em Aston University Research Archive


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The oxidation behaviour of porous, sintered iron was studied by thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), at temperatures between 300oC and 700oC, in a flowing atmosphere of 20% O2/80% N2. Samples for TGA tests were compacted from pure iron powder, at 150MPa to 550MPa, and vacuum sintered at 1120oC. The mass gain of samples during oxidation was recorded continuously for a period of 24 hours. It was found that the oxidation mass gain of PM samples depended on the permeability of the pore structure and the temperature. At low temperatures, the oxidising gas was able to permeate through the pore structure, causing the oxidation of a large active surface area. At high temperatures the active surface area was smaller, because oxygen diffusing into the pore structure, from the external atmosphere, was adsorbed by pore surfaces close to the external surface of the compact. Although the weight of the external oxide scale on compacts increased with increasing oxidation temperature, the absence of oxide in the core porosity in compacts oxidised at higher temperatures resulted in smaller mass gains than were observed for compacts oxidised at lower temperatures. The heat generated by the oxidation of the large active surface areas of porous samples was studied by thermo-calorimetric analysis (TCA). It was determined that this phenomenon could raise the core temperature of samples significantly above the ambient furnace temperature, and affecting the morphology of the oxide scale formed. The effects (on oxidation behaviour at 500oC) of small, elemental alloy additions of Al, Cu, P and Si to pure iron powder were studied. It was found that elements that promote pore rounding during sintering caused a significant reduction in the mass gain rate of the PM alloys, compared to the PM pure iron. The oxidation resistance due to these elements prevented pore closure by oxide growth, so that the active surface area of these PM alloys remained high. The PM alloys were also studied by thermo-mechanical analysis (TMA, dilatometry), to determine their dimensional stability during sintering and subsequent elevated temperature service. The oxidation experiment was augmented with optical and electron microscopy, and X-ray analysis of alloy and scale compositions.


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Liposomes have been imaged using a plethora of techniques. However, few of these methods offer the ability to study these systems in their natural hydrated state without the requirement of drying, staining, and fixation of the vesicles. However, the ability to image a liposome in its hydrated state is the ideal scenario for visualization of these dynamic lipid structures and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), with its ability to image wet systems without prior sample preparation, offers potential advantages to the above methods. In our studies, we have used ESEM to not only investigate the morphology of liposomes and niosomes but also to dynamically follow the changes in structure of lipid films and liposome suspensions as water condenses on to or evaporates from the sample. In particular, changes in liposome morphology were studied using ESEM in real time to investigate the resistance of liposomes to coalescence during dehydration thereby providing an alternative assay of liposome formulation and stability. Based on this protocol, we have also studied niosome-based systems and cationic liposome/DNA complexes. Copyright © Informa Healthcare.


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The performances of five different ESI sources coupled to a polystyrene-divinylbenzene monolithic column were compared in a series of LC-ESI-MS/MS analyses of Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins. The sources selected for comparison included two different modifications of the standard electrospray source, a commercial low-flow sprayer, a stainless steel nanospray needle and a coated glass Picotip. Respective performances were judged on sensitivity and the number and reproducibility of significant protein identifications obtained through the analysis of multiple identical samples. Data quality varied between that of a ground silica capillary, with 160 total protein identifications, the lowest number of high quality peptide hits obtained (3012), and generally peaks of lower intensity; and a stainless steel nanospray needle, which resulted in increased precursor ion abundance, the highest-quality peptide fragmentation spectra (5414) and greatest number of total protein identifications (259) exhibiting the highest MASCOT scores (average increase in score of 27.5% per identified protein). The data presented show that, despite increased variability in comparative ion intensity, the stainless steel nanospray needle provides the highest overall sensitivity. However, the resulting data were less reproducible in terms of proteins identified in complex mixtures -- arguably due to an increased number of high intensity precursor ion candidates.


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In inflammatory diseases, release of oxidants leads to oxidative damage to biomolecules. HOCl (hypochlorous acid), released by the myeloperoxidase/H2O2/Cl- system, can cause formation of phospholipid chlorohydrins, or alpha-chloro-fatty aldehydes from plasmalogens. It can attack several amino acid residues in proteins, causing post-translational oxidative modifications of proteins, but the formation of 3-chlorotyrosine is one of the most stable markers of HOCl-induced damage. Soft-ionization MS has proved invaluable for detecting the occurrence of oxidative modifications to both phospholipids and proteins, and characterizing the products generated by HOCl-induced attack. For both phospholipids and proteins, the application of advanced mass spectrometric methods such as product or precursor ion scanning and neutral loss analysis can yield information both about the specific nature of the oxidative modification and the biomolecule modified. The ideal is to be able to apply these methods to complex biological or clinical samples, to determine the site-specific modifications of particular cellular components. This is important for understanding disease mechanisms and offers potential for development of novel biomarkers of inflammatory diseases. In the present paper, we review some of the progress that has been made towards this goal.


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Oxidized and chlorinated phospholipids are generated under inflammatory conditions and are increasingly understood to play important roles in diseases involving oxidative stress. MS is a sensitive and informative technique for monitoring phospholipid oxidation that can provide structural information and simultaneously detect a wide variety of oxidation products, including chain-shortened and -chlorinated phospholipids. MSn technologies involve fragmentation of the compounds to yield diagnostic fragment ions and thus assist in identification. Advanced methods such as neutral loss and precursor ion scanning can facilitate the analysis of specific oxidation products in complex biological samples. This is essential for determining the contributions of different phospholipid oxidation products in disease. While many pro-inflammatory signalling effects of oxPLs (oxidized phospholipids) have been reported, it has more recently become clear that they can also have anti-inflammatory effects in conditions such as infection and endotoxaemia. In contrast with free radical-generated oxPLs, the signalling effects of chlorinated lipids are much less well understood, but they appear to demonstrate mainly pro-inflammatory effects. Specific analysis of oxidized and chlorinated lipids and the determination of their molecular effects are crucial to understanding their role in disease pathology.


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Liposomes due to their biphasic characteristic and diversity in design, composition and construction, offer a dynamic and adaptable technology for enhancing drug solubility. Starting with equimolar egg-phosphatidylcholine (PC)/cholesterol liposomes, the influence of the liposomal composition and surface charge on the incorporation and retention of a model poorly water soluble drug, ibuprofen was investigated. Both the incorporation and the release of ibuprofen were influenced by the lipid composition of the multi-lamellar vesicles (MLV) with inclusion of the long alkyl chain lipid (dilignoceroyl phosphatidylcholine (C 24PC)) resulting in enhanced ibuprofen incorporation efficiency and retention. The cholesterol content of the liposome bilayer was also shown to influence ibuprofen incorporation with maximum ibuprofen incorporation efficiency achieved when 4 μmol of cholesterol was present in the MLV formulation. Addition of anionic lipid dicetylphosphate (DCP) reduced ibuprofen drug loading presumably due to electrostatic repulsive forces between the carboxyl group of ibuprofen and the anionic head-group of DCP. In contrast, the addition of 2 μmol of the cationic lipid stearylamine (SA) to the liposome formulation (PC:Chol - 16 μmol:4 μmol) increased ibuprofen incorporation efficiency by approximately 8%. However further increases of the SA content to 4 μmol and above reduced incorporation by almost 50% compared to liposome formulations excluding the cationic lipid. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) was used to dynamically follow the changes in liposome morphology during dehydration to provide an alternative assay of liposome stability. ESEM analysis clearly demonstrated that ibuprofen incorporation improved the stability of PC:Chol liposomes as evidenced by an increased resistance to coalescence during dehydration. These finding suggest a positive interaction between amphiphilic ibuprofen molecules and the bilayer structure of the liposome. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) is one of the most studied products of phospholipid peroxidation, owing to its reactivity and cytotoxicity. It can be formed by several radical-dependent oxidative routes involving the formation of hydroperoxides, alkoxyl radicals, epoxides, and fatty acyl cross-linking reactions. Cleavage of the oxidized fatty acyl chain results in formation of HNE from the methyl end, and 9-oxo-nonanoic acid from the carboxylate or esterified end of the chain, although many other products are also possible. HNE can be metabolized in tissues by a variety of pathways, leading to detoxification and excretion. HNE-adducts to proteins have been detected in inflammatory situations such as atherosclerotic lesions using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, which have also been applied in ELISAs and western blotting. However, in order to identify the proteins modified and the exact sites and nature of the modifications, mass spectrometry approaches are required. Combinations of enrichment strategies with targetted mass spectrometry routines such as neutral loss scanning are now facilitating detection of HNE-modified proteins in complex biological samples. This is important for characterizing the interactions of HNE with redox sensitive cell signalling proteins and understanding how it may modulate their activities either physiologically or in disease. © 2013 The Author.


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The aim of this research was to investigate the molecular interactions occurring in the formulation of non-ionic surfactant based vesicles composed monopalmitoyl glycerol (MPG), cholesterol (Chol) and dicetyl phosphate (DCP). In the formulation of these vesicles, the thermodynamic attributes and surfactant interactions based on molecular dynamics, Langmuir monolayer studies, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), hot stage microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were investigated. Initially the melting points of the components individually, and combined at a 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP weight ratio, were investigated; the results show that lower (90 C) than previously reported (120-140 C) temperatures could be adopted to produce molten surfactants for the production of niosomes. This was advantageous for surfactant stability; whilst TGA studies show that the individual components were stable to above 200 C, the 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP mixture show ∼2% surfactant degradation at 140 C, compared to 0.01% was measured at 90 C. Niosomes formed at this lower temperature offered comparable characteristics to vesicles prepared using higher temperatures commonly reported in literature. In the formation of niosome vesicles, cholesterol also played a key role. Langmuir monolayer studies demonstrated that intercalation of cholesterol in the monolayer did not occur in the MPG:Chol:DCP (5:4:1 weight ratio) mixture. This suggests cholesterol may support bilayer assembly, with molecular simulation studies also demonstrating that vesicles cannot be built without the addition of cholesterol, with higher concentrations of cholesterol (5:4:1 vs 5:2:1, MPG:Chol:DCP) decreasing the time required for niosome assembly. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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This study experimentally investigated methyl chloride (MeCl) purification method using an inhouse designed and built volumetric adsorption/desorption rig. MeCl is an essential raw material in the manufacture of silicone however all technical grades of MeCl contain concentrations (0.2 - 1.0 % wt) of dimethyl ether (DME) which poison the process. The project industrial partner had previously exhausted numerous separation methods, which all have been deemed not suitable for various reasons. Therefore, adsorption/desorption separation was proposed in this study as a potential solution with less economic and environmental impact. Pure component adsorption/desorption was carried out for DME and MeCl on six different adsorbents namely: zeolite molecular sieves (types 4 Å and 5 Å); silica gels (35-70 mesh, amorphous precipitated, and 35-60 mesh) and granular activated carbon (type 8-12 mesh). Subsequent binary gas mixture adsorption in batch and continuous mode was carried out on both zeolites and all three silica gels following thermal pre-treatment in vacuum. The adsorbents were tested as received and after being subjected to different thermal and vacuum pre-treatment conditions. The various adsorption studies were carried out at low pressure and temperature ranges of 0.5 - 3.5 atm and 20 - 100 °C. All adsorbents were characterised using Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDXA) to investigate their physical and chemical properties. The well-known helium (He) expansion method was used to determine the empty manifold and adsorption cell (AC) regions and respective void volumes for the different adsorbents. The amounts adsorbed were determined using Ideal gas laws via the differential pressure method. The heat of adsorption for the various adsorbate-adsorbent (A-S) interactions was calculated using a new calorimetric method based on direct temperature measurements inside the AC. Further adsorption analysis included use of various empirical and kinetic models to determine and understand the behaviour of the respective interactions. The gas purification behaviour was investigated using gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy (GC-MC) analysis. Binary gas mixture samples were syringed from the manifold iii and AC outlet before and after adsorption/desorption analysis through manual sample injections into the GC-MS to detect and quantify the presence of DME and ultimately observe for methyl chloride purification. Convincing gas purification behaviour was confirmed using two different GC columns, thus giving more confidence on the measurement reliability. From the single pure component adsorption of DME and MeCl on the as received zeolite 4A subjected to 1 h vacuum pre-treatment, both gases exhibited pseudo second order adsorption kinetics with DME exhibiting a rate constant nearly double that of MeCl thus suggesting a faster rate of adsorption. From the adsorption isotherm classification both DME and MeCl exhibited Type II and I adsorption isotherm classifications, respectively. The strength of bonding was confirmed by the differential heat of adsorption measurement, which was found to be 23.30 and 10.21 kJ mol-1 for DME and MeCl, respectively. The former is believed to adsorb heterogeneously through hydrogen bonding whilst MeCl adsorbs homogenously via van der Waal’s (VDW) forces. Single pure component adsorption on as received zeolite 5A, silica gels (35-70, amorphous precipitated and 35-60) resulted in similar adsorption/desorption behaviour in similar quantities (mol kg-1). The adsorption isotherms for DME and MeCl on zeolite 5A, silica gels (35-70, amorphous precipitated and 35-60) and activated carbon 8-12 exhibited Type I classifications, respectively. Experiments on zeolite 5A indicated that DME adsorbed stronger, faster and with a slightly stronger strength of interaction than MeCl but in lesser quantities. On the silica gels adsorbents, DME exhibited a slightly greater adsorption capacity whilst adsorbing at a similar rate and strength of interaction compared to MeCl. On the activated carbon adsorbent, MeCl exhibited the greater adsorption capacity at a faster rate but with similar heats of adsorption. The effect of prolonged vacuum (15 h), thermal pre-treatment (150 °C) and extended equilibrium time (15 min) were investigated for the adsorption behaviour of DME and MeCl on both zeolites 4A and 5A, respectively. Compared to adsorption on as received adsorbents subjected to 1 h vacuum the adsorption capacities for DME and MeCl were found to increase by 1.95 % and 20.37 % on zeolite 4A and by 4.52 % and 6.69 % on zeolite 5A, respectively. In addition the empirical and kinetic models and differential heats of adsorption resulted in more definitive fitting curves and trends due to the true equilibrium position of the adsorbate with the adsorbent. Batch binary mixture adsorption on thermally and vacuum pre-treated zeolite 4A demonstrated purification behaviour of all adsorbents used for MeCl streams containing DME impurities, with a concentration as low as 0.66 vol. %. The GC-MS analysis showed no DME detection for the tested concentration mixtures at the AC outlet after 15 or 30 min, whereas MeCl was detectable in measurable amounts. Similar behaviour was also observed when carrying out adsorption in continuous mode. On the other hand, similar studies on the other adsorbents did not show such favourable MeCl purification behaviour. Overall this study investigated a wide range of adsorbents (zeolites, silica gels and activated carbon) and demonstrated for the first time potential to purify MeCl streams containing DME impurities using adsorption/desorption separation under different adsorbent pre-treatment and adsorption operating conditions. The study also revealed for the first time the adsorption isotherms, empirical and kinetic models and heats of adsorption for the respective adsorbentsurface (A-S) interactions. In conclusion, this study has shown strong evidence to propose zeolite 4A for adsorptive purification of MeCl. It is believed that with a technical grade MeCl stream competitive yet simultaneous co-adsorption of DME and MeCl occurs with evidence of molecular sieiving effects whereby the larger DME molecules are unable to penetrate through the adsorbent bed whereas the smaller MeCl molecules diffuse through resulting in a purified MeCl stream at the AC outlet. Ultimately, further studies are recommended for increased adsorption capacities by considering wider operating conditions, e.g. different adsorbent thermal and vacuum pre-treatment and adsorbing at temperatures closer to the boiling point of the gases and different conditions of pressure and temperature.


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Quantitative analysis of solid-state processes from isothermal microcalorimetric data is straightforward if data for the total process have been recorded and problematic (in the more likely case) when they have not. Data are usually plotted as a function of fraction reacted (α); for calorimetric data, this requires knowledge of the total heat change (Q) upon completion of the process. Determination of Q is difficult in cases where the process is fast (initial data missing) or slow (final data missing). Here we introduce several mathematical methods that allow the direct calculation of Q by selection of data points when only partial data are present, based on analysis with the Pérez-Maqueda model. All methods in addition allow direct determination of the reaction mechanism descriptors m and n and from this the rate constant, k. The validity of the methods is tested with the use of simulated calorimetric data, and we introduce a graphical method for generating solid-state power-time data. The methods are then applied to the crystallization of indomethacin from a glass. All methods correctly recovered the total reaction enthalpy (16.6 J) and suggested that the crystallization followed an Avrami model. The rate constants for crystallization were determined to be 3.98 × 10-6, 4.13 × 10-6, and 3.98 × 10 -6 s-1 with methods 1, 2, and 3, respectively. © 2010 American Chemical Society.


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A novel approach to the determination of steroid entrapment in the bilayers of aerosolised liposomes has been introduced using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Proliposomes were dispersed in water within an air-jet nebuliser and the energy produced during atomisation was used to hydrate the proliposomes and generate liposome aerosols. Proliposomes that included the steroid beclometasone dipropionate (BDP) produced lower aerosol and lipid outputs than steroid-free proliposomes. Size analysis and transmission electron microscopy showed an evidence of liposome formation within the nebuliser, which was followed by deaggregation and size reduction of multilamellar liposomes on nebulisation to a two-stage impinger. For each formulation, no difference in thermal transitions was observed between delivered liposomes and those remaining in the nebuliser. However, steroid (5 mole%) lowered the onset temperature and the enthalpy of the pretransition, and produced a similar onset temperature and larger enthalpy of the main transition, with broadened pretransition and main transitions. This indicates that BDP was entrapped and exhibited an interaction with the liposome phospholipid membranes. Since the pretransition was depressed but not completely removed and no phase separation occurred, it is suggested that the bilayers of the multilamellar liposomes can entrap more than 5 mole% BDP. Overall, liposomes were generated from proliposomes and DSC investigations indicated that the steroid was entrapped in the bilayers of aerosolised multilamellar vesicles.