39 resultados para Release in nature

em Aston University Research Archive


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Increasingly complicated medication regimens associated with the necessity of the repeated dosing of multiple agents used in treating pulmonary disease has been shown to compromise both disease management and patient convenience. In this study the viability of spray drying to introduce controlled release vectors into dry powders for inhalation was investigated. The first experimental section highlights the use of leucine in producing highly respirable spray dried powders, with in vitro respirable fractions (Fine particle fraction, FPF: F < 5µm) exceeding 80% of the total dose. The second experimental chapter introduces the biocompatible polymer chitosan (mw 190 – 310 kDa) to formulations containing leucine with findings of increased FPF with increasing leucine concentration (up to 82%) and the prolonged release of the active markers terbulataline sulfate (up to 2 hours) and beclometasone dipropionate (BDP: up to 12 hours) with increasing chitosan molecular weight. Next, the thesis details the use of a double emulsion format in delivering the active markers salbutamol sulfate and BDP at differing rates; using the polymers poly-lactide co-glycolide (PLGA 50:50 and PLGA 75:25) and/or chitosan incorporating leucine as an aerosolisation enhancer the duration of in vitro release of both agents reaching 19 days with FPF exceeding 60%. The final experimental chapter involves dual aqueous and organic closed loop spray drying to create controlled release dry powders for inhalation with in vitro sustained release exceeding 28 days and FPF surpassing 55% of total loaded dose. In conclusion, potentially highly respirable sustained release dry powders for inhalation have been produced by this research using the polymers chitosan and/or PLGA as drug release modifiers and leucine as an aerosolisation enhancer.


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Aims - Endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of preeclampsia. Desensitization of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway underlies endothelial dysfunction and haeme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is decreased in preeclampsia. To identify therapeutic targets, we sought to assess whether these two regulators act to suppress soluble endoglin (sEng), an antagonist of transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) signalling, which is known to be elevated in preeclampsia. Methods and results - Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2), angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), and insulin, which all activate the PI3K/Akt pathway, inhibited the release of sEng from endothelial cells. Inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathway, by overexpression of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) or a dominant-negative isoform of Akt (Aktdn) induced sEng release from endothelial cells and prevented the inhibitory effect of VEGF-A. Conversely, overexpression of a constitutively active Akt (Aktmyr) inhibited PTEN and cytokine-induced sEng release. Systemic delivery of Aktmyr to mice significantly reduced circulating sEng, whereas Aktdn promoted sEng release. Phosphorylation of Akt was reduced in preeclamptic placenta and this correlated with the elevated level of circulating sEng. Knock-down of Akt using siRNA prevented HO-1-mediated inhibition of sEng release and reduced HO-1 expression. Furthermore, HO-1 null mice have reduced phosphorylated Akt in their organs and overexpression of Aktmyr failed to suppress the elevated levels of sEng detected in HO-1 null mice, indicating that HO-1 is required for the Akt-mediated inhibition of sEng. Conclusion - The loss of PI3K/Akt and/or HO-1 activity promotes sEng release and positive manipulation of these pathways offers a strategy to circumvent endothelial dysfunction.


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In the early days of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger noticed that oscillations of a wave packet in a one-dimensional harmonic potential well are periodic and, in contrast to those in anharmonic potential wells, do not experience distortion over time. This original idea did not find applications up to now since an exact one-dimensional harmonic resonator does not exist in nature and has not been created artificially. However, an optical pulse propagating in a bottle microresonator (a dielectric cylinder with a nanoscale-high bump of the effective radius) can exactly imitate a quantum wave packet in the harmonic potential. Here, we propose a tuneable microresonator that can trap an optical pulse completely, hold it as long as the material losses permit, and release it without distortion. This result suggests the solution of the long standing problem of creating a microscopic optical buffer, the key element of the future optical signal processing devices.


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Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy caused by abnormal placental function, partly because of chronic hypoxia at the utero-placental junction. The increase in levels of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1, an antiangiogenic agent known to inhibit placental vascularization, is an important cellular factor implicated in the onset of preeclampsia. We investigated the ligand urotensin II (U-II), a potent endogenous vasoconstrictor and proangiogenic agent, for which levels have been reported to increase in patients with preeclampsia. We hypothesized that an increased sensitivity to U-II in preeclampsia might be achieved by upregulation of placental U-II receptors. We further investigated the role of U-II receptor stimulation on soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 release in placental explants from diseased and normal patients. Immunohistochemistry, real-time PCR, and Western blotting analysis revealed that U-II receptor expression was significantly upregulated in preeclampsia placentas compared with controls (P<0.01). Cellular models of syncytiotrophoblast and vascular endothelial cells subjected to hypoxic conditions revealed an increase in U-II receptor levels in the syncytiotrophoblast model. This induction is regulated by the transcriptional activator hypoxia-inducible factor 1a. U-II treatment is associated with increased secretion of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 only in preeclamptic placental explants under hypoxia but not in control conditions. Interestingly, normal placental explants did not respond to U-II stimulation.


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Presynaptic GABAB receptors (GABABR) control glutamate and GABA release at many synapses in the nervous system. In the present study we used whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of spontaneous excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents in the presence of TTX to monitor glutamate and GABA release from synapses in layer II and V of the rat entorhinal cortex (EC)in vitro. In both layers the release of both transmitters was reduced by application of GABABR agonists. Quantitatively, the depression of GABA release in layer II and layer V, and of glutamate release in layer V was similar, but glutamate release in layer II was depressed to a greater extent. The data suggest that the same GABABR may be present on both GABA and glutamate terminals in the EC, but that the heteroreceptor may show a greater level of expression in layer II. Studies with GABABR antagonists suggested that neither the auto- nor the heteroreceptor was consistently tonically activated by ambient GABA in the presence of TTX. Studies in EC slices from rats made chronically epileptic using a pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy revealed a reduced effectiveness of both auto- and heteroreceptor function in both layers. This could suggest that enhanced glutamate and GABA release in the EC may be associated with the development of the epileptic condition. Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG.


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The entorhinal cortex (EC) is a key brain area controlling both hippocampal input and output via neurones in layer II and layer V, respectively. It is also a pivotal area in the generation and propagation of epilepsies involving the temporal lobe. We have previously shown that within the network of the EC, neurones in layer V are subject to powerful synaptic excitation but weak inhibition, whereas the reverse is true in layer II. The deep layers are also highly susceptible to acutely provoked epileptogenesis. Considerable evidence now points to a role of spontaneous background synaptic activity in control of neuronal, and hence network, excitability. In the present article we describe results of studies where we have compared background release of the excitatory transmitter, glutamate, and the inhibitory transmitter, GABA, in the two layers, the role of this background release in the balance of excitability, and its control by presynaptic auto- and heteroreceptors on presynaptic terminals. © The Physiological Society 2004.


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Purpose – Previous reviews of Corporate Social Reporting (CSR) literature have tended to focus on developed economies. The aim of this study is to extend reviews of CSR literature to emerging economies. Design/methodology/approach – A desk-based research method, using a classification framework of three categories. Findings – Most CSR studies in emerging economies have concentrated on the Asia-Pacific and African regions and are descriptive in nature, used content analysis methods and measured the extent and volume of disclosures contained within the annual reports. Such studies provide indirect explanation of the reasons behind CSR adoption, but of late, a handful of studies have started to probe managerial motivations behind CSR directly through in-depth interviews finding that CSR agendas in emerging economies are largely driven by external forces, namely pressures from parent companies, international market and international agencies.


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Product design and sourcing decisions are among the most difficult and important of all decisions facing multinational manufacturing companies, yet associated decision support and evaluation systems tend to be myopic in nature. Design for manufacture and assembly techniques, for example, generally focuses on manufacturing capability and ignores capacity although both should be considered. Similarly, most modelling and evaluation tools available to examine the performance of various solution and improvement techniques have a narrower scope than desired. A unique collaboration, funded by the US National Science Foundation, between researchers in the USA and the UK currently addresses these problems. This paper describes a technique known as Design For the Existing Environment (DFEE) and an holistic evaluation system based on enterprise simulation that was used to demonstrate the business benefits of DFEE applied in a simple product development and manufacturing case study. A project that will extend these techniques to evaluate global product sourcing strategies is described along with the practical difficulties of building an enterprise simulation on the scale and detail required.


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In this study, we describe the preparation of highly dispersible dry powders for pulmonary drug delivery that display sustained drug release characteristics. Powders were prepared by spray-drying 30% v/v aqueous ethanol formulations containing terbutaline sulfate as a model drug, chitosan as a drug release modifier and leucine as an aerosolisation enhancer. The influence of chitosan molecular weight on the drug release profile was investigated by using low, medium and high molecular weight chitosan or combinations thereof. Following spray-drying, resultant powders were characterised using scanning electron microscopy, laser diffraction, tapped density analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravitational analysis. The in vitro aerosolisation performance and drug release profile were investigated using Multi-Stage Liquid Impinger analysis and modified USP II dissolution apparatus, respectively. The powders generated were of a suitable aerodynamic size for inhalation, had low moisture content and were amorphous in nature. The powders were highly dispersible, with emitted doses of over 90% and fine particle fractions of up to 82% of the total loaded dose, and mass median aerodynamic diameters of less than 2.5microm. A sustained drug release profile was observed during dissolution testing; increasing the molecular weight of the chitosan in the formulation increased the duration of drug release. (c)2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Most object-based approaches to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have concentrated on the representation of geometric properties of objects in terms of fixed geometry. In our road traffic marking application domain we have a requirement to represent the static locations of the road markings but also enforce the associated regulations, which are typically geometric in nature. For example a give way line of a pedestrian crossing in the UK must be within 1100-3000 mm of the edge of the crossing pattern. In previous studies of the application of spatial rules (often called 'business logic') in GIS emphasis has been placed on the representation of topological constraints and data integrity checks. There is very little GIS literature that describes models for geometric rules, although there are some examples in the Computer Aided Design (CAD) literature. This paper introduces some of the ideas from so called variational CAD models to the GIS application domain, and extends these using a Geography Markup Language (GML) based representation. In our application we have an additional requirement; the geometric rules are often changed and vary from country to country so should be represented in a flexible manner. In this paper we describe an elegant solution to the representation of geometric rules, such as requiring lines to be offset from other objects. The method uses a feature-property model embraced in GML 3.1 and extends the possible relationships in feature collections to permit the application of parameterized geometric constraints to sub features. We show the parametric rule model we have developed and discuss the advantage of using simple parametric expressions in the rule base. We discuss the possibilities and limitations of our approach and relate our data model to GML 3.1. © 2006 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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B-ISDN is a universal network which supports diverse mixes of service, applications and traffic. ATM has been accepted world-wide as the transport technique for future use in B-ISDN. ATM, being a simple packet oriented transfer technique, provides a flexible means for supporting a continuum of transport rates and is efficient due to possible statistical sharing of network resources by multiple users. In order to fully exploit the potential statistical gain, while at the same time provide diverse service and traffic mixes, an efficient traffic control must be designed. Traffic controls which include congestion and flow control are a fundamental necessity to the success and viability of future B-ISDN. Congestion and flow control is difficult in the broadband environment due to the high speed link, the wide area distance, diverse service requirements and diverse traffic characteristics. Most congestion and flow control approaches in conventional packet switched networks are reactive in nature and are not applicable in the B-ISDN environment. In this research, traffic control procedures mainly based on preventive measures for a private ATM-based network are proposed and their performance evaluated. The various traffic controls include CAC, traffic flow enforcement, priority control and an explicit feedback mechanism. These functions operate at call level and cell level. They are carried out distributively by the end terminals, the network access points and the internal elements of the network. During the connection set-up phase, the CAC decides the acceptance or denial of a connection request and allocates bandwidth to the new connection according to three schemes; peak bit rate, statistical rate and average bit rate. The statistical multiplexing rate is based on a `bufferless fluid flow model' which is simple and robust. The allocation of an average bit rate to data traffic at the expense of delay obviously improves the network bandwidth utilisation.


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Aim: Topical application of ophthalmic drugs is very inefficient; contact lenses used as drug delivery devices could minimize the drug loss and side effects. Styrene-maleic acid copolymers (PSMA) can form polymer-phospholipid complexes with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) in the form of nanometric vesicles, which can easily solubilise hydrophobic drugs. They can be dispersed on very thin contact lens coatings to immobilize the drug on their surface. Methods: Two types of complexes stable at different pH values (5 and 7 respectively) where synthesized and loaded with drugs of different hydrophilicities during their formation process. The drug release was studied in vitro and compared to the free drug. Results: The mean sizes of the complexes obtained by light scattering were 50 nm and 450 nm respectively with low polydispersities. However, they were affected by the drugs load and release. An increase was observed in the duration of the release in the case of hydrophobic drugs, from days to weeks, avoiding initial “burst” and with a lesser amount of total drug released due to the interaction of the drug with the phospholipid core. The size and charge of the different drugs and the complexes nature also affected the release profile. Conclusions: Polymer-phospholipid complexes in the form of nanoparticles can be used to solubilise and release hydrophobic drugs in a controlled way. The drug load and release can be optimised to reach therapeutic values in the eye.


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This thesis describes investigations upon pseudopeptides which were conducted to improve our understanding of the fate of synthetic macromolecules in cells and to develop approaches to influence that fate. The low uptake of molecules across the external cellular membrane is the principal barrier against effective delivery of therapeutic products to within the cell structure. In nature, disruption of this membrane by amphiphilic peptides plays a central role in the pathogenesis by bacterial and toxin infections. These amphiphilic peptides contain both hydrophobic and weakly charged hydrophilic amino acid residues and upon activation they become integrated into the lipid bilayers of the extracellular or endosomal membranes. The architectures of the pseudopeptides described here were designed to display similar pH dependent membrane rupturing activity to that of peptides derived from the influenza virus hemagglutinin HA-2. This HA protein promotes fusion of the influenza virus envelope with the cell endosome membrane due to a change in conformation in response to the acidic pH of the endosome lumen (pH 5.0-6.0). The pseudopeptides were obtained by the copolymerisation of L-lysine and L-lysine ethyl-ester with various dicarboxylic acid moieties. In this way a linear polyamide comprising of alternating pendant carboxylic acids and pendant hydrophobic moieties was made. At physiological pH (pH 7.4), electrostatic repulsion of pendant anionic carboxyl groups along the polymer backbone is sufficient to overcome the intramolecular association of the hydrophobic groups resulting in an extended conformation. At low pH (typically pH 4.8) loss of charge results in increased intramolecular hydrophobic association and the polymer chain collapses to a compact conformation, leading to precipitation of the polymer. Consequently, a conformation dependent functional property could be made to respond to small changes in the environmental pH. Pseudopepides were investigated for their cytoxicity towards a well known cell line, namely C26 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) and were shown through the use of a cell viability assay, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide) to be well tolerated by C26 cells over a range of concentrations (2-500,μg/ml) at physiological pH (pH 7.4). A modified version of a shorter 30-minute coupled enzymatic assay, the LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assay was used to evaluate the ability of the pseudopeptides to disrupt the membrane of two different cell lines (COS-1; African green monkey, kidney and A2780; human ovarian carcinoma) at low pH (pH 5.5). The cell membrane disruption property of the pseudopeptides was successfully demonstrated for COS-I and A2780 cell lines at this pH (pH 5.5). A variety of cell lines were chosen owing to limited availability and to compare the cytotoxic action of these pH responsive psudopeptides towards normal and tumorogenic cell lines. To investigate the intracellular delivery of one of the pseudopeptides, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide) and its subcellular location, a Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into its backbone, at ratios of dye:lysine of 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:60 and 1:80. Native polyacrylacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and high voltage paper electrophoresis (HVPE) studies of the polydyes were conducted and provided evidence that that the Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into the backbone of the polymer, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide). The subcellular fate of the fluorescentlylabelled "polydye" (hereafter PD20) was monitored by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells cultured in-vitro at various pH values (pH 7.4 and 5.0). LSCM images depicting time-dependent internalisation of PD20 indicated that PD20 traversed the extracellular membrane of CHO cells cultured in-vitro within ten minutes and migrated towards the endosomal regions where the pH is in the region of 5.0 to 6.0. Nuclear localisation of PD20 was demonstrated in a subpopulation of CHO cells. A further study was completed in CHO and HepG2 (hepatocellular carcinoma) cells cultured in-vitro using a lower molecular weight polymer to demonstrate that the molecular weight of "polydye" could be tailored to attain nuclear trafficking in cells. Prospective use of this technology encompasses a method of delivering a payload into a living cell based upon the hypercoiling nature of the pseudopeptides studied in this thesis and has led to a patent application (GB0228525.2; 20(2).


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Packed beds have many industrial applications and are increasingly used in the process industries due to their low pressure drop. With the introduction of more efficient packings, novel packing materials (i.e. adsorbents) and new applications (i.e. flue gas desulphurisation); the aspect ratio (height to diameter) of such beds is decreasing. Obtaining uniform gas distribution in such beds is of crucial importance in minimising operating costs and optimising plant performance. Since to some extent a packed bed acts as its own distributor the importance of obtaining uniform gas distribution has increased as aspect ratios (bed height to diameter) decrease. There is no rigorous design method for distributors due to a limited understanding of the fluid flow phenomena and in particular of the effect of the bed base / free fluid interface. This study is based on a combined theoretical and modelling approach. The starting point is the Ergun Equation which is used to determine the pressure drop over a bed where the flow is uni-directional. This equation has been applied in a vectorial form so it can be applied to maldistributed and multi-directional flows and has been realised in the Computational Fluid Dynamics code PHOENICS. The use of this equation and its application has been verified by modelling experimental measurements of maldistributed gas flows, where there is no free fluid / bed base interface. A novel, two-dimensional experiment has been designed to investigate the fluid mechanics of maldistributed gas flows in shallow packed beds. The flow through the outlet of the duct below the bed can be controlled, permitting a rigorous investigation. The results from this apparatus provide useful insights into the fluid mechanics of flow in and around a shallow packed bed and show the critical effect of the bed base. The PHOENICS/vectorial Ergun Equation model has been adapted to model this situation. The model has been improved by the inclusion of spatial voidage variations in the bed and the prescription of a novel bed base boundary condition. This boundary condition is based on the logarithmic law for velocities near walls without restricting the velocity at the bed base to zero and is applied within a turbulence model. The flow in a curved bed section, which is three-dimensional in nature, is examined experimentally. The effect of the walls and the changes in gas direction on the gas flow are shown to be particularly significant. As before, the relative amounts of gas flowing through the bed and duct outlet can be controlled. The model and improved understanding of the underlying physical phenomena form the basis for the development of new distributors and rigorous design methods for them.