12 resultados para Time windows

em Aston University Research Archive


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Are persistent marketing effects most likely to appear right after the introduction of a product? The authors give an affirmative answer to this question by developing a model that explicitly reports how persistent and transient marketing effects evolve over time. The proposed model provides managers with a valuable tool to evaluate their allocation of marketing expenditures over time. An application of the model to many pharmaceutical products, estimated through (exact initial) Kalman filtering, indicates that both persistent and transient effects occur predominantly immediately after a brand's introduction. Subsequently, the size of the effects declines. The authors theoretically and empirically compare their methodology with methodology based on unit root testing and demonstrate that the need for unit root tests creates difficulties in applying conventional persistence modeling. The authors recommend that marketing models should either accommodate persistent effects that change over time or be applied to mature brands or limited time windows only.


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Gamma activity to stationary grating stimuli was studied non-invasively using MEG recordings in humans. Using a spatial filtering technique, we localized gamma activity to primary visual cortex. We tested the hypothesis that spatial frequency properties of visual stimuli may be related to the temporal frequency characteristics of the associated cortical responses. We devised a method to assess temporal frequency differences between stimulus-related responses that typically exhibit complex spectral shapes. We applied this methodology to either single-trial (induced) or time-averaged (evoked) responses in four frequency ranges (0-40, 20-60, 40-80 and 60-100 Hz) and two time windows (either the entire duration of stimulus presentation or the first second following stimulus onset). Our results suggest that stimuli of varying spatial frequency induce responses that exhibit significantly different temporal frequency characteristics. These effects were particularly accentuated for induced responses in the classical gamma frequency band (20-60 Hz) analyzed over the entire duration of stimulus presentation. Strikingly, examining the first second of the responses following stimulus onset resulted in significant loss in stimulus specificity, suggesting that late signal components contain functionally relevant information. These findings advocate a functional role of gamma activity in sensory representation. We suggest that stimulus specific frequency characteristics of MEG signals can be mapped to processes of neuronal synchronization within the framework of coupled dynamical systems.


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In the Thatcher illusion, a face with inverted eyes and mouth looks abnormal when upright but not when inverted. Behavioral studies have shown that thatcherization of an upright face disrupts perceptual processing of the local configuration. We recorded high-density EEG from normal observers to study ERP correlates of the illusion during the perception of faces and nonface objects, to determine whether inversion and thatcherization affect similar neural mechanisms. Observers viewed faces and houses in four conditions (upright vs. inverted, and normal vs. thatcherized) while detecting an oddball category (chairs). Thatcherization delayed the N170 component over occipito-temporal cortex to faces, but not to houses. This modulation matched the illusion as it was larger for upright than inverted faces. The P1 over medial occipital regions was delayed by face inversion but unaffected by thatcherization. Finally, face thatcherization delayed P2 over occipito-temporal but not over parietal regions, while inversion affected P2 across categories. All effects involving thatcherization were face-specific. These results indicate that effects of face inversion and feature inversion (in thatcherized faces) can be distinguished on a functional as well as neural level, and that they affect configural processing of faces in different time windows. © 2006 Elsevier Inc.


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E-grocery is gradually becoming viable or a necessity for many families. Yet, most e-supermarkets are seen as providers of low value "staple" and bulky goods mainly. While each store has a large number of SKU available, these products are mainly necessity goods with low marginal value for hedonistic consumption. A need to acquire diverse products (e.g., organic), premium priced products (e.g., wine) for special occasions (e.g., anniversary, birthday), or products just for health related reasons (e.g., allergies, diabetes) are yet to be served via one-stop e-tailers. In this paper, we design a mathematical model that takes into account consumers' geo-demographics and multi-product sourcing capacity for creating critical mass and profit. Our mathematical model is a variant of Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW), which we extend by adding intermediate locations for trucks to meet and exchange goods. We illustrate our model for the city of Istanbul using GIS maps, and discuss its various extensions as well as managerial implications.


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The recognition of faces and of facial expressions in an important evolutionary skill, and an integral part of social communication. It has been argued that the processing of faces is distinct from the processing of non-face stimuli and functional neuroimaging investigations have even found evidence of a distinction between the perception of faces and of emotional expressions. Structural and temporal correlates of face perception and facial affect have only been separately identified. Investigation neural dynamics of face perception per se as well as facial affect would allow the mapping of these in space, time and frequency specific domains. Participants were asked to perform face categorisation and emotional discrimination tasks and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to measure the neurophysiology of face and facial emotion processing. SAM analysis techniques enable the investigation of spectral changes within specific time-windows and frequency bands, thus allowing the identification of stimulus specific regions of cortical power changes. Furthermore, MEG’s excellent temporal resolution allows for the detection of subtle changes associated with the processing of face and non-face stimuli and different emotional expressions. The data presented reveal that face perception is associated with spectral power changes within a distributed cortical network comprising occipito-temporal as well as parietal and frontal areas. For the perception of facial affect, spectral power changes were also observed within frontal and limbic areas including the parahippocampal gyrus and the amygdala. Analyses of temporal correlates also reveal a distinction between the processing of faces and facial affect. Face perception per se occurred at earlier latencies whereas the discrimination of facial expression occurred within a longer time-window. In addition, the processing of faces and facial affect was differentially associated with changes in cortical oscillatory power for alpha, beta and gamma frequencies. The perception of faces and facial affect is associated with distinct changes in cortical oscillatory activity that can be mapped to specific neural structures, specific time-windows and latencies as well as specific frequency bands. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis provides further insight into the sequential processing of faces and facial affect.


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Early, lesion-based models of language processing suggested that semantic and phonological processes are associated with distinct temporal and parietal regions respectively, with frontal areas more indirectly involved. Contemporary spatial brain mapping techniques have not supported such clear-cut segregation, with strong evidence of activation in left temporal areas by both processes and disputed evidence of involvement of frontal areas in both processes. We suggest that combining spatial information with temporal and spectral data may allow a closer scrutiny of the differential involvement of closely overlapping cortical areas in language processing. Using beamforming techniques to analyze magnetoencephalography data, we localized the neuronal substrates underlying primed responses to nouns requiring either phonological or semantic processing, and examined the associated measures of time and frequency in those areas where activation was common to both tasks. Power changes in the beta (14-30 Hz) and gamma (30-50 Hz) frequency bandswere analyzed in pre-selected time windows of 350-550 and 500-700ms In left temporal regions, both tasks elicited power changes in the same time window (350-550 ms), but with different spectral characteristics, low beta (14-20 Hz) for the phonological task and high beta (20-30 Hz) for the semantic task. In frontal areas (BA10), both tasks elicited power changes in the gamma band (30-50 Hz), but in different time windows, 500-700ms for the phonological task and 350-550ms for the semantic task. In the left inferior parietal area (BA40), both tasks elicited changes in the 20-30 Hz beta frequency band but in different time windows, 350-550ms for the phonological task and 500-700ms for the semantic task. Our findings suggest that, where spatial measures may indicate overlapping areas of involvement, additional beamforming techniques can demonstrate differential activation in time and frequency domains. © 2012 McNab, Hillebrand, Swithenby and Rippon.


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We analyze a business model for e-supermarkets to enable multi-product sourcing capacity through co-opetition (collaborative competition). The logistics aspect of our approach is to design and execute a network system where “premium” goods are acquired from vendors at multiple locations in the supply network and delivered to customers. Our specific goals are to: (i) investigate the role of premium product offerings in creating critical mass and profit; (ii) develop a model for the multiple-pickup single-delivery vehicle routing problem in the presence of multiple vendors; and (iii) propose a hybrid solution approach. To solve the problem introduced in this paper, we develop a hybrid metaheuristic approach that uses a Genetic Algorithm for vendor selection and allocation, and a modified savings algorithm for the capacitated VRP with multiple pickup, single delivery and time windows (CVRPMPDTW). The proposed Genetic Algorithm guides the search for optimal vendor pickup location decisions, and for each generated solution in the genetic population, a corresponding CVRPMPDTW is solved using the savings algorithm. We validate our solution approach against published VRPTW solutions and also test our algorithm with Solomon instances modified for CVRPMPDTW.


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Increased vascular permeability is an early event characteristic of tissue ischemia and angiogenesis. Although VEGF family members are potent promoters of endothelial permeability the role of placental growth factor (PlGF) is hotly debated. Here we investigated PlGF isoforms 1 and 2 and present in vitro and in vivo evidence that PlGF-1, but not PlGF-2, can inhibit VEGF-induced permeability but only during a critical window post-VEGF exposure. PlGF-1 promotes VE-cadherin expression via the trans-activating Sp1 and Sp3 interaction with the VE-cadherin promoter and subsequently stabilizes transendothelial junctions, but only after activation of endothelial cells by VEGF. PlGF-1 regulates vascular permeability associated with the rapid localization of VE-cadherin to the plasma membrane and dephosphorylation of tyrosine residues that precedes changes observed in claudin 5 tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane localization. The critical window during which PlGF-1 exerts its effect on VEGF-induced permeability highlights the importance of the translational significance of this work in that PLGF-1 likely serves as an endogenous anti-permeability factor whose effectiveness is limited to a precise time point following vascular injury. Clinical approaches that would pattern nature's approach would thus limit treatments to precise intervals following injury and bring attention to use of agents only during therapeutic windows.


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The production and characterization of narrow bandwidth fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in different spectral regions using polymer optical fibers (POFs) is reported. Narrow bandwidth FBGs are increasingly important for POF transmission systems, WDM technology and sensing applications. Long FBGs with resonance wavelength around 600-nm, 850-nm and 1550-nm in several types of polymer optical fibers were inscribed using a scanning technique with a short optical path. The technique allowed the inscription in relative short periods of time. The obtained 3-dB bandwidth varies from 0.22 down to 0.045 nm considering a Bragg grating length between 10 and 25-mm, respectively.


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The production and characterization of narrow bandwidth fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in different spectral regions using polymer optical fibers (POFs) is reported. Narrow bandwidth FBGs are increasingly important for POF transmission systems, WDM technology and sensing applications. Long FBGs with resonance wavelength around 600-nm, 850-nm and 1550-nm in several types of polymer optical fibers were inscribed using a scanning technique with a short optical path. The technique allowed the inscription in relative short periods of time. The obtained 3-dB bandwidth varies from 0.22 down to 0.045 nm considering a Bragg grating length between 10 and 25-mm, respectively.


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The production and characterization of narrow bandwidth fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in different spectral regions using polymer optical fibers (POFs) is reported. Narrow bandwidth FBGs are increasingly important for POF transmission systems, WDM technology and sensing applications. Long FBGs with resonance wavelength around 600-nm, 850-nm and 1550-nm in several types of polymer optical fibers were inscribed using a scanning technique with a short optical path. The technique allowed the inscription in relative short periods of time. The obtained 3-dB bandwidth varies from 0.22 down to 0.045 nm considering a Bragg grating length between 10 and 25-mm, respectively. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Congenital nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations, that can arise since the first months of life. Pathogenesis of congenital nystagmus is still under investigation. In general, CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, image stabilisation is still achieved during the short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recording are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyse nystagmus main features such as shape, amplitude and frequency. Using eye movement recording, it is also possible to compute estimated visual acuity predictors: analytical functions which estimates expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Use of those functions add information to typical visual acuity measurement (e.g. Landolt C test) and could be a support for therapy planning or monitoring. This study focus on robust detection of CN patients' foveations. Specifically, it proposes a method to recognize the exact signal tracts in which a subject foveates, This paper also analyses foveation sequences. About 50 eyemovement recordings, either infrared-oculographic or electrooculographic, from different CN subjects were acquired. Results suggest that an exponential interpolation for the slow phases of nystagmus could improve foveation time computing and reduce influence of breaking saccades and data noise. Moreover a concise description of foveation sequence variability can be achieved using non-fitting splines. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.