15 resultados para Type I And Ii Fibers
em Aston University Research Archive
The use of the Type I and Type II scheme, first introduced and used by fiber Bragg grating researchers, has recently been adopted by the ultrafast laser direct-write photonics community to classify the physical geometry of waveguides written into glasses and crystals. This has created confusion between the fiber Bragg grating and direct-write photonics community. Here we propose a return to the original basis of the classification based on the characteristics of the material modification rather than the physical geometry of the waveguide.
We report experimental findings for tailoring the temperature and strain coefficients of Type I and Type IA fibre Bragg gratings by influencing the photosensitivity presensitization of the host optical fibre. It is shown that by controlling the level of hydrogen saturation, via hot and cold hydrogenation, it is possible to produce gratings with lower thermal coefficients. Furthermore, there is a larger difference between the Type I and Type IA thermal coefficients and a significant improvement in the matrix condition number, which impacts the ability to recover accurate temperature and strain data using the Type 1-1A dual grating sensor. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis is a cornerstone of modern informatics. Predictive computational models of peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-binding affinity based on QSAR technology have now become important components of modern computational immunovaccinology. Historically, such approaches have been built around semiqualitative, classification methods, but these are now giving way to quantitative regression methods. We review three methods--a 2D-QSAR additive-partial least squares (PLS) and a 3D-QSAR comparative molecular similarity index analysis (CoMSIA) method--which can identify the sequence dependence of peptide-binding specificity for various class I MHC alleles from the reported binding affinities (IC50) of peptide sets. The third method is an iterative self-consistent (ISC) PLS-based additive method, which is a recently developed extension to the additive method for the affinity prediction of class II peptides. The QSAR methods presented here have established themselves as immunoinformatic techniques complementary to existing methodology, useful in the quantitative prediction of binding affinity: current methods for the in silico identification of T-cell epitopes (which form the basis of many vaccines, diagnostics, and reagents) rely on the accurate computational prediction of peptide-MHC affinity. We have reviewed various human and mouse class I and class II allele models. Studied alleles comprise HLA-A*0101, HLA-A*0201, HLA-A*0202, HLA-A*0203, HLA-A*0206, HLA-A*0301, HLA-A*1101, HLA-A*3101, HLA-A*6801, HLA-A*6802, HLA-B*3501, H2-K(k), H2-K(b), H2-D(b) HLA-DRB1*0101, HLA-DRB1*0401, HLA-DRB1*0701, I-A(b), I-A(d), I-A(k), I-A(S), I-E(d), and I-E(k). In this chapter we show a step-by-step guide into predicting the reliability and the resulting models to represent an advance on existing methods. The peptides used in this study are available from the AntiJen database (http://www.jenner.ac.uk/AntiJen). The PLS method is available commercially in the SYBYL molecular modeling software package. The resulting models, which can be used for accurate T-cell epitope prediction, will be made are freely available online at the URL http://www.jenner.ac.uk/MHCPred.
The sensitivities of type I and IIA fibre Bragg gratings written to different reflectivities in SMF-28 and B/Ge fibres to ionizing radiation up to 0.54MGy are investigated. The Bragg wavelength shows a small and rapid increase at the start of irradiation followed by either a plateau (type I) or a decrease (type IIA).
The sensitivities of type I and IIA fibre Bragg gratings written to different reflectivities in SMF-28 and B/Ge fibres to ionizing radiation up to 0.54MGy are investigated. The Bragg wavelength shows a small and rapid increase at the start of irradiation followed by either a plateau (type I) or a decrease (type IIA).
The pathogenesis and medical management of diabetic retinopathy is reviewed. The importance of good control of blood glucose and blood pressure remain key elements in the prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, and a number of specific metabolic pathways have been identified that may be useful additional targets for therapeutic intervention. Trial data, however, aimed specifically to answer the questions of optimum medical management are limited, so the DIRECT study of renin-angiotensin blockade using oral candesartan 32 mg daily is a welcome addition to our knowledge. This arose from the promising improvement of retinopathy outcomes in the EUCLID study of lisinopril in type I diabetes. In DIRECT, 5 years of candesartan treatment in type I diabetes reduced the incidence of retinopathy by two or more steps (EDTRS) in severity by 18% (P = 0.0508) and, in a post hoc analysis, reduced the incidence of retinopathy by three-step progression by 35% (P = 0.034). In type I diabetes patients there was no effect on progression of established retinopathy. In contrast, in type II diabetes, 5 years of candesartan treatment resulted in 34% regression of retinopathy (P ≤0.009). Importantly, an overall significant change towards less-severe retinopathy was noted in both type I and II diabetes (P0.03). Although there is still no absolute proof that these effects were specific to RAS blockade, or just an effect of lower blood pressure, it is reasonable to conclude that candesartan has earned a place in the medical management of diabetic retinopathy, to prevent the problem in type I diabetes and to treat the early stages in type II diabetes. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
Propionibacterium acnes forms part of the normal flora of the skin, oral cavity, large intestine and the external ear. Historically, P. acnes is considered to be of low virulence; however, in recent years it has been found as the aetiological agent in various pathologies including acne vulgaris, endophthalmitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, sarcoidosis, prosthetic hip infections and sciatica. It currently remains unclear why this normally harmless commensal can cause infection and contribute to a number of clinically significant conditions. This thesis has sought to investigate the phenotypic, genetic and antigenic properties of P.acnes strains isolated from sciatica patients undergoing microdiscectomy, normal skin, blood cultures, prosthetic hips and acne lesions. Isolates' phenotype was examined by determining their biotype by analytical profile index, antimicrobial susceptibility, virulence factor expression and serotype. A molecular typing method for P.acnes was developed using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Patient serum was used to screen P.acnes strains for antigens expressed in vivo and the chemical composition determined. The serodiagnostic potential and inflammatory properties of identified antigens were assessed. The optimised and reproducible RAPD protocol classified strains into three major clusters and was found to distinguish between the serotypes I and II for a large number of clinical isolates. Molecular typing by RAPD also enabled the identification of a genotype that did not react with the type I or II monoclonal antibodies and these strains may therefore constitute a previously undiscovered subspecies of P.acnes with a genetic background different from the type I and II serotypes. A major cell associated antigen produced by all strains was identified and characterised. A serological assay based on the antigen was used to measure IgG and IgM levels in serum from patients with acne, sciatica and controls. No difference in levels of antibodies was detected. Inflammatory properties of the antigen were measured by exposing murine macrophage-like cells and measuring the release of nitric oxide and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Only TNF-α was elicited in response to the antigen. The phenotypic, genotypic and antigenic properties of this organism may provide a basis for future studies on P.acnes virulence and provide an insight into its mechanisms of pathogenesis.
Antigenic peptide is presented to a T-cell receptor (TCR) through the formation of a stable complex with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Various predictive algorithms have been developed to estimate a peptide's capacity to form a stable complex with a given MHC class II allele, a technique integral to the strategy of vaccine design. These have previously incorporated such computational techniques as quantitative matrices and neural networks. A novel predictive technique is described, which uses molecular modeling of predetermined crystal structures to estimate the stability of an MHC class II-peptide complex. The structures are remodeled, energy minimized, and annealed before the energetic interaction is calculated.
We examined satellite cell content and the activity of satellite cell progeny in tibialis anterior muscles of young (15 weeks) and aging (101 weeks) Brown Norway (BN) rats, after they were exposed for 50 days to a standardized and highly reproducible regime of chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation. Chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation was successful in inducing fast-to-slow fiber-type transformation, characterized by a 2.3-fold increase in the proportion of IIA fibers and fourfold and sevenfold decreases in the proportion of IID/X and IIB fibers in both young and aging BN rats. These changes were accompanied by a twofold increase in the satellite cell content in both the young and aging groups; satellite cell content reached a level that was significantly higher in the young group (p < .04). The total muscle precursor cell content (i.e., satellite cells plus progeny), however, did not differ between groups, because there was a greater number of satellite cell progeny passing through the proliferative and differentiative compartments of the aging group. The resulting 1.5-fold increase in myonuclear content was similar in the young and aging groups. We conclude that satellite cells and satellite cell progeny of aging BN rats possess an unaltered capacity to contribute to the adaptive response.
In this paper, we report a systematic investigation of the dependence of both temperature and strain sensitivities on the jiber Bragg grating (FBG) type, including the wellknown Type I, Type IIA, and a new type which we have designated Type 1.4, using both hydrogen-Ji-ee and hydrogenated B/Ge codoped jibers. We have identijed distinct sensitivity characteristics for each grating type, and we have utilised them to implement a novel dual-grating, duul-parameter sensor device. Three dual-grating sensing schemes with different combinations of gruting types have been constructed and compared. The Type IA-Type IIA combination exhibits the best pe$ormance and is superior to that of previously reported gruting-based structures. The characteristics of the measurement errors in such dualgrating sensor systems is also presented in detail.
In this paper, we report a systematic investigation of the dependence of both temperature and strain sensitivities on the jiber Bragg grating (FBG) type, including the wellknown Type I, Type IIA, and a new type which we have designated Type 1.4, using both hydrogen-Ji-ee and hydrogenated B/Ge codoped jibers. We have identijed distinct sensitivity characteristics for each grating type, and we have utilised them to implement a novel dual-grating, duul-parameter sensor device. Three dual-grating sensing schemes with different combinations of gruting types have been constructed and compared. The Type IA-Type IIA combination exhibits the best pe$ormance and is superior to that of previously reported gruting-based structures. The characteristics of the measurement errors in such dualgrating sensor systems is also presented in detail.
Aims To review the role of cardiovascular disease and therapy in the onset and recurrence of preretinal/vitreous haemorrhage in diabetic patients. Methods Retrospective case note analysis of diabetic patients with vitreous haemorrhage from the Diabetic Eye Clinic at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. Results In total, 54 patients (mean age 57.1, 37 males, 20 type I vs34 type II diabetic patients) were included. The mean (SD) duration of diagnosed diabetes at first vitreous haemorrhage was significantly longer, 21.9 (7.6) years for type I and 14.8 (9.3) years for type II diabetic patients (P<0.01, unpaired t-test, two-tailed). Aspirin administration was not associated with a significantly later onset of vitreous haemorrhage. Four episodes were associated with ACE-inhibitor cough. There was a trend towards HMGCoA reductase inhibitor (statin) use being associated with a delayed onset of vitreous haemorrhage: 21.4 years until vitreous haemorrhage (treatment group) vs 16.2 years (nontreatment group) (P=0.09, two-tailed, unpaired t-test, not statistically significant). During follow-up 56 recurrences occurred, making a total of 110 episodes of vitreous haemorrhage in 79 eyes of 54 patients. The mean (range) follow-up post haemorrhage was 1067 (77–3842) days, with an average of 1.02 recurrences. Age, gender, diabetes type (I or II) or control, presence of hypertension or hypercholesterolaemia, and macrovascular complications were not associated with a significant effect on the 1-year recurrence rate. Aspirin (and other antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents) and ACE- inhibitors appeared to neither increase nor decrease the 1-year recurrence rate. However, statin use was significantly associated with a reduction in recurrence (Fisher exact P<0.05; two-tailed) with an odds ratio (95% CI) of 0.25 (0.1–0.95). Conclusion In this retrospective analysis, the onset of preretinal/vitreous haemorrhage was not found to be accelerated by gender, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, evidence of macrovascular disease, or HbA1c. Neither aspirin nor ACE-inhibitor administration accelerated the onset or recurrence of first vitreous haemorrhage. Statins may have a protective role, both delaying and reducing the recurrence of haemorrhage.
The ability of angiotensin I (Ang I) and II (Ang II) to induce directly protein degradation in skeletal muscle has been studied in murine myotubes. Angiotensin I stimulated protein degradation with a parabolic dose-response curve and with a maximal effect between 0.05 and 0.1 μM. The effect was attenuated by coincubation with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor imidaprilat, suggesting that angiotensin I stimulated protein degradation through conversion to Ang II. Angiotensin II also stimulated protein breakdown with a similar dose-response curve, and with a maximal effect between 1 and 2.5 μM. Total protein degradation, induced by both Ang I and Ang II, was attenuated by the proteasome inhibitors lactacystin (5 μM) and MG132 (10 μM), suggesting that the effect was mediated through upregulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. Both Ang I and Ang II stimulated an increased proteasome 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity as well as an increase in protein expression of 20S proteasome α-subunits, the 19S subunits MSSI and p42, at the same concentrations as those inducing protein degradation. The effect of Ang I was attenuated by imidaprilat, confirming that it arose from conversion to Ang II. These results suggest that Ang II stimulates protein degradation in myotubes through induction of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Protein degradation induced by Ang II was inhibited by insulin-like growth factor and by the polyunsaturated fatty acid, eicosapentaenoic acid. These results suggest that Ang II has the potential to cause muscle atrophy through an increase in protein degradation. The highly lipophilic ACE inhibitor imidapril (Vitor™) (30 mg kg-1) attenuated the development of weight loss in mice bearing the MAC16 tumour, suggesting that Ang II may play a role in the development of cachexia in this model. © 2005 Cancer Research.
The annealing properties of Type IA Bragg gratings are investigated and compared with Type I and Type IIA Bragg gratings. The transmission properties (mean and modulated wavelength components) of gratings held at predetermined temperatures are recorded from which decay characteristics are inferred. Our data show critical results concerning the high temperature stability of Type IA gratings, as they undergo a drastic initial decay at 100°C, with a consequent mean index change that is severely reduced at this temperature However, the modulated index change of IA gratings remains stable at lower annealing temperatures of 80°C, and the mean index change decays at a comparable rate to Type I gratings at 80°C. Extending this work to include the thermal decay of Type IA gratings inscribed under strain shows that the application of strain quite dramatically transforms the temperature characteristics of the Type IA grating, modifying the temperature coefficient and annealing curves, with the grating showing a remarkable improvement in high temperature stability, leading to a robust grating that can survive temperatures exceeding 180°C. Under conditions of inscription under strain it is found that the temperature coefficient increases, but is maintained at a value considerably different to the Type I grating. Therefore, the combination of Type I and IA (strained) gratings make it possible to decouple temperature and strain over larger temperature excursions.
We report on the effective side detection of radiation-mode out-coupling from blazed fiber Bragg gratings (BFBGs) fabricated in single-mode fiber (SMF) and multimode fiber (MMF). The far-field radiation power distribution from BFBGs have been measured achieving a high spatial-spectral resolution (0.17 mm/nm). We have also investigated comparatively the transmission-loss characteristics of BFBGs in both fiber types, fabricated using phase-mask and holographic inscription techniques. Our results reveal clearly that the radiation out-coupling from BFBGs is significantly stronger and spectrally more confined in MMF than in SMF.