5 resultados para TGF-ß, IL-10, Asthma, regulatorische T-Zellen

em Aston University Research Archive


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The aged population have an increased susceptibility to infection, therefore function of the innate immune system may be impaired as we age. Macrophages, and their precursors monocytes, play an important role in host defence in the form of phagocytosis, and also link the innate and adaptive immune system via antigen presentation. Classically-activated 'M1' macrophages are pro-inflammatory, which can be induced by encountering pathogenic material or pro-inflammatory mediators. Alternatively activated 'M2' macrophages have a largely reparative role, including clearance of apoptotic bodies and debris from tissues. Despite some innate immune receptors being implicated in the clearance of apoptotic cells, the process has been observed to have a dominant anti-inflammatory phenotype with cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-ß being implicated. The atherosclerotic plaque contains recruited monocytes and macrophages, and is a highly inflammatory environment despite high levels of apoptosis. At these sites, monocytes differentiate into macrophages and gorge on lipoproteins, resulting in formation of 'foam cells' which then undergo apoptosis, recruiting further monocytes. This project seeks to understand why, given high levels of apoptosis, the plaque is a pro-inflammatory environment. This phenomenon may be the result of the aged environment or an inability of foam cells to elicit an anti-inflammatory effect in response to dying cells. Here we demonstrate that lipoprotein treatment of macrophages in culture results in reduced capacity to clear apoptotic cells. The effect of lipoprotein treatment on apoptotic cell-mediated immune modulation of macrophage function is currently under study.


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The aged population have an increased susceptibility to infection, therefore function of the innate immune system may be impaired as we age. Macrophages, and their precursors monocytes, play an important role in host defence in the form of phagocytosis, and also link the innate and adaptive immune system via antigen presentation. Classically-activated ‘M1’ macrophages are pro-inflammatory, which can be induced by encountering pathogenic material or pro-inflammatory mediators. Alternatively activated ‘M2’ macrophages have a largely reparative role, including clearance of apoptotic bodies and debris from tissues. Despite some innate immune receptors being implicated in the clearance of apoptotic cells, the process has been observed to have a dominant anti-inflammatory phenotype with cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-ß being implicated. The atherosclerotic plaque contains recruited monocytes and macrophages, and is a highly inflammatory environment despite high levels of apoptosis. At these sites, monocytes differentiate into macrophages and gorge on lipoproteins, resulting in formation of ‘foam cells’ which then undergo apoptosis, recruiting further monocytes. This project seeks to understand why, given high levels of apoptosis, the plaque is a pro-inflammatory environment. This phenomenon may be the result of the aged environment or an inability of foam cells to elicit an anti-inflammatory effect in response to dying cells. Here we demonstrate that lipoprotein treatment of macrophages in culture results in reduced capacity to clear apoptotic cells. The capability of lipoprotein treated macrophages to respond to inflammatory stimuli is also shown. Monocyte recruitment to the plaque is currently under study, as is apoptotic cell-mediated immune modulation of human monocyte-derived macrophages.


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Differences in lipid metabolism associate with age-related disease development and lifespan. Inflammation is a common link between metabolic dysregulation and aging. Saturated fatty acids (FAs) initiate pro-inflammatory signalling from many cells including monocytes; however, no existing studies have quantified age-associated changes in individual FAs in relation to inflammatory phenotype. Therefore, we have determined the plasma concentrations of distinct FAs by gas chromatography in 26 healthy younger individuals (age < 30 years) and 21 healthy FA individuals (age > 50 years). Linear mixed models were used to explore the association between circulating FAs, age and cytokines. We showed that plasma saturated, poly- and mono-unsaturated FAs increase with age. Circulating TNF-α and IL-6 concentrations increased with age, whereas IL-10 and TGF-β1 concentrations decreased. Oxidation of MitoSOX Red was higher in leucocytes from FA adults, and plasma oxidized glutathione concentrations were higher. There was significant colinearity between plasma saturated FAs, indicative of their metabolic relationships. Higher levels of the saturated FAs C18:0 and C24:0 were associated with lower TGF-β1 concentrations, and higher C16:0 were associated with higher TNF-α concentrations. We further examined effects of the aging FA profile on monocyte polarization and metabolism in THP1 monocytes. Monocytes preincubated with C16:0 increased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to phorbol myristate acetate-induced differentiation through ceramide-dependent inhibition of PPARγ activity. Conversely, C18:1 primed a pro-resolving macrophage which was PPARγ dependent and ceramide dependent and which required oxidative phosphorylation. These data suggest that a midlife adult FA profile impairs the switch from proinflammatory to lower energy, requiring anti-inflammatory macrophages through metabolic reprogramming.


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Differences in lipid metabolism associate with age-related disease development and lifespan. Inflammation is a common link between metabolic dysregulation and aging. Saturated fatty acids (FAs) initiate pro-inflammatory signalling from many cells including monocytes; however, no existing studies have quantified age-associated changes in individual FAs in relation to inflammatory phenotype. Therefore, we have determined the plasma concentrations of distinct FAs by gas chromatography in 26 healthy younger individuals (age < 30 years) and 21 healthy FA individuals (age > 50 years). Linear mixed models were used to explore the association between circulating FAs, age and cytokines. We showed that plasma saturated, poly- and mono-unsaturated FAs increase with age. Circulating TNF-α and IL-6 concentrations increased with age, whereas IL-10 and TGF-β1 concentrations decreased. Oxidation of MitoSOX Red was higher in leucocytes from FA adults, and plasma oxidized glutathione concentrations were higher. There was significant colinearity between plasma saturated FAs, indicative of their metabolic relationships. Higher levels of the saturated FAs C18:0 and C24:0 were associated with lower TGF-β1 concentrations, and higher C16:0 were associated with higher TNF-α concentrations. We further examined effects of the aging FA profile on monocyte polarization and metabolism in THP1 monocytes. Monocytes preincubated with C16:0 increased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to phorbol myristate acetate-induced differentiation through ceramide-dependent inhibition of PPARγ activity. Conversely, C18:1 primed a pro-resolving macrophage which was PPARγ dependent and ceramide dependent and which required oxidative phosphorylation. These data suggest that a midlife adult FA profile impairs the switch from proinflammatory to lower energy, requiring anti-inflammatory macrophages through metabolic reprogramming.


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The use of cationic liposomes as experimental adjuvants for subunit peptide of protein vaccines is well documented. Recently the cationic liposome CAF01, composed of dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose dibehenate (TDB), has entered Phase I clinical trials for use in a tuberculosis (TB) vaccine. CAF01 liposomes are a heterogeneous population with a mean vesicle size of 500 nm; a strong retention of antigen at the injection site and a Th1-biassed immune response are noted. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether CAF01 liposomes of significantly different vesicle sizes exhibited altered pharmacokinetics in vivo and cellular uptake with activation in vitro. Furthermore, the immune response against the TB antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 was followed when various sized CAF01 liposomes were used as vaccine adjuvants. The results showed no differences in vaccine (liposome or antigen) draining from the injection site, however, significant differences in the movement of liposomes to the popliteal lymph node were noted. Liposome uptake by THP-1 vitamin D3 stimulated macrophage-like cells did not show a liposome size-dependent pattern of uptake. Finally, whilst there were no significant differences in the IgG1/2 regardless of the liposome size used as a delivery vehicle for Ag85B-ESAT-6, vesicle size has a size dependent effect on cell proliferation and IL-10 production with larger liposomes (in excess of 2 µm) promoting the highest proliferation and lowest IL-10 responses, yet vesicles of ~500 nm promoting higher IFN-? cytokine production from splenocytes and higher IL-1ß at the site of injection.