7 resultados para Ptoject 2005-001-C : Sydney Opera House – FM Exemplar project

em Aston University Research Archive


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This study is concerned with labour productivity in traditional house building in Scotland. Productivity is a measure of the effective use of resources and provides vital benefits that can be combined in a number of ways. The introduction gives the background to two Scottish house building sites (Blantyre and Greenfield) that were surveyed by the Building Research Establishment (BEE) activity sampling method to provide the data for the study. The study had two main objectives; (1) summary data analysis in average manhours per house between all the houses on the site, and (2) detailed data analysis in average manhours for each house block on the site. The introduction also provides a literature review related to the objectives. The method is outlined in Chapter 2, the sites are discussed in Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 covers the method application on each site and a method development made in the study. The summary data analysis (Chapter 5) compares Blantyre and Greenfield, and two previous BEE surveys in England. The main detailed data analysis consisted of three forms, (Chapters 6, 7 and 8) each applied to a set of operations. The three forms of analysis were variations in average manhours per house for each house block on the site compared with; (1) block construction order, (2) average number of separate visits per house made by operatives to each block to complete an operation, and (3) average number of different operatives per house employed on an operation in each block. Three miscellaneous items of detail data analysis are discussed in Chapter 9. The conclusions to the whole study state that considerable variations in manhours for repeated operations were discovered, that the numbers of visits by operatives to complete operations were large and that the numbers of different operatives employed in some operations were a factor related to productivity. A critique of the activity sampling method suggests that the data produced is reliable in summary form and can give a good context for more detailed data collection. For future work, this could take the form of selected operations, with the context of an activity sampling survey, that wuld be intensively surveyed by other methods.


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This paper discusses studies of potential atherogenic properties of phospholipid chlorohydrins. It was presented at the 13th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research in 2005.


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Groupware allows participants in an AEC/FM project to timely share relevant electronic project information at near real-time speed. One challenge of existing groupware tools is the varying information categorization needs of different AEC/FM project participants within the same groupware environment. This paper introduces initial results of a survey of several AEC/FM companies' project information categorizations. These initial results reveal differences in the ways AEC/FM project participants organize project information within each company. These differences will result in the need for a comprehensive information categorization solution when companies move their organized company specific project information to a project-wide repository in groupware. In the future, as a result of this research, a comprehensive project categorization scheme will be introduced which would allow participant-specific views of the AEC/FM project information to be rendered.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the adhesive properties of an in-house amino-propyltrimethoxysilane-methylenebisacrylamide (APTMS-MBA) siloxane system and compare them with a commercially available adhesive, n-butyl cyanoacrylate (nBCA). The ability of the material to perform as a soft tissue adhesive was established by measuring the physical (bond strength, curing time) and biological (cytotoxicity) properties of the adhesives on cartilage. Complementary physical techniques, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman and infrared imaging, enabled the mode of action of the adhesive to the cartilage surface to be determined. Adhesion strength to cartilage was measured using a simple butt joint test after storage in phosphate-buffered saline solution at 37°C for periods up to 1 month. The adhesives were also characterised using two in vitro biological techniques. A live/dead stain assay enabled a measure of the viability of chondrocytes attached to the two adhesives to be made. A water-soluble tetrazolium assay was carried out using two different cell types, human dermal fibroblasts and ovine meniscal chondrocytes, in order to measure material cytotoxicity as a function of both supernatant concentration and time. IR imaging of the surface of cartilage treated with APTMS-MBA siloxane adhesive indicated that the adhesive penetrated the tissue surface marginally compared to nBCA which showed a greater depth of penetration. The curing time and adhesion strength values for APTMS-MBA siloxane and nBCA adhesives were measured to be 60 s/0.23 MPa and 38 min/0.62 MPa, respectively. These materials were found to be significantly stronger than either commercially available fibrin (0.02 MPa) or gelatin resorcinol formaldehyde (GRF) adhesives (0.1 MPa) (P <0.01). Cell culture experiments revealed that APTMS-MBA siloxane adhesive induced 2% cell death compared to 95% for the nBCA adhesive, which extended to a depth of approximately 100-150 μm into the cartilage surface. The WST-1 assay demonstrated that APTMS-MBA siloxane was significantly less cytotoxic than nBCA adhesive as an undiluted conditioned supernatant (P <0.001). These results suggest that the APTMS-MBA siloxane may be a useful adhesive for medical applications. © VSP 2005.