25 resultados para Uniformity of distribution

em Aston University Research Archive


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This thesis presents an analysis of the stability of complex distribution networks. We present a stability analysis against cascading failures. We propose a spin [binary] model, based on concepts of statistical mechanics. We test macroscopic properties of distribution networks with respect to various topological structures and distributions of microparameters. The equilibrium properties of the systems are obtained in a statistical mechanics framework by application of the replica method. We demonstrate the validity of our approach by comparing it with Monte Carlo simulations. We analyse the network properties in terms of phase diagrams and found both qualitative and quantitative dependence of the network properties on the network structure and macroparameters. The structure of the phase diagrams points at the existence of phase transition and the presence of stable and metastable states in the system. We also present an analysis of robustness against overloading in the distribution networks. We propose a model that describes a distribution process in a network. The model incorporates the currents between any connected hubs in the network, local constraints in the form of Kirchoff's law and a global optimizational criterion. The flow of currents in the system is driven by the consumption. We study two principal types of model: infinite and finite link capacity. The key properties are the distributions of currents in the system. We again use a statistical mechanics framework to describe the currents in the system in terms of macroscopic parameters. In order to obtain observable properties we apply the replica method. We are able to assess the criticality of the level of demand with respect to the available resources and the architecture of the network. Furthermore, the parts of the system, where critical currents may emerge, can be identified. This, in turn, provides us with the characteristic description of the spread of the overloading in the systems.


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The incentive dilemma refers to a situation in which incentives are offered but do not work as intended. The authors suggest that, in an interorganizational context, whether a principal-provided incentive works is a function of how it is evaluated by an agent: for its contribution to the agent's bottom line (instrumental evaluation) and for the extent it is strategically aligned with the agent's direction (congruence evaluation). To further understand when incentives work, the influence of two key contextual variables-industry volatility and dependence-are examined. A field study featuring 57 semi-structured depth interviews and 386 responses from twin surveys in the information technology and brewing industries provide data for hypothesis testing. When and whether incentives work is demonstrated by certain conditions under which the agent's evaluation of an incentive has positive or negative effects on its compliance and active representation. Further, some outcomes are reversed in the high volatility condition. © 2013 Academy of Marketing Science.


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This paper discusses the potentiality of reconfiguring distribution networks into islanded Microgrids to reduce the network infrastructure reinforcement requirement and incorporate various dispersed energy resources. The major challenge would be properly breaking down the network and its resultant protection and automation system changes. A reconfiguration method is proposed based on allocation of distributed generation resources to fulfil this purpose, with a heuristic algorithm. Cost/reliability data is required for the next stage tasks to realise a case study of a particular network.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution of the pathological changes in the neocortex in multiple-system atrophy (MSA). METHOD: The vertical distribution of the abnormal neurons (neurons with enlarged or atrophic perikarya), surviving neurons, glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCI) and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NI) were studied in alpha-synuclein-stained material of frontal and temporal cortex in ten cases of MSA. RESULTS: Abnormal neurons exhibited two common patterns of distribution, viz., density was either maximal in the upper cortex or a bimodal distribution was present with a density peak in the upper and lower cortex. The NI were either located in the lower cortex or were more uniformly distributed down the cortical profile. The distribution of the GCI varied considerably between gyri and cases. The density of the glial cell nuclei was maximal in the lower cortex in the majority of gyri. In a number of gyri, there was a positive correlation between the vertical densities of the abnormal neurons, the total number of surviving neurons, and the glial cell nuclei. The vertical densities of the GCI were not correlated with those of the surviving neurons or glial cells but the GCI and NI were positively correlated in a small number of gyri. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that there is significant degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes in MSA, the lower laminae being affected more significantly than the upper laminae. Cortical degeneration in MSA is likely to be secondary to pathological changes occurring within subcortical areas.


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To determine the pattern of cortical degeneration in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the laminar distribution of the vacuolation ("spongiform change"), surviving neurones, glial cell nuclei, and prion protein (PrP) deposits was studied in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. The vacuolation exhibited two common patterns of distribution: either the vacuoles were present throughout the cortex or a bimodal distribution was present with peaks of density in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The distribution of the surviving neurones was highly variable in different regions; the commonest pattern being a uniform distribution with cortical depth. Glial cell nuclei were distributed largely in the lower cortical laminae. The non-florid PrP deposits exhibited either a bimodal distribution or exhibited a peak of density in the upper cortex while the florid deposits were either uniformly distributed down the cortex or were present in the upper cortical laminae. In a significant proportion of areas, the density of the vacuoles was positively correlated with either the surviving neurones or with the glial cell nuclei. These results suggest similarities and differences in the laminar distributions of the pathogenic changes in vCJD compared with cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD). The laminar distribution of vacuoles was more extensive in vCJD than in sCJD whereas the distribution of the glial cell nuclei was similar in the two disorders. In addition, PrP deposits in sCJD were localised mainly in the lower cortical laminae while in vCJD, PrP deposits were either present in all laminae or restricted to the upper cortical laminae. These patterns of laminar distribution suggest that the process of cortical degeneration may be distinctly different in vCJD compared with sCJD.


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Significant amyloid-beta (Abeta) deposition in cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) may represent concurrent Alzheimer's disease (AD). To test this hypothesis, the laminar distribution of the diffuse, primitive, and classic Abeta deposits was studied in the frontal and temporal cortex in cases of DLB and were compared with AD. In DLB, the diffuse and primitive deposits exhibited two common patterns of distribution; either maximum density occurred in the upper cortical laminae or a bimodal distribution was present with density peaks in the upper and lower laminae. In addition, a bimodal distribution of the classic deposits was observed in approximately half of the cortical areas analysed. A number of differences in the laminar distributions of Abeta deposits were observed in DLB and AD. First, the proportion of the primitive relative to the diffuse and classic deposits present was lower in DLB compared with AD. Second, the primitive deposits were more frequently bimodally distributed in DLB. Third, the density of the diffuse deposits reached a maximum lower in the cortical profile in AD. These data suggest differences in the pattern of cortical degeneration in the two disorders and therefore, DLB cases with significant Abeta pathology may not represent the coexistence of DLB and AD.


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The.use of high-chromium cast irons for abrasive wear resistance is restricted due to their poor fracture toughness properties. An.attempt was made to improve the fracture characteristics by altering the distribution, size and.shape of the eutectic carbide phase without sacrificing their excellent wear resistance. This was achieved by additions of molybdenum or tungsten followed by high temperature heat treatments. The absence of these alloying elements or replacement of them with vanadium or manganese did not show any significant effect and the continuous eutectic carbide morphology remained the same after application of high temperature heat treatments. The fracture characteristics of the alloys with these metallurgical variables were evaluated for both sharp-cracks and blunt notches. The results were used in conjunction with metallographic and fractographic observations to establish possible failure mechanisms. The fracture mechanism of the austenitic alloys was found to be controlled not only by the volume percent but was also greatly influenced by the size and distribution of the eutectic carbides. On the other hand, the fracture mechanism of martensitic alloys was independent of the eutectic carbide morphology. The uniformity of the secondary carbide precipitation during hardening heat treatments was shown to be a reason for consistant fracture toughness results being obtained with this series of alloys although their eutectic carbide morphologies were different. The collected data were applied to a model which incorporated the microstructural parameters and correlated them with the experimentally obtained valid stress intensity factors. The stress intensity coefficients of different short-bar fracture toughness test specimens were evaluated from analytical and experimental compliance studies. The.validity and applicability of this non-standard testing technique for determination of the fracture toughness of high-chromium cast irons were investigated. The results obtained correlated well with the valid results obtained from standard fracture toughness tests.


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The realisation of an eventual low-voltage (LV) Smart Grid with a complete communication infrastructure is a gradual process. During this evolution the protection scheme of distribution networks should be continuously adapted and optimised to fit the protection and cost requirements at the time. This paper aims to review practices and research around the design of an effective, adaptive and economical distribution network protection scheme. The background of this topic is introduced and potential problems are defined from conventional protection theories and new Smart Grid technologies. Challenges are identified with possible solutions defined as a pathway to the ultimate flexible and reliable LV protection systems.


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Manufacturer–reseller interactions are becoming more technology-enabled as channels of distribution increasingly utilize e-business tools on the Internet. This research examines the performance consequences for resellers as these technological advances are applied to distribution activities between channel members. Using a sample of 216 resellers of computer products, the research explores the impact of e-business tools in 2 areas of manufacturer–reseller interactions: supply tasks and demand tasks. The results suggest that e-business in supply tasks increases relationship coordination between manufacturer and reseller, whereas e-business in demand tasks increases coordination as well as conflict within the channel dyad. The increase of conflict constitutes a potential “dark side” of e-business in channel relationships that may provide an explanation for e-business implementation failures and negative returns on investment in technology.


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The numbers of zoospores produced by a pathogenic strain of Saprolegnia diclina and their behaviour are markedly influenced by a variety of environmental variables including temperature, pH, oxygen tension and the presence of biocides. The use of the latter is not recommended, as fish readily succumb to equivalent concentrations of biocides. Analysis of the pattern of distribution of resulting zoospore cysts demonstrates that zoospores become dispersed by random movement even while in the proximity of the parent colony’s nutrient source. However, the presence of amino acids, in particular aspartic and glutamic acid, at concentrations which occur in fish tissue promotes the directed movement of zoospores towards the nutrient source thereby encouraging the colonization of fresh sites.


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We propose a simple model that captures the salient properties of distribution networks, and study the possible occurrence of blackouts, i.e., sudden failings of large portions of such networks. The model is defined on a random graph of finite connectivity. The nodes of the graph represent hubs of the network, while the edges of the graph represent the links of the distribution network. Both, the nodes and the edges carry dynamical two state variables representing the functioning or dysfunctional state of the node or link in question. We describe a dynamical process in which the breakdown of a link or node is triggered when the level of maintenance it receives falls below a given threshold. This form of dynamics can lead to situations of catastrophic breakdown, if levels of maintenance are themselves dependent on the functioning of the net, once maintenance levels locally fall below a critical threshold due to fluctuations. We formulate conditions under which such systems can be analyzed in terms of thermodynamic equilibrium techniques, and under these conditions derive a phase diagram characterizing the collective behavior of the system, given its model parameters. The phase diagram is confirmed qualitatively and quantitatively by simulations on explicit realizations of the graph, thus confirming the validity of our approach. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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The thesis is concerned with relationships between profit, technology and environmental change. Existing work has concentrated on only a few questions, treated at either micro or macro levels of analysis. And there has been something of an impasse since the neoclassical and neomarxist approaches are either in direct conflict (macro level), or hardly interact (micro level). The aim of the thesis was to bypass this impasse by starting to develop a meso level of analysis that focusses on issues largely ignored in the traditional approaches - on questions about distribution. The first questions looked at were descriptive - what were the patterns of distribution over time of the variability in types and rates of environmental change, and in particular, was there any evidence of periodization? Two case studies were used to examine these issues. The first looked at environmental change in the iron and steel industry since 1700, and the second studied pollution in five industries in the basic processing sector. It was established that environmental change has been markedly periodized, with an apparently fairly regular `cycle length' of about fifty years. The second questions considered were explanatory - whether and how this periodization could be accounted for by reference to variations in aspects of profitability and technical change. In the iron and steel industry, it was found that diffusion rates and the rate of nature of innovation were periodized on the same pattern as was environmental change. And the same sort of variation was also present in the realm of profits, as evidenced by cyclical changes in output growth. Simple theoretical accounts could be given for all the empirically demonstrable links, and it was suggested that the most useful models at this meso level of analysis are provided by structural change models of economic development.