8 resultados para Tours

em Aston University Research Archive


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Academic and popular studies of South African sport generally reveal a bias towards cricket and rugby and this perpetuates the myth that these games are the most popular in South Africa. This in turn is often viewed through the lens of 'race' in which the simplifications of sport along racial lines occur. This paper argues that football was more important in South Africa among all South Africans in the late 19th and early 20th century than has been previously acknowledged. It reveals that not only was the game important and popular in South Africa but its teams and administrators played a significant role in globalising the game during this period. Tours to and from South Africa were important politically, financially and for sporting reasons. Five ground breaking football tours took place during a ten year period and these serve as the basis of discussion in this paper.


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Berceau du football en Afrique, l’Afrique du Sud a largement contribué à son internationalisation. L’article décrypte la formalisation et la structuration du football sud-africain autour de réseaux politiques et industriels de l’empire victorien. À la fin du XIXe siècle, cinq ans avant même la création officielle de la FIFA, les équipes africaines sont les toutes premières à traverser les mers pour jouer en Europe et en Amérique du Sud. Ces tournées constituent les prémices du football planétaire. As the birthplace of African football, South Africa has greatly helped to give it an international dimension. This paper interprets the way in which South African football was formalised and structured around the political and industrial networks of the Victorian Empire. At the end of the 19th century, five years even before the FIFA was officially created, African teams were the first to go overseas to play in Europe and South America. These tours were the first steps towards the sport’s global dimension.


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South Africa, Australia and New Zealand participated in numerous sporting contests prior to World War Two. These encounters were primarily on cricket pitches and rugby fields. After nearly four decades of negotiations the first Association football matches were played between the three countries in 1947. The first tour of South Africa to Australia and New Zealand was plagued by scandals on and off the pitch, but despite this Australia returned the favour and toured South Africa three years later. Another five years would pass before South African returned to Australia, by which time it was clear that a large gulf had emerged between the two nations in terms of sporting ability and organisational efficiency. This article focuses on the three tours of 1947, 1950 and 1955, dissecting each as they occurred against a backdrop of scandal, organisational inefficiency and sporting mismatch.


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De nombreuses langues du monde grammaticalisent les formes lexicales itive (aller) et ventive (venir) en auxiliaires temporels. Si ce fait a été abondamment décrit dans des langues particulières, on ne dispose pas d’une étude contrastive des deux tours, ce que nous proposons d’entreprendre dans la présente communication, sur quelques langues, A partir des premiers constats suivants : - la forme itive est plus fréquemment grammaticalisée que la forme ventive : en anglais p. ex. seul go est grammaticalisé ; - si le plus souvent l’itif s’est grammaticalisé dans l’expression de l’imminence-ultériorité (le train va partir) et le ventif dans celle de la récence (le train vient de partir), ce n’est pas toujours le cas : en catalan, anar + inf. est un prétérit (el tren va marchar : ‘le train est parti’), et actualise donc le procès non comme ultérieur mais comme antérieur ; - certaines langues, comme le français, ont développé sur ces auxiliaires, outre les effets de sens temporel d’imminence-ultériorité pour l’itif et de récence pour le ventif, un effet de sens d’extraordinaire, qui peut être signifié aussi bien par l’un que par l’autre tour (il va pas / vient pas me dire) - l’imminence-ultériorité sur l’itif et la récence sur le ventif souffrent des restrictions temporelles, plus accusées pour le premier : en francais p. ex., aller, dans cet effet de sens, se conjugue aux seuls présent et imparfait (le train va / allait / * irait / *est allé partir) ; venir admet en plus le futur et le conditionnel (le train vient/ venait/viendra/ viendrait/ *est venu de partir). On se propose (i) d’expliciter les différents éléments de l’asymétrie dans la grammaticalisation des deux formes itive et ventive dans les langues retenues (anglais, catalan, espagnol, français, italien, portugais), et (ii) de formuler une hypothèse explicative de ces faits hétérogènes.


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Civil aviation plays an essential role in maintaining international communications. Many extraneous factors influence the daily operations of the air transport industry. This thesis begins by investigating the major categories of so­ called "external interests" in civil aviation. These are shown to have played a significant part in ensuring the need for international agreement over the adoption of regulating principles. The combination and interaction of the various influences has produced a particular type of regulatory environment in which all commercial air services have to operate. The need for such regulation and the extreme difficulty experienced in trying to define universally acceptable methods of supervision is discussed. It is shown how opportunity for the development of on-scheduled air services was created by default on the part of the European Governments.The concept of so-called "scheduled" and "non-scheduled" sectors" is considered and it is suggested that growth of the inclusive tour industry resulted from inappropriate categorisation of the air services involved. The means by which development opportunities were created for inclusive tour operations is considered and the work then investigates the importance of British air transport policy in their exploitation. The politics of British civil aviation in the post-war years is the subject of detailed examination and the process by which Independent airlines were encouraged to develop inclusive tours, is identified. This theme is expanded to demonstrate the vital contribution of British air transport policy in the restructuring of the international industry. The subsequent involvement of the United States is shown to have been directed specifically towards the satisfaction of domestic issues. British objectives, however, are considered to have been more generally concerned with improving the tariff structure. The unique opportunities for British experimentation with international fares are seen to have major influence in forcing the pace of tariff rationalisation.


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Cet article explicite les différentes structures syntaxiques périphrastiques construites sur aller et sur venir. A partir de celles-ci sera exposée – de façon contrastive– la pluralité des effets de sens repérables en discours, plus précisément ceux déjà suffisamment stabilisés pour accéder à leur conscientisation, à leur (éventuelle) mention dans les grammaires, et à leur description par les linguistes. Lorsque c’est possible, les tours périphrastiques seront suivis d’une équivalence par un autre temps verbal, qui permet, parfois mais pas toujours, de bien distinguer lesdits effets de sens. Dans un second temps, on proposera pour chacune des deux formes une explicitation de sa valeur en langue, qui soit à même de rendre compte du pluriel des effets de sens produits en discours. Chacun des tours répertoriés mérite évidemment un développement bien plus conséquent que ce que nous lui accordons dans les cadres de cet article. On ne traitera pas ici notamment des restrictions sur l’aspect et les temps verbaux, l’agentivité du sujet, le type de procès qui suit l’auxiliaire, la négation. L’analyse sera conduite sur le français, avec quelques aperçus sur les autres langues romanes.


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Operations Management, 3rd Edition provides a clear and accessible introduction to this important area of study, focusing on all key areas of operations in both manufacturing and service industries. Features: Focuses on the subject from a European perspective. Deals with the management of the creation of goods and the delivery of services to the customer. Covers the main areas of operations strategy, the design of operations system and the management of operations over time. Incorporates more strategic and international commentary. Includes a strategy link section consisting of a paragraph relating each chapter topic to operations strategy. Includes more end of chapter and quantitative exercises. Cases have been updated throughout and now include: Service including public sector, international, a mix of mini–cases and a longer case for each chapter. Accompanied by a comprehensive package of online learning support materials including: A robust testbank featuring 1500 questions, PowerPoint slides and a comprehensive instructor's manual An interactive e–Book is included with every new copy of this text, featuring a wealth of embedded media, including: Animated worked examples, simulations, virtual tours, videos, flashcards and practice quizzes.


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DUE TO COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AT ASTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES WITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENT The research presented in this thesis is concerned with Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) modelling as a method to facilitate logistical policy development within the UK Less-than-Truckload (LTL) freight distribution sector which has been typified by “Pallet Networks” operating on a hub-and-spoke philosophy. Current literature relating to LTL hub-and-spoke and cross-dock freight distribution systems traditionally examines a variety of network and hub design configurations. Each is consistent with classical notions of creating process efficiency, improving productivity, reducing costs and generally creating economies of scale through notions of bulk optimisation. Whilst there is a growing abundance of papers discussing both the network design and hub operational components mentioned above, there is a shortcoming in the overall analysis when it comes to discussing the “spoke-terminal” of hub-and-spoke freight distribution systems and their capabilities for handling the diverse and discrete customer profiles of freight that multi-user LTL hub-and-spoke networks typically handle over the “last-mile” of the delivery, in particular, a mix of retail and non-retail customers. A simulation study is undertaken to investigate the impact on operational performance when the current combined spoke-terminal delivery tours are separated by ‘profile-type’ (i.e. retail or nonretail). The results indicate that a potential improvement in delivery performance can be made by separating retail and non-retail delivery runs at the spoke-terminal and that dedicated retail and non-retail delivery tours could be adopted in order to improve customer delivery requirements and adapt hub-deployed policies. The study also leverages key operator experiences to highlight the main practical implementation challenges when integrating the observed simulation results into the real-world. The study concludes that DES be harnessed as an enabling device to develop a ‘guide policy’. This policy needs to be flexible and should be applied in stages, taking into account the growing retail-exposure.