6 resultados para Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue

em Aston University Research Archive


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Investigations were undertaken to study the role of the protein cross-linking enzyme tissue transglutaminase in changes associated with the extracellular matrix and in the cell death of human dermal fibroblasts following exposure to a solarium ultraviolet A source consisting of 98.8% ultraviolet A and 1.2% ultraviolet B. Exposure to nonlethal ultraviolet doses of 60 to 120 kJ per m2 resulted in increased tissue transglutaminase activity when measured either in cell homogenates, "in situ" by incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into the extracellular matrix or by changes in the epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine cross-link. This increase in enzyme activity did not require de novo protein synthesis. Incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into matrix proteins was accompanied by the cross-linking of fibronectin and tissue transglutaminase into nonreducible high molecular weight polymers. Addition of exogenous tissue transglutaminase to cultured cells mimicking extensive cell leakage of the enzyme resulted in increased extracellular matrix deposition and a decreased rate of matrix turnover. Exposure of cells to 180 kJ per m2 resulted in 40% to 50% cell death with dying cells showing extensive tissue transglutaminase cross-linking of intracellular proteins and increased cross-linking of the surrounding extracellular matrix, the latter probably occurring as a result of cell leakage of tissue transglutaminase. These cells demonstrated negligible caspase activation and DNA fragmentation but maintained their cell morphology. In contrast, exposure of cells to 240 kJ per m2 resulted in increased cell death with caspase activation and some DNA fragmentation. These cells could be partially rescued from death by addition of caspase inhibitors. These data suggest that changes in cross-linking both in the intracellular and extracellular compartments elicited by tissue transglutaminase following exposure to ultraviolet provides a rapid tissue stabilization process following damage, but as such may be a contributory factor to the scarring process that results.


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The spatial patterns of the vacuolation ("spongiform change"), surviving cells, and prion protein (PrP) deposition were studied in the various cell laminae of the cerebellar cortex in 11 cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Clustering of the histological features, with the clusters regularly distributed along the folia, was evident in all cell laminae. In the molecular layer, clusters of vacuoles coincided with the surviving Purkinje cells. In the granule cell layer, however, the spatial relationship between the vacuoles and surviving cells was more complex and varied between cases. PrP deposition was not spatially correlated with either the vacuoles or the surviving cells in any of the cerebellar laminae in the majority of cases. In some cases, there were spatial relationships between th histological features in the molecular and granule cell layers. The data suggest that degeneration of the cerebellar cortex in sCJD may occur in a topographic pattern consistent with the spread of prion pathology along anatomical pathways. The development of the vacuolation may be an early stage of the pathology in the cerebellum preceding the appearance of the PrP deposits. In addition, there is evidence that the pathological changes may spread across the different laminae of the cerebellar cortex.


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The airway epithelium is the first point of contact in the lung for inhaled material, including infectious pathogens and particulate matter, and protects against toxicity from these substances by trapping and clearance via the mucociliary escalator, presence of a protective barrier with tight junctions and initiation of a local inflammatory response. The inflammatory response involves recruitment of phagocytic cells to neutralise and remove and invading materials and is oftern modelled using rodents. However, development of valid in vitro airway epithelial models is of great importance due to the restrictions on animal studies for cosmetic compound testing implicit in the 7th amendment to the European Union Cosmetics Directive. Further, rodent innate immune responses have fundamental differences to human. Pulmonary endothelial cells and leukocytes are also involved in the innate response initiated during pulmonary inflammation. Co-culture models of the airways, in particular where epithelial cells are cultured at air liquid interface with the presence of tight junctions and differentiated mucociliary cells, offer a solution to this problem. Ideally validated models will allow for detection of early biomarkers of response to exposure and investigation into inflammatory response during exposure. This thesis describes the approaches taken towards developing an in vitro epithelial/endothelial cell model of the human airways and identification biomarkers of response to exposure to xenobiotics. The model comprised normal human primary microvascular endothelial cells and the bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B or normal human bronchial epithelial cells. BEAS-2B were chosen as their characterisation at air liquid interface is limited but they are robust in culture, thereby predicted to provide a more reliable test system. Proteomics analysis was undertaken on challenged cells to investigate biomarkers of exposure. BEAS-2B morphology was characterised at air liquid interface compared with normal human bronchial epithelial cells. The results indicate that BEAS-2B cells at an air liquid interface form tight junctions as shown by expression of the tight junction protein zonula occludens-1. To this author’s knowledge this is the first time this result has been reported. The inflammatory response of BEAS-2B (measured as secretion of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-8 and -6) air liquid interface mono-cultures to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide or particulate matter (fine and ultrafine titanium dioxide) was comparable to published data for epithelial cells. Cells were also exposed to polymers of “commercial interest” which were in the nanoparticle range (and referred to particles hereafter). BEAS-2B mono-cultures showed an increased secretion of inflammatory mediators after challenge. Inclusion of microvascular endothelial cells resulted in protection against LPS- and particle- induced epithelial toxicity, measured as cell viability and inflammatory response, indicating the importance of co-cultures for investigations into toxicity. Two-dimensional proteomic analysis of lysates from particle-challenged cells failed to identify biomarkers of toxicity due to assay interference and experimental variability. Separately, decreased plasma concentrations of serine protease inhibitors, and the negative acute phase proteins transthyretin, histidine-rich glycoprotein and alpha2-HS glycoprotein were identified as potential biomarkers of methyl methacrylate/ethyl methacrylate/butylacrylate treatment in rats.


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The effects of the alpha-diketone derivatives 2,3- and 3,4-hexanediones were investigated in three non-neuronal cell lines (MCF7, HepG2 and CaCo-2) as well as in the neuroblastoma line, SH-SY5Y. The MTT reduction assay was employed to determine the necrotic effects of the alpha-diketones and the neurotoxin 2,5-hexanedione over 4, 24 and 48 hr exposures. Flow cytometry was also used to study the effects of the three isomers on the cell cycle of the SH-SY5Y line only. With 2,5-hexanedione, the mean MTT IC50 decreased more than 10-fold from 4 to 48 hr. The toxicities of both alpha-diketones were similar, with a more than 18-fold increase in sensitivity of the SH-SY5Y at 24 hr compared to that of 4 hr. With flow cytometry at 48 hr, SH-SY5Y apoptosis with 2,5-hexanedione rose throughout the concentration range evaluated (0-30 mM) while 2,3- and 3,4-hexanediones showed apoptosis over the concentration range 1-1.6 mM, with 3,4-hexanedione being the more potent compared to the 2,3-isomer. At 1.6 mM nearly all the cells had entered apoptosis in the presence of the 3,4-isomer, (94.9 ± 1.4%) but only 57.5 ±4.1% of the 2,3-isomer-treated cells had reached that stage. The 2,3-and 3,4-isomers in diets alone may not pose a serious threat to human health. Further studies may be necessary to evaluate the effects of other dietary components on their toxicity. These alpha-diketones also display a degree of toxic selectivity towards neuroblastoma cells, which may have therapeutic implications.


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The airways of most people with cystic fibrosis are colonized with biofilms of the Gram-negative, opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Delivery of antibiotics directly to the lung in the form of dry powder aerosols offers the potential to achieve high local concentrations directly to the biofilms. Unfortunately, current aerosolised antibiotic regimes are unable to efficiently eradicate these biofilms from the airways. We investigated the ability of the innate antimicrobial, lactoferrin, to enhance the activity of two aminoglycoside antibiotics (tobramycin and gentamicin) against biofilms of P. aeruginosa strain PAO1. Biofilms were prepared in 96 well polystyrene plates. Combinations of the antibiotics and various lactoferrin preparations were spray dried. The bacterial cell viability of the various spray dried combinations was determined. Iron-free lactoferrin (apo lactoferrin) induced a 3-log reduction in the killing of planktonic cell by the aminoglycoside antibiotics (p < 0.01) and also reduced both the formation and persistence of P. aeruginosa biofilms (p < 0.01). Combinations of lactoferrin and an aminoglycoside displays potential as an effective new therapeutic strategy in the treatment of P. aeruginosa biofilms infections such as those typical of the CF lungs.


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The multifunctional enzyme tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is reported to both mediate and inhibit tumour progression. To elucidate these different roles of TG2, we established a series of stable-transfected mouse colon carcinoma CT26 cells expressing a catalytically active (wild type) and a transamidating-inactive TG2 (Cys277Ser) mutant. Comparison of the TG2-transfected cells with the empty vector control indicated no differences in cell proliferation, apoptosis and susceptibility to doxorubicin, which correlated with no detectable changes in the activation of the transcription factor NF-?B. TG2-transfected cells showed increased expression of integrin ß3, and were more adherent and less migratory on fibronectin than control cells. Direct interaction of TG2 with ß3 integrins was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation, suggesting that TG2 acts as a coreceptor for fibronectin with ß3 integrins. All cells expressed the same level of TGFß receptors I and II, but only cells transfected with active TG2 had increased levels of TGFß1 and matrix-deposited fibronectin, which could be inhibited by TG2 site-directed inhibitors. Moreover, only cells transfected with active TG2 were capable of inhibiting tumour growth when compared to the empty vector controls. We conclude that in this colon carcinoma model increased levels of active TG2 are unfavourable to tumour growth due to their role in activation of TGFß1 and increased matrix deposition, which in turn favours increased cell adhesion and a lowered migratory and invasive behaviour.