10 resultados para Polymerization kinetics and DSC

em Aston University Research Archive


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The thesis is divided into four chapters. They are: introduction, experimental, results and discussion about the free ligands and results and discussion about the complexes. The First Chapter, the introductory chapter, is a general introduction to the study of solid state reactions. The Second Chapter is devoted to the materials and experimental methods that have been used for carrying out tile experiments. TIle Third Chapter is concerned with the characterisations of free ligands (Picolinic acid, nicotinic acid, and isonicotinic acid) by using elemental analysis, IR spectra, X-ray diffraction, and mass spectra. Additionally, the thermal behaviour of free ligands in air has been studied by means of thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The behaviour of thermal decomposition of the three free ligands was not identical Finally, a computer program has been used for kinetic evaluation of non-isothermal differential scanning calorimetry data according to a composite and single heating rate methods in comparison with the methods due to Ozawa and Kissinger methods. The most probable reaction mechanism for the free ligands was the Avrami-Erofeev equation (A) that described the solid-state nucleation-growth mechanism. The activation parameters of the decomposition reaction for free ligands were calculated and the results of different methods of data analysis were compared and discussed. The Fourth Chapter, the final chapter, deals with the preparation of cobalt, nickel, and copper with mono-pyridine carboxylic acids in aqueous solution. The prepared complexes have been characterised by analyses, IR spectra, X-ray diffraction, magnetic moments, and electronic spectra. The stoichiometry of these compounds was ML2x(H20), (where M = metal ion, L = organic ligand and x = water molecule). The environments of cobalt, nickel, and copper nicotinates and the environments of cobalt and nickel picolinates were octahedral, whereas the environment of copper picolinate [Cu(PA)2] was tetragonal. However, the environments of cobalt, nickel, and copper isonicotinates were polymeric octahedral structures. The morphological changes that occurred throughout the decomposition were followed by SEM observation. TG, DTG, and DSC measurements have studied the thermal behaviour of the prepared complexes in air. During the degradation processes of the hydrated complexes, the crystallisation water molecules were lost in one or two steps. This was also followed by loss of organic ligands and the metal oxides remained. Comparison between the DTG temperatures of the first and second steps of the dehydration suggested that the water of crystallisation was more strongly bonded with anion in Ni(II) complexes than in the complexes of Co(II) and Cu(II). The intermediate products of decomposition were not identified. The most probable reaction mechanism for the prepared complexes was also Avrami-Erofeev equation (A) characteristic of solid-state nucleation-growth mechanism. The tempemture dependence of conductivity using direct current was determined for cobalt, nickel, Cl.nd copper isonicotinates. An activation energy (ΔΕ), the activation energy (ΔΕ ) were calculated.The ternperature and frequency dependence of conductivity, the frequency dependence of dielectric constant, and the dielectric loss for nickel isonicotinate were determined by using altemating current. The value of s paralneter and the value of'density of state [N(Ef)] were calculated. Keyword Thermal decomposition, kinetic, electrical conduclion, pyridine rnono~ carboxylic acid, cOlnplex, transition metal compJex.


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Adjuvants are often composed of different constituents that can be divided into two groups based on their primary activity: the delivery system which carries and presents the vaccine antigen to antigen-presenting cells, and the immunostimulator that activates and modulates the ensuing immune response. Herein, we have investigated the importance of the delivery system and in particular its physical characteristics by comparing the delivery properties of two lipids which differ only in the degree of saturation of the acyl chains, rendering the liposomes either rigid (DDA, dimethyldioctadecylammonium) or highly fluid (DODA, dimethyldioleoylammonium) at physiological temperature. We show that these delivery systems are remarkably different in their ability to prime a Th1-directed immune response with the rigid DDA-based liposomes inducing a response more than 100 times higher compared to that obtained with the fluid DODA-based liposomes. Upon injection with a vaccine antigen, DDA-based liposomes form a vaccine depot that results in a continuous attraction of antigen-presenting cells that engulf a high amount of adjuvant and are subsequently efficiently activated as measured by an elevated expression of the co-stimulatory molecules CD40 and CD86. In contrast, the fluid DODA-based liposomes are more rapidly removed from the site of injection resulting in a lower up-regulation of co-stimulatory CD40 and CD86 molecules on adjuvant-positive antigen-presenting cells. Additionally, the vaccine antigen is readily dissociated from the DODA-based liposomes leading to a population of antigen-presenting cells that are antigen-positive but adjuvant-negative and consequently are not activated. These studies demonstrate the importance of studying in vivo characteristics of the vaccine components and furthermore show that physicochemical properties of the delivery system have a major impact on the vaccine-induced immune response. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics and mechanisms of ring opening polymerization and copolymerizntion of different cyclic ethers were studied using mainly a cationic system of iinitiation. BF30Et2/ethanediol. The cyclic ethers reacted differently showing that ring strain and basicity are the main driving forces in cationic ring opening polymerizaion. In most cases it was found that the degree of polymerization is controlled kinetically via terminations with the counterion and the monomers, and that the contribution of each type of reaction to the overall termination differs markedly. The Gel permeation chromatography studies showed that the molecular weight distribution of the samples of polyoxetanes were bimodal. This was in accordance with previous work establishing that the cyclic tetramer is found in much higher proportions than any of the other cyclic oligomers. However the molecular weight distribution of the copolymers made from oxetane and THF or from oxetane and oxepane were shown to be unimodal. These observations could be explained by a change in the structure of the growing end involved in the cationic polymerization. In addition crown ethers like dibenzo-crown-6 and compounds such as veratrole are believed to stabilise the propagating end and promote the formation of living polymers from oxetane.


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The kinetics and mechanisms of the ring-opening polymerization of oxetane were studied using cationic and coordinated anionic catalysts. The cationic initiators used were BF30Et2!/ethanol, BF30Et2!/ethanediol and BF30Et2/propantriol. Kinetic determinations with the BF30Et2/diol system indicated that a 1: 1 BF3:0H ratio gave the maximum rate of polymerization and this ratio was employed to detenmne the overall rates of polymerization. An overall second-order dependence was obtained when the system involved ethanediol or propantriol as co-catalyst and a 3/2-order dependence with ethanol, in each case the monomer gave a first-order relationship. This suggested that two mechanisms accounted for the cationic polymerization. These mechanisms were investigated and further evidence for these was obtained from the study of the complex formation of BF30Et2 and the co-catalysts by 1H NMR. Molecular weight studies (using size-exclusion chromatography) indicated that the hydroxyl ion acted as a chain transfer reagent when the [OH] > [BF3]. A linear relationship was observed when the number average molecular weight was plotted against [oxetane] at constant [BF3:0H], and similarly a linear dependency was observed on the BF3:0H 1:1 adduct at constant oxetane concentration. Copolymerization of oxetane and THF was carried out using BF30Et2/ethanol system. The reactivity ratios were calculated as rOXT = 1.2 ± 0.30 and rTHF = 0.14 ± 0.03. These copolymers were random copolymers with no evidence of oligomer formation. The coordinated anionic catalyst, porphinato-aluminium chloride [(TPP)AICl], was used to produce a living polymerization of oxetane. An overall third-order kinetics was obtained, with a second-order with respect to the [(TPP)AICl] and a first-order with respect to the [oxetane] and a mechanism was postulated using these results. The stereochemistry of [(TPP)AlCl] catalyst was investigated using cyclohexene and cyclopentene oxide monomers, using extensive 1H NMR, 2-D COSY and decoupling NMR techniques it was concluded that [(TPP)AlCl] gave rise to stereoregular polymers.


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The delicately orchestrated process of bone fracture healing is not always successful and long term non union of fractured bone occurs in 5-20% of all cases. Atrophic fracture non unions have been described as the most difficult to treat and this is thought to arise through a cellular and local failure of osteogenesis. However, little is known about the presence and osteogenic proficiency of cells in the local area of non union tissue. We have examined the growth and differentiation potential of cells isolated from human non union tissues compared with normal human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSC). We report the isolation and culture expansion of a population of non union stromal cells (NUSC) which have a CD profile similar to that of BMSC, i.e. CD34-ve, CD45-ve and CD105+ve. The NUSC demonstrated multipotentiality and differentiated to some extent along chondrogenic, adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. However, and importantly, the NUSC showed significantly reduced osteogenic differentiation and mineralization in vitro compared to BMSC. We also found increased levels of cell senescence in NUSC compared to BMSC based on culture growth kinetics and cell positivity for senescence associated beta galactosidase (SA-beta-Gal) activity. The reduced capacity of NUSC to form osteoblasts was associated with significantly elevated secretion of Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) which is an important inhibitor of Wnt signalling during osteogenesis, compared to BMSC. Conversely, treating BMSC with levels of rhDkk-1 that were equivalent to those levels secreted by NUSC inhibited the capacity of BMSC to undergo osteogenesis. Treating BMSC with NUSC conditioned medium also inhibited the capacity of the BMSC to undergo osteogenic differentiation when compared to their treatment with BMSC conditioned medium. Our results suggest that the development of fracture non union is linked with a localised reduced capacity of cells to undergo osteogenesis, which in turn is associated with increased cell senescence and Dkk-1 secretion.


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A range of well-defined hydrophilic methacrylic macromonomers has been synthesized by the judicious combination of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (azide-alkyne click chemistry). An azido a-functionalized ATRP initiator was used to produce well-defined homopolymers with terminal azide functionality via ATRP in protic media at 20 °C, with generally good control being achieved over both target molecular weight and final polydispersity (Mw/Mn = 1.10-1.35). Suitable methacrylic monomers include 2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate, 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate, 2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphorylcholine, glycerol monomethacrylate, potassium 3-sulfopropyl methacrylate, and quaternized 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate. These homopolymer precursors were then efficiently clicked using either propargyl methacrylate or propargyl acrylate to yield near-monodisperse (meth)acrylate-capped macromonomers with either cationic, anionic, nonionic, or zwitterionic character. Moreover, this generic route to well-defined hydrophilic macromonomers is also suitable for “one-pot” syntheses, as exemplified for 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and glycerol monomethacrylate-based macromonomers.


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Hypoxia is a stress condition in which tissues are deprived of an adequate O2 supply; this may trigger cell death with pathological consequences in cardiovascular or neurodegenerative disease. Reperfusion is the restoration of an oxygenated blood supply to hypoxic tissue and can cause more cell injury. The kinetics and consequences of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) production in cardiomyoblasts are poorly understood. The present study describes the systematic characterization of the kinetics of ROS/RNS production and their roles in cell survival and associated protection during hypoxia and hypoxia/reperfusion. H9C2 cells showed a significant loss of viability under 2% O2 for 30min hypoxia and cell death; associated with an increase in protein oxidation. After 4h, apoptosis induction under 2% O2 and 10% O2 was dependent on the production of mitochondrial superoxide (O2-•) and nitric oxide (•NO), partly from nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Both apoptotic and necrotic cell death during 2% O2 for 4h could be rescued by the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor; rotenone and NOS inhibitor; L-NAME. Both L-NAME and the NOX (NADPH oxidase) inhibitor; apocynin reduced apoptosis under 10% O2 for 4h hypoxia. The mitochondrial uncoupler; FCCP significantly reduced cell death via a O2-• dependent mechanism during 2% O2, 30min hypoxia. During hypoxia (2% O2, 4h)/ reperfusion (21% O2, 2h), metabolic activity was significantly reduced with increased production of O2-• and •NO, during hypoxia but, partially restored during reperfusion. O2-• generation during hypoxia/reperfusion was mitochondrial and NOX- dependent, whereas •NO generation depended on both NOS and non-enzymatic sources. Inhibition of NOS worsened metabolic activity during reperfusion, but did not effect this during sustained hypoxia. Nrf2 activation during 2% O2, a sustained hypoxia and reperfusion was O2-•/•NO dependent. Inhibition of NF-?B activation aggravated metabolic activity during 2% O2, 4h hypoxia. In conclusion, mitochondrial O2-•, but, not ATP depletion is the major cause of apoptotic and necrotic cell death in cardiomyoblasts under 2% O2, 4h hypoxia, whereas apoptotic cell death under 10% O2, 4h, is due to NOS-dependent •NO. The management of ROS/RNS rather than ATP is required for improved survival during hypoxia. O2-• production from mitochondria and NOS is cardiotoxic during hypoxia/reperfusion. NF-?B activation during hypoxia and NOS activation during reperfusion is cardiomyoblast protective.


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Topical and transdermal formulations are promising platforms for the delivery of drugs. A unit dose topical or transdermal drug delivery system that optimises the solubility of drugs within the vehicle provides a novel dosage form for efficacious delivery that also offers a simple manufacture technique is desirable. This study used Witepsol® H15 wax as a abase for the delivery system. One aspect of this project involved determination of the solubility of ibuprofen, flurbiprofen and naproxen in the was using microscopy, Higuchi release kinetics, HyperDSC and mathematical modelling techniques. Correlations between the results obtained via these techniques were noted with additional merits such as provision of valuable information on drug release kinetics and possible interactions between the drug and excipients. A second aspect of this project involved the incorporation of additional excipients: Tween 20 (T), Carbopol®971 (C) and menthol (M) to the wax formulation. On in vitro permeation through porcine skin, the preferred formulations were: ibuprofen (5% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T; flurbiprofen (10% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T; naproxen (5% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T + 1% C and sodium diclofenac (10% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T + 1% w/w T + 1% w/w C + 5% w/w M. Unit dose transdermal tablets containing ibuprofen and diclofenac were produced with improved flux compared to marketed products; Voltarol Emugel® demonstrated flux of 1.68x10-3 cm/h compared to 123 x 10-3 cm/h for the optimised product as detailed above; Ibugel Forte® demonstrated a permeation coefficient value of 7.65 x 10-3 cm/h compared to 8.69 x 10-3 cm/h for the optimised product as described above.


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The hormone glucagon-like peptide-1(7-36)amide (GLP-1) is released in response to ingested nutrients and acts to promote glucose-dependent insulin secretion ensuring efficient postprandial glucose homeostasis. Unfortunately, the beneficial actions of GLP-1 which give this hormone many of the desirable properties of an antidiabetic drug are short lived due to degradation by dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP IV) and rapid clearance by renal filtration. In this study we have attempted to extend GLP-1 action through the attachment of palmitoyl moieties to the E-amino group in the side chain of the LyS26 residue and to combine this modification with substitutions of the Ala 8 residue, namely Val or amino-butyric acid (Abu). In contrast to native GLP-1, which was rapidly degraded, [Lys(pal) 26]GLP-1, [Abu8,Lys(pal)26]GLP-1 and [Val8,Lys-(pal)26]GLP-1 all exhibited profound stability during 12 h incubations with DPP IV and human plasma. Receptor binding affinity and the ability to increase cyclic AMP in the clonal β-cell line BRIN-BD11 were decreased by 86- to 167-fold and 15- to 62-fold, respectively compared with native GLP-1. However, insulin secretory potency tested using BRIN-BD11 cells was similar, or in the case of [Val8,Lys(pal)26]GLP-1 enhanced. Furthermore, when administered in vivo together with glucose to diabetic (ob/ob) mice, [Lys(pal)26]GLP-1, [Abu8,Lys(pal) 26]GLP-1 and [Val8,Lys(pal) 26]GLP-1 did not demonstrate acute glucose-lowering or insulinotropic activity as observed with native GLP-1. These studies support the potential usefulness of fatty acid linked analogues of GLP-1 but indicate the importance of chain length for peptide kinetics and bioavailability. Copyright © by Walter de Gruyter.


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Production of human mesenchymal stem cells for allogeneic cell therapies requires scalable, cost-effective manufacturing processes. Microcarriers enable the culture of anchorage-dependent cells in stirred-tank bioreactors. However, no robust, transferable methodology for microcarrier selection exists, with studies providing little or no reason explaining why a microcarrier was employed. We systematically evaluated 13 microcarriers for human bone marrow-derived MSC (hBM-MSCs) expansion from three donors to establish a reproducible and transferable methodology for microcarrier selection. Monolayer studies demonstrated input cell line variability with respect to growth kinetics and metabolite flux. HBM-MSC1 underwent more cumulative population doublings over three passages in comparison to hBM-MSC2 and hBM-MSC3. In 100 mL spinner flasks, agitated conditions were significantly better than static conditions, irrespective of donor, and relative microcarrier performance was identical where the same microcarriers outperformed others with respect to growth kinetics and metabolite flux. Relative growth kinetics between donor cells on the microcarriers were the same as the monolayer study. Plastic microcarriers were selected as the optimal microcarrier for hBM-MSC expansion. HBM-MSCs were successfully harvested and characterised, demonstrating hBM-MSC immunophenotype and differentiation capacity. This approach provides a systematic method for microcarrier selection, and the findings identify potentially significant bioprocessing implications for microcarrier-based allogeneic cell therapy manufacture. Large-scale production of human bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBM-MSCs) requires expansion on microcarriers in agitated systems. This study demonstrates the importance of microcarrier selection and presents a systematic methodology for selection of an optimal microcarrier. The study also highlights the impact of an agitated culture environment in comparison to a static system, resulting in a significantly higher hBM-MSC yield under agitated conditions.