8 resultados para QUANTITATION

em Aston University Research Archive


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Eukaryotic membrane proteins cannot be produced in a reliable manner for structural analysis. Consequently, researchers still rely on trial-and-error approaches, which most often yield insufficient amounts. This means that membrane protein production is recognized by biologists as the primary bottleneck in contemporary structural genomics programs. Here, we describe a study to examine the reasons for successes and failures in recombinant membrane protein production in yeast, at the level of the host cell, by systematically quantifying cultures in high-performance bioreactors under tightlydefined growth regimes. Our data show that the most rapid growth conditions of those chosen are not the optimal production conditions. Furthermore, the growth phase at which the cells are harvested is critical: We show that it is crucial to grow cells under tightly-controlled conditions and to harvest them prior to glucose exhaustion, just before the diauxic shift. The differences in membrane protein yields that we observe under different culture conditions are not reflected in corresponding changes in mRNA levels of FPS1, but rather can be related to the differential expression of genes involved in membrane protein secretion and yeast cellular physiology. Copyright © 2005 The Protein Society.


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The involvement of oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the development of CHD is widely described. We have produced two antibodies, recognizing the lipid oxidation product malondialdehyde (MDA) on whole LDL or ApoB-100. The antibodies were utilized in the development of an ELISA for quantitation of MDA-LDL in human plasma. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation (% CV) were measured as 4.8 and 7.7%, respectively, and sensitivity of the assay as 0.04 μg/ml MDA-LDL. Recovery of standard MDA-LDL from native LDL was 102%, indicating the ELISA to be specific with no interference from other biomolecules. Further validation of the ELISA was carried out against two established methods for measurement of lipid peroxidation products, MDA by HPLC and F2-isoprostanes by GC-MS. Results indicated that MDA-LDL is formed at a later stage of oxidation than either MDA or F2- isoprostanes. In vivo analysis demonstrated that the ELISA was able to determine steady-state concentrations of plasma MDA-LDL (an end marker of lipid peroxidation). A reference range of 34.3 ± 8.8 μg/ml MDA-LDL was established for healthy individuals. Further, the ELISA was used to show significantly increased plasma MDA-LDL levels in subjects with confirmed ischemic heart disease, and could therefore possibly be of benefit as a diagnostic tool for assessing CHD risk. © 2003 Elsevier Inc.


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Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of 82 intestinal spirochaete isolates showed specific differentiation of Serpulina pilosicoli and Serpulina hyodysenteriae although considerable heterogeneity was observed, especially amongst S. pilosicoli isolates. In several cases genotypically similar isolates originated from different animals suggesting that cross-species transmission may have occurred. The Caco-2 and Caco-21HT29 cell models have been proposed as potentially realistic models of intestinal infection. Quantitation of adhesion to the cells showed isolate 3 82/91 (from a bacteraemia) to adhere at significantly greater numbers than any other isolate tested. This isolate produced a PFGE profile which differed from other S. pilosicoli isolates and so would be of interest for further study. Comparison of bacteraemic and other S. pilosicoli isolates suggested that bacteraemic isolates were not more specifically adapted for adhesion to, or invasion of the epithelial cell layer than other S. pilosicoli isolates. Genotypically similar isolates from differing animal origins adhered to the Caco-2 model at similar levels. Generation of a random genomic library of S. pilosicoli and screening with species specific monoclonal antibody has enabled the identification of a gene sequence encoding a protein which showed significant homology with an ancestral form of the enzyme pyruvate oxidoreductase. Immunoscreening with polyclonal serum identified the sequences of two gene clusters and a probable arylsulphatase. One gene cluster represented a ribosomal gene cluster which has a similar molecular arrangement to Borrelia burgdorjeri, Treponema pallidum and Thermatoga maritima. The other gene cluster contained an ABC transporter protein, sorbitol dehydrogenase and phosphomannose isomerase. An ELISA type assay was used to demonstrate that isolates of S. pilosicoli could adhere to components of the extracellular matrix such as collagen (type 1), fibronectin, laminin, and porcine gastric mucin.


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In recent years, much interest has focused on the beneficial effects of administering potentially harmful therapeutic agents in drug carriers so as to reduce their toxic side effects. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic disease with progressive destruction of the Joints and long term patient disability, Corticosteroids have been shown to retard the progression of Joint destruction but are limited in their use due to adverse side effects,This project, following the line of investigation started by other workers, was designed to study the use of microspheres to deliver corticosteroids to inflamed tissues by both the oral and intravenous routes. Hydrocortisone (HC)-loaded albumin microspheres were prepared by three different methods, by direct incorporation of HC within the particles, by indirect incorporation of HC by the enzymatic conversion of hydrocortisone-21-phosphate (H-21-P) to HC within the particles, and by the adsorption of HC onto the surface. HC was also loaded with PLA microspheres. The level of corticosteriod loading and in vitro release from microspheres was determined by HPLC analysis. A reversed-phase, ion-pairing HPLC method was developed to simultaneously measure both HC and H-21-P. The highest level of corticosteroid loading was achieved using the incorporation of H-21-P with enzymatic conversion to HC method. However, HPLC analysis showed only 5% of the incorporated steroid was HC. In vitro release rates of steroid from albumin microspheres showed >95% of incorporated steroid was released within 2 hours of dissolution. Increasing the protein:steroid ratio, and the temperature and duration of microsphere stabilization, had little effect on prolonging drug release. In vivo studies, using the carrageenan-induced rat hind-paw model of inflammation, indicated steroid-incorporated microspheres administered both orally and intraperitoneally were not therapeutically advantageous when compared to equivalent free steroid doses. The ability of orally and intravenously dosed [125I]~albumin microspheres (2.67 μm mean diameter) to accumulate in acutely and chronically inflamed tissues was investigated, The subcutaneous air-pouch was the model of inflammation used, with carrageenan as the inflammatory stimulus. Acute and chronic inflammation was shown to be consistently formed  in pouch tissues in terms of cell infiltration and fluid exudate formation in the pouch cavity. Albumin microspheres were shown to accumulate in the inflamed tissues and pouch fluids after both oral and intravenous administration. Preliminary, confirmatory studies using latex microspheres and quantitation by GPC analysis, also indicated microsphere accumulation in both acutely and chronically inflamed air-pouch tissues. tntl lUr"'poucbtis,sues; The results indicate the uptake and transfer of microspheres across the gastrointestinal tract into the circulation and their migration through disrupted endothelium and basement membranes at the inflamed sites. , .


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This study was designed to evaluate the effects of certain orally active contraceptive steroids on the eye, related to the tolerance of a corneal contact lens. An oestrogen, ethinyloestradiol BP. 0.05 mg, a progestogen, norethisterone acetate BP. 2.50 mg and a control tablet (vitamin C, 50 mg) were utilised. The effect of these preparations on corneal curvature, lacrimal fluid volume and protein composition and directly on corneal lens tolerance was monitored in a group of 23 volunteer patients. The progestogen was found to produce a significant (P≥ 0.05) decrease in tear volume as measured by a 3 minute Schirmer test. A smaller volume reduction was observed with ethinyloestradiol. A normal cornea appears unaffected, within the measurement limits available, by the use of either hormone. However, in the presence of a corneal lens, oestrogen was found to induce substantial corneal steepening, indicative of tissue oedema, during the initial 2-3 weeks of medication. Progestogen occasionally produced a similar effect, which could recur with either hormone shortly after the end of the treatment period. A new method of acrylamide gel electrophoresis was developed for examination of the protein concentration and composition of lacrimal fluid. This allowed much greater resolution of microquantities of unconcentrated fluid than anything previously reported. Quantitation by densitometry has permitted the recording of medication and lens-induced changes in the protein pattern. Tear albumin has been shown to differ from serum albumin and to consist of up to 3 subfractions, 7 further protein fractions may also be resolved. The concentration and probable origin of these proteins have been established and the overall effects of hormone administration described. Individual idiosyncratic responses are also discussed. The study has established tbenature of some effects of contraceptive steroids on the anterior eye, and the probable reasons for resultant corneal lens intolerance.


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In the last 15 years, 80% of all recombinant proteins reported in the literature were produced in the bacterium, Escherichia coli, or the yeast, Pichia pastoris. Nonetheless, developing effective general strategies for producing recombinant eukaryotic membrane proteins in these organisms remains a particular challenge. Using a validated screening procedure together with accurate yield quantitation, we therefore wished to establish the critical steps contributing to high yields of recombinant eukaryotic membrane protein in P. pastoris. Whilst the use of fusion partners to generate chimeric constructs and directed mutagenesis have previously been shown to be effective in bacterial hosts, we conclude that this approach is not transferable to yeast. Rather, codon optimization and the preparation and selection of high-yielding P. pastoris clones are effective strategies for maximizing yields of human aquaporins.


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Objective: Loss of skeletal muscle is the most debilitating feature of cancer cachexia, and there are few treatments available. The aim of this study was to compare the anticatabolic efficacy of L-leucine and the leucine metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (Ca-HMB) on muscle protein metabolism, both invitro and invivo. Methods: Studies were conducted in mice bearing the cachexia-inducing murine adenocarcinoma 16 tumor, and in murine C2 C12 myotubes exposed to proteolysis-inducing factor, lipopolysaccharide, and angiotensin II. Results: Both leucine and HMB were found to attenuate the increase in protein degradation and the decrease in protein synthesis in murine myotubes induced by proteolysis-inducing factor, lipopolysaccharide, and angiotensin II. However, HMB was more potent than leucine, because HMB at 50 μM produced essentially the same effect as leucine at 1 mM. Both leucine and HMB reduced the activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway as measured by the functional (chymotrypsin-like) enzyme activity of the proteasome in muscle lysates, as well as Western blot quantitation of protein levels of the structural/enzymatic proteasome subunits (20 S and 19 S) and the ubiquitin ligases (MuRF1 and MAFbx). Invivo studies in mice bearing the murine adenocarcinoma 16 tumor showed a low dose of Ca-HMB (0.25 g/kg) tobe 60% more effective than leucine (1 g/kg) in attenuating loss of body weight over a 4-d period. Conclusion: These results favor the clinical feasibility of using Ca-HMB over high doses of leucine for the treatment of cancer cachexia. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.


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Ageing is a natural phenomenon of the human lifecycle, yet it is still not understood what causes the deterioration of the human body near the end of the lifespan. One popular theory is the Free Radical Theory of Ageing, which proposes that oxidative damage to biomolecules causes ageing of tissues. The ageing population is affected by many chronic diseases. This study focused on sarcopenia (muscle loss in ageing) and obesity as two models for comparison of oxidative damage in muscle proteins in mice. The aim of the study was to develop advanced mass spectrometry methods to detect specific oxidative modifications to mouse muscle proteins, including oxidation, nitration, chlorination, and carbonyl group formation, but western blotting was also used to provide complementary information on the oxidative state of proteins from aged and obese muscle. Mass spectrometry proved to be a powerful tool, enabling identification of the types of modifications present, the sites at which they were present and percentage of the peptide populations that were modified. Targeted and semi-targeted mass spectrometry methods were optimised for the identification and quantitation of the oxidised residues in muscle proteins. The development of the quantitative methods enabled comparisons of mass spectrometry instruments. Both the Time of Flight and QTRAP systems showed advantages of using the different mass analysers to quantify oxidative modifications. Several oxidised residues were characterised and quantified in both the obese and sarcopenic models, and higher levels of oxidation were found compared to their control counterparts. Residues found to be oxidised were oxidation of proline, tyrosine and tryptophan, dioxidation of methionine, allysine and nitration of tyrosine. However quantification was performed on methionine dioxidation and cysteine trioxidation containing residues in SERCA. The combination of measuring residue susceptibility and functional studies could contribute to understanding the overall role of oxidation in ageing and obesity.