19 resultados para SYMPTOM SUBTYPES

em Aston University Research Archive


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The muscarinic receptor from the cerebral cortex, heart, and lacrimal gland can be solubilized in the zwitterionic detergent 3-(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio-2-hydroxy-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPSO) with retention of high affinity [3H]N-methyls-copolamine binding. However, in this detergent there are significant differences in the binding properties of the receptors, compared with those observed in membranes and digitonin solution. Some agents retain a degree of selectivity. In the heart and cortex, agonists can bind with high affinity to a receptor-GTP-binding protein complex. A second, lower affinity, agonist binding state is also present, which resembles a class of sites seen in membranes but not in digitonin solution. The high affinity agonist binding state has been resolved from the lower affinity state on sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Hydrodynamic analysis suggests that the high affinity state is approximately 110,000 Da larger than the lower affinity state. The binding properties of the receptor in CHAPSO can be altered to those seen in digitonin by exchanging detergents after CHAPSO solubilization.


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The density of diffuse, primitive and classic beta/A4 protein deposits was estimated in sulci and gyri in the frontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) in 8 cases of Alzheimer's disease. Total beta/A4 deposit density was similar in the frontal cortex and PHG but the ratio of primitive and classic deposits to the total was greater in the PHG compared with the frontal cortex. Total beta/A4 deposit density was greater in the depths of the sulci, but the proportions of the various beta/A4 subtypes were similar in sulci and gyri. Hence, increased density of primitive and classic deposits in the PHG could reflect enhanced conversion of diffuse to mature deposits whereas increased density of mature beta/A4 subtypes in sulci versus gyri may reflect increased beta/A4 deposition in the sulci.


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A culster analysis was performed on 78 cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) to identify possible pathological subtypes of the disease. Data on 47 neuropathological variables, inculding features of the gross brain and the density and distribution of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were used to describe each case. Cluster analysis is a multivariate statistical method which combines together in groups, AD cases with the most similar neuropathological characteristics. The majority of cases (83%) were clustered into five such groups. The analysis suggested that an initial division of the 78 cases could be made into two major groups: (1) a large group (68%) in which the distribution of SP and NFT was restricted to a relatively small number of brain regions, and (2) a smaller group (15%) in which the lesions were more widely disseminated throughout the neocortex. Each of these groups could be subdivided on the degree of capillary amyloid angiopathy (CAA) present. In addition, those cases with a restricted development of SP/NFT and CAA could be divided further into an early and a late onset form. Familial AD cases did not cluster as a separate group but were either distributed between four of the five groups or were cases with unique combinations of pathological features not closely related to any of the groups. It was concluded that multivariate statistical methods may be of value in the classification of AD into subtypes. © 1994 Springer-Verlag.


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Two contrasting multivariate statistical methods, viz., principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were applied to the study of neuropathological variations between cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). To compare the two methods, 78 cases of AD were analyzed, each characterised by measurements of 47 neuropathological variables. Both methods of analysis revealed significant variations between AD cases. These variations were related primarily to differences in the distribution and abundance of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the brain. Cluster analysis classified the majority of AD cases into five groups which could represent subtypes of AD. However, PCA suggested that variation between cases was more continuous with no distinct subtypes. Hence, PCA may be a more appropriate method than cluster analysis in the study of neuropathological variations between AD cases.


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The spatial patterns of diffuse, primitive and classic β/A4 deposits were studied in coronal sections of the hippocampus and adjacent gyri in 11 cases of Down's syndrome (DS) varying in age from 38 to 67 years. The objectives of the study were first, to compare the spatial patterns of β/A4 deposits revealed in DS with those reported in cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and second, to study how the spatial patterns of β/A4 deposits may develop in the tissue. The spatial patterns revealed in DS exhibited a number of similarities with those reported in AD: (1) the range and frequency of the different types of spatial pattern revealed were similar, (2) β/A4 deposits occurred in clusters and in many cortical tissues, the clusters were distributed in a regular pattern parallel to the pia, (3) the clusters of diffuse and primitive β/A4 deposits occurred in an alternating pattern along the cortex, and (4) the clusters of classic β/A4 deposits were not correlated with the clusters of the diffuse and primitive deposits. Primitive deposits may develop from the diffuse deposits in regions of the cortex where extracellular paired helical filaments were formed. However, clusters of the classic β/A4 deposits, which are formed in older cases, appear to develop independently of the diffuse and primitive deposits. © 1994 Springer-Verlag.


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The spatial patterns of diffuse, primitive and classic beta/A4 deposits was studied in relation to blood vessels in 24 cortical tissues from five elderly cases of Alzheimer's disease with pronounced congophilic angiopathy (CA). Beta/A4 deposit subtypes and beta/A4 stained blood vessels were clustered in the tissue. In many instances, the clusters of beta/A4 deposits and blood vessels were regularly spaced along the cortical strip. Total beta/A4 deposits were positively correlated with blood vessels in five tissues only. Similarly, clusters of diffuse and primitive beta/A4 subtypes were each positively correlated with blood vessels in two brain regions. By contrast, clusters of classic beta/A4 deposits were positively correlated with blood vessels in 62% of the cortical tissues examined. These results suggest that in patients with significant CA, initial deposition of beta/A4 protein was unrelated to blood vessels. However, clusters of classic beta/A4 deposits appeared to be in phase with clusters of blood vessels along the cortex.


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The rodent ventrobasal (VB) thalamus receives sensory inputs from the whiskers and projects to the cortex, from which it receives reciprocal excitatory afferents. Much is known about the properties and functional roles of these glutamatergic inputs to thalamocortical neurons in the VB, but no data are available on how these afferents can affect thalamic glial cells. In this study, we used combined electrophysiological recordings and intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) imaging to investigate glial cell responses to synaptic afferent stimulation. VB thalamus glial cells can be divided into two groups based on their [Ca(2+)](i) and electrophysiological responses to sensory and corticothalamic stimulation. One group consists of astrocytes, which stain positively for S100B and preferentially load with SR101, have linear current-voltage relations and low input resistance, show no voltage-dependent [Ca(2+)](i) responses, but express mGluR5-dependent [Ca(2+)](i) transients following stimulation of the sensory and/or corticothalamic excitatory afferent pathways. Cells of the other glial group, by contrast, stain positively for NG2, and are characterized by high input resistance, the presence of voltage-dependent [Ca(2+)](i) elevations and voltage-gated inward currents. There were no synaptically induced [Ca(2+)](i) elevations in these cells under control conditions. These results show that thalamic glial cell responses to synaptic input exhibit different properties to those of thalamocortical neurons. As VB astrocytes can respond to synaptic stimulation and signal to neighbouring neurons, this glial cell organization may have functional implications for the processing of somatosensory information and modulation of behavioural state-dependent thalamocortical network activities.


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This study investigated whether Negative Affectivity (NA) causes bias in self-report measures of activity limitations or whether NA has a real, non-artifactual association with activity limitations. The Symptom Perception Hypothesis (NA negatively biases self-reporting), Disability Hypothesis (activity limitations cause NA) and Psychosomatic Hypothesis (NA causes activity limitations) were examined longitudinally using both self-report and objective activity limitations measures. Participants were 101 stroke patients and their caregivers interviewed within two weeks of discharge, six weeks later and six months post-discharge. NA and self-report, proxy-report and observed performance activity (walking) limitations were assessed at each interview. NA was associated with activity limitations across measures. Both the Disability and Psychosomatic Hypotheses were supported: initial NA predicted objective activity limitations at six weeks but, additionally, activity limitations at six weeks predicted NA at six months. These results suggest that NA both affects and is affected by activity limitations and does not simply influence reporting.


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The size frequency distributions of diffuse, primitive and classic beta/A4 deposits was studied in single sections in the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) and lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (LOT) in five cases of Alzheimer's disease. In most brain regions, the size distribution of the diffuse deposits was significantly different from that of the primitive and classic deposits. The data suggested that larger diffuse deposits appeared to be converted less often into primitive and classic deposits. Significant differences in the size distribution of primitive deposits were commonly observed between brain regions in which there was no difference in the size distribution of the diffuse deposits. Hence, local brain factors may influence the size of diffuse deposit which can be converted into mature amyloid deposit.


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The spatial patterns of diffuse, primitive, classic (cored) and compact (burnt-out) subtypes of beta/A4 deposits were studied in coronal sections of the frontal lobe and hippocampus, including the adjacent gyri, in nine cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). If the more mature deposits were derived from the diffuse deposits then there should be a close association between their spatial patterns in a brain region. In the majority of tissues examined, all deposit subtypes occurred in clusters which varied in dimension from 200 to 6400 microns. In many tissues, the clusters appeared to be regularly spaced parallel to the pia or alveus. The mean dimension of the primitive deposit clusters was greater than those of the diffuse, classic and compact types. In about 60% of cortical tissues examined, the clusters of primitive and diffuse deposits were not in phase, i.e. they alternated along the cortical strip. Clusters of classic deposits appeared to be distributed independently of the diffuse deposit clusters. Cluster size of the primitive deposits was positively correlated with the density of the primitive deposits in a tissue but no such relationship could be detected for the diffuse deposits. This study suggested that there was a complex relationship between the clusters of the different subtypes of beta/A4 deposits. If the diffuse deposits do give rise to the primitive and classic varieties then factors unrelated to the initial deposition of beta/A4 in the form of diffuse plaques were important in the formation of the mature deposits.


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The standard reference clinical score quantifying average Parkinson's disease (PD) symptom severity is the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). At present, UPDRS is determined by the subjective clinical evaluation of the patient's ability to adequately cope with a range of tasks. In this study, we extend recent findings that UPDRS can be objectively assessed to clinically useful accuracy using simple, self-administered speech tests, without requiring the patient's physical presence in the clinic. We apply a wide range of known speech signal processing algorithms to a large database (approx. 6000 recordings from 42 PD patients, recruited to a six-month, multi-centre trial) and propose a number of novel, nonlinear signal processing algorithms which reveal pathological characteristics in PD more accurately than existing approaches. Robust feature selection algorithms select the optimal subset of these algorithms, which is fed into non-parametric regression and classification algorithms, mapping the signal processing algorithm outputs to UPDRS. We demonstrate rapid, accurate replication of the UPDRS assessment with clinically useful accuracy (about 2 UPDRS points difference from the clinicians' estimates, p < 0.001). This study supports the viability of frequent, remote, cost-effective, objective, accurate UPDRS telemonitoring based on self-administered speech tests. This technology could facilitate large-scale clinical trials into novel PD treatments.


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Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an incurable neurological disease with approximately 0.3% prevalence. The hallmark symptom is gradual movement deterioration. Current scientific consensus about disease progression holds that symptoms will worsen smoothly over time unless treated. Accurate information about symptom dynamics is of critical importance to patients, caregivers, and the scientific community for the design of new treatments, clinical decision making, and individual disease management. Long-term studies characterize the typical time course of the disease as an early linear progression gradually reaching a plateau in later stages. However, symptom dynamics over durations of days to weeks remains unquantified. Currently, there is a scarcity of objective clinical information about symptom dynamics at intervals shorter than 3 months stretching over several years, but Internet-based patient self-report platforms may change this. Objective: To assess the clinical value of online self-reported PD symptom data recorded by users of the health-focused Internet social research platform PatientsLikeMe (PLM), in which patients quantify their symptoms on a regular basis on a subset of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Ratings Scale (UPDRS). By analyzing this data, we aim for a scientific window on the nature of symptom dynamics for assessment intervals shorter than 3 months over durations of several years. Methods: Online self-reported data was validated against the gold standard Parkinson’s Disease Data and Organizing Center (PD-DOC) database, containing clinical symptom data at intervals greater than 3 months. The data were compared visually using quantile-quantile plots, and numerically using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. By using a simple piecewise linear trend estimation algorithm, the PLM data was smoothed to separate random fluctuations from continuous symptom dynamics. Subtracting the trends from the original data revealed random fluctuations in symptom severity. The average magnitude of fluctuations versus time since diagnosis was modeled by using a gamma generalized linear model. Results: Distributions of ages at diagnosis and UPDRS in the PLM and PD-DOC databases were broadly consistent. The PLM patients were systematically younger than the PD-DOC patients and showed increased symptom severity in the PD off state. The average fluctuation in symptoms (UPDRS Parts I and II) was 2.6 points at the time of diagnosis, rising to 5.9 points 16 years after diagnosis. This fluctuation exceeds the estimated minimal and moderate clinically important differences, respectively. Not all patients conformed to the current clinical picture of gradual, smooth changes: many patients had regimes where symptom severity varied in an unpredictable manner, or underwent large rapid changes in an otherwise more stable progression. Conclusions: This information about short-term PD symptom dynamics contributes new scientific understanding about the disease progression, currently very costly to obtain without self-administered Internet-based reporting. This understanding should have implications for the optimization of clinical trials into new treatments and for the choice of treatment decision timescales.


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ABSTRACT: Purpose. Virtual reality devices, including virtual reality head-mounted displays, are becoming increasingly accessible to the general public as technological advances lead to reduced costs. However, there are numerous reports that adverse effects such as ocular discomfort and headache are associated with these devices. To investigate these adverse effects, questionnaires that have been specifically designed for other purposes such as investigating motion sickness have often been used. The primary purpose of this study was to develop a standard questionnaire for use in investigating symptoms that result from virtual reality viewing. In addition, symptom duration and whether priming subjects elevates symptom ratings were also investigated. Methods. A list of the most frequently reported symptoms following virtual reality viewing was determined from previously published studies and used as the basis for a pilot questionnaire. The pilot questionnaire, which consisted of 12 nonocular and 11 ocular symptoms, was administered to two groups of eight subjects. One group was primed by having them complete the questionnaire before immersion; the other group completed the questionnaire postviewing only. Postviewing testing was carried out immediately after viewing and then at 2-min intervals for a further 10 min. Results. Priming subjects did not elevate symptom ratings; therefore, the data were pooled and 16 symptoms were found to increase significantly. The majority of symptoms dissipated rapidly, within 6 min after viewing. Frequency of endorsement data showed that approximately half of the symptoms on the pilot questionnaire could be discarded because <20% of subjects experienced them. Conclusions. Symptom questionnaires to investigate virtual reality viewing can be administered before viewing, without biasing the findings, allowing calculation of the amount of change from pre- to postviewing. However, symptoms dissipate rapidly and assessment of symptoms needs to occur in the first 5 min postviewing. Thirteen symptom questions, eight nonocular and five ocular, were determined to be useful for a questionnaire specifically related to virtual reality viewing using a head-mounted display.