25 resultados para SOLID-LIQUID EXTRACTION

em Aston University Research Archive


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A study of the hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of a liquid-liquid extraction process in a 450 mm diameter, 4.30 m high Rotating Disc Contactor (R.D.C.) has been undertaken. The literature relating to this type of extractor and the relevant phenomena, such as droplet break-up and coalescence, drop mass transfer and axial mixing has been revjewed. Experiments were performed using the system C1airsol-350-acetone-water and the effects of drop size, drop size-distribution and dispersed phase hold-up on the performance of the R.D.C. established. The results obtained for the two-phase system C1airso1-water have been compared with published correlations: since most of these correlations are based on data obtained from laboratory scale R.D.C.'s, a wide divergence was found. The hydrodynamics data from this study have therefore been correlated to predict the drop size and the dispersed phase hold-up and agreement has been obtained with the experimental data to within +8% for the drop size and +9% for the dispersed phase hold-up. The correlations obtained were modified to include terms involving column dimensions and the data have been correlated with the results obtained from this study together with published data; agreement was generally within +17% for drop size and within +14% for the dispersed phase hold-up. The experimental drop size distributions obtained were in excellent agreement with the upper limit log-normal distributions which should therefore be used in preference to other distribution functions. In the calculation of the overall experimental mass transfer coefficient the mean driving force was determined from the concentration profile along the column using Simpson's Rule and a novel method was developed to calculate the overall theoretical mass transfer coefficient Kca1, involving the drop size distribution diagram to determine the volume percentage of stagnant, circulating and oscillating drops in the sample population. Individual mass transfer coefficients were determined for the corresponding droplet state using different single drop mass transfer models. Kca1 was then calculated as the fractional sum of these individual coefficients and their proportions in the drop sample population. Very good agreement was found between the experimental and theoretical overall mass transfer coefficients. Drop sizes under mass transfer conditions were strongly dependant upon the direction of mass transfer. Drop Sizes in the absence of mass transfer were generally larger than those with solute transfer from the continuous to the dispersed phase, but smaller than those with solute transfer in the opposite direction at corresponding phase flowrates and rotor speed. Under similar operating conditions hold-up was also affected by mass transfer; it was higher when solute transfered from the continuous to the dispersed phase and lower when direction was reversed compared with non-mass transfer operation.


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A ten stage laboratory mixer-settler has been designed, constructed and operated with efficiencies up to 90%. The phase equilibrium data of the system acetic acid-toluene-water at different temperatures has been determined and correlated. Trials for prediction of these data have been investigated and a good agreement between the experimental data and the predictions obtained by the NRTL equation have been found. Extraction processes have been analysed. A model for determination of the time needed for a countercurrent stage-wise process to come to steady state has been derived. The experimental data was in reasonable agreement with this model. The discrete maximum principle has been applied to optimize the countercurrent extraction process and proved to be highly successful in predicting the optimum operating conditions which were confirmed by the experimental results. The temperature has proved to be a prosolvent for mass transfer in both directions but the temperature profile functioned as an anti solvent.


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The literature relating to sieve plate liquid extraction columns and relevant hydrodynamic phenomena have been surveyed. Mass transfer characteristics during drop formation, rise and coalescence, and related models were also reviewed. Important design parameters i.e. flooding, dispersed phase hold-up, drop size distribution, mean drop size, coalescence/flocculation zone height beneath a plate and jetting phenomena were investigated under non-mass transfer and mass transfer conditions in a 0.45m diameter, 2.3m high sieve plate column. This column had provision for four different plate designs, and variable plate spacing and downcomer heights, and the system used was Clairsol `350' (dispersed) - acetone - deionised water (continuous) with either direction of mass transfer. Drop size distributions were best described by the functions proposed by Gal-or, and then Mugele-Evans. Using data from this study and the literature, correlations were developed for dispersed phase hold-up, mean drop size in the preferred jetting regime and in the non-jetting regime, and coalescence zone height. A method to calculate the theoretical overall mass transfer coefficient allowing for the range of drop sizes encountered in the column gave the best fit to experimental data. This applied the drop size distribution diagram to estimate the volume percentage of stagnant, circulating and oscillating drops in the drop population. The overall coefficient Kcal was then calculated as the fractional sum of the predicted individual single drop coefficients and their proportion in the drop population. In a comparison between the experimental and calculated overall mass transfer coefficients for cases in which all the drops were in the oscillating regime (i.e. 6.35mm hole size plate), and for transfer from the dispersed(d) to continuous(c) phase, the film coefficient kd predicted from the Rose-Kintner correlation together with kc from that of Garner-Tayeban gave the best representation. Droplets from the 3.175mm hole size plate, were of a size to be mainly circulating and oscillating; a combination of kd from the Kronig-Brink (circulating) and Rose-Kintner (oscillating) correlations with the respective kc gave the best agreement. The optimum operating conditions for the SPC were identified and a procedure proposed for design from basic single drop data.


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An alternative approach to the modelling of solid-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flows for a 5:1 height to width aspect ratio bubble column is presented here. A modified transport equation for the volume fraction of a dispersed phase has been developed for the investigation of turbulent buoyancy driven flows (Chem. Eng. Proc., in press). In this study, a modified transport equation has been employed for discrete phase motion considering both solid-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flows. The modelling of the three-phase flow in a bubble column was achieved in the following case: injecting a slug of solid particles into the column for 10 s at a velocity of 0.1 m s-1 and then the gas phase flow was initiated with a superficial gas velocity of 0.02 cm s-1. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Liquid-liquid extraction has long been known as a unit operation that plays an important role in industry. This process is well known for its complexity and sensitivity to operation conditions. This thesis presents an attempt to explore the dynamics and control of this process using a systematic approach and state of the art control system design techniques. The process was studied first experimentally under carefully selected. operation conditions, which resembles the ranges employed practically under stable and efficient conditions. Data were collected at steady state conditions using adequate sampling techniques for the dispersed and continuous phases as well as during the transients of the column with the aid of a computer-based online data logging system and online concentration analysis. A stagewise single stage backflow model was improved to mimic the dynamic operation of the column. The developed model accounts for the variation in hydrodynamics, mass transfer, and physical properties throughout the length of the column. End effects were treated by addition of stages at the column entrances. Two parameters were incorporated in the model namely; mass transfer weight factor to correct for the assumption of no mass transfer in the. settling zones at each stage and the backmixing coefficients to handle the axial dispersion phenomena encountered in the course of column operation. The parameters were estimated by minimizing the differences between the experimental and the model predicted concentration profiles at steady state conditions using non-linear optimisation technique. The estimated values were then correlated as functions of operating parameters and were incorporated in·the model equations. The model equations comprise a stiff differential~algebraic system. This system was solved using the GEAR ODE solver. The calculated concentration profiles were compared to those experimentally measured. A very good agreement of the two profiles was achieved within a percent relative error of ±2.S%. The developed rigorous dynamic model of the extraction column was used to derive linear time-invariant reduced-order models that relate the input variables (agitator speed, solvent feed flowrate and concentration, feed concentration and flowrate) to the output variables (raffinate concentration and extract concentration) using the asymptotic method of system identification. The reduced-order models were shown to be accurate in capturing the dynamic behaviour of the process with a maximum modelling prediction error of I %. The simplicity and accuracy of the derived reduced-order models allow for control system design and analysis of such complicated processes. The extraction column is a typical multivariable process with agitator speed and solvent feed flowrate considered as manipulative variables; raffinate concentration and extract concentration as controlled variables and the feeds concentration and feed flowrate as disturbance variables. The control system design of the extraction process was tackled as multi-loop decentralised SISO (Single Input Single Output) as well as centralised MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) system using both conventional and model-based control techniques such as IMC (Internal Model Control) and MPC (Model Predictive Control). Control performance of each control scheme was. studied in terms of stability, speed of response, sensitivity to modelling errors (robustness), setpoint tracking capabilities and load rejection. For decentralised control, multiple loops were assigned to pair.each manipulated variable with each controlled variable according to the interaction analysis and other pairing criteria such as relative gain array (RGA), singular value analysis (SVD). Loops namely Rotor speed-Raffinate concentration and Solvent flowrate Extract concentration showed weak interaction. Multivariable MPC has shown more effective performance compared to other conventional techniques since it accounts for loops interaction, time delays, and input-output variables constraints.


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An increasing number of publications on the dried blood spot (DBS) sampling approach for the quantification of drugs and metabolites have been spurred on by the inherent advantages of this sampling technique. In the present research, a selective and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method for the concurrent determination of multiple antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) [levetiracetam (LVT), lamotrigine (LTG), phenobarbital (PHB)], carbamazepine (CBZ) and its active metabolite carbamazepine-10,11 epoxide (CBZE)] in a single DBS has been developed and validated. Whole blood was spotted onto Guthrie cards and dried. Using a standard punch (6 mm diameter), a circular disc was punched from the card and extracted with methanol: acetonitrile (3:1, v/v) containing hexobarbital (Internal Standard) and sonicated prior to evaporation. The extract was then dissolved in water and vortex mixed before undergoing solid phase extraction using HLB cartridges. Chromatographic separation of the AEDs was achieved using Waters XBridge™ C18 column with a gradient system. The developed method was linear over the concentration ranges studied with r ≥ 0.995 for all compounds. The lower limits of quantification (LLOQs) were 2, 1, 2, 0.5 and 1 μg/mL for LVT, LTG, PHB, CBZE and CBZ, respectively. Accuracy (%RE) and precision (%CV) values for within and between day were <20% at the LLOQs and <15% at all other concentrations tested. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of the AEDs in DBS samples taken from children with epilepsy for the assessment of their adherence to prescribed treatments.


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In this work, the liquid-liquid and solid-liquid phase behaviour of ten aqueous pseudo-binary and three binary systems containing polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2050, polyethylene glycol 35000, aniline, N,N-dimethylaniline and water, in the temperature range 298.15-350.15 K and at ambient pressure of 0.1 MPa, was studied. The obtained temperature-composition phase diagrams showed that the only functional co-solvent was PEG2050 for aniline in water, while PEG35000 even showed a clear anti-solvent effect in the N,N-dimethylaniline aqueous system. The experimental solid-liquid equilibria (SLE) data have been correlated by the non-random two-liquid (NRTL) model, and the correlation results are in accordance with the experimental results.


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Investigations into the modelling techniques that depict the transport of discrete phases (gas bubbles or solid particles) and model biochemical reactions in a bubble column reactor are discussed here. The mixture model was used to calculate gas-liquid, solid-liquid and gasliquid-solid interactions. Multiphase flow is a difficult phenomenon to capture, particularly in bubble columns where the major driving force is caused by the injection of gas bubbles. The gas bubbles cause a large density difference to occur that results in transient multi-dimensional fluid motion. Standard design procedures do not account for the transient motion, due to the simplifying assumptions of steady plug flow. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can assist in expanding the understanding of complex flows in bubble columns by characterising the flow phenomena for many geometrical configurations. Therefore, CFD has a role in the education of chemical and biochemical engineers, providing the examples of flow phenomena that many engineers may not experience, even through experimentation. The performance of the mixture model was investigated for three domains (plane, rectangular and cylindrical) and three flow models (laminar, k-e turbulence and the Reynolds stresses). mThis investigation raised many questions about how gas-liquid interactions are captured numerically. To answer some of these questions the analogy between thermal convection in a cavity and gas-liquid flow in bubble columns was invoked. This involved modelling the buoyant motion of air in a narrow cavity for a number of turbulence schemes. The difference in density was caused by a temperature gradient that acted across the width of the cavity. Multiple vortices were obtained when the Reynolds stresses were utilised with the addition of a basic flow profile after each time step. To implement the three-phase models an alternative mixture model was developed and compared against a commercially available mixture model for three turbulence schemes. The scheme where just the Reynolds stresses model was employed, predicted the transient motion of the fluids quite well for both mixture models. Solid-liquid and then alternative formulations of gas-liquid-solid model were compared against one another. The alternative form of the mixture model was found to perform particularly well for both gas and solid phase transport when calculating two and three-phase flow. The improvement in the solutions obtained was a result of the inclusion of the Reynolds stresses model and differences in the mixture models employed. The differences between the alternative mixture models were found in the volume fraction equation (flux and deviatoric stress tensor terms) and the viscosity formulation for the mixture phase.