3 resultados para Serotypes

em Aston University Research Archive


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The nucleotide sequence of a 3 kb region immediately upstream of the sef operon of Salmonella enteritidis was determined. A 1230 base pair insertion sequence which shared sequence identity (> 75%) with members of the IS3 family was revealed. This element, designated IS1230, had almost identical (90% identity) terminal inverted repeats to Escherichia coli IS3 but unlike other IS3-like sequences lacked the two characteristic open reading frames which encode the putative transposase. S. enteritidis possessed only one copy of this insertion sequence although Southern hybridisation analysis of restriction digests of genomic DNA revealed another fragment located in a region different from the sef operon which hybridised weakly which suggested the presence of an IS1230 homologue. The distribution of IS1230 and IS1230-like elements was shown to be widespread amongst salmonellas and the patterns of restriction fragments which hybridised differed significantly between Salmonella serotypes and it is suggested that IS1230 has potential for development as a differential diagnostic tool.


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Propionibacterium acnes forms part of the normal flora of the skin, oral cavity, large intestine and the external ear. Historically, P. acnes is considered to be of low virulence; however, in recent years it has been found as the aetiological agent in various pathologies including acne vulgaris, endophthalmitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, sarcoidosis, prosthetic hip infections and sciatica. It currently remains unclear why this normally harmless commensal can cause infection and contribute to a number of clinically significant conditions. This thesis has sought to investigate the phenotypic, genetic and antigenic properties of P.acnes strains isolated from sciatica patients undergoing microdiscectomy, normal skin, blood cultures, prosthetic hips and acne lesions. Isolates' phenotype was examined by determining their biotype by analytical profile index, antimicrobial susceptibility, virulence factor expression and serotype. A molecular typing method for P.acnes was developed using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Patient serum was used to screen P.acnes strains for antigens expressed in vivo and the chemical composition determined. The serodiagnostic potential and inflammatory properties of identified antigens were assessed. The optimised and reproducible RAPD protocol classified strains into three major clusters and was found to distinguish between the serotypes I and II for a large number of clinical isolates. Molecular typing by RAPD also enabled the identification of a genotype that did not react with the type I or II monoclonal antibodies and these strains may therefore constitute a previously undiscovered subspecies of P.acnes with a genetic background different from the type I and II serotypes. A major cell associated antigen produced by all strains was identified and characterised. A serological assay based on the antigen was used to measure IgG and IgM levels in serum from patients with acne, sciatica and controls. No difference in levels of antibodies was detected. Inflammatory properties of the antigen were measured by exposing murine macrophage-like cells and measuring the release of nitric oxide and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Only TNF-α was elicited in response to the antigen. The phenotypic, genotypic and antigenic properties of this organism may provide a basis for future studies on P.acnes virulence and provide an insight into its mechanisms of pathogenesis.


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In an increasingly hygiene concerned society, a major barrier to pet ownership is the perceived role of companion animals in contributing to the risk of exposure to zoonotic bacterial pathogens, such as Salmonella. Manifestations of Salmonella can range from acute gastroenteritis to perfuse enteric fever, in both humans and dogs. Dogs are heavily associated with asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella as the microorganism can persist in the lower intestines of this host which can be then excreted into the environment. Studies in to the asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella in dogs are somewhat dated and there is limited UK data. The current UK carriage rate in dogs was investigated in a randomised dog population and it was revealed that the carriage rate in this population was very low with only one household dog positive for the carriage of Salmonella enterica arizonae (0.2%), out of 490 dogs sampled. Salmonella serotypes share phenotypic and genotypic similarities which are captured in epidemiological typing methods. Therefore, in parallel to the epidemiological investigations, a panel of clinical canine (VLA, UK) and human (Aston University, UK) Salmonella isolates were profiled based on their phenotypic and genotypic characteristics; using API 20E, Biolog Microbial ID System, antibiotic sensitivity testing and PFGE, respectively. Antibiotic sensitivity testing revealed a significant difference between the canine and human isolates with the canine group demonstrating a higher resistance to the panel of antibiotics tested. Further metabolic capabilities of the strains were tested using the Biolog Microbial ID System, which reveal no clear association between the two host groups. However, coupled with Principle Component Analysis two canine isolates were discriminated from the entire population on the basis of a high up-regulation of two carbohydrates. API 20E testing revealed no association between the two host groups. A PFGE harmonised protocol was used to genotypically profile the strains. A dendrogram depicting PFGE profiles of the panel of Salmonella isolates was performed where similarities were calculated by Dice coefficient and represented by UPGMA clustering. Clustering of the profiles from canine isolates and human isolates (HPA, UK) was diverse representing a natural heterogeneity of the genus, additionally, no clear clustering of the isolates was observed between host groups. Clustering was observed with isolates from the same serotype, independent of host origin. Host adaption is a common phenomenon in certain Salmonella serotypes, for example S. Typhi in humans and S. Dublin in cattle. It was of interest to investigate potential host adaptive or restricted strains for canine host by performing adhesion and invasion assays on Dog Intestinal Epithelial Cells (DIECs) (WALTHAM®, UK) and human CaCo-2 (HPA, UK) cell lines. Salmonella arizonae and Enteritidis from an asymptomatic dog and clinical isolate, respectively, demonstrated a significantly high proportion of invasion in DIEC in comparison to human CaCo-2 cells and other tested Salmonella serotypes. This may be suggestive of a potential host restrictive strain as their ability to invade the CaCo-2 cell line was significantly lower than the other serotypes. In conclusion to this thesis the investigations carried out suggest that asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella in UK dogs is low however the microorganism remains as a zoonotic and anthroponotic pathogen based on phenotypic and genotypic characterisation however there may be potential for particular serotype to become host restricted as observed in invasion assays