em Aston University Research Archive


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A detailed investigation has been undertaken into a field-induced electron emission (FIEE) mechanism that occurs at microscopically localised `sites' on uncoated, dielectric-coated and composite-coated metallic cathodes. An optical imaging technique has been used to observe and characterize the spatial and temporal behaviour of the populations of emission sites on these cathodes under various experimental conditions, e.g. pulsed-fields, gas environment etc. This study has shown that, for applied fields of 20MVm^-1, thin dielectric (750AA) and composite metal-insulator (MI) overlayers result in a dramatic increase in the total number of emission sites (typically 30cm^-2), and hence emission current. The emission process has been further investigated by a complementary electron spectroscopy technique which has revealed that the localised emission sites on these cathodes display field-dependent spectral shifts and half-widths, i.e. indicative of a `non-metallic' emission mechanism. Details are also given of a comprehensive investigation into the effects of the residual gas environment on the FIEE process from uncoated Cu-cathodes. This latter study has revealed that the well-known Gas Conditioning process can be performed with a wide range of gas species (e.g. O_2, N_2 etc), and furthermore, the degree of conditioning is influenced by both a `Voltage' and `Temperature' effect. These experimental findings have been shown to be particularly important to the technology of high-voltage vacuum-insulation and cold-cathode electron sources. The FIEE mechanism has been interpreted in terms of a hot-electron process that is associated with `electroformed' conducting channels in MI, MIM and MIMI surface microstructures.


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A detailed investigation has been undertaken into the field induced electron emission (FIEE) mechanism that occurs at microscopically localised `sites' on uncoated and dielectric coated metallic electrodes. These processes have been investigated using two dedicated experimental systems that were developed for this study. The first is a novel combined photo/field emission microscope, which employs a UV source to stimulate photo-electrons from the sample surface in order to generate a topographical image. This system utilises an electrostatic lens column to provide identical optical properties under the different operating conditions required for purely topographical and combined photo/field imaging. The system has been demonstrated to have a resolution approaching 1m. Emission images have been obtained from carbon emission sites using this system to reveal that emission may occur from the edge triple junction or from the bulk of the carbon particle. An existing UHV electron spectrometer has been extensively rebuilt to incorporate a computer control and data acquisition system, improved sample handling and manipulation and a specimen heating stage. Details are given of a comprehensive study into the effects of sample heating on the emission process under conditions of both bulk and transient heating. Similar studies were also performed under conditions of both zero and high applied field. These show that the properties of emission sites are strongly temperature and field dependent thus indicating that the emission process is `non-metallic' in nature. The results have been shown to be consistent with an existing hot electron emission model.


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The fatigue behaviour of the cold chamber pressure-die-cast alloys: Mazak3, ZA8, ZA27, M3K, ZA8K, ZA27K, K1, K2 and K3 was investigated at temperature of 20°C. The alloys M3K, ZA8K and ZA27K were also examined at temperatures of 50 and 100°C. The ratio between fatigue strength and tensile strength was established at 20°C at 107 cycles. The fatigue life prediction of the alloys M3K, ZA8K and ZA27K was formulated at 20, 50 and 100°C. The prediction formulae were found to be reasonably accurate. All of the experimental alloys were heterogeneous and contained large but varying amounts of pores. These pores were a major contribution and dominated the alloys fatigue failure. Their effect, however, on tensile failure was negligible. The ZA27K possessed the highest tensile strength but the lowest fatigue strength. The relationship between the fracture topography and the microstructure was also determined by the use of a mixed signal of a secondary electron and a back-scattered electron on the SEM. The tensile strength of the experimental alloys was directly proportional to the aluminium content within the alloys. The effect of copper content was also investigated within the alloys K1, K2, ZA8K and K3 which contained 0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% respectively. It was determined that the fatigue and tensile strengths improved with higher copper contents. Upon ageing the alloys Mazak3, ZA8 and ZA27 at an ambient temperature for 5 years, copper was also found to influence and maintain the metastable Zn-Al (αm) phase. The copper free Mazak3 upon ageing lost this metastable phase. The 1.0% copper ZA8 alloy had lost almost 50% of its metastable phase. Finally the 2.0% copper ZA27 had merely lost 10% of its metastable phase. The cph zinc contained a limited number of slip systems, therefore twinning deformation was unavoidable in both fatigue and tensile testing.


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There is an urgent need for fast, non-destructive and quantitative two-dimensional dopant profiling of modern and future ultra large-scale semiconductor devices. The low voltage scanning electron microscope (LVSEM) has emerged to satisfy this need, in part, whereby it is possible to detect different secondary electron yield values (brightness in the SEM signal) from the p-type to the n-type doped regions as well as different brightness levels from the same dopant type. The mechanism that gives rise to such a secondary electron (SE) contrast effect is not fully understood, however. A review of the different models that have been proposed to explain this SE contrast is given. We report on new experiments that support the proposal that this contrast is due to the establishment of metal-to-semiconductor surface contacts. Further experiments showing the effect of instrument parameters including the electron dose, the scan speeds and the electron beam energy on the SE contrast are also reported. Preliminary results on the dependence of the SE contrast on the existence of a surface structure featuring metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) are also reported. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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It was decided to investigate field emission from cadmium sulphide because many workers have found that the agreement between theory and experiment for this material, and other semiconductors, is poor. An electron energy analyser, similar to those used in most of the previously reported experiments, was, therefore, built. The performance of the analyser was thoroughly investigated both theoretically and practically and the results of these investigations were used in conjunction with a tungsten emitter. Excellent agreement was obtained between the usually accepted total energy distribution for tungsten and the corresponding .distribution measured with the present analyser. A method of obtaining reliable cadmium sulphide emitter was developed. These emitters were then used in the analyser and it was found that the agreement between theory and experiment was poor. Previous explanations of the lack of agreement are considered and are found to be doubtful. The theory of field emission from semiconductors is reviewed and possible reasons for the discrepancy between theory and experiment are proposed. Finally, further experiments are described which should prove or disprove the conclusions arrived at in this work.


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This investigation looks critically at conventional magnetic lenses in the light of present-day technology with the aim of advancing electron microscopy in its broadest sense. By optimising the cooling arrangements and heat transfer characteristics of lens windings it was possible to increase substantially the current density in the winding, and achieve a large reduction in the size of conventional magnetic electron lenses. Following investigations into the properties of solenoidal lenses, a new type of lens with only one pole-piece was developed. The focal properties of such lenses, which differ considerably from those.of conventional lenses, have been derived from a combination of mathematical models and experimentally measured axial flux density distributions. These properties can be profitably discussed with reference to "half-lenses". Miniature conventional twin pole-piece lenses and the proposed radial field single pole-piece lenses have been designed and constructed and both types of lenses have been evaluated by constructing miniature electron optical columns. A miniature experimental transmission electron microscope (TEM), a miniature scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a scanning transmission microscope (STEM) have been built. A single pole-piece miniature one million volt projector lens of only lOcm diameter and weighing 2.lkg was designed, built and tested at 1 million volts in a commercial electron microscope. iii. Preliminary experiments indicate that in single pole lenses it is possible to extract secondary electrons from the specimen in spite of the presence of the magnetic field of the probe-forming lens. This may well be relevant for the SEM in which it is desirable to examine a large specimen at a moderately good resolution.


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It is shown that chlorosulphonation is a major aid to the electron microscopy of polyethylene for various samples which had mostly been crystallized at high pressures and included at least a proportion of the so-called chain-extended form. It is confirmed that sheets of excess electron density are produced at lamellar surfaces, but also including lateral surfaces. This is due primarily to the incorporation of chlorine and sulphur rather than to added uranium. The time to achieve an overall reaction varies sensitively with morphology, decreasing as the number of diffusion channels increases. Crystallinity is gradually lost, but sufficient crystals remain when a sample has become uniform, and in their initial orientations, for diffraction studies to be possible. The technique has been used to demonstrate that, during melt crystallization, the thickness of one lamella changes in response to altered growth conditions. This is direct confirmation that lamellar thickness is determined by secondary nucleation at the growth front. The tapered profile of a growing lamella previously observed in thick crystals of various polymers has been observed for chain-folded polyethylene lamellae, providing further evidence that this is a general feature of melt growth. © 1977 Chapman and Hall Ltd.