32 resultados para Rainfall correlations

em Aston University Research Archive


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In cases of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD), there is a spatial correlation between the classsic ‘cored’ type of Beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposit and the large vertically penetrating arterioles in the cerebral cortex suggesting that blood vessels are involved in the pathogenesis of the classic deposits. In this chapter, the spatial correlations between the diffuse, primitive, and classic Abeta deposits and blood vessels were studied in 10 cases of early-onset AD in the age range 40 – 65 years. Sections of frontal cortex were immunostained with antibodies against Abeta?and with collagen IV to reveal the Abeta deposits and blood vessel profiles. In the early-onset cases as a whole, all types of Abeta? deposit and blood vessel profiles were distributed in clusters. There was a positive spatial correlation between the clusters of the diffuse Abeta deposits and the larger (>10µm) and smaller diameter (<10?m) blood vessel profiles in one and three cases respectively. The primitive and classic Abeta deposits were spatially correlated with larger and smaller blood vessels both in three and four cases respectively. Spatial correlations between the Abeta deposits and blood vessels may be more prevalent in cases expressing amyloid precursor protein (APP) than presenilin 1 (PSEN1) mutations. Apolipoprotein E (Apo E) genotype of the patient did not appear to influence the spatial correlation with blood vessel profiles. The data suggest that the larger diameter blood vessels are less important in the pathogenesis of the classic Abeta deposits in early-onset compared with late-onset AD.


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In the variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), 'florid' deposits of the protease resistant form of prion protein (PrP(sc)) were aggregated around the cerebral blood vessels suggesting the possibility that prions may spread into the brain via the cerebral microcirculation. The objective of the present study was to determine whether the pathology was spatially related to blood vessels in cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD), a disease without an iatrogenic etiology, and therefore, less likely to be caused by hematogenous spread. Hence, the spatial correlations between the vacuolation ('spongiform change'), PrP(sc) deposits, and the blood vessels were studied in immunolabelled sections of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum in eleven cases of the common M/M1 subtype of sCJD. Both the vacuolation and the PrP(sc) deposits were spatially correlated with the blood vessels; the PrP(sc) deposits being more focally distributed around the vessels than the vacuoles. The frequency of positive spatial correlations was similar in the different gyri of the cerebral cortex, in the upper and lower cortical laminae, and in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. It is hypothesized that the spatial correlation is attributable to factors associated with the blood vessels which promote the aggregation of PrP(sc) to form deposits rather than representing the hematogenous spread of the disease. The aggregated form of PrP(sc) then enhances cell death and may encourages the development of vacuolation in the vicinity of the blood vessels.


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In the cerebral cortex of cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), the vacuolation (spongiform change) and PrP deposits are aggregated into clusters which are regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater. The objective of the present study was to determine the spatial relationships between the clusters of the vacuoles and PrP deposits and between the pathological changes and variations in the density of surviving neurons. In areas with low densities of pathological change, clusters of vacuoles were spatially correlated with the surviving neurons and not with the PrP deposits. By contrast, in more significantly affected areas, clusters of vacuoles were spatially correlated with those of the PrP deposits and not with the surviving neurons. In addition, areas with a high density of vacuoles and a low density of PrP deposits exhibited no spatial correlations between the variables. These data suggest that the spatial relationships between the vacuolation, PrP deposits and surviving neurons in sCJD depend on the density of lesions present. Differences in the pattern of correlation may reflect the developmental stage of the pathology in particular cortical areas.


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The aim of this study was to determine how thallus symmetry could be maintained in foliose lichens when variation in the growth of individual lobes may be high. Hence, the radial growth of a sample of lobes was studied monthly, over 22 months, in 7 thalli of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. And 5 thalli of P. glabratula ssp fuliginosa (fr. ex Duby) Laund. The degree of variation in the total radial growth of different lobes within a thallus over 22 months varied between thalli. Individual lobes showed a fluctuating pattern of radial growth from month to month with alternating periods of fast and slow growth. Monthly variations in radial growth of different lobes were synchronized in some but not in all thalli. Few significant correlations were found between the radial growth of individual lobes and total monthly rainfall or shortwave radiation. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes. All three polyols varied significantly between lobes within a thallus suggesting that variations in algal phostosynthesis and in the partitioning of fungal polyols may contribute to lobe growth variation. The effect on thallus symmetry of lobes which grew radially either consistently faster or slower than average was studied. Slow growing lobes were overgrown, and gaps in the perimeter were eliminated by the growth of neighbouring lobes, in approximately 7 to 9 months. However, a rapidly growing lobe, with its neighbours removed on either side, continued to grow radially at the same rate as rapidly growing control lobes. The results suggested that lobe growth variation results from a combination of factors which may include the origin of the lobes, lobe morphology and the patterns of algal cell division and hyphal elongation in different lobes. No convincing evidence was found to suggest that exchange of carbohydrate occurred between lobes which would tend to equalize their radial growth. Hence, the fluctuating pattern of lobe growth observed may be sufficient to maintain a degree of symmetry in most thalli. In addition, slow growing lobes would tend to be overgrown by faster growing neighbours thus preventing the formation of indentations in the thallus perimeter.


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This study tested three hypotheses: (1) that there is clustering of the neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), astrocytic plaques (AP) and ballooned neurons (BN) in corticobasal degeneration (CBD), (2) that the clusters of NCI and BN are not spatially correlated, and (3) that the lesions are correlated with disease ‘stage’. In 50% of the regions, clusters of lesions were 400–800 µm in diameter and regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary. Clusters of NCI and BN were larger in laminae II/III and V/VI, respectively. In a third of regions, the clusters of BN and NCI were negatively spatially correlated. Cluster size of the BN in the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) was positively correlated with disease ‘stage’. The data suggest the following: (1) degeneration of the cortico-cortical pathways in CBD, (2) clusters of NCI and BN may affect different anatomical pathways and (3) BN may develop after the NCI in the PHG.


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In sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (SAD), the classic (‘dense-cored’) ß-amyloid (Aß) deposits are aggregated around the larger blood vessels in the upper laminae of the cerebral cortex. To determine whether a similar relationship exists in familial AD (FAD), the spatial correlations between the diffuse, primitive, and classic ß-amyloid (Aß deposits and blood vessels were studied in ten FAD cases including cases linked to amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin (PSEN) gene mutations and expressing apolipoprotein E (apo E) allele E4. Sections of frontal cortex were immunolabelled with antibodies against Aß and with collagen IV to reveal the Aß deposits and blood vessel profiles. In the FAD cases as a whole, Aßdeposits were distributed in clusters. There was a positive spatial correlation between the clusters of the diffuse Aßdeposits and the larger (>10 µm) and smaller diameter (<10 µm) blood vessels in one and three cases respectively. The primitive Aß deposits were spatially correlated with larger and smaller blood vessels each in four cases and the classic deposits in three and four cases respectively. Apo E genotype of the patient did not influence spatial correlation with blood vessels. Hence, spatial correlations between the classic deposits and larger diameter blood vessels were significantly less frequent in FAD compared with SAD. It was concluded that both Aß deposit morphology and AD subtype determine spatial correlations with blood vessels in AD.


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Seasonal growth was studied in the slow-growing crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. in an area of South Gwynedd, Wales. Radial growth rate (RGR) of a sample of 20 thalli was measured in situ at three-month intervals over 51 months on a southeast-facing rock surface. There were five periods of significant growth: July-September of 1993, 1994 and 1995, in January-March of 1996, and in April-June of 1997. In four of these periods, growth coincided with a mean temperature maximum (Tmax) over a three-month period exceeding 15°C and three of the maxima with greater than 450 sunshine hours. Two of the growth maxima coincided with periods of total rainfall exceeding 300 mm and one with greater than 50 rain days in a three-month period. There were no significant linear correlations between RGR and the climatic variables measured. However, there were significant non-linear relationships between RGR and Tmax, the mean temperature minimum (Tmin), the total number of air and ground frosts and the number of rain days in a growth period, the relationship with Tmax being the most significant. Hence, in south Gwynedd, maximum growth of R. geographicum occurs in any season although the period July-September appears to be the most favourable. Relationships between growth and climatic variables were non-linear, temperature having the most significant influence on seasonal growth. ©2006 Balaban.


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The histological features of cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) are often distributed in the brain in clusters. This study investigated the spatial associations between the clusters of the vacuoles, surviving neurons, and prion protein (PrP) deposits in various brain areas in 11 cases of vCJD. Clusters of vacuoles and surviving neurons were positively correlated in the cerebral cortex but negatively correlated in the dentate gyrus. Clusters of the florid and diffuse type of PrP deposit were not positively correlated with those of either the vacuoles or the surviving neurons although a negative correlation was observed between the florid plaques and surviving neurons in some cortical areas. Clusters of the florid and diffuse deposits were either negatively correlated or uncorrelated. These data suggest: 1) that clusters of vacuoles in the cerebral cortex are associated with the presence of surviving neuronal cell bodies, 2) that the clusters of vacuoles are not spatially related to those of the PrP deposits, and 3) different factors are involved in the pathogenesis of the florid and diffuse PrP deposits.


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Neuronal intermediate filament (IF) inclusion disease (NIFID) is characterized by neuronal loss, neuronal cytoplasmic IF-positive inclusions (NI), swollen neurons (SN), and a glial cell reaction. We studied the spatial correlations between the clusters of NI, SN, and glial cells in four gyri of the temporal lobe (superior temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus, lateral occipitotemporal gyrus, and parahippocampal gyrus) in four cases of NIFID. The densities of histological features (per 50x250 μ sample field) were as follows: NI (mean = 0.41, range 0.28-0.68), SN (mean = 1.41, range 0.47-2.65), glial cell nuclei (mean = 5.21, range 3.63-8.17). The NI and the SN were positively correlated in half of the brain regions examined, the correlations being present at the smallest field size (50x250 μm). The NI were also positively or negatively correlated with the glial cell nuclei in different areas, the negative correlations being present at the smallest field size. Glial cell nuclei were positively or negatively correlated with the SN in different brain areas, mainly at the larger field sizes (400x250 and 800x250 μm). The spatial correlation between the clusters of NI and SN in the cortex suggests their development within the same columns of cells. At first, the glial cell reaction is also confined to these columns but later becomes more generally distributed across the cortex. © Springer-Verlag 2004.


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Correlations between the clustering patterns of the vacuolation ('spongiform change'), prion protein (PrP) deposits, and surviving neurons were studied in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum in 11 cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Differences in the sizes of the clusters of vacuoles were observed between brain regions and in the cerebral cortex, between the upper and lower laminae. With the exception of the parietal cortex, mean cluster size of the vacuoles was similar to that of the PrP deposits in each brain area. Clusters of the vacuoles were spatially correlated with the density of surviving neurons and with the clusters of PrP deposits in 47% and 53% of cortical areas analysed respectively but there were few spatial correlation between the PrP deposits and the density of surviving neurons. The data suggest that the pathology of sCJD may spread through the brain via specific anatomical pathways. Development of the clusters of vacuoles is spatially related to surviving neurons while the appearance of clusters of PrP deposits is related to the development of the vacuolation.


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Having a fixed differential-group delay (DGD) term b′ in the coarse-step method results in a repetitive pattern in the autocorrelation function (ACF). We solve this problem by inserting a varying DGD term at each integration step. Furthermore we compute the range of values needed for b′ and simulate the phenomenon of polarisation mode dispersion for different statistical distributions of b′. We examine systematically the modified coarse-step method compared to the analytical model, through our simulation results. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Correlations between the morphology of beta-amyloid (A beta) deposits and the frequency with which they are associated with neurons and glial cells were studied in Down's syndrome. The diameter of diffuse deposits was positively correlated with the frequency of large (> 25 microns) neuronal cell bodies in the isocortex and with glial cells in the hippocampus. Diameters of primitive deposits were positively correlated with glial cells in the hippocampus and with glial cells and neurons in the isocortex. Staining intensity was positively correlated with glial cells especially in the hippocampus. The data suggest that: (i) diffuse deposits develop from neurons and primitive deposits from glia; (ii) the size of A beta deposits depends on the numbers of neurons and glia; (iii) glial cells are also involved in the conversion of A beta to amyloid; and (iv) the increased density of primitive deposits in the hippocampus is determined by the high density of glial cells.


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The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that differences in the pattern of seasonal growth in foliose lichens from year to year were determined by yearly differences in the distribution of rainfall, shortwave radiation and temperature. Hence, the radial growth of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. , P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) Laund. and Physcia orbicularis (Neck) Poetsch. was studied on slate fragments over 34 successive months in an area of South Gwynedd, Wales. U.K. Similarities and differences were observed in the pattern of seasonal growth in the three species. Periods of maximum growth of a species occurred in different seasons in successive years. Correlation and multiple regression analysis suggested that total rainfall per month was the most important climatic variable positively correlated with monthly growth. Significant positive correlations were found in some growth periods with number of raindays per month, average wind speed and maximum and minimum temperature. Total number of sunshine hours per month and the frequency of ground frosts were negatively correlated with monthly growth in some growth periods. For each species, monthly radial growth was correlated with different climatic variables in each growth period. Hence, the results support the hypothesis in that periods of maximum growth can occur in any season in South Gwynedd and depend on (1) the distribution of periods of high total rainfall and (2) whether or not these periods coincide with periods of maximum sunlight.


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Statistical complexity, a measure introduced in computational mechanics has been applied to MD simulated liquid water and other molecular systems. It has been found that statistical complexity does not converge in these systems but grows logarithmically without a limit. The coefficient of the growth has been introduced as a new molecular parameter which is invariant for a given liquid system. Using this new parameter extremely long time correlations in the system undetectable by traditional methods are elucidated. The existence of hundreds of picosecond and even nanosecond long correlations in bulk water has been demonstrated. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Satellite information, in combination with conventional point source measurements, can be a valuable source of information. This thesis is devoted to the spatial estimation of areal rainfall over a region using both the measurements from a dense and sparse network of rain-gauges and images from the meteorological satellites. A primary concern is to study the effects of such satellite assisted rainfall estimates on the performance of rainfall-runoff models. Low-cost image processing systems and peripherals are used to process and manipulate the data. Both secondary as well as primary satellite images were used for analysis. The secondary data was obtained from the in-house satellite receiver and the primary data was obtained from an outside source. Ground truth data was obtained from the local Water Authority. A number of algorithms are presented that combine the satellite and conventional data sources to produce areal rainfall estimates and the results are compared with some of the more traditional methodologies. The results indicate that the satellite cloud information is valuable in the assessment of the spatial distribution of areal rainfall, for both half-hourly as well as daily estimates of rainfall. It is also demonstrated how the performance of the simple multiple regression rainfall-runoff model is improved when satellite cloud information is used as a separate input in addition to rainfall estimates from conventional means. The use of low-cost equipment, from image processing systems to satellite imagery, makes it possible for developing countries to introduce such systems in areas where the benefits are greatest.