7 resultados para Primary sensory neuron
em Aston University Research Archive
Background - Neural substrates of emotion dysregulation in adolescent suicide attempters remain unexamined. Method - We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neural activity to neutral, mild or intense (i.e. 0%, 50% or 100% intensity) emotion face morphs in two separate emotion-processing runs (angry and happy) in three adolescent groups: (1) history of suicide attempt and depression (ATT, n = 14); (2) history of depression alone (NAT, n = 15); and (3) healthy controls (HC, n = 15). Post-hoc analyses were conducted on interactions from 3 group × 3 condition (intensities) whole-brain analyses (p < 0.05, corrected) for each emotion run. Results - To 50% intensity angry faces, ATT showed significantly greater activity than NAT in anterior cingulate gyral–dorsolateral prefrontal cortical attentional control circuitry, primary sensory and temporal cortices; and significantly greater activity than HC in the primary sensory cortex, while NAT had significantly lower activity than HC in the anterior cingulate gyrus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. To neutral faces during the angry emotion-processing run, ATT had significantly lower activity than NAT in the fusiform gyrus. ATT also showed significantly lower activity than HC to 100% intensity happy faces in the primary sensory cortex, and to neutral faces in the happy run in the anterior cingulate and left medial frontal gyri (all p < 0.006,corrected). Psychophysiological interaction analyses revealed significantly reduced anterior cingulate gyral–insula functional connectivity to 50% intensity angry faces in ATT v. NAT or HC. Conclusions - Elevated activity in attention control circuitry, and reduced anterior cingulate gyral–insula functional connectivity, to 50% intensity angry faces in ATT than other groups suggest that ATT may show inefficient recruitment of attentional control neural circuitry when regulating attention to mild intensity angry faces, which may represent a potential biological marker for suicide risk.
Objectives - The absence of pathophysiologically relevant diagnostic markers of bipolar disorder (BD) leads to its frequent misdiagnosis as unipolar depression (UD). We aimed to determine whether whole brain white matter connectivity differentiated BD from UD depression. Methods - We employed a three-way analysis of covariance, covarying for age, to examine whole brain fractional anisotropy (FA), and corresponding longitudinal and radial diffusivity, in currently depressed adults: 15 with BD-type I (mean age 36.3 years, SD 12.0 years), 16 with recurrent UD (mean age 32.3 years, SD 10.0 years), and 24 healthy control adults (HC) (mean age 29.5 years, SD 9.43 years). Depressed groups did not differ in depression severity, age of illness onset, and illness duration. Results - There was a main effect of group in left superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi (SLF and ILF) (all F = 9.8; p = .05, corrected). Whole brain post hoc analyses (all t = 4.2; p = .05, corrected) revealed decreased FA in left SLF in BD, versus UD adults in inferior temporal cortex and, versus HC, in primary sensory cortex (associated with increased radial and decreased longitudinal diffusivity, respectively); and decreased FA in left ILF in UD adults versus HC. A main effect of group in right uncinate fasciculus (in orbitofrontal cortex) just failed to meet significance in all participants but was present in women. Post hoc analyses revealed decreased right uncinate fasciculus FA in all and in women, BD versus HC. Conclusions - White matter FA in left occipitotemporal and primary sensory regions supporting visuospatial and sensory processing differentiates BD from UD depression. Abnormally reduced FA in right fronto-temporal regions supporting mood regulation, might underlie predisposition to depression in BD. These measures might help differentiate pathophysiologic processes of BD versus UD depression.
INTRODUCTION: We investigated whether interictal thalamic dysfunction in migraine without aura (MO) patients is a primary determinant or the expression of its functional disconnection from proximal or distal areas along the somatosensory pathway. METHODS: Twenty MO patients and twenty healthy volunteers (HVs) underwent an electroencephalographic (EEG) recording during electrical stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist. We used the functional source separation algorithm to extract four functionally constrained nodes (brainstem, thalamus, primary sensory radial, and primary sensory motor tangential parietal sources) along the somatosensory pathway. Two digital filters (1-400 Hz and 450-750 Hz) were applied in order to extract low- (LFO) and high- frequency (HFO) oscillatory activity from the broadband signal. RESULTS: Compared to HVs, patients presented significantly lower brainstem (BS) and thalamic (Th) HFO activation bilaterally. No difference between the two cortical HFO as well as in LFO peak activations between the two groups was seen. The age of onset of the headache was positively correlated with HFO power in the right brainstem and thalamus. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for complex dysfunction of brainstem and thalamocortical networks under the control of genetic factors that might act by modulating the severity of migraine phenotype.
Excessive consumption of dietary fat is acknowledged to be a widespread problem linked to a range of medical conditions. Despite this, little is known about the specific sensory appeal held by fats and no previous published research exists concerning human perception of non-textural taste qualities in fats. This research aimed to address whether a taste component can be found in sensory perception of pure fats. It also examined whether individual differences existed in human taste responses to fat, using both aggregated data analysis methods and multidimensional scaling. Results indicated that individuals were able to detect both the primary taste qualities of sweet, salty, sour and bitter in pure processed oils and reliably ascribe their own individually-generated taste labels, suggested that a taste component may be present in human responses to fat. Individual variation appeared to exist, both in the perception of given taste qualities and in perceived intensity and preferences. A number of factors were examined in relation to such individual differences in taste perception, including age, gender, genetic sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil, body mass, dietary preferences and intake, dieting behaviours and restraint. Results revealed that, to varying extents, gender, age, sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil, dietary preferences, habitual dietary intake and restraint all appeared to be related to individual variation in taste responses to fat. However, in general, these differences appeared to exist in the form of differing preferences and levels of intensity with which taste qualities detected in fat were perceived, as opposed to the perception of specific taste qualities being associated with given traits or states. Equally, each of these factors appeared to exert only a limited influence upon variation in sensory responses and thus the potential for using taste responses to fats as a marker for issues such as over-consumption, obesity or eating disorder is at present limited.
Several brain regions, including the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI and SII, respectively), are functionally active during the pain experience. Both of these regions are thought to be involved in the sensory-discriminative processing of pain and recent evidence suggests that SI in particular may also be involved in more affective processing. In this study we used MEG to investigate the hypothesis that frequency-specific oscillatory activity may be differentially associated with the sensory and affective components of pain. In eight healthy participants (four male), MEG was recorded during a visceral pain experiment comprising baseline, anticipation, pain and post-pain phases. Pain was delivered via intraluminal oesophageal balloon distension (four stimuli at 1 Hz). Significant bilateral but asymmetrical changes in neural activity occurred in the beta-band within SI and SII. In SI, a continuous increase in neural activity occurred during the anticipation phase (20-30 Hz), which continued during the pain phase but at a lower frequency (10-15 Hz). In SII, oscillatory changes only occurred during the pain phase, predominantly in the 20-30 Hz beta band, and were coincident with the stimulus. These data provide novel evidence of functional diversity within SI, indicating a role in attentional and sensory aspects of pain processing. In SII, oscillatory changes were predominantly stimulus-related, indicating a role in encoding the characteristics of the stimulus. We therefore provide objective evidence of functional heterogeneity within SI and functional segregation between SI and SII, and suggest that the temporal and frequency dynamics within cortical regions may offer valuable insights into pain processing.
In the Ventrobasal (VB) thalamus, astrocytes are known to elicit NMDA-receptor mediated slow inward currents (SICs) spontaneously in neurons. Fluorescence imaging of astrocytes and patch clamp recordings from the thalamocortical (TC) neurons in the VB of 6-23 day old Wistar rats were performed. TC neurons exhibit spontaneous SICs at low frequencies (~0.0015Hz) that were inhibited by NMDA-receptor antagonists D-AP5 (50µM), and were insensitive to TTX (1µM) suggesting a non-neuronal origin. The effect of corticothalamic (CT) and sensory (Sen) afferent stimulation on astrocyte signalling was assessed by varying stimulus parameters. Moderate synaptic stimulation elicited astrocytic Ca2+ increases, but did not affect the incidence of spontaneous SICs. Prolonged synaptic stimulation induced a 265% increase in SIC frequency. This increase lasted over one hour after the cessation of synaptic stimulation, so revealing a Long Term Enhancement (LTE) of astrocyte-neuron signalling. LTE induction required group I mGluR activation. LTE SICs targeted NMDA-receptors located at extrasynaptic sites. LTE showed a developmental profile: from weeks 1-3, the SIC frequency was increased by an average 50%, 240% and 750% respectively. Prolonged exposure to glutamate (200µM) increased spontaneous SIC frequency by 1800%. This “chemical” form of LTE was prevented by the broad-spectrum excitatory amino acid transporter (EAAT) inhibitor TBOA (300µM) suggesting that glutamate uptake was a critical factor. My results therefore show complex glutamatergic signalling interactions between astrocytes and neurons. Furthermore, two previously unrecognised mechanisms of enhancing SIC frequency are described. The synaptically induced LTE represents a form of non-synaptic plasticity and a glial “memory” of previous synaptic activity whilst enhancement after prolonged glutamate exposure may represent a pathological glial signalling mechanism.
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia currently affecting more than 35 million people worldwide. Hypometabolism is a major feature of AD and appears decades before cognitive decline and pathological lesions. This has a detrimental impact on the brain which has a high energy demand. Current models of AD fail to mimic all the features of the disease, which has an impact on the development of new therapies. Human stem cell derived models of the brain have attracted a lot of attention in recent years as a tool to study neurodegenerative diseases. In this thesis, neurons and astrocytes derived from the human embryonal carcinoma cell line (NT2/D1) were utilised to determine the metabolic coupling between neurons and astrocytes with regards to responses to hypoglycaemia, neuromodulators and increase in neuronal activity. This model was then used to investigate the effects of Aß(1-42) on the metabolism of these NT2-derived co-cultures as well as pure astrocytes. Additionally primary cortical mixed neuronal and glial cultures were utilised to compare this model to a widely accepted in vitro model used in Alzheimer’s disease research. Co-cultures were found to respond to Aß(1-42) in similar way to human and in vivo models. Hypometabolism was characterised by changes in glucose metabolism, as well as lactate, pyruvate and glycogen. This led to a significant decrease in ATP and the ratio of NAD+/NADH. These results together with an increase in calcium oscillations and a decrease in GSH/GSSG ratio, suggests Aß-induces metabolic and oxidative stress. This situation could have detrimental effects in the brain which has a high energy demand, especially in terms of memory formation and antioxidant capacity.