11 resultados para Synthetic control matching

em Aston University Research Archive


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How do signals from the 2 eyes combine and interact? Our recent work has challenged earlier schemes in which monocular contrast signals are subject to square-law transduction followed by summation across eyes and binocular gain control. Much more successful was a new 'two-stage' model in which the initial transducer was almost linear and contrast gain control occurred both pre- and post-binocular summation. Here we extend that work by: (i) exploring the two-dimensional stimulus space (defined by left- and right-eye contrasts) more thoroughly, and (ii) performing contrast discrimination and contrast matching tasks for the same stimuli. Twenty-five base-stimuli made from 1 c/deg patches of horizontal grating, were defined by the factorial combination of 5 contrasts for the left eye (0.3-32%) with five contrasts for the right eye (0.3-32%). Other than in contrast, the gratings in the two eyes were identical. In a 2IFC discrimination task, the base-stimuli were masks (pedestals), where the contrast increment was presented to one eye only. In a matching task, the base-stimuli were standards to which observers matched the contrast of either a monocular or binocular test grating. In the model, discrimination depends on the local gradient of the observer's internal contrast-response function, while matching equates the magnitude (rather than gradient) of response to the test and standard. With all model parameters fixed by previous work, the two-stage model successfully predicted both the discrimination and the matching data and was much more successful than linear or quadratic binocular summation models. These results show that performance measures and perception (contrast discrimination and contrast matching) can be understood in the same theoretical framework for binocular contrast vision. © 2007 VSP.


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The human visual system combines contrast information from the two eyes to produce a single cyclopean representation of the external world. This task requires both summation of congruent images and inhibition of incongruent images across the eyes. These processes were explored psychophysically using narrowband sinusoidal grating stimuli. Initial experiments focussed on binocular interactions within a single detecting mechanism, using contrast discrimination and contrast matching tasks. Consistent with previous findings, dichoptic presentation produced greater masking than monocular or binocular presentation. Four computational models were compared, two of which performed well on all data sets. Suppression between mechanisms was then investigated, using orthogonal and oblique stimuli. Two distinct suppressive pathways were identified, corresponding to monocular and dichoptic presentation. Both pathways impact prior to binocular summation of signals, and differ in their strengths, tuning, and response to adaptation, consistent with recent single-cell findings in cat. Strikingly, the magnitude of dichoptic masking was found to be spatiotemporally scale invariant, whereas monocular masking was dependent on stimulus speed. Interocular suppression was further explored using a novel manipulation, whereby stimuli were presented in dichoptic antiphase. Consistent with the predictions of a computational model, this produced weaker masking than in-phase presentation. This allowed the bandwidths of suppression to be measured without the complicating factor of additive combination of mask and test. Finally, contrast vision in strabismic amblyopia was investigated. Although amblyopes are generally believed to have impaired binocular vision, binocular summation was shown to be intact when stimuli were normalized for interocular sensitivity differences. An alternative account of amblyopia was developed, in which signals in the affected eye are subject to attenuation and additive noise prior to binocular combination.


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Purpose: Surfactant proteins A, B, C and D complex with (phospho)lipids to produce surfactants which provide low interfacial tensions. It is likely that similar complexation occurs in the tear film and contributes to its low surface tension. Synthetic protein-phospholipid complexes, with styrene maleic anhydrides (SMAs) as the protein analogue, have been shown to have similarly low surface tensions. This study investigates the potential of modified SMAs and/or SMA-phospholipid complexes, which form under physiological conditions, to supplement natural tear film surfactants. Method: SMAs were modified to provide structural variants which can form complexes under varying conditions. Infrared spectroscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance were used to confirm SMA structure. Interfacial behaviour of the SMA and SMA-phospholipid complexes was studied using Langmuir trough, du Nûoy ring and pulsating bubblemethods. Factors which affect SMA-phospholipid complex formation, such as temperature and pH, were also investigated. Results: Structural manipulation of SMAs allows control over complex formation, including under physiological conditions (e.g. partial SMAesterfication allowed complexation with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, at pH7). The low surface tensions of the SMAs (42mN/m for static (du Nûoy ring) and 34mN/m for dynamic (Langmuir) techniques) demonstrate their surface activity at the air-aqueous interface. SMA-phospholipid complexes provide even lower surface tensions (~2 mN/m), approaching that of lung surfactant, as measured by the pulsating bubblemethod. Conclusions: Design of the molecular architecture of SMAs allows control over their surfactant properties. These SMAs could be used as novel tear films supplements, either alone to complex with native tear film phospholipids or delivered as synthetic protein-phospholipid complexes.


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Hypercoiling poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride) (PSMA) is known to undergo conformational transition in response to environmental stimuli. The association of PSMA with lipid 2-dilauryl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC) produces polymer-lipid complex analogues to lipoprotein assemblies found in lung surfactant. These complexes represent a new bio-mimetic delivery vehicle with applications in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The primary aim of this study was to develop a better understanding of PSMA-DLPC association by using physical and spectroscopic techniques. Ternary phase diagrams were constructed to examine the effects of various factors, such as molecular weight, pH and temperature on PSMA-DLPC association. 31P-NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the polymorphic changes of DLPC upon associating with PSMA. The Langmuir Trough technique and surface tension measurement were used to explore the association behaviour of PSMA both at the interface and in the bulk of solution, as well as its interaction with DLPC membranes. The ultimate aim of this study was to investigate the potential use of PSMA-DLPC complexes to improve the bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of a range of drugs. Typical compounds of ophthalmic interest range from new drugs such as Pirenzepine, which has attracted clinical interest for the control of myopia progression, to the well-established family of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs have widely differing structures, sizes, solubility profiles and pH-sensitivities. In order to understand the ways in which these characteristics influence incorporation and release behaviour, the marker molecules Rhodamine B and Oil Red O were chosen. PSMA-DLPC complexes, incorporated with marker molecules and Pirenzepine, were encapsulated in hydrogels of the types used for soft contact lenses. Release studies were conducted to examine if this smart drug delivery system can retain such compounds and deliver them at a slow rate over a prolonged period of time.


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Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is a highly malignant form of brain cancer for which there is no effective cure. The over-expression of a number of genes, including the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr), has been implicated as a causative factor of tumourigenesis. Ribozymes are a class of ribonucleic acid that possess enzymatic properties. They can inhibit gene-expression in a highly sequence specific manner by catalysing the trans-cleavage of target RNA. The potential use of synthetic hammerhead ribozymes as novel anti-brain tumour agents was investigated in this study. The successful use of synthetic, exogenously administered ribozymes for such applications will require chemical modifications that improve biological stability and a fundamental understanding of cellular uptake mechanisms. Chimeric 2'-O-methylated hammerhead ribozymes proved to be significantly more stable (>4000-fold) in serum than unmodified RNA ribozymes and exhibited high in vitro catalytic activity. The cellular association of an internally [32P]-labelled 2'-O-methylated chimeric ribozyme in U87-MG human glioma cells was temperature-, energy- and pH-dependent and involved an active process that could be competed with a variety of polyanions. Indications are that the predominant mechanism of uptake is by adsorptive and / or receptor mediated endocytosis. Twenty 2'-O-methylated chimeric ribozymes were designed to cleave various sites along the EGFr mRNA. In vitro, 18 ribozymes exhibited high activity in cleaving a complementary short substrate. Using LipofectAMINETM as a delivery agent, the efficacy of these ribozymes was evaluated in the A431 cell line, which expresses amplified levels of EGFr. Studies revealed that although the ribozymes were taken up by the cells and remained stable over a period of 4 days, no significant reduction in either EGFr expression or cell proliferation was evident. The presence of telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein responsible for telomere elongation, has been strongly associated with tumour progression. The biological activity of a 2'-O-methylated ribozyme targeted against the RNA component of telomerase was determined. The ribozyme exhibited specific dose-dependent inhibition of telomerase activity in U87-MG cell lysates with an IC50 of –4μM. When 4μM ribozyme was delivered to intact U87-MG cells, complexed to LipofectAMINETM, telomerase activity was significantly reduced to 74.5±4.17% of the untreated control. Free ribozyme showed no significant inhibitory effect demonstrating the importance of an appropriate delivery system for optimum delivery of exogenously administered ribozymes.


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The recent explosive growth in advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) and continued development of sophisticated information technologies (IT) is expected to have a profound effect on the way we design and operate manufacturing businesses. Furthermore, the escalating capital requirements associated with these developments have significantly increased the level of risk associated with initial design, ongoing development and operation. This dissertation has examined the integration of two key sub-elements of the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) system, namely the manufacturing facility and the production control system. This research has concentrated on the interactions between production control (MRP) and an AMT based production facility. The disappointing performance of such systems has been discussed in the context of a number of potential technological and performance incompatibilities between these two elements. It was argued that the design and selection of operating policies for both is the key to successful integration. Furthermore, policy decisions are shown to play an important role in matching the performance of the total system to the demands of the marketplace. It is demonstrated that a holistic approach to policy design must be adopted if successful integration is to be achieved. It is shown that the complexity of the issues resulting from such an approach required the formulation of a structured design methodology. Such a methodology was subsequently developed and discussed. This combined a first principles approach to the behaviour of system elements with the specification of a detailed holistic model for use in the policy design environment. The methodology aimed to make full use of the `low inertia' characteristics of AMT, whilst adopting a JIT configuration of MRP and re-coupling the total system to the market demands. This dissertation discussed the application of the methodology to an industrial case study and the subsequent design of operational policies. Consequently a novel approach to production control resulted. A central feature of which was a move toward reduced manual intervention in the MRP processing and scheduling logic with increased human involvement and motivation in the management of work-flow on the shopfloor. Experimental results indicated that significant performance advantages would result from the adoption of the recommended policy set.


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Recently, we demonstrated the possibility to extend the range of capillary electrophoresis (CE) applications to the separation of non-water-soluble synthetic polymers. This work focuses on the control of the electro-osmotic flow (EOF) and on the limitation of the solute adsorption in nonaqueous electrolytes. For these purposes, different strategies were investigated. For the initial, a viscous additive (ethylene glycol or glycerol) was used in the electrolyte in order to decrease the EOF magnitude and, possibly, to compete with solute adsorption. A second strategy was to modify, before separation, the fused-silica capillary wall by the adsorption of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) via hydrogen bonding. The influence of the molecular mass of the adsorbed PEO on the EOF magnitude and direction was studied in electrolytes based on methanol/acetonitrile mixtures containing ammonium ions. For PEO molecular masses above 1000 g/mol, reversed (anodic) EOF were reported in accordance with previous results obtained with PEO covalently bonded capillaries. The influence of the nature and the concentration of the background electrolyte cation on the EOF magnitude and direction were also investigated. A third strategy consisted in modifying the capillary wall by the adsorption of a cationic polyelectrolyte layer. Advantageously, this polyelectrolyte layer suppressed the adsorption of the polymer solutes onto the capillary wall. The results obtained in this work confirm the high potential and the versatility of CE for the characterization of ionizable organic polymers in nonaqueous media.


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This paper reports on buried waveguides fabricated in lithium niobate (LN) by the method of direct femtosecond (fs) laser inscription. 5% MgO doped LiNbO3 was chosen as the host material because of its high quality and damage threshold, as well as relatively low cost. Direct fs inscription by astigmatically shaped beam in crystals usually produces multiple 'smooth' tracks (with reduced refractive index), which encircle the light guiding 'core', thus creating a depressed cladding WG. A high-repetition rate fs laser system was used for inscription at a depth of approximately 500 μm. Using numerical modelling, it was demonstrated that the properties of fs-written WGs can be controlled by the WG geometry. Buried, depressed-cladding WGs in LN host with circular cross-section were also demonstrated. Combining control over the WG dispersion with quasi-phase matching will allow various ultralow-pump-power, highly-efficient, nonlinear light-guiding devices - all in an integrated optics format.


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How are the image statistics of global image contrast computed? We answered this by using a contrast-matching task for checkerboard configurations of ‘battenberg’ micro-patterns where the contrasts and spatial spreads of interdigitated pairs of micro-patterns were adjusted independently. Test stimuli were 20 × 20 arrays with various sized cluster widths, matched to standard patterns of uniform contrast. When one of the test patterns contained a pattern with much higher contrast than the other, that determined global pattern contrast, as in a max() operation. Crucially, however, the full matching functions had a curious intermediate region where low contrast additions for one pattern to intermediate contrasts of the other caused a paradoxical reduction in perceived global contrast. None of the following models predicted this: RMS, energy, linear sum, max, Legge and Foley. However, a gain control model incorporating wide-field integration and suppression of nonlinear contrast responses predicted the results with no free parameters. This model was derived from experiments on summation of contrast at threshold, and masking and summation effects in dipper functions. Those experiments were also inconsistent with the failed models above. Thus, we conclude that our contrast gain control model (Meese & Summers, 2007) describes a fundamental operation in human contrast vision.