em Aston University Research Archive
The transformational implementation of JSD process specifications via finite automata representation
Conventional structured methods of software engineering are often based on the use of functional decomposition coupled with the Waterfall development process model. This approach is argued to be inadequate for coping with the evolutionary nature of large software systems. Alternative development paradigms, including the operational paradigm and the transformational paradigm, have been proposed to address the inadequacies of this conventional view of software developement, and these are reviewed. JSD is presented as an example of an operational approach to software engineering, and is contrasted with other well documented examples. The thesis shows how aspects of JSD can be characterised with reference to formal language theory and automata theory. In particular, it is noted that Jackson structure diagrams are equivalent to regular expressions and can be thought of as specifying corresponding finite automata. The thesis discusses the automatic transformation of structure diagrams into finite automata using an algorithm adapted from compiler theory, and then extends the technique to deal with areas of JSD which are not strictly formalisable in terms of regular languages. In particular, an elegant and novel method for dealing with so called recognition (or parsing) difficulties is described,. Various applications of the extended technique are described. They include a new method of automatically implementing the dismemberment transformation; an efficient way of implementing inversion in languages lacking a goto-statement; and a new in-the-large implementation strategy.
The efficacy of a specially constructed Gallager-type error-correcting code to communication in a Gaussian channel is examined. The construction is based on the introduction of complex matrices, used in both encoding and decoding, which comprise sub-matrices of cascading connection values. The finite-size effects are estimated for comparing the results with the bounds set by Shannon. The critical noise level achieved for certain code rates and infinitely large systems nearly saturates the bounds set by Shannon even when the connectivity used is low.
A multi-chromosome GA (Multi-GA) was developed, based upon concepts from the natural world, allowing improved flexibility in a number of areas including representation, genetic operators, their parameter rates and real world multi-dimensional applications. A series of experiments were conducted, comparing the performance of the Multi-GA to a traditional GA on a number of recognised and increasingly complex test optimisation surfaces, with promising results. Further experiments demonstrated the Multi-GA's flexibility through the use of non-binary chromosome representations and its applicability to dynamic parameterisation. A number of alternative and new methods of dynamic parameterisation were investigated, in addition to a new non-binary 'Quotient crossover' mechanism. Finally, the Multi-GA was applied to two real world problems, demonstrating its ability to handle mixed type chromosomes within an individual, the limited use of a chromosome level fitness function, the introduction of new genetic operators for structural self-adaptation and its viability as a serious real world analysis tool. The first problem involved optimum placement of computers within a building, allowing the Multi-GA to use multiple chromosomes with different type representations and different operators in a single individual. The second problem, commonly associated with Geographical Information Systems (GIS), required a spatial analysis location of the optimum number and distribution of retail sites over two different population grids. In applying the Multi-GA, two new genetic operators (addition and deletion) were developed and explored, resulting in the definition of a mechanism for self-modification of genetic material within the Multi-GA structure and a study of this behaviour.
In a certain automobile factory, batch-painting of the body types in colours is controlled by an allocation system. This tries to balance production with orders, whilst making optimally-sized batches of colours. Sequences of cars entering painting cannot be optimised for easy selection of colour and batch size. `Over-production' is not allowed, in order to reduce buffer stocks of unsold vehicles. Paint quality is degraded by random effects. This thesis describes a toolkit which supports IKBS in an object-centred formalism. The intended domain of use for the toolkit is flexible manufacturing. A sizeable application program was developed, using the toolkit, to test the validity of the IKBS approach in solving the real manufacturing problem above, for which an existing conventional program was already being used. A detailed statistical analysis of the operating circumstances of the program was made to evaluate the likely need for the more flexible type of program for which the toolkit was intended. The IKBS program captures the many disparate and conflicting constraints in the scheduling knowledge and emulates the behaviour of the program installed in the factory. In the factory system, many possible, newly-discovered, heuristics would be awkward to represent and it would be impossible to make many new extensions. The representation scheme is capable of admitting changes to the knowledge, relying on the inherent encapsulating properties of object-centres programming to protect and isolate data. The object-centred scheme is supported by an enhancement of the `C' programming language and runs under BSD 4.2 UNIX. The structuring technique, using objects, provides a mechanism for separating control of expression of rule-based knowledge from the knowledge itself and allowing explicit `contexts', within which appropriate expression of knowledge can be done. Facilities are provided for acquisition of knowledge in a consistent manner.
This research was conducted at the Space Research and Technology Centre o the European Space Agency at Noordvijk in the Netherlands. ESA is an international organisation that brings together a range of scientists, engineers and managers from 14 European member states. The motivation for the work was to enable decision-makers, in a culturally and technologically diverse organisation, to share information for the purpose of making decisions that are well informed about the risk-related aspects of the situations they seek to address. The research examined the use of decision support system DSS) technology to facilitate decision-making of this type. This involved identifying the technology available and its application to risk management. Decision-making is a complex activity that does not lend itself to exact measurement or precise understanding at a detailed level. In view of this, a prototype DSS was developed through which to understand the practical issues to be accommodated and to evaluate alternative approaches to supporting decision-making of this type. The problem of measuring the effect upon the quality of decisions has been approached through expert evaluation of the software developed. The practical orientation of this work was informed by a review of the relevant literature in decision-making, risk management, decision support and information technology. Communication and information technology unite the major the,es of this work. This allows correlation of the interests of the research with European public policy. The principles of communication were also considered in the topic of information visualisation - this emerging technology exploits flexible modes of human computer interaction (HCI) to improve the cognition of complex data. Risk management is itself an area characterised by complexity and risk visualisation is advocated for application in this field of endeavour. The thesis provides recommendations for future work in the fields of decision=making, DSS technology and risk management.
The aim of this research was to investigate the integration of computer-aided drafting and finite-element analysis in a linked computer-aided design procedure and to develop the necessary software. The Be'zier surface patch for surface representation was used to bridge the gap between the rather separate fields of drafting and finite-element analysis because the surfaces are defined by analytical functions which allow systematic and controlled variation of the shape and provide continuous derivatives up to any required degree. The objectives of this research were achieved by establishing : (i) A package which interpretes the engineering drawings of plate and shell structures and prepares the Be'zier net necessary for surface representation. (ii) A general purpose stand-alone meshed-surface modelling package for surface representation of plates and shells using the Be'zier surface patch technique. (iii) A translator which adapts the geometric description of plate and shell structures as given by the meshed-surface modeller to the form needed by the finite-element analysis package. The translator was extended to suit fan impellers by taking advantage of their sectorial symmetry. The linking processes were carried out for simple test structures, simplified and actual fan impellers to verify the flexibility and usefulness of the linking technique adopted. Finite-element results for thin plate and shell structures showed excellent agreement with those obtained by other investigators while results for the simplified and actual fan impellers also showed good agreement with those obtained in an earlier investigation where finite-element analysis input data were manually prepared. Some extensions of this work have also been discussed.
The present dissertation is concerned with the determination of the magnetic field distribution in ma[.rnetic electron lenses by means of the finite element method. In the differential form of this method a Poisson type equation is solved by numerical methods over a finite boundary. Previous methods of adapting this procedure to the requirements of digital computers have restricted its use to computers of extremely large core size. It is shown that by reformulating the boundary conditions, a considerable reduction in core store can be achieved for a given accuracy of field distribution. The magnetic field distribution of a lens may also be calculated by the integral form of the finite element rnethod. This eliminates boundary problems mentioned but introduces other difficulties. After a careful analysis of both methods it has proved possible to combine the advantages of both in a .new approach to the problem which may be called the 'differential-integral' finite element method. The application of this method to the determination of the magnetic field distribution of some new types of magnetic lenses is described. In the course of the work considerable re-programming of standard programs was necessary in order to reduce the core store requirements to a minimum.
The operation state of photovoltaic Module Integrated Converter (MIC) is subjected to change due to different source and load conditions, while state-swap is usually implemented with flow chart based sequential controller in the past research. In this paper, the signatures for different operational states are evaluated and investigated, which lead to an effective control integrated finite state machine (CIFSM), providing real-time state-swap as fast as the local control loop. The proposed CIFSM is implemented digitally for a boost type MIC prototype and tested under a variety of load and source conditions. The test results prove the effectiveness of the proposed CIFSM design.
The human accommodation system has been extensively examined for over a century, with a particular focus on trying to understand the mechanisms that lead to the loss of accommodative ability with age (Presbyopia). The accommodative process, along with the potential causes of presbyopia, are disputed; hindering efforts to develop methods of restoring accommodation in the presbyopic eye. One method that can be used to provide insight into this complex area is Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The effectiveness of FEA in modelling the accommodative process has been illustrated by a number of accommodative FEA models developed to date. However, there have been limitations to these previous models; principally due to the variation in data on the geometry of the accommodative components, combined with sparse measurements of their material properties. Despite advances in available data, continued oversimplification has occurred in the modelling of the crystalline lens structure and the zonular fibres that surround the lens. A new accommodation model was proposed by the author that aims to eliminate these limitations. A novel representation of the zonular structure was developed, combined with updated lens and capsule modelling methods. The model has been designed to be adaptable so that a range of different age accommodation systems can be modelled, allowing the age related changes that occur to be simulated. The new modelling methods were validated by comparing the changes induced within the model to available in vivo data, leading to the definition of three different age models. These were used in an extended sensitivity study on age related changes, where individual parameters were altered to investigate their effect on the accommodative process. The material properties were found to have the largest impact on the decline in accommodative ability, in particular compared to changes in ciliary body movement or zonular structure. Novel data on the importance of the capsule stiffness and thickness was also established. The new model detailed within this thesis provides further insight into the accommodation mechanism, as well as a foundation for future, more detailed investigations into accommodation, presbyopia and accommodative restoration techniques.
Aims : Our aim was to investigate the proportional representation of people of South Asian origin in cardiovascular outcome trials of glucose-lowering drugs or strategies in Type 2 diabetes, noting that these are among the most significant pieces of evidence used to formulate the guidelines on which clinical practice is largely based. Methods : We searched for cardiovascular outcome trials in Type 2 diabetes published before January 2015, and extracted data on the ethnicity of participants. These were compared against expected values for proportional representation of South Asian individuals, based on population data from the USA, from the UK, and globally. Results : Twelve studies met our inclusion criteria and, of these, eight presented a sufficiently detailed breakdown of participant ethnicity to permit numerical analysis. In general, people of South Asian origin were found to be under-represented in trials compared with UK and global expectations and over-represented compared with US expectations. Among the eight trials for which South Asian representation could be reliably estimated, seven under-represented this group relative to the 11.2% of the UK diabetes population estimated to be South Asian, with the representation in these trials ranging from 0.0% to 10.0%. Conclusions : Clinicians should exercise caution when generalizing the results of trials to their own practice, with regard to the ethnicity of individuals. Efforts should be made to improve reporting of ethnicity and improve diversity in trial recruitment, although we acknowledge that there are challenges that must be overcome to make this a reality.