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em Aston University Research Archive
We report on the first recording of a periodic structure of ~150 nm pitch in a permanently moving sample of a pure fused silica using the tightly focused, 82 nJ, 267 nm, 300 fs, 1 kHz laser pulses.
Down's syndrome, first described by J. Langdon Down in 1866, is the most common chromosomal abnormality to occur in the human population. Its incidence is approximately 1/650 of all births although the risk of having a Down's child increases markedly with the age of the mother. It occurs with equal frequency in all racial groups. The risk to a mother 16-26 years old is 1 in 1,300 but the risk increases to 1 in 30 for a mother 45-47 years old. The life expectancy of people with Down's syndrome has risen since the 1920s and many individuals are now living to the 5th decade or beyond. Consequently optometrists are increasingly likley to see Down's patients of all ages in the practice.
This thesis presents a techno-economic investigation of the generation of electricity from marine macroalgae (seaweed) in the UK (Part 1), and the production of anhydrous ammonia from synthesis gas (syngas) generated from biomass gasification (Part 2). In Part 1, the study covers the costs from macroalgae production to the generation of electricity via a CHP system. Seven scenarios, which varied the scale and production technique, were investigated to determine the most suitable scale of operation for the UK. Anaerobic digestion was established as the most suitable technology for macroalgae conversion to CHP, based on a number of criteria. All performance and cost data have been taken from published literature. None of the scenarios assessed would be economically viable under present conditions, although the use of large-scale electricity generation has more potential than small-scale localised production. Part 2 covers the costs from the delivery of the wood chip feedstock to the production of ammonia. Four cases, which varied the gasification process used and the scale of production, were investigated to determine the most suitable scale of operation for the UK. Two gasification processes were considered, these were O2-enriched air entrained flow gasification and Fast Internal Circulating Fluidised Bed. All performance and cost data have been taken from published literature, unless otherwise stated. Large-scale (1,200 tpd) ammonia production using O2-enriched air entrained flow gasification was determined as the most suitable system, producing the lowest ammonia-selling price, which was competitive to fossil fuels. Large-scale (1,200 tpd) combined natural gas/biomass syngas ammonia production also generated ammonia at a price competitive to fossil fuels.
Purpose: The paper aims to design and prove the concept of micro-industry using trigeneration fuelled by biomass, for sustainable development in rural NW India. Design/methodology/approach: This is being tested at village Malunga, near Jodhpur in Rajasthan. The system components comprise burning of waste biomass for steam generation and its use for power generation, cooling system for fruit ripening and the use of steam for producing distilled water. Site was selected taking into account the local economic and social needs, biomass resources available from agricultural activities, and the presence of a NGO which is competent to facilitate running of the enterprise. The trigeneration system was designed to integrate off-the-shelf equipment for power generation using boilers of approximate total capacity 1 tonne of fuel per hour, and a back-pressure steam turbo-generator (200 kW). Cooling is provided by a vapour absorption machine (VAM). Findings: The financial analysis indicates a payback time of less than two years. Nevertheless, this is sensitive to market fluctuations and availabilities of raw materials. Originality/value: Although comparable trigeneration systems already exist in large food processing industries and in space heating and cooling applications, they have not previously been used for rural micro-industry. The small-scale (1-2 m3/h output) multiple effect distillation (3 effect plus condenser) unit has not previously been deployed at field level. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.