22 resultados para Significant matched pattern

em Aston University Research Archive


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The aim of this work was to measure susceptibility to pattern glare within a stroke group, employing a direct method of assessment. Twenty stroke subjects, aged 38-85 years, were recruited, along with an age-matched control group (n = 20). Assessment of pattern glare susceptibility was undertaken using the pattern glare test. An abnormal degree of pattern glare is present when individuals score >1 on the mid-high spatial frequency difference variable, a relative score that allows for normalization of the subject, or >3 when viewing the mid spatial frequency grating. Stroke subjects demonstrate elevated levels of pattern glare compared to normative data values and a control population, as determined using the pattern glare test. This was most notable when considering the output measure for the mid-high difference variable. The mean score for the mid-high difference variable was 2.15 SD 1.27 for the stroke subjects versus 0.10 SD 1.12 for the control subjects. When considering the mid-high difference variable, 75% of the stroke group recorded an abnormal level of pattern glare compared to 5% in the control group. This study demonstrates an association between stroke subjects and elevated levels of pattern glare. Cortical hyperexcitability has been shown to present following stroke, and this has been proposed as a plausible explanation for the perceptual distortions experienced by individuals susceptible to pattern glare. Further work to assess the benefits of spectral filters in reducing perceptual distortions in stroke patients is currently underway.


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The spatial pattern of the vacuolation ('spongiform change') was studied in areas of the cerebral cortex in 11 cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The vacuoles were evenly distributed along the cortex in 40/106 (38%) areas studied and randomly distributed in 6/106 (5.6%) areas. In 22/106 (21%) areas, the vacuoles were aggregated into clusters, 50 - 1600 μm in diameter and which were distributed in a regular pattern parallel to the pia mater. In 38/106 (36%) areas, large clusters of vacuoles, at least 1600 μm in diameter, were present. No significant differences in spatial patterns were observed between the different cortical regions or between the upper and lower laminae. In addition, age at onset and duration of the disease had no significant affect on spatial patterns. The spatial distribution of the vacuolation contrasts with that reported in sporadic CJD (sCJD) suggesting a different pattern of cortical degeneration in vCJD.


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The spatial pattern of the prion protein (PrP) deposits was studied in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum in 10 patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD). In all patients the PrP deposits were aggregated into clusters and, in 90% of cortical areas and in 50% of cerebellar sections, the clusters exhibited a regular periodicity parallel to the tissue boundary; a spatial pattern also exhibited by ß-amyloid (Aß) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the cerebral cortex, the incidence of regular clustering of the PrP deposits was similar in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The sizes of the PrP clusters in the upper and lower cortex were uncorrelated. No significant differences in mean cluster size of the PrP deposits were observed between brain regions. The size, location and distribution of the PrP deposit clusters suggest that PrP deposition occurs in relation to specific anatomical pathways and supports the hypothesis that prion pathology spreads through the brain via such pathways. In addition, the data suggest that there are similarities in the pathogenesis of extracellular protein deposits in prion disease and in AD.


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The wearing of tinted spectacle lenses is considered by some health care workers to be a marker of psychopathology or a hypochondriacal personality type. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the wearing of tinted spectacle lenses and personality type in physically healthy subjects. The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire 5th Edition, a multidimensional standardized self-report inventory, was used to determine the personality type of 98 participants. Twenty currently wore tinted spectacle lenses for reasons other than ocular disease, sun protection, outdoor or indoor glare reduction, pattern sensitive epilepsy, migraines, reading difficulties or fashion. The remainder did not wear tinted spectacle lenses for any purpose other than sun protection. Tinted lens wear and no tinted lens wear groups were age and gender matched. There was no statistically significant difference in five global personality factors between the no-tint and tint groups: extraversion (p = 0.31), anxiety (p = 0.75), tough-mindedness (p = 0.96), independence (p = 0.63), and self-control (p = 0.87). This suggests that the use of tinted lenses by physically healthy people is unlikely to be an indicator of personality type. © 2007 The Author.


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The loss of dopamine in idiopathic or animal models of Parkinson's disease induces synchronized low-frequency oscillatory burst-firing in subthalamic nucleus neurones. We sought to establish whether these firing patterns observed in vivo were preserved in slices taken from dopamine-depleted animals, thus establishing a role for the isolated subthalamic-globus pallidus complex in generating the pathological activity. Mice treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) showed significant reductions of over 90% in levels of dopamine as measured in striatum by high pressure liquid chromatography. Likewise, significant reductions in tyrosine hydroxylase immunostaining within the striatum (>90%) and tyrosine hydroxylase positive cell numbers (65%) in substantia nigra were observed. Compared with slices from intact mice, neurones in slices from MPTP-lesioned mice fired significantly more slowly (mean rate of 4.2 Hz, cf. 7.2 Hz in control) and more irregularly (mean coefficient of variation of inter-spike interval of 94.4%, cf. 37.9% in control). Application of ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) and 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5) and the GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin caused no change in firing pattern. Bath application of dopamine significantly increased cell firing rate and regularized the pattern of activity in cells from slices from both MPTP-treated and control animals. Although the absolute change was more modest in control slices, the maximum dopamine effect in the two groups was comparable. Indeed, when taking into account the basal firing rate, no differences in the sensitivity to dopamine were observed between these two cohorts. Furthermore, pairs of subthalamic nucleus cells showed no correlated activity in slices from either control (21 pairs) or MPTP-treated animals (20 pairs). These results indicate that the isolated but interconnected subthalamic-globus pallidus network is not itself sufficient to generate the aberrant firing patterns in dopamine-depleted animals. More likely, inputs from other regions, such as the cortex, are needed to generate pathological oscillatory activity. © 2006 IBRO.


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A decrease in the check size of a pattern shift stimulus increases the latency and amplitude of the visual evoked potential (VEP) P100. In addition, for a given check size, decreasing the size of the stimulus field increases the latency and amplitude of the P100. These results imply that the central regions of the retina make a significant contribution to the generation of the electrical P100. However, the corresponding magnetic P100m may have a different origin. We have studied the effects of check and field size on the P100m in five normal subjects using a DC-Squid, second-order gradiometer. Magnetic responses were recorded at the positive maximum of the P100m over the occipital scalp to six check sizes (10-100') presented in a large (13 degrees 34') and small (5 degrees 14') field and to a large check (100') presented in seven field sizes (1 degree 45' - 15 degrees 10'). No responses were recorded to any check size with a small field. Decreasing the check size presented in a large field increased latency of the P100m by approx. 30 ms while the amplitude of the response decreased with the largest reduction occurring between 70' and 12' checks. Using a large check, latency increased and amplitude decreased as the field size was reduced. The latency changes in response to check and field size were similar to those described for the VEP although the magnitudes of the magnetic changes were greater. Unlike the VEP, amplitude responses were maximal when large checks were presented in a large stimulus field. This suggests that regions outside the central retina make a more significant contribution to the visual evoked magnetic response than they do to the VEP, and that the P100m may be useful clinically in the study of diseases that affect the more peripheral regions of the retina.


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The spatial patterns of the diffuse, primitive, and classic beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits was studied in the frontal and temporal cortex in cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) expressing different apolipoprotein (Apo E) genotypes. No significant differences in the density of the three Abeta deposit subtypes were observed in individuals expressing genotypes e2/3 and e3/3 compared with those expressing e3/4 and e4/4. In all patients, Abeta deposit subtypes occurred in the tissue in clusters. Chi-square contingency analyses of the data suggested that the cluster size of the diffuse and classic Abeta deposits was unrelated to Apo E genotype. However, the primitive (‘neuritic’) type Abeta deposits occurred more frequently in smaller, denser clusters in individuals expressing genotypes e3/4 and e4/4 compared with those expressing e2/3 and e3/3. Hence, the presence of the e4 allele may be associated with a more specific pattern of neuronal degeneration in the frontal and temporal cortex in AD.


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The use of cationic liposomes as experimental adjuvants for subunit peptide of protein vaccines is well documented. Recently the cationic liposome CAF01, composed of dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose dibehenate (TDB), has entered Phase I clinical trials for use in a tuberculosis (TB) vaccine. CAF01 liposomes are a heterogeneous population with a mean vesicle size of 500 nm; a strong retention of antigen at the injection site and a Th1-biassed immune response are noted. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether CAF01 liposomes of significantly different vesicle sizes exhibited altered pharmacokinetics in vivo and cellular uptake with activation in vitro. Furthermore, the immune response against the TB antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 was followed when various sized CAF01 liposomes were used as vaccine adjuvants. The results showed no differences in vaccine (liposome or antigen) draining from the injection site, however, significant differences in the movement of liposomes to the popliteal lymph node were noted. Liposome uptake by THP-1 vitamin D3 stimulated macrophage-like cells did not show a liposome size-dependent pattern of uptake. Finally, whilst there were no significant differences in the IgG1/2 regardless of the liposome size used as a delivery vehicle for Ag85B-ESAT-6, vesicle size has a size dependent effect on cell proliferation and IL-10 production with larger liposomes (in excess of 2 µm) promoting the highest proliferation and lowest IL-10 responses, yet vesicles of ~500 nm promoting higher IFN-? cytokine production from splenocytes and higher IL-1ß at the site of injection.


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The P2 visual evoked response in man has a cholinergic component while the P100 response has not. The P100 latency is significantly decreased after an oral dose of phenylalanine in man while the P2 signal is unaffected. Analyses of the P100 decrease shows no correlation with tyrosine levels but a significant positive correlation with plasma ane urine levels. A small group shows a P100 delay which correlated with increased neopterin levels only. Increased plasma total biopterins in man following a phenylalanine dose are due to rapidly increased tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis in the liver.


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Blurring a pattern reversal stimulus increases the latency and decreases the amplitude of the visual evoked potential (VEP) P100 peak. Recording the visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR) is some subjects may therefore be difficult because their spectacles create excessive magnetic noise. Hence, the effect of varying degrees of blur (-5 to +5 D) on the VEMR was investigated in three subjects with 6/6 vision to determine whether refraction with non-magnetic frames and lenses was necessary before magnetic recording. Small (32') and larger (70') checks were studied since there is evidence that blurring small checks has a more significant effect on the VEP compared with large checks. The VEMR was recorded using a single channel dc-SQUID, second order gradiometer in an unshielded laboratory. The latency (ms) and amplitude (fT) of the most prominant positive peak within the first 130 ms (P100M) were measured. Blurring the 32' checks significantly increased latency aand reduced the amplitude of the P100M peak. The resulting response curves were parabolic with minimum latency and maximum amplitude recorded at 0 D. Blurring the 70' check had no significant effect on latency or amplitude. Hence, the magnetic P100M responds similarly to the electrical P100 in response to blur. It would be essential when recording the VEMR that vision is corrected with non-magnetic spectacles especially when small checks are used.


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The effects of cholinergic agents undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and the anticholinergic agent scopolamine, were investigated on the components of the flash and pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in young healthy volunteers. The effect of recording the flash and pattern reversal VEPs for 13 hours in 5 healthy male volunteers, revealed no statistically significant change in the latency or amplitude measures. Administration of the muscarinic agonist SDZ 210-086 to 16 healthy male volunteers resulted in the reduction of the flash N2-P2 and pattern reversal N75-P100 peak-to-peak amplitudes. These effects on the flash VEP occurred at both doses (0.5 and 1.0 mg/day), but only at the higher dose on the pattern reversal VEP. Administration of the antimuscarinic agent scopolamine to 11 healthy young male volunteers, resulted in a delay of the flash P2 latency but no effect on the pattern reversal P100 latency. The pattern reversal N75-P100 peak-to-peak amplitude was also increased post dosing. The combination of scopolamine with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor SDZ ENA 713 resulted in no significant effect on the flash and pattern reversal VEPs, suggesting that the effects of scopolamine may have been partially reversed. Topical application of scopolamine in 6 young healthy volunteers also resulted in no statistically significant effects on the flash and pattern reversal VEPs. The selective effect of scopolamine on the flash P2 latency but not on the pattern reversal P100 latency, provided a model whereby new cholinergic agents developed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease can be investigated on a physiological basis. In addition, the results of this study led to the hypothesis that the selective flash P2 delay in Alzheimer's disease was probably due to a cholinergic deficit in both the tectal pathway from the retina to the visual cortex and the magnocellular path of the geniculostriate pathway, whereas the lack of an effect on the pattern reversal P100 component was probably due to a sparing of the parvocellular geniculostriate pathway.


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A study was carried out of 45 migrainous patients with visually induced migraine (VIM), and 25 migrainous students, each having an age and sex matched control. The study utilised questionnaires, interviews, electroencephalography (EEG) and visual evoked potentials (VEP). The experimental work and analysis was carried out in the Neuropsychology Unit in collaboration with the Birmingham Migraine Clinic, over a period of five years. The study suggests: 1. The literature on a possible relationship between migraine and epilepsy hitherto published is unreliable (supporting evidence is given). 2. That a much greater precision is needed in defining migraine for research purposes. 3. A revised methodology for the selection of controls is needed and this is proposed. 4. That despite what are now seen to be superficial similarities, there are clear distinctions of a fundamental nature between photo-sensitive epilepsy (PSE) and VIM. 5. Caution be used when taking headache as a symptom, since many of the precipitants of migrainous headache can also precipitate non-migrainous headache (NMH). 6. The list of visual precipitants of migraine is expanded (particularly flicker and pattern). 7. That colour (principally red) is a previously unreported precipitant of migraine. 8. The extended range of responses to flicker (the 'H' response) has no significant difference in its frequency of occurrence in patients and normal controls, which contradicts previous literature. 9. The mechanisms thought to underlie migraine serve to explain previously unexplained EEG findings. 10. Further research is needed and proposed.


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The objective of this chapter is to quantify the neuropathology of the cerebellar cortex in cases of the prion disease variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Hence, sequential sections of the cerebellum of 15 cases of vCJD were stained with H/E, or immunolabelled with a monoclonal antibody 12F10 against prion protein (PrP) and studied using quantitative techniques and spatial pattern analysis. A significant loss of Purkinje cells was evident in all cases. Densities of the vacuolation and the protease resistant form of prion protein (PrPSc) in the form of diffuse and florid plaques were greater in the granule cell layer (GL) than the molecular layer (ML). In the ML, vacuoles and PrPSc plaques, occurred in clusters which were regularly distributed along the folia, larger clusters of vacuoles and diffuse plaques being present in the GL. There was a negative spatial correlation between the vacuoles and the surviving Purkinje cells in the ML and a positive spatial correlation between the clusters of vacuoles and the diffuse PrPSc plaques in the ML and GL in five and six cases respectively. A canonical variate analysis (CVA) suggested a negative correlation between the densities of the vacuolation in the GL and the diffuse PrPSc plaques in the ML. The data suggest: 1) all laminae of the cerebellar cortex were affected by the pathology of vCJD, the GL more severely than the ML, 2) the pathology was topographically distributed especially in the Purkinje cell layer and GL, 3) pathological spread may occur in relation to a loop of anatomical projections connecting the cerebellum, thalamus, cerebral cortex, and pons, and 4) there are differences in the pathology of the cerebellum in vCJD compared with the M/M1 subtype of sporadic CJD (sCJD).


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Objective - To investigate visual habituation – a measure of visual cortical excitability – in photosensitive patients in pediatric age and compare the findings with a matched sample with idiopathic generalized epilepsies without photosensitivity and with normally developing children. Methods - We presented a full-field black-and-white checkerboard pattern, at 3 reversal/s with 100% contrast binocularly for 600 consecutive trials and measured the N75–P100 and P100–N145 pattern-reversal visual evoked potential inter-peak amplitudes and N75, P100, N145 latencies for the six blocks of 100 responses. As a measure of habituation we used the slope of the linear regression line of the N75–P100 and P100–N145 peak-to-peak amplitudes. The slope of the linear regression line of the N75–P100 and P100–N145 latencies was also analyzed. Results - Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the three groups in the slope index of N75–P100 PR-VEP amplitude, with increased or constant amplitude in the PS group compare to the IGE and ND across the six blocks. Conclusions - Our results support the notion that photosensitivity is associated with altered control of excitatory and inhibitory cortical processes. The causal relationship between habituation deficit and photo-paroxysmal response needs to be further investigated with longitudinal studies. Significance This study supports the hypothesis that suppression of PR-VEP is a sensitive intermediate phenotype, which discriminates patients with photosensitivity from those with generalized epilepsies in pediatric age.


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We summarize the various strands of research on peripheral vision and relate them to theories of form perception. After a historical overview, we describe quantifications of the cortical magnification hypothesis, including an extension of Schwartz's cortical mapping function. The merits of this concept are considered across a wide range of psychophysical tasks, followed by a discussion of its limitations and the need for non-spatial scaling. We also review the eccentricity dependence of other low-level functions including reaction time, temporal resolution, and spatial summation, as well as perimetric methods. A central topic is then the recognition of characters in peripheral vision, both at low and high levels of contrast, and the impact of surrounding contours known as crowding. We demonstrate how Bouma's law, specifying the critical distance for the onset of crowding, can be stated in terms of the retinocortical mapping. The recognition of more complex stimuli, like textures, faces, and scenes, reveals a substantial impact of mid-level vision and cognitive factors. We further consider eccentricity-dependent limitations of learning, both at the level of perceptual learning and pattern category learning. Generic limitations of extrafoveal vision are observed for the latter in categorization tasks involving multiple stimulus classes. Finally, models of peripheral form vision are discussed. We report that peripheral vision is limited with regard to pattern categorization by a distinctly lower representational complexity and processing speed. Taken together, the limitations of cognitive processing in peripheral vision appear to be as significant as those imposed on low-level functions and by way of crowding.