5 resultados para Thymus

em Aston University Research Archive


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Quiescent rat thymocytes were stimulated to divide by a variety of agents. One such mitogen was the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which exhibited a biphasic action. Interaction with low affinity nicotinic receptors was linked with an obligatory requirement for magnesium ions whereas combination with high affinity muscarinic receptors induced mitosis only if calcium ions were present in the medium. Binding of acetylcholine to its muscarinic receptor enhanced calcium influx and increased intracellular calcium levels causing calmodulin activation, a necessary prelude to DNA synthesis and mitosis. Nicotinic receptor activation may be associated with a magnesium influx and stimulation of cells in a calmodulin-independent fashion. Parathyroid hormone and its analogues exhibited only a monophasic mitogenic action. This response was linked to calcium influx, a rise in cytosolic calcium and calmodulin activation. Parathyroid hormone did not stimulate adenylate cyclase in thymocytes and decreased cellular cyclic AMP concentrations. Picomolar amounts of interleukin-2 (IL-2) also stimulated division in thymocytes derived from 3-month old rats by binding to high affinity receptors. The response in thymocytes from newborn and foetal animals was greater reflecting the larger proportion of cells bearing receptors at this age. The mitogenic effect of IL-2 was abolished by a monoclonal antibody directed against the IL-2 receptor. Injections of IL-2 itself or the administration of IL-2 secreting activated syngeneic spleen cells also stimulated proliferation of both thymus and bone marrow cells in vivo. Likewise immunisation with pertussis toxin, which enhances endogenous IL2 production, also increased mitosis in these tissues. Calcium influx, increased cytosolic Ca2+ levels and calmodulin activation are associated features of the mitogenic action of IL-2. Interleukin-1 was also found to be mitogenic in thymic lymphocyte cultures. The responses to this mitogen and to parathyroid hormone and acetylcholine were not inhibited by the anti-IL2 receptor antibody suggesting that the thymic lymphocyte bears discrete receptors for these agents. Subtle interactions of hormones, neurotransmitters and interleukins may thus contribute to the turnover and control of lymphoid cells in the thymus and perhaps bone-marrow.


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Purified B-cells fail to proliferate in response to the strong thymus-independent (TI) antigen Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the absence of macrophages (Corbel and Melchers, 1983). The fact that macrophages, or factors derived from them are required is supported by the inability of marginal zone B-cells in infants to respond to highly virulent strains of bacteria such as Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae (Timens, 1989). This may be due to the lack of CD21 expression on B-cells in infants which could associate with its co-receptor (C3d) on adjacent macrophages. It is not clear whether cell surface contacts and/or soluble products are involved in lymphocyte-macrophage interactions in response to certain antigens. This thesis describes the importance of the macrophage in lymphocyte responses to T-dependent (TD) and TI antigens. The major findings of this thesis were as follows: (1). Macrophages were essential for a full proliferative response to a range of T - and B-cell mitogens and TI-1 and TI-2 antigens, including Concanavalin A, LPS, Pokeweed mitogen (PWM), Dextran sulphate, Phytohaemagglutinin-P (PHA-P) and Poly[I][C]. (2). A ratio of 1 macrophage to 1000 lymphocytes was sufficient for the mitogens to exert their effects. (3). The optimal conditions were established for the activation of an oxidative burst in cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage as measured by luminometry. The order of ability was OpZ >PMA/lonomycin >f-MLP >Con A >DS >PHA >Poly[I][C] >LPS >PWM. Responses were only substantial and protracted with OpZ and PMA. Peritoneal macrophages were the most responsive cells, whereas splenic and alveolar macrophages were significantly less active and no response could be elicited with Kupffer cells, thus demonstrating heterogeneity between macrophages. (4). Activated macrophages that were then fixed with paraformaldehyde were unable to restore mitogenic responsiveness, even with a ratio of 1 macrophage to 5 lymphocytes. (5). Although highly purified T- and B-cells could respond to mitogen provided live macrophages were present, maximum activation was only observed when all 3 cell types were present. (6). Supernatants from purified macrophage cultures treated with a range of activators were able to partially restore lymphocyte responses to mitogen in macrophage-depleted splenocyte cultures, and purified T - and B-cell cultures. In fact supernatants from macrophages treated with LPS for only 30 minutes could restore responsiveness. Supernatants from OpZ treated macrophages were without effect. (7). Macrophage supernatants could not induce proliferation in the absence of mitogen. They therefore provide a co-mitogenic signal required by lymphocytes in order to respond to mitogen. (8). Macrophage product profiles revealed that LPS and Con A-treated macrophage supernatants showed elevated levels of IL-1β, TNF -α L TB4 and TXB2. These products were therefore good candidates as the co-mitogenic factor. The possible inhibitory factors secreted by OpZ-treated macrophages were PGE2, IL-10 and NO. (9). The removal of cytokines, eicosanoids and TNF-α from LPS-treated macrophage supernatants using Cycloheximide, Dexamethasone and an MMPI respectively, resulted in the inability of these supernatants to restore macrophage-depleted lymphocyte responses to mitogen. (10). rIL-1β and rTNF-α are co-mitogenic factors, as macrophage-depleted lymphocytes incubated with rIL-1β and rTNF-α can respond to mitogen.


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The irnidazotetrazinones are a novel group of anti tumour agents which have demonstrated good activity against a range of murine tumours and human xenografts. They possess a structure activity relationship similar to the anti tumour triazenes, with the chloroethyl (mitozolomide) and methyl (temozolomide) analogues being active antitumour agents, whilst the ethyl (CCRG 82019) and higher homologues are inactive. This thesiS attempts to elucidate the biological mechanisms responsible for the strict structure-activity relationship observed amongst the imidazotetrazinones. Mitozolomide is the only agent chemically capable of cross-linking DNA , which has been suggested to be responsible fo r the cytotoxicity of this group of agents. Only mitozolomide and ternozolornide Exhibit a marked ditferential toxicity towards the 0 -alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase deficient GM892A (Mer-) cell line rather than the proficient Raji cell line (Mer+). The rate of uptake of imidazotetrazinones into cells is similar for all three agents in both cell lines, and does not explain the differing sensitivities to these agents. The effect of drug treatment on the incorporation of precursors into macromolecules, and their pool sizes, was examined. Temozolomide administration was found to alter de novo protein synthesis in both GM892A and Raji cells. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that temozolomide and CCRG 82019 block cells in late S/G2/M phase of the cell cycle , similar to that observed with mitozolomide. The extent of reaction of all three drugs with isolated macromolecules and cellular macromolecules was determined, and differences found, with cellular repair processes influencing the number of alkyl lesions remaining bound to macromolecules. The specific bases formed in calf thymus DNA after treatment with either temozolornide and CCRG 82019 was measured, and it was found that the types and relative amounts of lesions formed, differed, as well as the total level of alkylation. Whereas DNA extracted from imidazotetrazinone treated cells is not affected in its ability to support RNA polymerase activity, an effect is observed on the ability to extract DNA polymerase from drug treated cells. This may suggest that the alkylated DNA must be in intact chromatin for the lesion to manifest its effects. Temozolomide and methyl methanesulphonate do got appear to act with a synergistic mode of action. The 0 -position of guanine is suspected to be a critical site for the action of these types of drugs.


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The methylation of cytosinc residues in DNA is thought to play an important role in the regulation of gene expression, with active genes generally being hypomethylated. With this in mind peptides were synthcsised to mimic the cytosine-5 methylation activity carried out by DNA mcthylase, which however, showed no ability to carry out this function. The imidazotetrazinoncs are a novel group of antitumour agents which have demonstrated good activity against a range of murinc tumours and human tumour xenografts, and hypomethylation of DNA has been implicated in the mechanism of action. Studies have been conducted on the mechanism by which such agents cause hypomethylation, using DNA methylase partially purified from murine L1210 leukaemia cells. Unmodified calf thymus DNA does not inhibit the transfer of methyl groups from SAM to M.lysodeikticus DNA by partially purified DNA methylase. However, if the calf thymus DNA is modified by alkylating agents such as imida-zotetrazinones or nitrosoureas, the treated DNA becomes an inhibitor of the methylation reaction. This has been correlated with the induction of DNA damage, such as single strand breaks, since X-ray treated DNA and deoxyribonuclease treatment produces a similar effect. The mechanism of inhibition by the drug treated or damaged DNA is thought to occur by binding of the enzyme to an increased concentration of non-substrate DNA, presumably by the occurrence of single strand breaks, since neither sonication nor treatment with the restriction enzyme Mspl caused an inhibition. Attempts were made to elucidate the strict structure activity relationship for antitumour activity observed amongst the imidazotctrazinones. The transfection of a murine colon adcnocarcinoma cell line (MAC 13) with DNA extracted from GM892 or Raji cells previously treated with either the methyl (temozolomide) or ethyl (ethazolastone) imidazotetrazinone was performed. X-irradiated DNA did not cause any suppression of cell growth, suggesting that it was not due to physical damage. Transfection of MAC 13 cells with DNA extracted from GM892 cells, was more effective at inhibiting growth than DNA from Raji cells. Temozolomide treated cellular DNA was a more potent growth inhibitor than that from ethazolastone treated cells. For both agents the growth inhibitory effect was most marked with DNA extracted 6h after drug addition, and after 24h no growth suppression was observed. This suggested that the growth inhibitory effect is due to a repairable lesion. .The methylation of M.lysodeikticus DNA by DNA methylase is inhibited potently and specifically by both hereto and homoribo and dcoxyri-bopolynucleotides containing guanine residues. The inhibitory effect is unaffected by chain length or sugar residue, but is abolished when the O-6 residue of guanine is substituted as in poly d(OGG)2o. Potent inhibition is also shown by polyinosinic and polyxanthylic acids but not by polyadenylic acid or by heteropolymers containing adcnine and thymine. These results suggest that the 6 position of the purine nucleus is important in binding of the DNA methylase to particular regions of the DNA and that the hydrogen bonding properties of this group are important in enzyme recognition. This was confirmed using synthetic oligonucleotides as substrates for DNA methylase. Enzymatic methylation of cytosine is completely suppressed, when O6 methylguanine replaces guanine in CG sites.


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The thymic anlagen appears in Tilapia mossambica at 2 days post hatching and becomes lymphoid at 5 days. Lymphoid cells were first seen in the pronephros at 14 days and in the spleen at approximately five weeks of age. Differentiation into red and white pulp regions was seen by 10 weeks of age. Light and electron microscopic studies of adult lymphoid organ revealed increases in size and lymphoid cell numbers. Adult thymus develops a clearer corticomedullary differentiation of thymic corpuscles in the medulla and in the splenic red and white pulp became more distinct. Melanomacrophage centres were seen in spleen and pronephros. Adult fish gave primary and secondary antibody responses following challenge with sheep red bloods cells (SRBC), Escherichia coli (E. coli) and human gamma globulin (HGG). Plaque forming cell and immunocytoadherence assays revealed that head kidney and spleen were major sites for antibody production and development of antigen reactive cells. Proliferative activity in these organs was revealed using autoradiography and scintillation counting. Increased levels of pyroninophilia were also seen following antigenic challenge. Pilot studies on adults revealed that they were capable of rejecting first and second set allografts and leucocytes from spleen and head kidney proliferated in mixed leucocyte cultures. Antibody responses to SRBC, E. coli and HGG develop at about 10-12 weeks of age. Fry given either a single injection of SRBC at 10 weeks or two injections of the same antigen at 10 weeks and 12 days later, failed to respond to a further challenge with SRBC 56 days after the first injection (A time when animals would normally respond positively to this antigen). Injection of E. coli at the same times resulted in a prolonged antibody response.