4 resultados para Pregnancy - diabetes

em Aston University Research Archive


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Background The risk of adverse pregnancy outcome for women with type 1 diabetes is reduced through tight diabetes control. Most women enter pregnancy with inadequate blood glucose control. Interview studies with women suggest the concept of ‘planned’ and ‘unplanned’ pregnancies is unhelpful. Aim To explore women's accounts of their journeys to becoming pregnant while living with type 1 diabetes. Design of study Semi-structured interviews with 15 women living with pre-gestational type 1 diabetes, between 20 and 30 weeks gestation and with a normal pregnancy ultrasound scan. Setting Four UK specialist diabetes antenatal clinics. Method Interviews explored women's journeys to becoming pregnant and the impact of health care. Analysis involved comparison of women's accounts of each pregnancy and a thematic analysis. Results Women's experiences of becoming pregnant were diverse. Of the 40 pregnancies described, at least one positive step towards becoming pregnant was taken by 11 women in 23 pregnancies but not in the remaining 17 pregnancies, with variation between pregnancies. Prior to and in early pregnancy, some women described themselves as experts in their diabetes but most described seeking and/or receiving advice from their usual health professionals. Three women described pre-conception counselling and the anxiety this provoked. Conclusion For women living with type 1 diabetes each pregnancy is different. The concept of planned and unplanned pregnancy is unhelpful for designing health care. Formal preconception counselling can have unintended consequences. Those providing usual care to women are well positioned to provide advice and support to women about becoming pregnant, tailoring it to the changing needs and situation of each woman.


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Poster section Design. Retrospective study. Purpose. To assess whether there are changes in foveal thickness (FT) and total macular volume (TMV) in pregnancy in diabetic subjects. Methods. The audit consisted of pregnant women with diabetes, with no maculopathy, who completed their antenatal care at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. The Zeiss Stratus Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed on patients attending diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening at intervals throughout their pregnancy. To be included in the audit patients had to have at least one OCT scan during their pregnancy. Results. Altogether there were 8 type 1 and 22 type 2 patients with mean diabetes duration of 6 years (range 1-20). Mean gestation at DR screening with OCT during the first trimester was 9.7 weeks (6-13) (n=22). The mean and standard deviation for FT for the right was 179.1 µm ± 21.49 and for the left eye was 187.3 µm ± 23.55. The mean TMV was right 6.43 µm ± 0.35 and left 6.50 µm ± 0.39. The mean gestation at DR screening with OCT during the second trimester was 23.4 weeks (18-26) (n=25). The mean FT for the right was 191.4 µm ± 22.70 and the left 195.6 µm ± 24.77. The mean TMV was right 6.74 µm ± 0.45 and left 6.91 µm ± 0.35. The gestation of DR screening with OCT during the third trimester was 31.1 weeks (27-36) (n=15). The mean FT for the right was 181.5 µm ± 24.84 and for the left 193.1 µm ± 28.55. The mean TMV was right 6.80 µm ± 0.40 and left 6.84 µm ± 0.31. There were no significant differences in FT over the 3 trimesters. The TMV showed a significant difference when comparing the first and second trimesters (p<0.05). However, there was no significant statistical difference in TMV in the second and third trimesters. None of the patients showed any macula edema on the OCT. Conclusions. The results suggest there is no significant change in foveal thickness in pregnancy in diabetic subjects. There was a significant statistical difference in total macular volume in the second trimester; however, this would not be clinically significant. This is an important observation proven by the OCT which has not been previously studied.


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The Global Partnership for Effective Diabetes Management, established to provide practical guidance to improve patient outcomes in diabetes, has developed and modified recommendations to improve glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes. The Global Partnership advocates an individualized therapeutic approach and, as part of the process to customize therapy, has previously identified specific type 2 diabetes patient subgroups that require special consideration. This article builds on earlier publications, expanding the scope of practical guidance to include newly diagnosed individuals with complications and women with diabetes in pregnancy. Good glycaemic control remains the cornerstone of managing type 2 diabetes, and plays a vital role in preventing or delaying the onset and progression of diabetic complications. Individualizing therapeutic goals and treatments to meet glycaemic targets safely and without delay remains paramount, in addition to a wider programme of care to reduce cardiovascular risk factors and improve patient outcomes. © The Author(s) 2013.


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Objective: Vomiting in pregnancy is a common condition affecting 80% of pregnant women. Hyperemesis is at one end of the spectrum, seen in 0.5–2% of the pregnant population. Known factors such as nulliparity, younger age and high body mass indexare associated with an increased risk of this condition in the first trimester. Late pregnancy complications attributable to hyperemesis, the pathogenesis of which is poorly understood, have not been studied in large population-based studies in the United Kingdom. The objective of this study was to determine a plausible association between hyperemesis and pregnancy complications,such as pregnancy-related hypertension, gestational diabetes and liver problems in pregnancy, and the rates of elective (ElCS) and emergency caesarean section (EmCS). Methods: Using a database based on ICD-10 classification, anonymised data of admissions to a large multi-ethnic hospital in Manchester, UK between 2000 and 2012 were examined.Notwithstanding the obvious limitations with hospital database-based research, this large volume of datasets allows powerful studies of disease trends and complications.Results Between 2000 and 2012, 156 507 women aged 45 or under were admitted to hospital. Of these, 1111 women were coded for hyperemesis (0.4%). A greater proportion of women with hyperemesis than without hyperemesis were coded forhypertensive disorders in pregnancy such as pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (2.7% vs 1.5%;P=0.001). The proportion of gestational diabetes and liver disorders in pregnancy was similar for both groups (diabetes:0.5% vs. 0.4%; P=0.945, liver disorders: 0.2% vs. 0.1%;P=0.662). Hyperemesis patients had a higher proportion of elective and emergency caesarean sections compared with the non-hyperemesis group (ElCS: 3.3% vs. 2%; P=0.002, EmCS: 5% vs.3%; P=0.00). Conclusions: There was a higher rate of emergency and elective caesarean section in women with hyperemesis, which could reflect the higher prevalence of pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders(but not diabetes or liver disorders) in this group. The factors contributing to the higher prevalence of hypertensive disorders arenot known, but these findings lead us to question whether there is a similar pathogenesis in the development of both the conditions and hence whether further study in this area is warranted.