (cells/μl) ejection fraction (%) fraction (%) at 6 months post infarctβ-value P-valueβ-value P-valueTotal Mon0.31 P<0.001 0.360.009Mon 10.019 2−0.28 0.001 −0.420.002Mon 3−0.27 0.001 −0.180.21 Conclusion: Peripheral monocytes of all three subsets correlate with LVEF af-ter a myocardial infarction. High counts of the inflammatory Mon1 are associatedwith reduction in the baseline LVEF. Post remodelling, the convalescent EF wasindependently predicted by monocyte subpopulation 2. As lower counts depictednegative ventricular remodeling, this suggests a reparative role for the newly de-scribed Mon2, possibly via myofibroblast deposition and angiogenesis, in contrastto an anticipated inflammatory role.


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OBJECTIVES: This study sought to investigate the effect of endothelial dysfunction on the development of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. BACKGROUND: Endothelial dysfunction accompanies cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, but its contribution to these conditions is unclear. Increased nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase-2 (NOX2) activation causes endothelial dysfunction. METHODS: Transgenic mice with endothelial-specific NOX2 overexpression (TG mice) and wild-type littermates received long-term angiotensin II (AngII) infusion (1.1 mg/kg/day, 2 weeks) to induce hypertrophy and fibrosis. RESULTS: TG mice had systolic hypertension and hypertrophy similar to those seen in wild-type mice but developed greater cardiac fibrosis and evidence of isolated left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (p < 0.05). TG myocardium had more inflammatory cells and VCAM-1-positive vessels than did wild-type myocardium after AngII treatment (both p < 0.05). TG microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) treated with AngII recruited 2-fold more leukocytes than did wild-type ECs in an in vitro adhesion assay (p < 0.05). However, inflammatory cell NOX2 per se was not essential for the profibrotic effects of AngII. TG showed a higher level of endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) than did wild-type mice after AngII infusion. In cultured ECs treated with AngII, NOX2 enhanced EMT as assessed by the relative expression of fibroblast versus endothelial-specific markers. CONCLUSIONS: AngII-induced endothelial NOX2 activation has profound profibrotic effects in the heart in vivo that lead to a diastolic dysfunction phenotype. Endothelial NOX2 enhances EMT and has proinflammatory effects. This may be an important mechanism underlying cardiac fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction during increased renin-angiotensin activation.


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Background: Monocytes are implicated in the initiation and progression of the atherosclerotic plaque contributing to plaque instability and rupture. Little is known about the role of the three phenotypically and functionally different monocyte subpopulations in determining ventricular remodelling following ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Mon1 are the ‘classical’ monocytes with inflammatory action, whilst Mon3 are considered reparative with fibroblast deposition ability. The function of the newly described Mon2 subset is yet to be fully described. Method: STEMI patients (n=196, mean age 62±13 years; 72% male) treated with percutaneous revascularization were recruited within the first 24 h post-infarction. Peripheral blood monocyte subpopulations were enumerated and characterised using flow cytometry after staining for CD14, CD16 and CCR2. Phenotypically, monocyte subpopulations are defined as: CD14++CD16-CCR2+ (Mon1), CD14++CD16+CCR2+ (Mon2) and CD14+CD16++CCR2- (Mon3) cells. Transthoracic 2D echocardiography was performed within 7 days and at 6 months post infarct to assess ventricular volumes, mass, systolic, and diastolic functions as well as strain and strain rate. Results: Using linear regression analysis higher counts for Mon1, and lower counts for Mon2 and Mon3 were significantly associated with the baseline left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within 7 days post infarct (table 1). At 6 months post STEMI lower counts of Mon2 remained positively associated with a decrease in LVEF at completion of remodelling (p=0.002). Conclusion: Peripheral monocytes of all three subsets correlate with LVEF after a myocardial infarction. High counts of the inflammatory Mon1 are associated with the reduced baseline ejection fraction post infarction. After remodelling, the convalescent ejection fraction was independently predicted by monocyte subpopulation 2. As lower counts depicted negative ventricular remodelling, this suggests a possible myofibroblast deposition and angiogenesis role for the newly described intermediate monocyte subpopulation Mon2 as opposed to the previously anticipated inflammatory role.


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Background - Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with an increased future risk for developing cardiovascular diseases. Hypoxia in utero is a common clinical cause of fetal growth restriction. We have previously shown that chronic hypoxia alters cardiovascular development in chick embryos. The aim of this study was to further characterize cardiac disease in hypoxic chick embryos. Methods - Chick embryos were exposed to hypoxia and cardiac structure was examined by histological methods one day prior to hatching (E20) and at adulthood. Cardiac function was assessed in vivo by echocardiography and ex vivo by contractility measurements in isolated heart muscle bundles and isolated cardiomyocytes. Chick embryos were exposed to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its scavenger soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sFlt-1) to investigate the potential role of this hypoxia-regulated cytokine. Principal Findings - Growth restricted hypoxic chick embryos showed cardiomyopathy as evidenced by left ventricular (LV) dilatation, reduced ventricular wall mass and increased apoptosis. Hypoxic hearts displayed pump dysfunction with decreased LV ejection fractions, accompanied by signs of diastolic dysfunction. Cardiomyopathy caused by hypoxia persisted into adulthood. Hypoxic embryonic hearts showed increases in VEGF expression. Systemic administration of rhVEGF165 to normoxic chick embryos resulted in LV dilatation and a dose-dependent loss of LV wall mass. Lowering VEGF levels in hypoxic embryonic chick hearts by systemic administration of sFlt-1 yielded an almost complete normalization of the phenotype. Conclusions/Significance - Our data show that hypoxia causes a decreased cardiac performance and cardiomyopathy in chick embryos, involving a significant VEGF-mediated component. This cardiomyopathy persists into adulthood.


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Vascular dysfunction is one of the major causes of cardiovascular (CV) mortality and increases with age. Epidemiological studies suggest that Mediterranean diets and high nut consumption reduce CV disease risk and mortality while increasing plasma α-tocopherol. Therefore, we have investigated whether almond supplementation can improve oxidative stress markers and CV risk factors over 4 weeks in young and middle-aged men. Healthy middle-aged men (56 ± 5.8 years), healthy young men (22.1 ± 2.9 years) and young men with two or more CV risk factors (27.3 ± 5 years) consumed 50 g almond/day for 4 weeks. A control group maintained habitual diets over the same period. Plasma α-tocopherol/cholesterol ratios were not different between groups at baseline and were significantly elevated by almond intervention with 50 g almond/day for 4 weeks (p < 0.05). Plasma protein oxidation and nitrite levels were not different between groups whereas, total-, HDL- and LDL-cholesterols and triglycerides were significantly higher in healthy middle-aged and young men with CV risk factors but were not affected by intake. In the almond-consuming groups, flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) improved and systolic blood pressure reduced significantly after 50 g almonds/day for 4 weeks, but diastolic blood pressure reduced only in healthy men. In conclusion, a short-term almond-enriched diet can increase plasma α-tocopherol and improve vascular function in asymptomatic healthy men aged between 20 and 70 years without any effect on plasma lipids or markers of oxidative stress. © 2014 Informa UK, Ltd.


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From Platonic and Galenic roots, the first well developed ventricular theory of brain function is due to Bishop Nemesius, fourth century C.E. Although more interested in the Christian concept of soul, St. Augustine, too addressed the question of the location of the soul, a problem that has endured in various guises to the present day. Other notable contributions to ventricular psychology are the ninth century C.E. Arabic writer, Qusta ibn Lūqā, and an early European medical text written by the twelfth century C.E. author, Nicolai the Physician. By the time of Albertus Magnus, so-called medieval cell doctrine was a well-developed model of brain function. By the sixteenth century, Vesalius no longer understands the ventricles to be imaginary cavities designed to provide a physical basis for faculty psychology but as fluid-filled spaces in the brain whose function is yet to be determined