25 resultados para Relativity (Physics)

em Aston University Research Archive


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Low-density parity-check codes with irregular constructions have recently been shown to outperform the most advanced error-correcting codes to date. In this paper we apply methods of statistical physics to study the typical properties of simple irregular codes. We use the replica method to find a phase transition which coincides with Shannon's coding bound when appropriate parameters are chosen. The decoding by belief propagation is also studied using statistical physics arguments; the theoretical solutions obtained are in good agreement with simulation results. We compare the performance of irregular codes with that of regular codes and discuss the factors that contribute to the improvement in performance.


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In this paper we review recent theoretical approaches for analysing the dynamics of on-line learning in multilayer neural networks using methods adopted from statistical physics. The analysis is based on monitoring a set of macroscopic variables from which the generalisation error can be calculated. A closed set of dynamical equations for the macroscopic variables is derived analytically and solved numerically. The theoretical framework is then employed for defining optimal learning parameters and for analysing the incorporation of second order information into the learning process using natural gradient descent and matrix-momentum based methods. We will also briefly explain an extension of the original framework for analysing the case where training examples are sampled with repetition.


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We study the performance of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) error-correcting codes using the methods of statistical physics. LDPC codes are based on the generation of codewords using Boolean sums of the original message bits by employing two randomly-constructed sparse matrices. These codes can be mapped onto Ising spin models and studied using common methods of statistical physics. We examine various regular constructions and obtain insight into their theoretical and practical limitations. We also briefly report on results obtained for irregular code constructions, for codes with non-binary alphabet, and on how a finite system size effects the error probability.


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The modem digital communication systems are made transmission reliable by employing error correction technique for the redundancies. Codes in the low-density parity-check work along the principles of Hamming code, and the parity-check matrix is very sparse, and multiple errors can be corrected. The sparseness of the matrix allows for the decoding process to be carried out by probability propagation methods similar to those employed in Turbo codes. The relation between spin systems in statistical physics and digital error correcting codes is based on the existence of a simple isomorphism between the additive Boolean group and the multiplicative binary group. Shannon proved general results on the natural limits of compression and error-correction by setting up the framework known as information theory. Error-correction codes are based on mapping the original space of words onto a higher dimensional space in such a way that the typical distance between encoded words increases.


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The problem of vertex coloring in random graphs is studied using methods of statistical physics and probability. Our analytical results are compared to those obtained by exact enumeration and Monte Carlo simulations. We critically discuss the merits and shortcomings of the various methods, and interpret the results obtained. We present an exact analytical expression for the two-coloring problem as well as general replica symmetric approximated solutions for the thermodynamics of the graph coloring problem with p colors and K-body edges. ©2002 The American Physical Society.


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We propose a method based on the magnetization enumerator to determine the critical noise level for Gallager type low density parity check error correcting codes (LDPC). Our method provides an appealingly simple interpretation to the relation between different decoding schemes, and provides more optimistic critical noise levels than those reported in the information theory literature.


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Using methods of statistical physics, we study the average number and kernel size of general sparse random matrices over GF(q), with a given connectivity profile, in the thermodynamical limit of large matrices. We introduce a mapping of GF(q) matrices onto spin systems using the representation of the cyclic group of order q as the q-th complex roots of unity. This representation facilitates the derivation of the average kernel size of random matrices using the replica approach, under the replica symmetric ansatz, resulting in saddle point equations for general connectivity distributions. Numerical solutions are then obtained for particular cases by population dynamics. Similar techniques also allow us to obtain an expression for the exact and average number of random matrices for any general connectivity profile. We present numerical results for particular distributions.


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Properties of computing Boolean circuits composed of noisy logical gates are studied using the statistical physics methodology. A formula-growth model that gives rise to random Boolean functions is mapped onto a spin system, which facilitates the study of their typical behavior in the presence of noise. Bounds on their performance, derived in the information theory literature for specific gates, are straightforwardly retrieved, generalized and identified as the corresponding macroscopic phase transitions. The framework is employed for deriving results on error-rates at various function-depths and function sensitivity, and their dependence on the gate-type and noise model used. These are difficult to obtain via the traditional methods used in this field.


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The question of whether language affects our categorization of perceptual continua is of particular interest for the domain of color where constraints on categorization have been proposed both within the visual system and in the visual environment. Recent research (Roberson, Davies, & Davidoff, 2000; Roberson et al., in press) found substantial evidence of cognitive color differences between different language communities, but concerns remained as to how representative might be a tiny, extremely remote community. The present study replicates and extends previous findings using additional paradigms among a larger community in a different visual environment. Adult semi-nomadic tribesmen in Southern Africa carried out similarity judgments, short-term memory and long-term learning tasks. They showed different cognitive organization of color to both English and another language with the five color terms. Moreover, Categorical Perception effects were found to differ even between languages with broadly similar color categories. The results provide further evidence of the tight relationship between language and cognition.


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The Gestalt theorists of the early twentieth century proposed a psychological primacy for circles, squares and triangles over other shapes. They described them as 'good' shapes and the Gestalt premise has been widely accepted. Rosch (1973), for example, suggested that shape categories formed around these 'natural' prototypes irrespective of the paucity of shape terms in a language. Rosch found that speakers of a language lacking terms for any geometric shape nevertheless learnt paired-associates to these 'good' shapes more easily than to asymmetric variants. We question these empirical data in the light of the accumulation of recent evidence in other perceptual domains that language affects categorization. A cross-cultural investigation sought to replicate Rosch's findings with the Himba of Northern Namibia who also have no terms in their language for the supposedly basic shapes of circle, square and triangle. A replication of Rosch (1973) found no advantage for these 'good' shapes in the organization of categories. It was concluded that there is no necessary salience for circles, squares and triangles. Indeed, we argue for the opposite because these shapes are rare in nature. The general absence of straight lines and symmetry in the perceptual environment should rather make circles, squares and triangles unusual and, therefore, less likely to be used as prototypes in categorization tasks. We place shape as one of the types of perceptual input (in philosophical terms, 'vague') that is readily susceptible to effects of language variation.


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Inference and optimization of real-value edge variables in sparse graphs are studied using the Bethe approximation and replica method of statistical physics. Equilibrium states of general energy functions involving a large set of real edge variables that interact at the network nodes are obtained in various cases. When applied to the representative problem of network resource allocation, efficient distributed algorithms are also devised. Scaling properties with respect to the network connectivity and the resource availability are found, and links to probabilistic Bayesian approximation methods are established. Different cost measures are considered and algorithmic solutions in the various cases are devised and examined numerically. Simulation results are in full agreement with the theory. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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In this thesis we use statistical physics techniques to study the typical performance of four families of error-correcting codes based on very sparse linear transformations: Sourlas codes, Gallager codes, MacKay-Neal codes and Kanter-Saad codes. We map the decoding problem onto an Ising spin system with many-spins interactions. We then employ the replica method to calculate averages over the quenched disorder represented by the code constructions, the arbitrary messages and the random noise vectors. We find, as the noise level increases, a phase transition between successful decoding and failure phases. This phase transition coincides with upper bounds derived in the information theory literature in most of the cases. We connect the practical decoding algorithm known as probability propagation with the task of finding local minima of the related Bethe free-energy. We show that the practical decoding thresholds correspond to noise levels where suboptimal minima of the free-energy emerge. Simulations of practical decoding scenarios using probability propagation agree with theoretical predictions of the replica symmetric theory. The typical performance predicted by the thermodynamic phase transitions is shown to be attainable in computation times that grow exponentially with the system size. We use the insights obtained to design a method to calculate the performance and optimise parameters of the high performance codes proposed by Kanter and Saad.


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High strength, high modulus carbon fibres are becoming increasingly important as high performance engineering materials. This thesis describes how they may be prepared by heat treatment from filaments spun from polyacrylonitrile and its copolymers. The chemistry of the first stages of heat treatment is very important in controlling the mechanical properties of the carbonised product. A cyclisation reaction has been found to be responsible for the relatively high thermal stability of pyrolysed polyacrylonitrile, but without oxidation the fibres degrade and fuse. An initial oxidation stage is, therefore, essential to the preparation of fibre of high orientation. The cyclised product of pyrolysis is probably a poly 1,4 dihydropiridine and oxidation converts this to aromatic structures, and cyclised structures containing carbonyl and other oxygenated groups. Oxidation is found to assist the carbon fibre preparation process, by producing a product which condenses at an earlier stage of heat treatment, before fusion can occur. Carbon fibre strength and modulus are dependent upon producing a highly oriented crystal structure. While oxidation of the polymer stabilises the fibre so as to prevent disorientation, further large increases in orientation, with a commensurate improvement in strength and modulus, can be obtained by stretching at temperatures above 1,700 °C. This process is analogous to the way fibre orientation is increased by the stretching of the precursor. A lamellar graphite structure can be created in high temperature fibre, by carefully controlling the degree of oxidation. This type of graphite can produce very high values of Young's modulus. More often, however, graphite fibre has a fibrillar fine structure, which is explicable in terms of continuous graphite ribbons. A ribbon model is the most satisfactory representation of the structure of carbon fibre, as it explains the mechanism of the development of long range order and the variation of Young's modulus with crystalline preferred orientation.


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This thesis is concerned with exact solutions of Einstein's field equations of general relativity, in particular, when the source of the gravitational field is a perfect fluid with a purely electric Weyl tensor. General relativity, cosmology and computer algebra are discussed briefly. A mathematical introduction to Riemannian geometry and the tetrad formalism is then given. This is followed by a review of some previous results and known solutions concerning purely electric perfect fluids. In addition, some orthonormal and null tetrad equations of the Ricci and Bianchi identities are displayed in a form suitable for investigating these space-times. Conformally flat perfect fluids are characterised by the vanishing of the Weyl tensor and form a sub-class of the purely electric fields in which all solutions are known (Stephani 1967). The number of Killing vectors in these space-times is investigated and results presented for the non-expanding space-times. The existence of stationary fields that may also admit 0, 1 or 3 spacelike Killing vectors is demonstrated. Shear-free fluids in the class under consideration are shown to be either non-expanding or irrotational (Collins 1984) using both orthonormal and null tetrads. A discrepancy between Collins (1984) and Wolf (1986) is resolved by explicitly solving the field equations to prove that the only purely electric, shear-free, geodesic but rotating perfect fluid is the Godel (1949) solution. The irrotational fluids with shear are then studied and solutions due to Szafron (1977) and Allnutt (1982) are characterised. The metric is simplified in several cases where new solutions may be found. The geodesic space-times in this class and all Bianchi type 1 perfect fluid metrics are shown to have a metric expressible in a diagonal form. The position of spherically symmetric and Bianchi type 1 space-times in relation to the general case is also illustrated.


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Inference and optimisation of real-value edge variables in sparse graphs are studied using the tree based Bethe approximation optimisation algorithms. Equilibrium states of general energy functions involving a large set of real edge-variables that interact at the network nodes are obtained for networks in various cases. These include different cost functions, connectivity values, constraints on the edge bandwidth and the case of multiclass optimisation.