24 resultados para VASOMOTOR NEURONS
em Aston University Research Archive
The laminar distribution of the neurofilament inclusions (NI) and swollen achromatic neurons (SN) was studied in gyri of the temporal cortex in four patients with neurofilament inclusion disease (NID). In 84% of gyri analysed, the density of the NI was maximal in the lower cortical laminae. The distribution of the SN was more variable than the NI. Density was maximal in the lower cortex in 46% of gyri, in the upper cortical laminae in 8% of gyri, and a bimodal distribution in 15% of gyri. In the remaining gyri, there was a more even distribution of SN with cortical depth. In 31% of gyri, the vertical density of the NI was positively correlated with that of the SN. The data suggest that cortical degeneration in the temporal lobe of NID initially affects neurons in the lower laminae. Subsequently, the pathology may spread to affect much of the cortical profile, the SN preceding the appearance of the NI.
In the cerebral cortex of cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), the vacuolation (spongiform change) and PrP deposits are aggregated into clusters which are regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater. The objective of the present study was to determine the spatial relationships between the clusters of the vacuoles and PrP deposits and between the pathological changes and variations in the density of surviving neurons. In areas with low densities of pathological change, clusters of vacuoles were spatially correlated with the surviving neurons and not with the PrP deposits. By contrast, in more significantly affected areas, clusters of vacuoles were spatially correlated with those of the PrP deposits and not with the surviving neurons. In addition, areas with a high density of vacuoles and a low density of PrP deposits exhibited no spatial correlations between the variables. These data suggest that the spatial relationships between the vacuolation, PrP deposits and surviving neurons in sCJD depend on the density of lesions present. Differences in the pattern of correlation may reflect the developmental stage of the pathology in particular cortical areas.
This study tested three hypotheses: (1) that there is clustering of the neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), astrocytic plaques (AP) and ballooned neurons (BN) in corticobasal degeneration (CBD), (2) that the clusters of NCI and BN are not spatially correlated, and (3) that the lesions are correlated with disease ‘stage’. In 50% of the regions, clusters of lesions were 400–800 µm in diameter and regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary. Clusters of NCI and BN were larger in laminae II/III and V/VI, respectively. In a third of regions, the clusters of BN and NCI were negatively spatially correlated. Cluster size of the BN in the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) was positively correlated with disease ‘stage’. The data suggest the following: (1) degeneration of the cortico-cortical pathways in CBD, (2) clusters of NCI and BN may affect different anatomical pathways and (3) BN may develop after the NCI in the PHG.
The histological features of cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) are often distributed in the brain in clusters. This study investigated the spatial associations between the clusters of the vacuoles, surviving neurons, and prion protein (PrP) deposits in various brain areas in 11 cases of vCJD. Clusters of vacuoles and surviving neurons were positively correlated in the cerebral cortex but negatively correlated in the dentate gyrus. Clusters of the florid and diffuse type of PrP deposit were not positively correlated with those of either the vacuoles or the surviving neurons although a negative correlation was observed between the florid plaques and surviving neurons in some cortical areas. Clusters of the florid and diffuse deposits were either negatively correlated or uncorrelated. These data suggest: 1) that clusters of vacuoles in the cerebral cortex are associated with the presence of surviving neuronal cell bodies, 2) that the clusters of vacuoles are not spatially related to those of the PrP deposits, and 3) different factors are involved in the pathogenesis of the florid and diffuse PrP deposits.
Neuronal intermediate filament (IF) inclusion disease (NIFID) is characterized by neuronal loss, neuronal cytoplasmic IF-positive inclusions (NI), swollen neurons (SN), and a glial cell reaction. We studied the spatial correlations between the clusters of NI, SN, and glial cells in four gyri of the temporal lobe (superior temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus, lateral occipitotemporal gyrus, and parahippocampal gyrus) in four cases of NIFID. The densities of histological features (per 50x250 μ sample field) were as follows: NI (mean = 0.41, range 0.28-0.68), SN (mean = 1.41, range 0.47-2.65), glial cell nuclei (mean = 5.21, range 3.63-8.17). The NI and the SN were positively correlated in half of the brain regions examined, the correlations being present at the smallest field size (50x250 μm). The NI were also positively or negatively correlated with the glial cell nuclei in different areas, the negative correlations being present at the smallest field size. Glial cell nuclei were positively or negatively correlated with the SN in different brain areas, mainly at the larger field sizes (400x250 and 800x250 μm). The spatial correlation between the clusters of NI and SN in the cortex suggests their development within the same columns of cells. At first, the glial cell reaction is also confined to these columns but later becomes more generally distributed across the cortex. © Springer-Verlag 2004.
The frequency of morphological abnormalities in neuronal perikarya was studied in the cerebral cortex in cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD) and in elderly control patients. Three hypotheses were tested, namely that the proportion of neurons exhibiting abnormal morphology was increased: (i) in sCJD compared with control patients; (ii) in sCJD, in areas with significant prion protein (PrP) deposition compared with regions with little or no PrP deposition; and (iii) when neurons were spatially associated with a PrP deposit compared with neurons between PrP deposits. Changes in cell shape (swollen or atrophic cell bodies), nuclei (displaced, indistinct, shrunken or absent nuclei; absence of nucleolus), and cytoplasm (dense or pale cytoplasm, PrP positive cytoplasm, vacuolation) were commonly observed in all of the cortical areas studied in the sCJD cases. The proportion of neurons exhibiting each type of morphological change was significantly increased in sCJD compared with age-matched control cases. In sCJD, neuronal abnormalities were present in areas with little PrP deposition, but at significantly lower frequencies compared with areas with significant densities of PrP deposits. Abnormalities of cell shape, nucleus and the presence of cytoplasmic vacuolation were increased when the neurons were associated with a PrP deposit, but fewer of these neurons were PrP-positive compared with neurons between deposits. The data suggest significant neuronal degeneration in the cerebral cortex in sCJD in areas without significant PrP deposition and a further phase of neuronal degeneration associated with the appearance of PrP deposits.
The association between diffuse-type beta -amyloid (AP) deposits and neuronal cell bodies in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome (DS) could result from the secretion of AP from clusters of neurons in situ or the diffusion of A beta from cell processes, glial cells or blood vessels. To decide between these hypotheses, spatial pattern analysis was used to study the relationship between the degree of clustering of neuronal cell bodies and the presence of diffuse deposits in the temporal lobe of patients with DS. Significant clustering of neuronal cell bodies was present in 17/24 (71%) of brain areas studied. in addition, in 23/24 (96%) of brain areas, there was a positive correlation between the presence of diffuse deposits and the density of neurons. Hence, the data support the hypothesis that diffuse deposits develop in situ mainly as a result of the secretion of A beta by local clusters of neurons rather than by significant diffusion. Furthermore, the size of a diffuse deposit is likely to be determined by the number of neurons within a cluster which secrete A beta. The number and density of neurons could also be a factor determining the evolution of a diffuse into a mature amyloid deposit.
Recent studies of areas V1 and MT in the visual cortex show that exposure to a stimulus can change the contrast sensitivity of cells and shift their peak sensitivity to a new orientation or movement direction. In MT, these shifts can correctly predict illusory changes - visual aftereffects - in movement direction, but in V1, they are more difficult to interpret.
Cervical compressive myelopathy is the most serious complication of cervical spondylosis or ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) and the most frequent cause of spinal cord dysfunction. There is little information on the exact pathophysiological mechanism responsible for the progressive loss of neural tissue in the spinal cord of such patients. In this study, we used the spinal hyperostotic mouse (twy/twy) as a suitable model of human spondylosis, and OPLL to investigate the cellular and molecular changes in the spinal cord. Mutant twy/twy mouse developed ossification of the ligamentum flavum at C2-C3 and exhibited progressive paralysis.
It is becoming clear that the detection and integration of synaptic input and its conversion into an output signal in cortical neurons are strongly influenced by background synaptic activity or "noise." The majority of this noise results from the spontaneous release of synaptic transmitters, interacting with ligand-gated ion channels in the postsynaptic neuron [Berretta N, Jones RSG (1996); A comparison of spontaneous synaptic EPSCs in layer V and layer II neurones in the rat entorhinal cortex in vitro. J Neurophysiol 76:1089-1110; Jones RSG, Woodhall GL (2005) Background synaptic activity in rat entorhinal cortical neurons: differential control of transmitter release by presynaptic receptors. J Physiol 562:107-120; LoTurco JJ, Mody I, Kriegstein AR (1990) Differential activation of glutamate receptors by spontaneously released transmitter in slices of neocortex. Neurosci Lett 114:265-271; Otis TS, Staley KJ, Mody I (1991) Perpetual inhibitory activity in mammalian brain slices generated by spontaneous GABA release. Brain Res 545:142-150; Ropert N, Miles R, Korn H (1990) Characteristics of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyramidal neurones of rat hippocampus. J Physiol 428:707-722; Salin PA, Prince DA (1996) Spontaneous GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory currents in adult rat somatosensory cortex. J Neurophysiol 75:1573-1588; Staley KJ (1999) Quantal GABA release: noise or not? Nat Neurosci 2:494-495; Woodhall GL, Bailey SJ, Thompson SE, Evans DIP, Stacey AE, Jones RSG (2005) Fundamental differences in spontaneous synaptic inhibition between deep and superficial layers of the rat entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus 15:232-245]. The function of synaptic noise has been the subject of debate for some years, but there is increasing evidence that it modifies or controls neuronal excitability and, thus, the integrative properties of cortical neurons. In the present study we have investigated a novel approach [Rudolph M, Piwkowska Z, Badoual M, Bal T, Destexhe A (2004) A method to estimate synaptic conductances from membrane potential fluctuations. J Neurophysiol 91:2884-2896] to simultaneously quantify synaptic inhibitory and excitatory synaptic noise, together with postsynaptic excitability, in rat entorhinal cortical neurons in vitro. The results suggest that this is a viable and useful approach to the study of the function of synaptic noise in cortical networks. © 2007 IBRO.
The laminar distribution of ballooned neurons (BN) and tau positive neurons with inclusions (tau+ neurons) was studied in the frontal and temporal cortex in twelve patients with corticobasal degeneration (CBD). In the majority of brain areas, the density of BN and tau+ neurons was maximal in the lower and upper cortical laminae respectively. The densities of tau+ neurons in the upper and lower cortex were positively correlated. In the majority of brain areas, however, no correlations were observed between the densities of BN and tau+ neurons. The laminar distribution of the BN may reflect the degeneration of the feedback cortico-cortical and/or the efferent cortical pathways. By contrast, the distribution of the tau+ neurons may reflect the degeneration of the feed-forward cortico-cortical pathways. In addition, BN and tau+ neurons may arise as a result of distinct pathological processes.
The frequency of morphological abnormalities in neuronal perikarya which were in contact with diffuse beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was compared with neurons located adjacent to the deposits. Morphological abnormalities were also studied in elderly, non-demented (ND) cases with and without diffuse Abeta deposits. In AD and ND cases with Abeta deposits, an increased proportion of neurons in contact with diffuse deposits exhibited at least one abnormality compared with neurons located adjacent to the deposits. Neurons in contact with diffuse deposits exhibited a greater frequency of abnormalities of shape, nuclei, nissl substance and had a higher frequency of cytoplasmic vacuoles compared with adjacent neurons. A greater frequency of abnormalities of shape, nissl substance and in the frequency of displaced nuclei were also observed in neurons adjacent to diffuse deposits in AD compared with ND cases. With the exception of absent nuclei, morphological abnormalities adjacent to diffuse deposits in ND cases were similar to those of ND cases without Abeta deposits. These results suggest that neuronal degeneration is associated with the earliest stages of Abeta deposit formation and is not specifically related to the formation of mature senile plaques.
Sensory cells usually transmit information to afferent neurons via chemical synapses, in which the level of noise is dependent on an applied stimulus. Taking into account such dependence, we model a sensory system as an array of LIF neurons with a common signal. We show that information transmission is enhanced by a nonzero level of noise. Moreover, we demonstrate a phenomenon similar to suprathreshold stochastic resonance with additive noise. We remark that many properties of information transmission found for the LIF neurons was predicted by us before with simple binary units [Phys. Rev. E 75, 021121 (2007)]. This confirmation of our predictions allows us to point out identical roots of the phenomena found in the simple threshold systems and more complex LIF neurons.
Glia may be important in the pathology of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) in several ways: (1) glial cells could be involved in the formation of prion protein (PrPsc) deposits, (2) PrPsc deposits could stimulate the production of astrocytes and microglia, (3) PrPsc deposits could damage adjacent glial cells, and (4) glial cells could remove PrPsc from the brain. To investigate the significance of glial cells in vCJD, the relationships between PrPsc deposits and their associated glia, together with neurons and blood vessels, was studied in six cases of vCJD. Multicentric PrPsc deposits were the largest and least frequent type of deposit observed and were more commonly associated with glial cells, neuronal perikarya, and blood vessels than the more common diffuse and florid PrPsc deposits. Diffuse PrPsc deposits were more frequently associated with glial cells and neurons than the florid deposits. The ratio of astrocytes to oligodendrocytes adjacent to PrPsc deposits was similar to normal brain but the ratio of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes to microglia was less than in normal brain. The intensity of immunolabelling of multicentric PrPsc deposits was positively correlated with the presence of associated vacuoles and negatively correlated with the frequency of microglia. The patterns of correlation between deposit morphology and associated glial cells and neurons were similar for the diffuse and florid type PrPsc deposits. Deposit size was most consistently correlated with the number of associated neurons and vacuoles. The data suggest in vCJD: (1) no evidence that glia were necessary for the formation of PrPsc deposits, (2) an increase in microglia which may be an attempt to remove PrPsc from the bain, and (3) PrPsc deposits could affect adjacent astrocytes and damage the blood brain barrier (BBB).