8 resultados para Pseudo-mots
em Aston University Research Archive
Nous souhaitons nous pencher ici sur un emploi particulier de la périphrase en aller + infinitif qui n’a fait l’objet – à notre connaissance – que d’un article (Lansari 2010). Cet emploi « modalisant » que Lansari limite à la formule 'on va dire' mériterait d’être approfondi pour plusieurs raisons. D’une part, l’emploi n’est décrit que sur base de « vingt exemples tirés d’internet, de blogs ou de forums » (Lansari 2010: 120) alors que, de l’aveu de Lansari elle-même, l’emploi relève de l’oral. Il serait donc utile d’enrichir – quantitativement et qualitativement - le corpus et d’y intégrer des occurrences d’oral authentique. D’autre part, Lansari restreint l’emploi modalisant à la séquence 'on va dire' ; on pourrait s’interroger sur la capacité de séquences comme 'je vais dire' à remplir les mêmes fonctions discursives. Dans cet article, nous commencerons par un – forcément bref – état de la question. Après avoir présenté le corpus, nous testerons les hypothèses précédemment défendues à la lueur du corpus rassemblé: (a) Le corpus CFPP2000 issu du projet Discours sur la ville. Corpus de Français Parlé Parisien des années 2000 (disponible en ligne à http://cfpp2000.univ-paris3.fr/Corpus.html). CFPP2000 donne la parole à 41 informateurs en 28 interviews (2198 min) et a généré 96 occurrences de on va dire modalisant. (b) Le corpus CLAPI comprenant 45 heures d’interactions interrogeables en ligne à http://clapi.univ-lyon2.fr/analyse_requete_aide.php?menu=outils. On y a relevé 12 exemples de on va dire modalisant. (c) Un corpus personnel d’interviews (163min) réalisées pendant l’année académique 2009-10 auprès de cinq étudiants Erasmus français grâce au soutien d’une bourse de la Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France (DGLFLF). Les entretiens avec une assistante de recherche, basés sur les thèmes suivants, étaient supposés générer l’emploi d’une variété de temps verbaux : - Récits de rêve (imparfait) - Récits biographiques (personnage historique vs autobiographie) (PC vs PS) - Narration de film vs d’épisode historique (PC/ PRES vs PS) - Présentation de projets d’avenir vs conjectures (Futur périphrastique ou simple) Le corpus contient dix-sept occurrences de on va dire générés par deux des cinq informateurs : 15 par A. et 2 par J. Notre réflexion se basera donc sur 125 occurrences orales de 'on va dire'.
The research presented in this paper is part of an ongoing investigation into how best to support meaningful lab-based usability evaluations of mobile technologies. In particular, we report on a comparative study of (a) a standard paper prototype of a mobile application used to perform an early-phase seated (static) usability evaluation, and (b) a pseudo-paper prototype created from the paper prototype used to perform an early-phase,contextually-relevant, mobile usability evaluation. We draw some initial conclusions regarding whether it is worth the added effort of conducting a usability evaluation of a pseudo-paper prototype in a contextually-relevant setting during early-phase user interface development.
Commentary on focal article by Tannenbaum et al., Teams are changing: Are research and practice evolving fast enough?
The research presented in this paper is part of an ongoing investigation into how best to support meaningful lab-based usability evaluations of mobile technologies. In particular, we report on a comparative study of (a) a standard paper prototype of a mobile application used to perform an early-phase seated (static) usability evaluation, and (b) a pseudo-paper prototype created from the paper prototype used to perform an early-phase,contextually-relevant, mobile usability evaluation. We draw some initial conclusions regarding whether it is worth the added effort of conducting a usability evaluation of a pseudo-paper prototype in a contextually-relevant setting during early-phase user interface development.
DNA-binding proteins are crucial for various cellular processes and hence have become an important target for both basic research and drug development. With the avalanche of protein sequences generated in the postgenomic age, it is highly desired to establish an automated method for rapidly and accurately identifying DNA-binding proteins based on their sequence information alone. Owing to the fact that all biological species have developed beginning from a very limited number of ancestral species, it is important to take into account the evolutionary information in developing such a high-throughput tool. In view of this, a new predictor was proposed by incorporating the evolutionary information into the general form of pseudo amino acid composition via the top-n-gram approach. It was observed by comparing the new predictor with the existing methods via both jackknife test and independent data-set test that the new predictor outperformed its counterparts. It is anticipated that the new predictor may become a useful vehicle for identifying DNA-binding proteins. It has not escaped our notice that the novel approach to extract evolutionary information into the formulation of statistical samples can be used to identify many other protein attributes as well.
Pavement analysis and design for fatigue cracking involves a number of practical problems like material assessment/screening and performance prediction. A mechanics-aided method can answer these questions with satisfactory accuracy in a convenient way when it is appropriately implemented. This paper presents two techniques to implement the pseudo J-integral based Paris’ law to evaluate and predict fatigue cracking in asphalt mixtures and pavements. The first technique, quasi-elastic simulation, provides a rational and appropriate reference modulus for the pseudo analysis (i.e., viscoelastic to elastic conversion) by making use of the widely used material property: dynamic modulus. The physical significance of the quasi-elastic simulation is clarified. Introduction of this technique facilitates the implementation of the fracture mechanics models as well as continuum damage mechanics models to characterize fatigue cracking in asphalt pavements. The second technique about modeling fracture coefficients of the pseudo J-integral based Paris’ law simplifies the prediction of fatigue cracking without performing fatigue tests. The developed prediction models for the fracture coefficients rely on readily available mixture design properties that directly affect the fatigue performance, including the relaxation modulus, air void content, asphalt binder content, and aggregate gradation. Sufficient data are collected to develop such prediction models and the R2 values are around 0.9. The presented case studies serve as examples to illustrate how the pseudo J-integral based Paris’ law predicts fatigue resistance of asphalt mixtures and assesses fatigue performance of asphalt pavements. Future applications include the estimation of fatigue life of asphalt mixtures/pavements through a distinct criterion that defines fatigue failure by its physical significance.
Efficient numerical models facilitate the study and design of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), stacks, and systems. Whilst the accuracy and reliability of the computed results are usually sought by researchers, the corresponding modelling complexities could result in practical difficulties regarding the implementation flexibility and computational costs. The main objective of this article is to adapt a simple but viable numerical tool for evaluation of our experimental rig. Accordingly, a model for a multi-layer SOFC surrounded by a constant temperature furnace is presented, trained and validated against experimental data. The model consists of a four-layer structure including stand, two interconnects, and PEN (Positive electrode-Electrolyte-Negative electrode); each being approximated by a lumped parameter model. The heating process through the surrounding chamber is also considered. We used a set of V-I characteristics data for parameter adjustment followed by model verification against two independent sets of data. The model results show a good agreement with practical data, offering a significant improvement compared to reduced models in which the impact of external heat loss is neglected. Furthermore, thermal analysis for adiabatic and non-adiabatic process is carried out to capture the thermal behaviour of a single cell followed by a polarisation loss assessment. Finally, model-based design of experiment is demonstrated for a case study.