15 resultados para Pressure field distribution

em Aston University Research Archive


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In induction machines the tooth frequency losses due to permeance variation constitute a signif'icant, portion of the total loss. In order to predict and estimate these losses it, is essential to obtain a clear understanding of the no-load distribution of the air gap magnetic field and the magnitude of flux pulsation in both stator and rotor teeth. The existing theories and methods by which the air gap permeance variation in a doubly slotted structure is calculated are either empirical or restricted. The main objective of this thesis is to obtain a detailed analysis of the no-load air gap magnetic field distribution and the effect of air gap geometry on the magnitude and waveform of the tooth flux pulsation. In this thesis a detaiiled theoretical and experimental analysis of flux distribution not only leads to a better understanding of the distribution of no-load losses but also provides theoretical analysis for calculating the losses with greater accuracy


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The aim of this work was to design and build an equipment which can detect ferrous and non-ferrous objects in conveyed commodities, discriminate between them and locate the object along the belt and on the width of the belt. The magnetic induction mechanism was used as a means of achieving the objectives of this research. In order to choose the appropriate geometry and size of the induction field source, the field distributions of different source geometries and sizes were studied in detail. From these investigations it was found the square loop geometry is the most appropriate as a field generating source for the purpose of this project. The phenomena of field distribution in the conductors was also investigated. An equipment was designed and built at the preliminary stages of thework based on a flux-gate magnetometer with the ability to detect only ferrous objects.The instrument was designed such that it could be used to detect ferrous objects in the coal conveyors of power stations. The advantages of employing this detector in the power industry over the present ferrous metal electromagnetic separators were also considered. The objectives of this project culminated in the design and construction of a ferrous and non-ferrous detector with the ability to discriminate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals and to locate the objects on the conveying system. An experimental study was carried out to test the performance of the equipment in the detection of ferrous and non-ferrous objects of a given size carried on the conveyor belt. The ability of the equipment to discriminate between the types of metals and to locate the object on the belt was also evaluated experimentally. The benefits which can be gained from the industrial implementations of the equipment were considered. Further topics which may be investigated as an extension of this work are given.


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This thesis describes an experimental and analytic study of the effects of magnetic non-linearity and finite length on the loss and field distribution in solid iron due to a travelling mmf wave. In the first half of the thesis, a two-dimensional solution is developed which accounts for the effects of both magnetic non-linearity and eddy-current reaction; this solution is extended, in the second half, to a three-dimensional model. In the two-dimensional solution, new equations for loss and flux/pole are given; these equations contain the primary excitation, the machine parameters and factors describing the shape of the normal B-H curve. The solution applies to machines of any air-gap length. The conditions for maximum loss are defined, and generalised torque/frequency curves are obtained. A relationship between the peripheral component of magnetic field on the surface of the iron and the primary excitation is given. The effects of magnetic non-linearity and finite length are combined analytically by introducing an equivalent constant permeability into a linear three-dimensional analysis. The equivalent constant permeability is defined from the non-linear solution for the two-dimensional magnetic field at the axial centre of the machine to avoid iterative solutions. In the linear three-dimensional analysis, the primary excitation in the passive end-regions of the machine is set equal to zero and the secondary end faces are developed onto the air-gap surface. The analyses, and the assumptions on which they are based, were verified on an experimental machine which consists of a three-phase rotor and alternative solid iron stators, one with copper end rings, and one without copper end rings j the main dimensions of the two stators are identical. Measurements of torque, flux /pole, surface current density and radial power flow were obtained for both stators over a range of frequencies and excitations. Comparison of the measurements on the two stators enabled the individual effects of finite length and saturation to be identified, and the definition of constant equivalent permeability to be verified. The penetration of the peripheral flux into the stator with copper end rings was measured and compared with theoretical penetration curves. Agreement between measured and theoretical results was generally good.


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The visual evoked magnetic response CIIm component to a pattern onset stimulus presented half field produced a consistent scalp topography in 15 normal subjects. The major response was seen over the contralateral hemisphere, suggesting a dipole with current flowing away from the medial surface of the brain. Full field responses were more unpredictable. The reponses of five subjects were studied to the onset of a full, left half and right half checkerboard stimuli of 38 x 27 min arc checks appearing for 200 ms. In two subjects the full field CIIm topography was consistent with that of the mathematical summation of their relevant half field distribution. The remaining subjects had unpredictable full field topographies, showing little or no relationship to their half or summated half fields. In each of these subjects, a distribution matching that of the summated half field CIIm distribution appears at an earlier latency than that of the predominant full field waveform peak. By examining the topography of the full and half field responses at 5 ms intervals along the waveform for one such subject, the CIIm topography of the right hemisphere develops 10 ms before that of the left hemisphere, and is replaced by the following CIIIm component 20 ms earlier. Hence, the large peak seen in full field results from a combination of the CIIm component of the left hemisphere plus that of the CIIIm from the right. The earlier peak results from the CIIm generated in both hemispheres, at a latency where both show similar amplitudes. As the relative amplitudes of these two peaks alter with check and field size, topographic studies would be required for accurate CIIm identification. In addition. the CIIm-CIIIm complex lasts for 80 ms in the right hemisphere and 135 ms in the left, suggesting hemispherical apecialization in the visual processing of the pattern onset response.


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The work described in this thesis is the development of an ultrasonic tomogram to provide outlines of cross-sections of the ulna in vivo. This instrument, used in conjunction with X-ray densitometry previously developed in this department, would provide actual bone mineral density to a high resolution. It was hoped that the accuracy of the plot obtained from the tomogram would exceed that of existing ultrasonic techniques by about five times. Repeat measurements with these instruments to follow bone mineral changes would involve very low X-ray doses. A theoretical study has been made of acoustic diffraction, using a geometrical transform applicable to the integration of three different Green's functions, for axisymmetric systems. This has involved the derivation of one of these in a form amenable to computation. It is considered that this function fits the boundary conditions occurring in medical ultrasonography more closely than those used previously. A three dimensional plot of the pressure field using this function has been made for a ring transducer, in addition to that for disc transducers using all three functions. It has been shown how the theory may be extended to investigate the nature and magnitude of the particle velocity, at any point in the field, for the three functions mentioned. From this study. a concept of diffraction fronts has been developed, which has made it possible to determine energy flow also in a diffracting system. Intensity has been displayed in a manner similar to that used for pressure. Plots have been made of diffraction fronts and energy flow direction lines.


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The present dissertation is concerned with the determination of the magnetic field distribution in ma[.rnetic electron lenses by means of the finite element method. In the differential form of this method a Poisson type equation is solved by numerical methods over a finite boundary. Previous methods of adapting this procedure to the requirements of digital computers have restricted its use to computers of extremely large core size. It is shown that by reformulating the boundary conditions, a considerable reduction in core store can be achieved for a given accuracy of field distribution. The magnetic field distribution of a lens may also be calculated by the integral form of the finite element rnethod. This eliminates boundary problems mentioned but introduces other difficulties. After a careful analysis of both methods it has proved possible to combine the advantages of both in a .new approach to the problem which may be called the 'differential-integral' finite element method. The application of this method to the determination of the magnetic field distribution of some new types of magnetic lenses is described. In the course of the work considerable re-programming of standard programs was necessary in order to reduce the core store requirements to a minimum.


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The thesis is concerned with the electron properties of single-polepiece magnetic electron lenses especially under conditions of extreme polepiece saturation. The electron optical properties are first analysed under conditions of high polepiece permeability. From this analysis, a general idea can be obtained of the important parameters that affect ultimate lens performance. In addition, useful information is obtained concerning the design of improved lenses operating under conditions of extreme polepiece saturation, for example at flux densities of the order of 10 Tesla. It is shown that in a single-polepiece lens , the position and shape of the lens exciting coil plays an important role. In particular, the maximum permissible current density in the windings,rather than the properties of the iron, can set a limit to lens performance. This factor was therefore investigated in some detail. The axial field distribution of a single-polepiece lens, unlike that of a conventional lens, is highly asymmetrical. There are therefore two possible physical arrangements of the lens with respect to the incoming electron beam. In general these two orientations will result in different aberration coefficients. This feature has also been investigated in some detail. Single-pole piece lenses are thus considerably more complicated electron- optically than conventional double polepiece lenses. In particular, the absence of the usual second polepiece causes most of the axial magnetic flux density distribution to lie outside the body of the lens. This can have many advantages in electron microscopy but it creates problems in calculating the magnetic field distribution. In particular, presently available computer programs are liable to be considerably in error when applied to such structures. It was therefore necessary to find independent ways of checking the field calculations. Furthermore, if the polepiece is allowed to saturate, much more calculation is involved since the field distribution becomes a non-linear function of the lens excitation. In searching for optimum lens designs, care was therefore taken to ensure that the coil was placed in the optimum position. If this condition is satisfied there seems to be no theoretical limit to the maximum flux density that can be attained at the polepiece tip. However , under iron saturation condition, some broadening of the axial field distribution will take place, thereby changing the lens aberrations . Extensive calculations were therefore made to find the minimum spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients . The focal properties of such lens designs are presented and compared with the best conventional double-polepiece lenses presently available.


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This thesis presents the results from an investigation into the merits of analysing Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data in the context of dynamical systems theory. MEG is the study of both the methods for the measurement of minute magnetic flux variations at the scalp, resulting from neuro-electric activity in the neocortex, as well as the techniques required to process and extract useful information from these measurements. As a result of its unique mode of action - by directly measuring neuronal activity via the resulting magnetic field fluctuations - MEG possesses a number of useful qualities which could potentially make it a powerful addition to any brain researcher's arsenal. Unfortunately, MEG research has so far failed to fulfil its early promise, being hindered in its progress by a variety of factors. Conventionally, the analysis of MEG has been dominated by the search for activity in certain spectral bands - the so-called alpha, delta, beta, etc that are commonly referred to in both academic and lay publications. Other efforts have centred upon generating optimal fits of "equivalent current dipoles" that best explain the observed field distribution. Many of these approaches carry the implicit assumption that the dynamics which result in the observed time series are linear. This is despite a variety of reasons which suggest that nonlinearity might be present in MEG recordings. By using methods that allow for nonlinear dynamics, the research described in this thesis avoids these restrictive linearity assumptions. A crucial concept underpinning this project is the belief that MEG recordings are mere observations of the evolution of the true underlying state, which is unobservable and is assumed to reflect some abstract brain cognitive state. Further, we maintain that it is unreasonable to expect these processes to be adequately described in the traditional way: as a linear sum of a large number of frequency generators. One of the main objectives of this thesis will be to prove that much more effective and powerful analysis of MEG can be achieved if one were to assume the presence of both linear and nonlinear characteristics from the outset. Our position is that the combined action of a relatively small number of these generators, coupled with external and dynamic noise sources, is more than sufficient to account for the complexity observed in the MEG recordings. Another problem that has plagued MEG researchers is the extremely low signal to noise ratios that are obtained. As the magnetic flux variations resulting from actual cortical processes can be extremely minute, the measuring devices used in MEG are, necessarily, extremely sensitive. The unfortunate side-effect of this is that even commonplace phenomena such as the earth's geomagnetic field can easily swamp signals of interest. This problem is commonly addressed by averaging over a large number of recordings. However, this has a number of notable drawbacks. In particular, it is difficult to synchronise high frequency activity which might be of interest, and often these signals will be cancelled out by the averaging process. Other problems that have been encountered are high costs and low portability of state-of-the- art multichannel machines. The result of this is that the use of MEG has, hitherto, been restricted to large institutions which are able to afford the high costs associated with the procurement and maintenance of these machines. In this project, we seek to address these issues by working almost exclusively with single channel, unaveraged MEG data. We demonstrate the applicability of a variety of methods originating from the fields of signal processing, dynamical systems, information theory and neural networks, to the analysis of MEG data. It is noteworthy that while modern signal processing tools such as independent component analysis, topographic maps and latent variable modelling have enjoyed extensive success in a variety of research areas from financial time series modelling to the analysis of sun spot activity, their use in MEG analysis has thus far been extremely limited. It is hoped that this work will help to remedy this oversight.


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The authors describe a detailed investigation on tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) structures with tilted angles exceeding 45°. In contrast to the backward mode coupling mechanism of Bragg gratings with normal and small tilting structures, the ex-45° TFBGs facilitate the light coupling to the forward-propagating cladding modes. The authors have also theoretically and experimentally examined the mode coupling transition of TFBGs with small, medium, and large tilt angles. In particular, experiments are conducted to investigate the spectra and far-field distribution, as well as temperature, strain, and refractive-index sensitivities of ex-45° devices. It has been revealed that these ex-45° gratings exhibit ultralow thermal sensitivity. As in-fiber devices, they may be superior to conventional Bragg and long-period gratings when the low thermal cross sensitivity is required.


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The authors describe a detailed investigation on tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) structures with tilted angles exceeding 45°. In contrast to the backward mode coupling mechanism of Bragg gratings with normal and small tilting structures, the ex-45° TFBGs facilitate the light coupling to the forward-propagating cladding modes. The authors have also theoretically and experimentally examined the mode coupling transition of TFBGs with small, medium, and large tilt angles. In particular, experiments are conducted to investigate the spectra and far-field distribution, as well as temperature, strain, and refractive-index sensitivities of ex-45° devices. It has been revealed that these ex-45° gratings exhibit ultralow thermal sensitivity. As in-fiber devices, they may be superior to conventional Bragg and long-period gratings when the low thermal cross sensitivity is required. © 2006 IEEE.


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A new nonlinear electrodynamic phenomenon in layered superconducting slabs irradiated on one side by plane electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range is predicted and studied theoretically. It is shown that the surface reactance of a sample and its reflection coefficient have hysteresis behavior when the amplitude of the incident wave is changed. The analogy between the electrodynamic problem of the electromagnetic field distribution in a superconductor and the mechanical problem of particle motion in a central field is also discussed.


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Visual evoked magnetic responses were recorded to full-field and left and right half-field stimulation with three check sizes (70′, 34′ and 22′) in five normal subjects. Recordings were made sequentially on a 20-position grid (4 × 5) based on the inion, by means of a single-channel direct current-Superconducting Quantum Interference Device second-order gradiometer. The topographic maps were consistent on the same subjects recorded 2 months apart. The half-field responses produced the strongest signals in the contralateral hemisphere and were consistent with the cruciform model of the calcarine fissure. Right half fields produced upper-left-quadrant outgoing fields and lower-left-quadrant ingoing fields, while the left half field produced the opposite response. The topographic maps also varied with check size, with the larger checks producing positive or negative maximum position more anteriorly than small checks. In addition, with large checks the full-field responses could be explained as the summation of the two half fields, whereas full-field responses to smaller checks were more unpredictable and may be due to sources located at the occipital pole or lateral surface. In addition, dipole sources were located as appropriate with the use of inverse problem solutions. Topographic data will be vital to the clinical use of the visual evoked field but, in addition, provides complementary information to visual evoked potentials, allowing detailed studies of the visual cortex. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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It is important to maintain a uniform distribution of gas and liquid in large diameter packed columns to maintain mass transfer efficiency on scaling up. This work presents measurements and methods of evaluating maldistributed gas flow in packed columns. Little or no previous work has been done in this field. A gas maldistribution number, F, was defined, based on point to point velocity variations in the gas emerging from the top of packed beds. f has a minimum value for a uniformly distributed flow and much larger values for maldistributed flows. A method of testing the quality of vapour distributors is proposed, based on "the variation of f with packed height. A good gas distributor requires a short packed depth to give a good gas distribution. Measurements of gas maldistribution have shown that the principle of dynamic similarity is satisfied if two geometrically similar beds are operated at the same Reynold's number. The validity of f as a good measure of gas maldistribution, and the principle of dynamic similarity are tested statistically by Multi-Factor Analysis of the variance, and visually by the response "surfaces technique. Pressure distribution has been measured in a model of a large diameter packed bed, and shown to be associated with the velocity of the gas in a tangential feed pipe. Two simplified theoretical models are proposed to describe the flow of gases through packed beds and to support the principle of dynamic similarity. These models explain why the packed bed itself causes the flow of gas to become more uniformly distributed. A 1.2m. diameter scaled-down model was constructed geometrically similar to a 7.3m. diameter vacuum crude distillation column. The previously known internal cylinder gas distributor was tested. Three new distributors suitable for use in a large diameter column were developed and tested, these are: Internal Cylinder with Slots and Cross Baffles, Internal Cylinder with Guides in the Annulus, Internal Cylinder with Internal Cross Baffles - It has been shown that this is an excellent distributor.


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Recent years large scale natural disasters: (e.g. 2004 Tsunami, 2005 Earthquake in South Asia, 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, 2010 flood in Pakistan, 2011 Earthquake in Japan etc.) have captured international attention and led to the advance of research of disaster management. To cope with these huge impact disasters, the involved stakeholders have to learn how quickly and efficiently the relief organisations are able to respond. After a disaster strikes, it is necessary to get the relief aid to the affected people by the prompt action of relief organisations. This supply chain process has to be very fast and efficient. The purpose of this paper is to define the last mile relief distribution in humanitarian supply chain and develop a logistical framework by identifying the factors that affect this process. Seventeen interviews were conducted with field officers and the data analysed to identify which are the critical factors for last mile relief distribution of disaster relief operation. A framework is presented classifying these factors according to the ability to implement them in an optimisation model of humanitarian logistics.