10 resultados para Technology use

em Aston University Research Archive


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The purpose of this concise paper is to propose, with evidence gathered through a systematic evaluation of an academic development programme in the UK, that training in the use of new and emerging learning technologies should be holistically embedded in every learning and training opportunity in learning, teaching and assessment in higher education, and not only as stand-alone modules or one-off opportunities. The future of learning in higher education cannot afford to allow Universities to disregard that digital literacy is an expected professional skill for their entire staff.


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Mobile technologies have yet to be widely adopted by the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry despite being one of the major growth areas in computing in recent years. This lack of uptake in the AEC industry is likely due, in large part, to the combination of small screen size and inappropriate interaction demands of current mobile technologies. This paper discusses the scope for multimodal interaction design with a specific focus on speech-based interaction to enhance the suitability of mobile technology use within the AEC industry by broadening the field data input capabilities of such technologies. To investigate the appropriateness of using multimodal technology for field data collection in the AEC industry, we have developed a prototype Multimodal Field Data Entry (MFDE) application. This application, which allows concrete testing technicians to record quality control data in the field, has been designed to support two different modalities of data input speech-based data entry and stylus-based data entry. To compare the effectiveness or usability of, and user preference for, the different input options, we have designed a comprehensive lab-based evaluation of the application. To appropriately reflect the anticipated context of use within the study design, careful consideration had to be given to the key elements of a construction site that would potentially influence a test technician's ability to use the input techniques. These considerations and the resultant evaluation design are discussed in detail in this paper.


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Nearly a third of UK gas and electricity is used in homes, of which 80% is for space heating and hot water provision. Rising consumer bills, concerns about climate change and the surge in personal digital technology use has provoked the development of intelligent domestic heating controls. Whilst the need for having suitable control of the home heating system is essential for reducing domestic energy use, these heating controls rely on appropriate user interaction to achieve a saving and it is unclear whether these ‘smart’ heating controls enhance the use of domestic heating or reduce energy demand. This paper describes qualitative research undertaken with a small sample of UK householders to understand how people use new heating controls installed in their homes and what the requirements are for improved smart heating control design. The paper identifies, against Nielsen’s usability heuristics, the divergence between the householder’s use, understanding and expectations of the heating system and the actual design of the system. Digital and smart heating control systems should be designed to maximise usability so that they can be effectively used for efficient heating control by all users. The research highlights the need for development of new systems to readdress the needs of users and redefine the system requirements.


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This paper presents a Decision Support System framework based on Constrain Logic Programming and offers suggestions for using RFID technology to improve several of the critical procedures involved. This paper suggests that a widely distributed and semi-structured network of waste producing and waste collecting/processing enterprises can improve their planning both by the proposed Decision Support System, but also by implementing RFID technology to update and validate information in a continuous manner. © 2010 IEEE.


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The principal theme of this thesis is the identification of additional factors affecting, and consequently to better allow, the prediction of soft contact lens fit. Various models have been put forward in an attempt to predict the parameters that influence soft contact lens fit dynamics; however, the factors that influence variation in soft lens fit are still not fully understood. The investigations in this body of work involved the use of a variety of different imaging techniques to both quantify the anterior ocular topography and assess lens fit. The use of Anterior-Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT) allowed for a more complete characterisation of the cornea and corneoscleral profile (CSP) than either conventional keratometry or videokeratoscopy alone, and for the collection of normative data relating to the CSP for a substantial sample size. The scleral face was identified as being rotationally asymmetric, the mean corneoscleral junction (CSJ) angle being sharpest nasally and becoming progressively flatter at the temporal, inferior and superior limbal junctions. Additionally, 77% of all CSJ angles were within ±50 of 1800, demonstrating an almost tangential extension of the cornea to form the paralimbal sclera. Use of AS-OCT allowed for a more robust determination of corneal diameter than that of white-to-white (WTW) measurement, which is highly variable and dependent on changes in peripheral corneal transparency. Significant differences in ocular topography were found between different ethnicities and sexes, most notably for corneal diameter and corneal sagittal height variables. Lens tightness was found to be significantly correlated with the difference between horizontal CSJ angles (r =+0.40, P =0.0086). Modelling of the CSP data gained allowed for prediction of up to 24% of the variance in contact lens fit; however, it was likely that stronger associations and an increase in the modelled prediction of variance in fit may have occurred had an objective method of lens fit assessment have been made. A subsequent investigation to determine the validity and repeatability of objective contact lens fit assessment using digital video capture showed no significant benefit over subjective evaluation. The technique, however, was employed in the ensuing investigation to show significant changes in lens fit between 8 hours (the longest duration of wear previously examined) and 16 hours, demonstrating that wearing time is an additional factor driving lens fit dynamics. The modelling of data from enhanced videokeratoscopy composite maps alone allowed for up to 77% of the variance in soft contact lens fit, and up to almost 90% to be predicted when used in conjunction with OCT. The investigations provided further insight into the ocular topography and factors affecting soft contact lens fit.


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In global policy documents, the language of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) now firmly structures a perception of educational technology which ‘subsumes’ terms like Networked Learning and e-Learning. Embedded in these three words though is a deterministic, economic assumption that technology has now enhanced learning, and will continue to do so. In a market-driven, capitalist society this is a ‘trouble free’, economically focused discourse which suggests there is no need for further debate about what the use of technology achieves in learning. Yet this raises a problem too: if technology achieves goals for human beings, then in education we are now simply counting on ‘use of technology’ to enhance learning. This closes the door on a necessary and ongoing critical pedagogical conversation that reminds us it is people that design learning, not technology. Furthermore, such discourse provides a vehicle for those with either strong hierarchical, or neoliberal agendas to make simplified claims politically, in the name of technology. This chapter is a reflection on our use of language in the educational technology community through a corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). In analytical examples that are ‘loaded’ with economic expectation, we can notice how the policy discourse of TEL narrows conversational space for learning so that people may struggle to recognise their own subjective being in this language. Through the lens of Lieras’s externality, desubjectivisation and closure (Lieras, 1996) we might examine possible effects of this discourse and seek a more emancipatory approach. A return to discussing Networked Learning is suggested, as a first step towards a more multi-directional conversation than TEL, that acknowledges the interrelatedness of technology, language and learning in people’s practice. Secondly, a reconsideration of how we write policy for educational technology is recommended, with a critical focus on how people learn, rather than on what technology is assumed to enhance.


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Manufacturers are seeking increasingly innovative ways to achieve competitive advantage. An emerging trend is to exploit diagnostic and prognostic technology to support service-led competitive strategies where the emphasis is put on the 'sale of use' rather than the 'sale of product'. However, little is known about the extent to which this technology is being exploited, the drivers and inhibitors, and the sectors where adoption is most prolific. This paper introduces the results of a survey conducted across the UK manufacturing sector to explore the extent, motivations, benefits, and challenges of deploying diagnostic and prognostic technology as an element of competitive strategy.


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The semantic model developed in this research was in response to the difficulty a group of mathematics learners had with conventional mathematical language and their interpretation of mathematical constructs. In order to develop the model ideas from linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, formal languages and natural language processing were investigated. This investigation led to the identification of four main processes: the parsing process, syntactic processing, semantic processing and conceptual processing. The model showed the complex interdependency between these four processes and provided a theoretical framework in which the behaviour of the mathematics learner could be analysed. The model was then extended to include the use of technological artefacts into the learning process. To facilitate this aspect of the research, the theory of instrumentation was incorporated into the semantic model. The conclusion of this research was that although the cognitive processes were interdependent, they could develop at different rates until mastery of a topic was achieved. It also found that the introduction of a technological artefact into the learning environment introduced another layer of complexity, both in terms of the learning process and the underlying relationship between the four cognitive processes.