3 resultados para SILICATES

em Aston University Research Archive


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Carbonated cement paste surfaces were characterised prior to application of surface treatments. Their chemical and physical properties varied with distance from the surface and method of carbonation. From the surface inwards the pH of expressed pore solutions and porosity were observed to increase. Hardness increased after natural carbonation, but decreased after accelerated carbonation. Generally, accelerated carbonation caused more extreme changes. Investigations were carried out on four concrete surface hardening treatments; two sodium silicates and two silicofluorides. These treatments penetrated and hardened the surface of naturally dried uncarbonated cement paste to a depth fo 250m. Silicofluorides reacted with uncarbonated and carbonated cement pastes to form calcium fluoride. The question of how sodium silicates harden the surface remains unanswered. Surface hardeners do not significantly affect the rate of carbonation, and are unsuitable for re-alkalising carbonated cement paste. Water repellent treatments studied include a silane, a siloxane and a silicone. The silane exhibited the maximum penetration, up to 24mm under favourable conditions, but penetration in all cases was limited by moisture in the substrate. Water repellent treatments slow down water vapour diffusion but, with time, internal moisture levels should reflect external relative humidities. Water repellents may be used to reduce carbonation-induced corrosion where ingress of moisture from intermittent wetting may be slowed. However, treatment with water repellents can temporarily push the carbonation front deeper into the concrete.


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The Triassic rocks of Central England consist of three major stratigraphic units: Sherwood Sandstone Group, Mercia Mudstone Group, and Penarth Group. The lower part of the Sherwood Sandstone Group represented by the Kidderminster, Cannock Chase, and Polesworth Formations represents pebbly braided river deposits carried by a major fluvial system flowing to the North-Northwest. The upper part of the Sherwood Sandstone Group includes the Wildmoor and Bromsgrove Sandstone Formations, the deposits of a sandy alluvial system. The Mercia Mudstone Group represents quiet-water deposits of marginal palya type which were subjected to occasional marine flooding. The overlying Penarth Group represent shallow marine and lagoonal environment associated with the Rhaetian marine transgression. The mineralogy of the Triassic sandstones indicates that the main source was from medium to low rank metamorphic rocks with additional supplies from igneous and metamorphic rocks. The study of size-composition trends shows that the climate was semiarid in early Triassic time and became more humid later. The Triassic sandstones show a variety of diagenetic features typical of continental red beds; these include: 1. the dissolution of unstable ferromagnesian silicates, 2. the replacement of detrital grains by clay, 3. the pseudomorphism of biotite by haematite, and 4. the formation of a suite of authigenic minerals including quartz, illite, mixed-layer illite-montmorillonite, kaolinite, k-feldspar, haematite, titanium oxide and later carbonate cement. Palaeomagnetic studies of selected samples show that the magnetization is muticomponent with the various components being carried by different textural phases of haematite.


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The Sherwood Sandstone Group forms an important aquifer in Eastern England, which in North Nottinghamshire comprises the Nottingham Castle and Lenton Sandstone Formations. The aquifer is formed by an alluvial red-bed sequence dominated by medium-coarse grained sandstones which are texturally immature to submature and have only been subjected to shallow burial diagenesis. These sandstones reached the mature stage of the meso diagenetic regime, and four stages are recognized in their diagenetic history depending upon the physical/chemical processes prevailing and the subsequent effect on porosity and permeability. Stage "One" represents changes including dissolution of unstable silicates, clay replacement, red colouration and precipitation of authigenic minerals (quartz, feldspar, illite, l/S, kaolinite, dolomite, ferroan calcite, calcite). The net result of these changes was porosity reduction. Stage "Two" included changes due to mechanical compaction which resulted in minor porosity reduction. Stage "Three" was the main phase of secondary porosity enhancement. Stage "Four" represents changes taking place in the present groundwater where porosity and permeability may have been increased by dissolution and partly reduced by kaolinite precipitation. Porosity measured by water-resaturation and Hg-injection gave average values of 25.63% and 24.85% respectively. The results are comparable and showed marked correlation especially in highly porous/permeable rocks. Porosity measurements from photomicrographs were markedly offset from laboratory results. Horizontal Kw ranged between 1.43 x 10-5 and 1.13 x 10-1 mm/sec, with an average of  1.68 x 10-2 mm/sec. The estimated KHg ranged between 7.29 x 10-6 and 6.99 x 10-2 mm/sec with an average of 1.47 x 10-2 mm/sec. Both results are significantly correlated for highly porous/permeable rocks. The hydraulic properties are highly dependent upon the diagenetic properties (as most of the pores present are of secondary origin) as well as the pore size distribution. The chemistry of these groundwaters indicates that they are under-saturated with respect to dolomite, calcite, K-feldspar, l/S clay, and montmorillonite. The precipitation of kaolinite,and to a lesser extent illite, is favoured in the present groundwater regime.